HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for September 2006.PDFVi$9age of Gayuga HeBgfl.lts F*05ee Depantryaent 836 Hanshaw Road. rthaca, New york14gs0-1s90. phone: (602) 2s7-i011E'rnait: K LAN s r Nc@cay uga-Heights. Ny. us . Fax: $oll zsl -eaz lKenneth W. Lansing Chiefof Police October 11,2006 To: The Honorabie Mayor Llmn Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Cayuga Heights Re: Report of the police Deparfment for Septembe r 2006 llor the month of september there were 113 complaints reported to the police deparlment and 7 motorvehicle accidents investigated. There were 95 traffii tickets issued and 3 parking tickets wriften. During September there were thlee felony complaints reported: fwo for Grand Larceny and one for Identityllheft' one grand larceny wets the theft of i walleg containing credit cards, and a cell phone. Thecomplainant stated that she harJ set these items down while puttiig her jacket on after attendmg a party.w.hen she turned to get the items, they were gone._ The second grind larceny was the repofied theft of arLecklace' The necklace was iater found in the resident's lock box. The case was closed as unfounded. Aresident repofied that he had been charged on his debit card account for numerous purchases in the state ofIrlorida. The resident had already contaited his bank and had the card. cancelled. 'I'here were ten misdemeanors reported: one for Attempted Petit Larceny, six for petit Larceny, one fortlnauthorized Use of a Motor vehicle, one for Frauduleni Accosting uod on. for unlawfully Dealing with achild' A resident reported that her unlocked vehicle had been gone"through sometime during the overnightbut nothing appeared to be missing. Three residents trpon.a"tnut ii.-, *"r. taken during the overnightfi:om their unlocked vehicles -which were parked in their drive*uyr. iut.n during these theits were moneyand a pair of binoculars' Alt of these cises are still pending. During the same time frame, there werenumerous reports of thefts from vehicles rn the county and the city oi rthaca. Two petit larcerues werereports of customers pumping gasoline into their vehicies and teaving without paying. In one of the cases,a plate number was obtained; the subject was contacted and returned io puy. r[" Ltrrer case is still pending.The final petit lareeny was the report by a business of possible employee theft. The case is still underinvestigation' The officer responded to a-report of a subject ariving a-;hicle with both flat front tires. Thevehicle was located disabled along the .oudruy. The owner rrias contacted and had no idea that herdaughter, the driver, had taken her vehicle. The owner arived on the scene but did not want to have herdaughter arrested for unauthorized use of the vehicle. The fraudulent accosting complaint concerned aresident who was approached by a subject who asked for money. The subject statid thai he needed moneyto pay for his auto repair. The resident gave him money and had the subjlct signed an IoU. l-he residentdid not think about the incident until helead in the paper of similar probiems with a subject in the city ofIthaca' This department contacted the investigator from the Ithaca police department who is working theircases' At this time our case is still pendrng to see if it will be added to those incidents in the city of lthacaso it can be taken to the Grand Jury for a felony charge. while on pahol, the officer observed 2 subjects in Sunset Park who were drinldng wine. After an investigation, the 19 year old female was anested for an open container, a violation of a local 1aw. The 27 year old male was also arrested for an open container and additionally charged with unlawfu1ly dealing with a child, a misdemeanor, as he admitted that he knew the female was under 21 and did eive her the alcohoi. There were seven violations reported for the month of September: five for Disorderly Conduct, One for Harassment and one for Possession of Alcohol under 21 years of age. Four of the disorderly conducts occurred during an overnight. An unknown vehicle had veered off the roadway deliberately striking the recycle bins placed next to the roadway. The cases are still open. The final disorderly conduct was the report ofloud yelling outside ofa residence. The officer found that 2 subjects had been drinking during the evening and were now arguing outside in the driveway. The subjects were separated and there were no further problems. A subject repofied that an employee at a business had been harassing her whenever she went into the store. The complainant had recently been dismissbd from the store