HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for October 2006.PDF'Va80agc of Gayuga HeBghts Fofiee Eepantmerat 836 l"{anshaw Road. lthaca, New Yorkl4850-1590. Phone: (602) zsz-1011 E-ma il: K LAN S I N G@Cay uga-Heights. NY. US' Fax : (60Tl ZST -g4T 4 Kenneth W. Lansing Chief of Police November 14,2006 To: The Honorable Mayor Lynn Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Cayuga Heights Re: Reporl of the Police Department for October 2006 For the month of October there were 104 complaints reported to the police department and 6 motor accidents investigated. There were 112 traffrc tickets issued and 12 parktng tickets written. During October there was one felony complaint, Grand Larceny. A store business manager reported that he had been checking over the previous day's receipts" He had contacted the bank and had been advised that no night deposit had been received in the drop box. It is the employee's responsib:ility to deposit the receipts at the bank after his shift. The case is still under investigation. There were twelve misdemeanors reported: seven for Petit Larceny, two for Criminal Mischief, one for Crimrnal Trespass, one for Aggravated Harassment and one for Arson. Four of the petit larcenies were reports of customers pumping gasoline into their vehicles and leaving without paying. In one case, it was an employee error and the case was closed as unfounded. Two of the cases were closed as the customers were contacted and returned to pay while one case remains open as the subject responsible could not be located. An employee of a business reported that two subjects had bought some iterns" The employee observed the customers outside the store and rcaltzed that they had more items than they had actually purchased. Upon arrival ofthe officer, both subjects had left the area and could not be Located. A resident reported that his unlocked vehicle had been entered during the overnight while it was parked in his driveway. Some loose change and a back pack had been taken. The final petit larceny was the report from a resident that four large pumpkins had been taken from her front porch during an overnight. The resident also stated that the smaller pumpkins had been thrown around her yard. One criminal mischief was the reported damage done to a homeowner's mailbox and post during an overnight. A resident reported finding damage done during an overnight to his vehicle. The vehicle's left side had been scratched by a sharp object. Both cases are still open. The criminal trespass complaint was the fact that two subjects were found inside the Caluga Heights School and did not haye permission to be there. Both subjects, a 16 year old male and a 16 year old female, were arrested for criminal trespass and issued appearance tickets for court. The aggravated harassment case was the report of threatenilg and arinoying voice mail messages left on a cell phone. The complainant did not recognize the voice on the messages and felt that the caller might have the wrong number. The complainant did notify his cell phone carrier to have his phone number changed. The final misdemeanor report was an arson case. While on patrol, the officer observed a sofa by the side of the road burning. The officer had the fire department dispatched to distinguish the flames. It is unknown if the sofa had been ignited by a careiessly discarded cigarette or if someone had actually started the fire. There were three violations reported for the month of October: two for Disorderly Conduct and one for Harassment. One disorderly condu.ct case was the reporl of loud music being piayed. The subject responsible was contacted and the music was furned off. The second disorderly conduct was the observation by the officer that a net used for lacrosse had been thrown into the bushes and that the mailbox post for the same residence had bee:n slightly dislodged. The officer checked the area, but the subject responsible was not located. A resident repofted that she and her husband felt they were beiag harassed by a subject. This subject sent them mail which they did not answer and n<jw that subject had called and left a message on their answering machine. The officer spoke with the subject and explained to him that his message could be taken as a threat. The officer advised him to obtain an attoffrey to find out his options and to oniy have that attorney speak with the complainants. There were three Village Ordinance complaints: one for Dog Control, one fot Soliciting without a permit and,one for In Park after Hours. A resident reported a dog running loose. The owner of the dog was notified and advised of the dog ordinance. A resident reported that two subjects had been at her home attempting to sell her magazines. The subjects were located and when questioned by the officer, they were evasive with their answers and not truthftl. Neither subject had obtained a soliciting permit. Both subjects, 20 and 2l year old males were arrested under the village ordinance for soliciting without a permit. While on patrol, 2 subjects were obsierved in Sunset Park by the off,rcer. Upon investigation, one of the subjects was found to be in possession of marihuana. The 21 year old male was issued an