HomeMy WebLinkAbout113 Warwick Place Sewer Main.PDF113 Warwick Ploce
Schaenfetd Development Stoge 2 "Willismsburg Pork" fot #95
Surveyor - Corl Crandoll mop filed t2/1O/58
1O/t159 - eqsement granted for construction of sewer line
"... the right reserved by Otto B. Schoenfeld to construct, maintain repoir ond convey to the
oppropriote municipolity o sonitary sewer line with occomponying monholes os necessary, soid
sewe? line to be constructed ond manholes ploced on said lots at the discretion of the buyer os to
locstion, and subject to the approval of the municipolity and health department, locol ond state."
Mqy, L963 - essement grcnted for surfsce droinoge
"...This conveyance is mode and accepted subject to on eosement ten fent in width the northerly
line of which is the northerly line of the obove described porcel. This easement is reserved for
the purpose of providing surfoce droinoge, the right being retained to lay, mointoin and repoir q
lwelve inch pipe in soid eosement."
Village of Coyugo Heights constructs/exponds droinoge ditch to a depth of 36 inches, which
includes o 32 inch diometer culrrert pipe ond end section (not produced untilafter 1981), and
concrele to cover the existing, loterol sewer line. The village lays block erosion-prevention mesh
the entire length of the msement.
' evidence deterioration of concrete which diverts woter flow causing erosion
' village sgrees to repoir from culvert to ten fe-et af ditch using wood landscape tias. sewer line breaks during repair work. sewer left exposed
2AA2- sewer line is encssed in PVC
. erosion continues
' Vtllage engineer Brent Cross inspecfs repoirs and deems the construction incorrect.. Moyor Lynn and B. Cross agreeto remedy the situction.
' sewer line breaks ond leaks raw sewogefor unknown amount of time. vilfage repoirs sewer line
2006 - erosion continues
' B. Cross proposes construction of new sewer main under Wcrwick Pl.
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