HomeMy WebLinkAboutPhi Mu Presentation.pdf520 Wy"koff Road
Zonrng Commission Meetirg
Sp"cial IJse Requesr
Baclryard View
Chapter Inforrnation
Chapter:Phi Xi
school Name: cornell university
chapter website: cornell@phimu.org
Installation Date: 11/7 /201 4
Campus Total: 183
Chapter Total: 111
Semester GPA: 334
Cumulative GPA: 3,28
Af l \tVoman's: 3.38
All-Sorority GPA: 3.46
Sien iors : 11Juniors: 37
Siophomores: 30
Frreshmen: 0
The House Rules are applicable to all sisters, with the exception of the ,'Residents,, section, which isonly applicable to sisters Iiving in the House. The House Rules must be observed while ln fhe
House,<>n the Houseproperty,and in thevicinity of the Houseproperty,including on the sidewalk andstreet immediately in front or in back of the House. All sisters are responsible for abiding by theHouse rules and ensuring her guests abide by the House rules.lf a sisteror her guest does notfollow the rules,disciplinary action will betaken bythe Chapter. AllHouserules,university
regulations, state and locallaws are to be observed by members, alumnae and guests at alltimes.
' Fire Alarm- AII chapter members and visitors must immediatelyexit the Houseupon activation of the fire alarm system_no exceptions.r Emergencylssues- Anyemergency issue, including mandatoryevacuations aregoverned by the Fraternity's emergency policies, the University of South Carolina
arnd the city of Columbia.
. Move-ln- After everyone has moved in, pleaseremove all packing boxes to
outside trash'The hallways arenot storage areasfor boxesthat will not fit in your
room' Surpriseinspections bythe FireMarshalwill lead to citations and/or fines.
' Behavior- No unbecoming,disruptive, or offensive behavior or Ianguage will
b'etolerated asdefined bythe PhiMu Fraternity policy and/or the LambOatheta
C hapter code of standards. Any type of assault whether verbal or physical of
another sister,staff member or guest will not be tolerated on phiMu grounds and
includes the House and outside areas.
. AlcoholicBeverages- No alcoholic beverages areallowed in the House or
anywhere o n the sorority House property. This includes possession or storage of
any alcoholic beverages whether open or closed containers.e Drugs- No illegal drugs/controlled substances or marijuana of any kind is 11-1spermissible in house or anywhere on the sorority House properTy.. smoking- No smoking isallowed in the House,on the porches oranywhere onttre property.
r ropen Flames- Candles or open flames of any kind are not allowed on the
pnemises for any reason. Any candles found will be confiscated and returned at the
end of the semester. This includes unlit candles.r Keys- Residents will be issued a Key by the House Corporation. Keys are not to be
loaned out for any reason. A lost key must be reported immediateiy to tfre House
corporation and the resident will be charged a replacement fee.r Firearms and Fireworks- possession or use of firearms or other weapons,
arnmunition or fireworks in the Chapter House or on the PhiMu property is strictlyprohibited.
o lixterior Doors- All exterior doors must be kept closed and remain locked at all
r floof - No attempts at or getting onto the roof of the House.
windows-The House is heated and air conditioned at all times. windows should
remain closed and locked at alltimes.
Pets- No pets are allowed on the property.
Bicycles- Bicycles are never allowed in the House.
Lamp shades- Lamps may only be covered with lampshades designed for thepurpose of providing cover. The use of fabric. towels, blankets, etc. is stricily
.proniUiteU for use lampshade.e Insurance- House Corporation insurance does NOT cover the personal property
of sisters living in the House.
Residents- Quiet Hours are 10:00 p.m. to .t O:00 a.m.
' floom inspections will be conducted prior to move in and move out by the House corporationrepresentative using the room check list.r l\t the close of the academic school year (spring semester), residents MAy NoT leaveunwanted clothing personal items, rugs, chairs, or any other personal belongings at theflouse. Any items left will be disposed
' ].h: resident bedrooms may be inspected at any time to monitor the observation of the House
Fiu tes.
r It is recommended that members lock their rooms when leaving the House.. Members shall not enter another member's room without permission.
' Each resident is provided with a bed, mattress (with protective cover), chest of drawers, desk,and chair for their bedroom. Furniture may not be removed from a room in which it isintended. Decorating items supplied in the House must not be removed at any time withoutthe permission of the House Corporation.. Residents furnish their own bed linens, bath linens and shower caddies.. You may NOT paint your room oryourfurniture or alter in any way.I You may not add shelving on the wallto your room. No cinder blocks or risers may be placedunder the beds.
' The following appliances are not allowed in the bedrooms: refrigerators, microwaves,toasters, coffee makers, hot plates or any other appliance used for cooking or preparing food.
' Each sister is responsible for cleaning her own room. Personal trash should be taken out to thetrash cans in bags that are tied securerv.
Common Areas- Including the Kitchen
' The common areas of the House are cleaned on a weekly schedule. Sisters should not leavepersonal items on the bathroom counters or floors. A bathroom caddy is recommended fore;rch resident for personal items. Personal items may not be left in the other common areas-Li,uing Room, Study Room or Kitchen.I Retsidents must contribute to the general House cleaning and ordering in between the weeklymaid service.
