HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for April 2006.PDF- VBBBage e'fl #ayuga F€eBghts FeB$ee ffiepan€mem€ 836 Ffanshaw Road . lthaca, New york14gs0-1 s90 . phone: (60zl zsr-1011 E-rna il: K LAN s rN G@cayuga-Heights. Ny. u s . Fax: (60rl, zsr -g4T 4 Kenneth W. Lansing Chief of Police May 10,2006 To: The Honorable Mayor Lynn Members of the Board of Trustees Village of Cayuga Heights Re: Report of the Police Department for April 2006 Fo1.t!e month of April there were a total of 100 complaints reported to the police department an4 no motorvehicle accidents investigated. There were a total of,78 trafficlickets issued' and 1t i";ki"il;"kets wriften" During April there were_no felony complaints. There were thirteen misdemeanor reported: two fbr Issuinga Bad Check, three for Petit Larceny, five for Criminal Mischief; one for Aggravated Harassment, one forCriminal Possession of 'Stolen Properly and one for Crininal Tampering. goth bad check cases are stillopen' One of the petit larceny cases was the report of a custome. p*p-g gasoline into his vehicle andleaving without paying. The customer was contaited and refurned to pay. A complainant reported that shehad received notice from Fed Ex that a package had been delivered roi ner but that she was unable to locateit and needed to make a report. The complainant also sent an email to all the residents at the sorority aboutthe incident and just wanted the contents bf the package. The package was returned to her the next day an6the complainant did not want the matter pu.turd. A subject att."airg a party at a fraternity in the villagereported that her waliet was-missing from her purse. The wallet was later found and retuurei to the subjectwith all contents intact. This petit larceny ,ur. .u, closed as unfounded. A resident repofted that hermailbox had been damaged. Another resident reported that her vehicle which was parked near the end o.fher driveway had the rear window and the t.ut tuillight broken" In both of these criminal mischief reports,it was found that the damage had possibly been done by an unknown vehicle due to the tire tracks near thesites of the damage' A resident of a fratemity reported that someone had been in his unlocked room anclhad gone through his drawers. He stated thai nothing appeared to have been stolen. one of the narrowgarage windows was broken-out of an unoccupied residence. It was unknown the exact date of the damageor the cause of it. The final criminal mischief complaint was a repofi by a tenant that the plexiglass hadbeen broken out of an exterior door. The manager for the building was contacted and advised of thedamage' He stated that the door is kept unlocked *d *u, probably no"t secured correctly causing the windto blow it open and did not believe that an individual broke it out. The aggravatei harassment caseinvoived unwanted email which caused the complainant aruloyance and alarm. -The complainant has hadcoxtact with the subject through her place of empioyment for the past several years but now feels that the gublect is starling to have some mental issues. The subject r.rpon.ibl. for sending the email was contactedby this department and agreed to. stop attempting contact withthe complainant at her home by email or byphone' From the subject's attitude, the officer believed that the subject would continue to contact her at herjob at Cornell University; therefore Cornell Police were advised of a possible problem, During a vehicleand traffic stop, the officer observed a realtor's sign in the back of the vehicle-. Upon a further search, awallet belonging to another was also found. Thi occupants of the vehicle, all belonging to the samefi'atemiry, stated that the items had been found. The items were taken into custody uy ti" officer forpossible stolen properly and all were ad.vised that they could be charged with criminai possession of stolen property after the officer speaks with the owners. The driver of the vehicle was issued traffic tickets. Al1 subjects were tumed over to Cornell Police as they were iooking for a similar vehicle involved in the possible theft of street signs. The owners of the items were contacted and picked up their propefy but did not want to pursue charges. The office of Fraternity and Sororify Affairs was notified of the incident. The final misdemeanor complaint was criminal tampering. A resident reported that a vehicle drove down the street shiking the garbage cans by the side ofthe roadway. The vehicle then turrred onto an adjoining street and did the same thing. The area was checked but the vehicle and person responsible was not located. There were six violations reported: two for Disorderly Conduct, one for Unlawful Possession of Marihuana, one for Harassment, one for Unlawful Trespass and one for Unlawful Possession of Fireworks. One disorderly conduct was a noise compiaint about loud music and voices. The subjects responsible were advised of the complaint and there were no firther problems. While on patrol, the officer observed a group of subjects leaving a location in the village. One subject yelled obscenities at the officer as the patrol car went by. At first the subject continued walking away from the officer but eventually did stop and was placed in the patrol car and transported back to the department. Upon a search, marihuana and a pipe were found in the subject's pocket. The 18 year old male was arrested for Disorderly Conduct and Unlawful Possession of Marihuana and issued an appearance ticket for court. A subject riding a bicycle at night without any iights was stopped by the officer. While the rider was searching for his identification, the officer observed marihuana in his backpack. The 24 year old male was arrested for Unlawfui Possession of Marihuana and issued an appearance ticket for court. A subject reported receiving a harassing note that had been attached to her memo board in her room. There had been recent problems with her roommate who lately had not been staying there, but there was no