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Treasurer's Report 12.18.2006.PDF
Generol Fund Contingency Code Enforcement Contr Exp Fire Conir Exp Streets Personnel Copitol lmpr Contr Exp Copitol lmpr Conir Exp Copitol lmpr Contr Exp Refuse Copitol Eqpt Generol Fund Contingency Generol Fund Contingency €tlluge sl 6.aguga HtigIltr MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD ITHACA. N.Y. 14850 To: A01325.200 A01440.100 A03410.480 A05110.150 A05110.200 A05t 10.4r0 A05r r0.490 A08160.490 A090r0.800 A09015.800 Treosurer Equipment SPW Contr Exp Fire Stoiion Moini Sireets - Personnel OT Streets - Copitol Eqpt Streets - Contr Exp Sireeis - Eqpt Moinl Refuse - Eqpi Moint Emp Benefits Retirement Emp Benefits Police Retire Telephone 607-257-1238 Office Hours IA.M.-4P.M. December 18,2006 TREASURER'S REPORT l. Abstrqct for this meeting hos been distributed in your pockets. A limited number of copies ore ovoiloble of the meeiing. qr:"\t u!' A01990.400 A03620.400 A03410.4r0 A05t t0.100 A05',I12.410 A05r 12.4r0 A05t't2.410 A08160.200 A0r 990.400 401990.400 Amount 3,450 200 3,000 400 4,200 1,000 2.300 7,000 t0 q 29n RESOIUTION REQUIRED RESOTUTION REQUIRED RESOTVED to opprove the tronsfers dqted 1NH/20O6 os listed below: RESOLVED io opprove the Abstrocts of Audited Vouchers Doted '12/18/20A6 in lhe omounl of $163,288.11 ond instruct thof the Treosurer moke poyments thereon. Respecifully submitied, ey Silber