and now was told that she could not retum. The officer advised the complainant to stay away from the store and to speak with the regional manager if she felt she was being treated unfairly. A subject was observed waiking in the roadway *hil. dtitrkitrg a beer. The 20 year old male was arrested under the ABC Law for Possession of Alcohol" There was one Village Ordinance complaint: Open Container Violation. A 55 year old male was issued an appearance ticket for court for having an open container of alcohol in public. During September there were four Vehicle and Traffic complaints: one for Parking, two for miscellaneous complaints and one for Driving While Intoxicated. A subject was observed speeding and when stopped by the officer, was found to be intoxicated. The 25 year old male was arrested for DWL There were eighty-eight miscellaneous complaints handled by this department for the month of September. During September Officer Mandng attended a tlvo week Instructor Development School held at the Corrring Police Academy. Officer Lanning began teaching his DARE class at Cayuga Heights School. The full time officers worked 65.5 hours of overtime and the part-time officers worked 180 hours. Therc was a totai of $1,782 reported lost or stolen and $44 inpropertyrecovered for the month of September. Chief of Police CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT, UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2006 CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER LOCALE CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHAW RD N TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHATJ RD HANSHAI|J RD HANSHAH RD PLEASANT GROVE RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD I.JI NTHROP DR HANSHAIJ RD HIGHLAND RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD III NTHROP DR HANSHAL.J RD HANSHAI.I RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HIGHLAND RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLESANT GROVE RD HANSHAI.I RD N TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD t.,INTHROP DR N TRIPHAMMER RD ZUUO VIOLATION 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A '1 110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 11 10A 1110A 114?A 1142r\ 1172A 1172A 1172A 1172A 1 172A 1172A 1172A 1 1B0c 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 11BOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOE 1192-,2 I tta') 1212 1225c',2 12?5c12 1225c2 1225c2 12?5c2 LOCALE TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHAH RD N IRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD IRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHAII RD HANSHAI^J RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD WYCKOFF RD FOREST DR I.'I NTHROP DR WINTHROP DR BURLEIGH DR EURLEI GH DR I,JINTHROP DR BURLEIGH DR BURLEIGH DR HANSHAI,J RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TR I PHAMI,IER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD N TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAH RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAH RD HANSHAI.J RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD VIOLATION 1225c? | 11)LZ 1?25c? 1225czA 1225czA 1225czA 1225czA 1225c34 3068 3068 3068 306B JUOb 3068 3068 3068 3068 319 319 319 319"1 319- 1 319- 1 319-1 319-1 319- 1 319- 1 319- 1 375-12A 375- 12A81 375-2A 375-2A3 5 t>'52 375-40 375-40 375- 40 401 - 1A 401'1A 401 - 1A 403 509- 1 509- 1 509- 1 509- 1 511 -2A COMMENTS COMMENTS 39/24 49/30 51/30 46/30 43/lo 50/30 58/30 50/30 \2 r7n' 17/30 45/30 45/30 44/30 .15% BAC CAYUGA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPT. PARKING TICKETS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2006 VIOLATION LOCALE 1202.1b TRIPHAMMER RD 78 LL#1-96 KELVIN PL 78 LL#1.96 KELVIN PL 7b LL#l-96 No Parkine Zone )TcLL#1-96 Wrong Sid-e to Road Edee"7dLL#1-96 Overnight parking 2am1 6am1202-lb On Sidewatk1202-3(b) Fire Hydrant1224 Abandoned Vehicle1203-c-4 Handicapped Zone306b Uninspected Vehicle1201-a Parked on pavement 1 I 10A Fail to Obey Tiaffic Control Device 11204 Fail to Keep Right ll42A Fail Yieid Right of Way lll2A Fail Stop/Srop Sign 1 180,4 Unreasonable Speed 1180B & D Speeding 1 180C Speeding/School Zone 1192-3 DWI l2l2 Reckless Drivin_e 1229-3CA Seat Belt 1236A Insufficient LightslBicycle 3068 Expired Inspection 306E Forged Inspection Sticker 3 19 No Insurance 315-2Al Insufficient Lights 401-14 Utuegistered M/V 402-1 NiiFront Plate 403 Reg Tab not Affixed 509-1 Unlicensed Operator- -509-3 Operating out of Class 51 1- 1A Aggravated Uniicensed i512 Suspended Regisfration 600-1A Leavins Scene MVA/PD