proofthat she had written the note. A resident repofied that a male subject had walked down his driveway, tried his vehicle's door and then contilued walking. The officer located the subject and the resident identifred him. The resident did not want the subject arrested for unlawful trespass. The subject was advised not to trespass on private property. An officer responded for a complaint of fireworks being set off and found a group of subjects sitting around a campfire. One of the subjects went inside and returned with the fireworks which the officer took into custody as evidence. A1l subjects were warned about the use of fueworks and the ordinance concerning open burning. T'here was one Village Ordinance complaint which was concerning Dog Control. During April there were four Vehicle and Traffic complaints dealing with parking problems. There were a total of seventy-six miscellaneous complaints handled by this department for the month of April. During April, Chief Lansing attended a fle day school held at the New York State Police Academy in Albany dealing with school gangs. He also aftended a meeting held at the Ithaca Women's Community Building hosted by the Community Coalition for Healthy Youth. The meetrng was held to promote the awareness of the dangers of alcohol use by our youth. The chief also attended the annual meeting of the Cayuga Medical Center. Officer Steinmetz attended a five day school for Low Light Shoot House and Urban Tactic Instructors. The school dealt with techniques for encounter and conducting haimngs with iive shoot houses and the tactics used for building searches. The school was held at the Ithaca Police Depafiment shooting range. Officer l.anning attended the annual DARE conference in Aubum. Officer Lanning is now certified to teach internet safety courses from kindergarten age through aduit. He also received new lesson plans for the DARE program on aiding students in dealing with bullies and utilizing high school role models. The full time officers worked 115.5 hours of overtime and the pafi-time officers worked 162.5 hours. There was a I of $655 reported lost or stolen and $325 in properly recovered for the month of April. Kenneth W. Lansing Chief of Police CAYUGA HEiGHTS POLICE DEPT. UITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL CAYUGA HE]GHIS POLICE DEPT. UTTS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL2006 VIOLATION 11 10A 1 110A 1110A 1110A 1110A ,l 110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1 110A 1110A 1 110A 1 110A 1 110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 11 10A 1 ,1 10A 11 10A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1110A 1 126A 11428 1 172A I 1B0c 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD l1BOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1 lBOD l1BOD 11800 1 18oD 11800 1 lBOD 1 lBOD i 't 180Di traoo. 1 lBOD 2006 VIOLATION 11800 1 lBOD 1 lBOD 1225-2c3 l 1<)LZ 1225c2 1 ))\r) I zz) Lz 1225c2 1225c2 1225c2 3068 3068 3068 319-1 319-1 319-1 319-1 319-1 319- 1 319-1 375 - 41 402-1 103 403 403 509- 1 509- 1 LOCALE TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD N TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD TRIPHAMMER RD HANSHA[.J RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TR I PHAMI,IER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TR I PIIAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD E UPLAND RD HANSHAI.' RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD WYCKOFF RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAI,.IMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMIIER RD HANSHAIJ RD N TRIPHAMMER RD l^^a' FLVUA L E N TRIPHAMMER RD N TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASAI.IT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRiPHAMMER RD E UPLAND RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAI' RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIpHAflMER RD IRIPHAMMER RD TRiPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD HANSHAI.J RD TRIPHAIII,IER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHIS RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD IRIPHAMMER RD RT 13 NORTHI,/AY RD HANSHAI.I RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HE]GHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAII RD TRIPHAI'IMER RD . TRIPHAI'|MER RD TR I PHAMI,IER RD TR I PHAMI{ER RD TRIPHAMMER RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD TRIPHAMMER RD TRIPHAMMER RD N.TRIPHAMMER RD COMMENTS 48/30 49/30 5o/30 COMMENTS 41 /20 49/30 L2 lzn 44/lo 5n /?n 18/30 50/30 18/30 44/30 39/20 50/30 51 /lo 45lzo 47/30 47/30 56/30 18/30 15/30' 47 /30 CAYUGA HEIGHTS PARKING TICKETS ISSUED FOR LOCALE E UPLAND RD R t DG.EI,JOOD RD OAK HILL .RD I.'YCKOFF RD IROOUOIS RD I,JYCKOFF RD OVERLOOK RD N SUNSET DR t,YCK0FF RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD OVERLOOK RD UYCKOFF RD N SUNSET DR SPRUCE LANE H]GHLAND RD I,,'YCKOFF RD OVERLOOK RD N SUNSET DR HULILE UETI. THE MONTH OF APRIL 2006 VIOLATION 1 201A 78 LL#1-96 78 LL#1-96 78 LL#1-96 78 LL#1-96 78.LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D lL#1-96 70 LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 7D LL#1-96 11 10A 1 120A t142A T172A 1 l80A 11808 & D 1 180C 1t92-3 1212 1229-3CA r2364 3068 306E 319 375-2A1 401-1A 402-l 403 .509- 1 509-3 5 I 1-iA 5t2 600-1A Fail to Obey Traffic Conhol Device Fail to Keep Right Fail Yield Right of Way Fail Stop/Stop Sign Urueasonable Speed Speeding Speeding/School Zone DWI Reckless Driving Seat Belt Insuffi cient Lights/B icycle Expired Inspection Forged Inspection Sticker No Insurance Insufficient Lights Unregistered M/V Nif Front Plate Reg Tab not Affixed Unlicensed Operator Operating out of Class Aggravated Unlicensed Suspended Registration Leaving Scene IVIVA/PD TbLL#1-96 TcLL#1-96 TdLL#t_96 1202-Lb 1202-3(b) 1'r1 A 1203-c-4 306b 1201-a No Parking Zone Wrong Side to Road Edge Overnight Parking 2am _ 6am On Sidewalk Fire Hydrant Abandoned Vehicle Handicapped Zone Uninspected Vehicle Parked on Pavement