HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution DRAFT - Deer 11.15.2006.PDFARrgol.u:uof nffiffi*a /t*t{-ot
TAilher.eas all resid.ents of the VitlageConspicuous presence of white_tail
elsewhere in this regFon, and
of Calruga Hei€lhts alpe aware of thedeer tbroughou0 the Villade and
Tnlheneas the formel Eeer committee of the vlllage neviewed and studiedtJre matter of controlllng the village deen poprrlatlon, and.
whereas llrith tle nnanctal support of a village resld,ent, a mqJor researchproject was und-erta.kgn uy cornell untver.frty (Depantment of NaturalB'esouraes) to reduce the fecr:ndity and thus tnl *ep"oduction nate of doeswho marntain their. horne rsnsb i:r sections of the vilra6le, and.
W"hereag this nesearch effor't increased. our und,ersta,:rding of the d.eerpopulation in the comrnunity it was nelthen intend.ed. nor suocessful inredrrcinS the deer Fopulation in tJre Village, and-
Tlrrreneas tftre destmctlon and da,urages resulting from the overpopulation ofthese animals has been repeatedry represinted to the brlstees rynumerous nequests to tlre Village tnrstees to "do somethtng about tJre deer,,because of thetP destructtveness to plant materiatE, d.anEfer to hgpa,ns and.domegtlc anima^ts and signiflcant Aa,mage tovehictes, a;O.d
Trilhereas devlslng a means to effect contnol over tlris poprrlatlon is plausibleand' has the greatest cha,nce for suceess if lt involves all ttrre temitoryembodied within Tompkins county, as the aforementioned corneilr.esearch studJr establlshed,
Therefore; be rt ne$olved, that the Trustees of the vi[asfe of caJxrga r{eightsrequests that the Gouncll of Governments, urlrich includ.es all ther&untclpal governments embodied ln Tompktns County, establish andimplement a progra,m to contr,ol the aeer population within theirrespeative territories, and
Be tt further resolved, that such a progra,m (to be approved. by theDepartment of Environmental conservation) worria io-rot*r" theparticipa,tlon of rnost, if not all the munictpalities within the Councit ofGovernm.ents as welt as other significant iand owners such as oornellUnlversity, and
Be it furthen resolved that such participatlon would. include both financia.lresources and le$islative autJror{ty re,quiled, to operate snd sustain a tongterm prograxn in ord.er to s{$niflcantly reduce the d.eer population in theterritory withln Tompldns County, aadfinally I
Be it further. resohred that the Village of Calruga Heights nilfy supports a,udendorses this eoncept and a€Fees to parttcipate uy-provioiig iis-share ofthe frnanaial and other support to such an end.eavor.
,ilt:{ 1,
$ounoll of Ggvernments
County of Tompkins
Cityof lilraca
Villa€e of Ca]nrgla Heishts
Vil}a€e of Dryden
Villa6le of trbeevile
Villade of Groton
\fiUage of Lansing
Village of [hu"mansbur€i
Town of Ga,roline
Town of Danby
Town of Dryden
Town of Enfield
Tourn of Groton
Town of Ithaaa
Town of Lansing
Town of Nernrfield
Town of llgrsses