HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Minutes April 17, 2006.PDFF.t
jtiluutes of the Boud of Trusmes
April 17, ?006
Village of Cayuga He_ights
Meeting of the Eoard of Trustees
Prespnt: Malmr L1'nn, Trustees Bisogni, Collpr, Kryl*, Idount, (left after the QPK
presentation), Stale5 Fire $upt. Tamborelle, Police Chief Lansing, Supt, Cross, Trcasurer
Silber, nny. Tfler, flerk Manning
Absentr Tr.ustee Antu, $upervisor Quiclt
Otherc Pffisent Ann Melteer, C-a)4rga Fftights Resident, Mihe O'Shea and ftrlie Flansen
of QFK Fesign, Jeff Zamanski, President, ftJnrga Ffrights Fire Company
The meeting of fte Board was called, to order at 7:00 PM. Jeff Zarnaruhi was introduced as
Fire Compeny Frcsident, replacing Danny \i/rrek
Melnrr Lynn then asired tlire Boad to approve the minutes of tlre trfiarch nneting,
Motiorr by Tnlrtee SHley
Seconded by Trustee Collyer
Move to apprurr tfte rninutes of the Maruh 20, 2006 end Aprl 5, 2006 meetings with
conections iloted,
Trustees Bisogni, Collpr S*plen and $taley vote d YE$.
il.rtrFlf +!f lHtrFil
The Marrcr asked if efl]Dne in fie eudience wished to speak at Privilege of ttn Floor.
Cavusa i+ishtr resident Ann lvleltzer addressed the Boad. She exprtssed dissetisfaction
*itt ltl* Ur.rirh pictrup occu,rnng once Fer mor$h, esFeciallydruing tlt9.Sprytg and Fell. She
would lile to gi br.[ to the r,ryice/month sc]redule,
-Mayrr Lpur rold her that the Boand
would take her suggestion under edvuement,
fu this tirne, Maycr Lvnn introduced Mke O'Shea and Carlie l{ar:s3n gf QFS Design who
gevs a pre,ienrauonro'the Boe.d on fieir space recommendationt for rhe Gyrga *tpho
F:t* Stution a.s it penains m rnoving #e Village I-Ia[ the Police Depertment or both into
that location. t, f,rrvct,rar.t) ftr c{-rtpfils f LE+t/6 bFFf (;fJ
At the end of the presentatron, queutions were g.rkd by& l&)tt and the Board, ltr]*t
Llmn then thanlai Mr. Q'$hea inA Us, llaruon for their reporl, *nd *dvised them thtt the
Etard nowuruuld nowform a comminee to srudytheir recommendations, as well as the
schicLel recomrnendation which was preseflted Ia.* year,
E5 'EE E4:E3PI'1 I'I]LLER I,1f;'/ER,LLF
Chief George Tamborelle
l*t A,ssistailt Chief Ddachell Stocker
!"d AsristEnt Chief Matthew Abbinanti
3d Assistant Chief - Vacant
n-ieuten*nt Joseph Lis i
n ieunentant Jeson Gle ghom
X, ieuten*nt $c ott Mafling
Lieutenant Daniel'lflnek
Aasirrrnt Rescue Director Himberly Eothi
Report of rhe Folice Chief - Chief Larxing preserrted his report, which is orr file. There
being nn que,$tidns on hs repon, Chief Lansrng asked the Board to approve the resolution
dhtributed which audrorizeJtlre introduction of a Home Rule to hofi the Senate and
Assemblyof NewYork$tarc allowing ftlficerJenyVrighttc beconre csvcred by384-d and
384-e of tlre NewYorlE Srate Retircrnent S)Etem, The original resolution authorieing the
Board to allow the New York $tate Legislarure to file papeiwarlt for this Srrocedure wes
p*ssed inJanuary?006.