appearance ticket for coufi for being in the park after hours. The 22 year old male was also issued an appearance ticket for being in the park after hours in addition to being arested for unlawful possession of marihuana. During October there were five Vehicle and'Traffic problems: one for parking and foru miscellaneous complaints. There were eighty miscellaneous complaints handled by this depaftment for the month of October. During October Sergeant Boyce and Officer Steinmetz held the night firearms qualifications for the fu1l time officers. Sergeant Boyce and Officer Lanning attended a two day school for identity theft at the Broome County Sheriff Depafiment in Binghamton. Officer Manning attended a 2 week school for firearms instructor training at the Corning Police Academy. The full time officers worked 132 hours of overtime and the part-time officers worked 151.5 hours. There was a total of $ l,6lT reported lost or stolen and $62 in property recovered for the month of October. Chief of Police CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCIOBER 2006 PAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCIOBER ?006 VIOLATION 1110A 1110A 1 't 10A 1 1 10,c 1 1 10,c 1 1 '10A 1110A 1110A 1110A 't 1 10A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1126':,, 1172A 1172tl 1172A 1 1 BOC: 11BOC 1 ,l BOD 1 lBOD 11BOD 1 lBOD 11BOD 11BOD ,] l BOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD ,1 l BOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD ,1 l BOD 1 lBOD 11BOD 1 lBOD ,1 l BOD 1225c',,|- 1225c',1. t al>c.l 1225ci,. 1225clt. 1225c2,. 1))qc) 1225c;. 1225ci 122\ct' 1'229c3 3068 3068 LOCALE CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA I1E I GHTS RD CAYUGA IlEIGtlTS RD CAYUGA I]EIGHiS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAIJ RD HANSHAW RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHIS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAH RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAI^I RD III NTHROP DR HANSHAH RD HANSHAI,J RD PLEASANT GROVE RD N TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD N IRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD IRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAt,, RD TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHAI' RD THE PARKWAY CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAI,J RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAI,I RD N TRIPHAMMER RD VIOLATION 3068 3068 306B 3068 3068 3068 JUOIJ 3068 l06B JUbB 3068 JUOIJ 3068 3068 3068 3068 319 319 319 319-1 319- 1 J tv- | 319- 1 319-1 319-1 J tv- I 319-1 319- 1 J tv- | J IY.I J IY.1 JIY-I 375-22 375-21A 375-2A1 375-2A1 375-2A1 375-2A1 375-?A1 101 401-1 401-1A 401-1A 401 - 1A 401 - 1A 401 - 1A 403- 1 403- 1 TOCAL E TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAI,I RD PLEASANI GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAil RD PLEASANI GROVE RD N TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD IJI NTHROP DR PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD P.LEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD N TRIPHAMI4ER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHA|l RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD N TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHATJ RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHA|.l RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD SAVAGE FARM DR N TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD COMMENTS COMMENTS 37/zo 12/20 48/30 45 /30 48/30 /+5/30 45/30 48/30 47 /30 46/30 57 /30 5A/30 45 /30 50/30 45 /30 47 /30 16/30 48/30 .io,/ JU 45 /30 CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2006 CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. PARKING TICKETS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2006 VIOLATION LOCALE /IOLAT ION LOCALE IO3-1 PLEASANT GROVE RD IO3-1 PLEASANT GROVE RD 103.1 PLEASANT GROVE RD '1 1 - 1A TRIPHAMMER RD ;09- 1 HANSHAU RD iO9-1 PLEASANT GROVE RD ;11-1 IIINTHROP DR ;11.1 PLEASANT GROVE RD ;11-1A TRIPHAMMER RD i1 1.1A HANSHAW RD ;12 N TRIPHAMMER RD ;12 I.JI NTHROP DR COMMENTS 1201A CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD 7C LL#1.96 E UPLAND RD 7C LL#1-96 LEXINGTON DR 7C LL#1.96 OAK HILL RD 7D LL#1-96 KLINE RD 7D LL#1-96 OAK HILL RD 7D LL#1-96 RANDOLPH RD 7D LL#1.96 KLINE RD 7D LL#1.96 OAK HILL PL 7D LL#1.96 OAK HILL RD 7D LL#1.96 OVERLOOK RD 7D LL#1.96 NORTHWAY RD l1iOA Fail to Obey Traffic Confiol Device 1 120A Fail to Keep Righ.t 1142A Fail Yield Right of Way 1172A Fail Stop/Stop Sign 1 i80A Unreasonable Speed 1i80B &D Speeding 1180C Speeding/School Zone 1192-3 DWI 1212 Reckless Driving 1229-3CA Seat Beit 1236A Insufficient Lights/Bicycte 3068 Expired Inspection 306E Forged Inspection Sticker 319 No Insurance 375-2A1 Insufficient Lights 401-1A Unregistered \4/V 402-1 NiiFront Plate 443 Reg Tab not Affixed 509-1 Unlicensed Operator 509-3 Operating out of Class 511-1A Aggravated Unlicensed 512 Suspended Registation 600-iA Leaving Scene MVA/PD 1b LL#l-96 No Parking Zone TcLL#I-96 Wrong Side to Road Edge"7dLL#1-96 Ovemight Parking 2arn- 6atn 1202-1b On Sidewalk 1202-3(b) Fire Hydrant 1224 Abandoned Vehicie 1203-c-4 Handicapped Zone 306b Uninspected Vehicle 1201-a Parked on Pavement