' The snack area is available to residents. This area must be cleaned immediately after each use.G;rrbage and food from this area should either be thrown away or properly stored dishes,bottles, silverware, glasses, etc. should not be left in common rooms, halls, or bathrooms.
Brooms, vacuum cleaners, dustpans, and other cleaning items must be returned to theirproper storage places after use.
,All personal items should be removed from the showers after each use.
Shower water should only be run when someone is showering (i.e., do not run the water whilenot in the shower).
Feminine hygiene products must be disposed in bathroom garbage cans- Do NOT FLUSHIr\ppliances such as curling irons, hot rollers, hair dryers, etc., are never to be left unattended orplugged into any outlet when not in use. They are also not to be left in the bathrooms.-[he use of electrical appliances such as hot plates, toasters, and coffee makers is forbidden inthe bedrooms.
\Mashers and dryers located in the Chapter House are for residents only. All clothes should beremoved from washers and dryers promptly when finished. Lint filters must be cleaned aftereach cycle.
l\ll personal property must be removed when sisters move out of the House. Ceilings, walls,windows, carpet floors, and woodwork (i.e. doors. closet dressers) must be left intact withoutrnarks from paint nails, tape, tacks, and hooks. Sisters will be subject to payment for damagesupon moving out of the House.
House Property
' Flouse Repairs -lf a sister notes the need for a House repair, she should report it to the House[)irector immediately (i.e. report a loose screw and do not wait until the hinges fall offthedoors.) Only the House Director may order repairs or alterations to the House. Chapter
members are NEVER authorized to order or arrange for any repairs, additions or alterations tothe House.
r Residents, non-residents or their guests will be held responsible for damages either accidently
or deliberately caused to the House and property.
' Nlembers on the premises shall not inhibit or hinder the work of the cleaning or repairprofessionals on-site who, from time to time, clean or repair the House as designated by the
l-louse Corporation.
o Gluing and painting are never to be done inside and should only be done outside. protective
piaper should be used to protect sidewalks. Painting should not occur when wind could blow itto the brick or outdoor furniture.o Do not tape signs to any walls, ceilings, doors, stairs or handrails in the House. This includes allfurniture, wall, windows, wood trim, and kitchen appliances.. The use of double stick tape is strictly prohibited.
' All personal trash brought in to the House should be disposed of in trash containers.
Cardboard boxes especially need to be removed as quickly as possible (they harbor bugs.)o Non-residents may not store personar berongings at the House.
' washers and Dryers located at the House are for resident use onry.r lf ;anY furniture is moved for recruitment, ritual, or another sorority event, it must be returnedto its original position as soon after the event as possible.r Controlof the heating and air conditioning systems is the responsibility of the residents only.lf a sister is either uncomfortably hot or cold, she should see the House Director.r Elc'ctrical items, including lights and Ws, should be turned off when not in use. All electrical
ite,ms in a room should be off when the room is unoccupied.r Feminine hygiene products must be disposed in bathroom garbage cans- Do NOT FLUSHI
' wireless lnternet service and cable w are provided. Each sister must provide her own wirelessInternet card' computers are not to be left unattended in the common areas of the House. lfthere are problems with the Internet service or cable W, please report them to the HouseDirector and do not attempt to repair any equipment on the premises.
' Quiet hours and study areas should be observed by everyone in the House. Sisters in thecommon areas should be considerate of those who are studying and sleeping, especiallyafterl 1 p.m. on any night.
' lrlo food or drinks are allowed in the living room except for special sorority functions.' Ijisters may not eat meals in the living room. only snack foods and drinks may be eaten there.
Guests- Quiet Hours are 1O:00 p.m. to l0:00 a.m.
' chapter rnembers are fully responsible for the actions of their guests. sisters and their guestsrnust use appropriate behavior at all times.. All guests must be accompanied by a sister at all times.. Alale guests may visit the House as follows:o Sundaythrough Thursday- 10:00 a.m. and 1 1 : 00 p.m. Friday and Saturday- 10:00 a.m.and 1:00 a.m.. l\4ale guests may never stay overnight.
' N4ale guests may visit the riving room, study room and kitchen onry.. lltale guests never visit in any of the bedrooms.
' Female guests are not allowed to stay overnight without the permission of the House Director.r Female guests may only stay for two consecutive nights (i.e. one weekend.) and must be
a pproved 48 hours in advance by the House Director.r During the designated times for move-in or move-out, sisters may bring male guests to theirbedrooms for the purpose of move-in/move-out only. Sisters must announce the presence ofa male in the House.
r committees may use the living or dining rooms to hold meetings. These rooms must bestraightened and tidied after each use.o A non-resident guest may only use the kitchen area in the presence of a resiilent. She mustalso help clean up any mess that is created.
' A resident must be present when any guest (whether a chapter member or not) is in theHouse' This is necessary to be sure that the doors are left secured and the alarm system isarmed when exitino.
Personal Property
Thisincludes' but is not limited to damages or losi of personal property and automobiles caused by fire,storm, water damage or other casualty. lt is strongly recommended that you cover your personal
belongings through your personal insurance carrier.
Phi Mu Chapter Ffouses
university of Kentucky
Llniversi ty of Ark artsas
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Tulane University
Georgia College
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