Motion by Trustee f-ollyer
Seconded by Trushe Kapl*n
Morn to Pass Rnsolution d199
' nilfl'hernas, onJanuary 3/, ?006, the Eoand of Tnstee s possed Ree olution 6177
authorieing tlre pffipiretion *nd intnduction of legislation tlrat will permit Officer $fright to
ele cf to becorue coverrd by 3S4.d and 584-e of the Neq'York $tete Retirement $yttemi ,qfgp
assumed resoonsibilirrr fof rhe apunrximately $5,300 incrcase in ennu*l conftibutions for the
fiscal year etiding'tvtefth lL :oO7l AI'ID assumed responsibiliry for the immediete past
service cost of approximately $4300 due on Febru*ry 1, ?Q0I' arrd
lil/herear, Iegirlation has been introduced in the New York State_Legisla_tnrc es
,Home Rule 10331 aiio*ing Offfcer \flright to parhcipete iil the New Yorft State Retircment
Prog,rzm as t{re Yillage anl the FEA iniended, if ttoi for tlre e rrur made irr the Vilhge C,lerk's
N0\# THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOL1ED tlrat et it$ April 11' 2007
Board,of Tnrstees me eting, the Village of Ce;nrga Fleights Truste es authorizes the
introductian of $enete Home Rule l0Zl and Assembly Home Rule 10331thet will permit
Offie er lfright to elect to become covered by 38a-d and 384-e of the New York SHte
Retiremerrt $yshm.
Trustees Bisogni, f*llyer, Kaplen, end $taleyrrowd YE$
Report of rhe Fire Supe:interrdenr - Fire $upt, Tamhorelle presgnted his repon w{rich is.on file.
T[e slare of officers of thr Fire Departmentiwhich was elecied by the Fire Cornpany arrd presented
to the F.Lre fiouncil, was then prtserrted to the Bo*rd for ther approval,
Move to pass Resolution 6?00 appmving ttre ?006 Slate of Offfcen of the Cayug" Heights
Fire Departnent as follows:
Assistant Rescue Dircctor Lindsay Russell
Trustees Eisogni, C.nllyer, I{apl*n, end $taley votcd YES
Fire Supt, Tambarelle *rhed the Board to rpprcve the purchase of the new re$crle which wa,l
adveftised and the bid received on April 13, 2006.
Motion by Trurtee f-ollyer
$econded by Trurtee $tdey
l#hereas, the Firc Departrnent is in need of a nsw r€scue rehicle to rnplece the cuntnt
rEscue vehlcle,# 141, and
ttrfllrereaqr o4Januery 77|2016,the Eoatd approved tJre tlerk to advertise fora bid forE new
unused *1t{D sport Utiliry Vehicle, *nd
'*#herras, only ohs bid wu rrceived on the oflicial bid opcning date, although it wes not
rcceived by the 1t0D em hid closing time,
Thercfore, the Boerd of trustees authorlzes the CNnrkto furue a Purth*re Orderforone (l)
new ebOZ i:hevy Suburfren tlqTnnlT with le*therseab rpecified withintlre bid provided by
Bill Cooke Chevrutet-Cadillac and receirred on April $, 2006 at a pdce of $39,999.00, witlh tlre
frrndil to be *dvanced fi'om the generel fund belance to be repaid from payoutt from tlre
Hanselman Trtst
Trustces Birogni, Collyer,Itnplau, arrd $aleyvohd YES
The resolution ra purcha.re the cabineuyfor the fi.ew re$cue vehicle was #fened to the May rrreeting,
There was dircusEhn reeardins the Firc Department donation letter, Mapr Lpn sdd thet he was
scheduled ro neet r/ith;lre nd'fire Comp-anyPreeident,Jeff E+manski, urd the lener would be
The ltrforking Supervitorwes absent, and $upt. ftoss prcsented his rePof. Fury *.* t
brief discrsstn rtgnrdiag the earliercompla'int from IvIn. Ivlehzer regirdurg brush piclnrp'
There was elso discussiorl on the $trect slntem worlt being dane.
