HomeMy WebLinkAboutNed's Pizzeria Proposal Letter.PDFTo whom it rnay concern, I am planning on opening a restaurant called Ned's Puzefiain place of a hair salonthat was previousiy in business. It's iocated atthe Village Green Shopping Center in Cayuga Heights. This restaurant is going to follow up on all the environmental and health codes ofNew York State. It will have ahood system, fire alarm system (also fire escape doors with two exit signs in the front and back of the building), grease trap, two handicap bathrooms, ventilation systenl and three base sinks. The restaurant is 1,500 square feet and will exceed no more than24 people and a maximum of 5 employees. Customers will park in the provided parking spaces while employees will park in the back ofthe restaurant. ' A,:epa.tLeuA-ilv\ I /rt ,/J .4 /n OM/u ,{"t''- / L/ I " / ,Lta--.n- , Page I of 1 ltlorma Manning Frrom: Brent Cross Sient: Wednesday, August 16,2006 2:42pM Tb: , Norma Manning Gc: Walter Lynn Subject: meeting agenda Norma, I have received an aoplication from Nadim Khazzaka.for a proposed pizzeriato occupy a vacant space at g40Hanshaw Road' Resiaurants are a permitted use in tne comm'eiciatzoning oisir[itfiiequire a specialApprovalby the Trustees, after a.public h.earihg. Therefore, pr""i" "JJ rrrri x to the agenda to discuss his plans. I wi1 writea report to the trustees to explain thaf this a special "pprov"t oy the trusteeijno in"t it i. u"ry similar to site planReview by the planning goaiO. Provided that the trustee.s do not see any problem with the request, they will need to schedule a public hearing forthe next meeting before they can approvl'it. Brent 08n7t2006 Page 1 of2 l{orma Manning From: !ient: 'lfo: 0'c: Siubject: Brent Cross Friday, August 18, 2006 1:29 pM VCH-Trustees VCH-Dept-Heads meeting agenda items nnnvro DATE: TO: FROM: RE: August 18,2006 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brent Cross, Zoning Officer Proposed Pizzeria I heLve received a permit application from Mr. Nadim l(hazzakato operate apizzeriain one of the vacantspaoes at 840 Hanshaw Road. A restaurant is an allowed use in the iomme riial zoning District, butreqrnires "special approval" of the Board of-Trustees (this is similar to the Site plan Review by thePlanning Board when a new building is built or -oain"Jy. rn" zorring or.;i;;;.e reads as follows: "Section 4'2'c: Restaurant or dairy bar for the serving of food and beverages but only on specialapproval of the Board of Trustees. In granting approial, the Board of Truitees ,hull d.t..-ine, after apublic hearing, that aneed for such us=e existJfoithe convenience of the n"igrru*rrood and that the$onreral welfare of the village will be served and there will be no excessive noise in connection with theuse." The following restaurants in the village are currently operating under special approval:-JJ's Cafe -Corners Deli -Heights Caf6 -Mobil Mart SornLe examples of conditions that have been -days/hours of operation -number of seats -specification of menu -parking agreement with landlord -renewal imposed in the past: r{r'"Khazzaka will be in attendance on 8l2ll06to answer any questions you may have. If there are nounreiasonable issues, then you will need to set a public hearing date (probablti,;, 9/rg/06) OTIJIER TOPICS: VILI'AGE HALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM: The existing system has repeated false alarms due to the 08t2U2006 Page 2 of2 !1te^rnal clock trying to do a self-diagnostic check at2 pminstead of the programme d2 arn. Unfortunately, Pleasant Valley Electric no longer has the access code (becarise former employee didn,t document) to re-program the unit. They have proposed to replace the panel for $820 lincluaing labor).M;r suggestion is to pay for the new equipment, but not the labor to instatt it. ACTION: Confirm my suggestion FUEL PUMPS: The fuel management system at the DPW (which is used by DpW, FD, pD) has becomea continuous maintenance problem and has caused problems with both dispensing and. datarecording. Iha.'re three vendors wolking on giving us quotes to ieplace the pumps and ihe ,od*ur" (we will t ..p trr.tanks)' Although I don't have all of the numbers in yet, one of ihe vendors has quoted $lO,tzO for newpump/station; $5,891 for software upgrade, and $3,495 for installation/start-up.i anticipat" b"tt.,numbers from at least one of the othei vendors. Although thls may not be an otn"ial emergency, thevilllage's emergency services rely on this system. It is s6mething ihat prouaUty-strould not wait until theSeptember megtlng. Therefore, I suggest that the trustees autholizethe purchase of a new system, withthe vendor and final price to be deteimined. ACjTIoN: Motion to authorize purchase of new fuel pumps/software for a sum not to exceed $20,000. DLIMP TRUCK: The DPW currently has a l-ton dump truck that is due for replacement. The proposedunit is a Ford F-350 Y:tlt l {*p body and plow. The iruck is offered on NySbGS contract throughVan Bortel Ford for $34,630 plus $420 dealer options. ACTION: Motion to authoize purchase of new 2006 Ford F-350 truck including equipment (NySoGSItern22a) from Van Bortel Ford for $35,050. 08t2U2006