$upt, of Fublic S(torks - Supt. Cnrss prrsented copies of some mnp.1 that vrer-e prodqc*d hy
T,G, Miller pertinent io the water rcpbn th*t they a"tt cunentlyworking on, The technical
part of the projecr is completed, and*reir goal is to have the final rrepon readynext month.
fuearding the Phosplmrou Trearmeru Plant project, f,t pert of the Engineering repoft by
Ste"arns #d rt{heler, cloth filter medie wu rec-ommende.i, lhe pilot studyhas been 5u tmffiFuai/
completed and n recommendation has been made to proceed, A report has been produced
bySiearns end Srlreler an the pilol strdywhich needt to be accepted bythe Board. Once
rhe Board accepts fu, rhere srillbe e recornmendarion to proceed u'idr aubmittal to the DEg
After these npptounL, it will go to $teemr and Siltreler fir final design. The Board needs to
$er up a dateio complete Fatt 2 of the $EQR long fornr. Supt. C,rois Euggests that this be
f,rfiir p1E rgE, E4rt5Fr,'l I,IILLER I.IFTER,LLF F.5
completed prior to the 1\{eyBoud meeting by schsduling a working sessiorl It was 4ecided
to hold thiJsession on IvIayS at 5100 pm at the Village lTnll. Th€ actual approval will be
*cheduled for the }4ay 15 Boud meeting.
A fee proposil by$teams end lil[heler on the Phosphoror.rs Project will be readyfor the May
Board fieeting.
fupon of the Trearr.uer - Repon wus distributed and ir on file.
The Trcasurer asLed fur a Resolution to aFprovc rhe trarufem listed on hu report.
Motion by Trurtee Eisogni
$ecorrded by Trustee C-ollyer
Mor+ to npF$orE Resolution ]Lrtlr{ *ppnoving the umnsfen and appropriations lirted
Trustees Eisogni, frlly.t, Kaplafl, and Suleyvoted ffi,S
iHotion by Trustee Ifuplan
Seconded 6y Trustee Bisogni
Mqve to *pprorrc Resolution rixxx eppruving the Abstract of Vouchert dated 4/ 17/06
in tnre e,mount of $70,566.41with the conrctions described below and instruct that
the Trusurcr make papuenk thereon. Conr.ctiou: ndd AllMode Communications
voucher for $293,70,
Tnrstees Eisogni f,ollyer, Hapl*n, and Staleyvotfd YEg
Each year the Village is required bylaw to file with the State C,onwtrller a constinrtional mx limit
analpis, This has been done. \fle arc cunently et 39Yo of du limit that the Village can tax the
:,i. Itr5 ItrE N4:Z=PI| I,IILLEE I,lflYEE,LLF
Seconded by Trustee Collyer
Move to fatify the prcvious approval passed at tlrc Marth Eoand of frustess meeting
with rcspect td fte gr,rontee of funds(which might be arguabl{substa,ntivedfilt t{d/uJ
Tnrstees Bisogni, Collyer, Kaplan, and SAley voted YES
Supt. Cross reported that last week there wes an arbitration hearing orr the D.F.V
terminated emplope, Final briefs are ta be submitted irrthe next 30 dap. We pdilknowby
the June meering on the dete:rnina,tion made bythu Judge, fi'#u";It
Repon of the flerk .- flerk Ivlarrning spoke on beh# of the Space Comrniuee regarding the
QFK presentation. AfinalJport will be submitted ar the Nfaymeeting. The flerirurged
the Board to ask questions flfthe department heads on specifrcs of their needs, The flerk
reminded the Board that there waf still a previnus phn presented byThomas $hiclsel la$t
1ear, which is sdll up for discrrssion.
The lvlayor uked the Clerl*ro bring thi.$ Space Cornmittee to closure and turn ttre project
ever tc, *re Tnutees at the }vlayBoand meedng. The ivlayrr wiil then form a comminee of
the Tnstees to further investig*te the options"
MotionbyTrusHe Callyer
Seconded by Truutee Bisogni
r SfGttFrc-
l?Iove to enter Executive Sersion fi9147 FM to discuss personnel and salary
c ompe ns atiofl ilurtt€ rt.
Reporr of the Auorrrey- Last momh the Village authorieed t##ffi the l*wsuir against
the Cr:untyregarding rvater rates. The lawsuit has begun. Sflaker Relihan is the presiding
judge. Arguments ffiHr5 at 9:30.
l,ilH:T-b#.ilffi #bH'*trJlr"#ff-;t'5#ffi l##.t-'h.W-ffit,.0.
starrdirrg behind itl \Iflhat wnuld happen if the plaindffs,couldn't collect fiamBoiton Point
ior orle*reason or another? Elaarutdifte ,m"nicipalitierltiitr. responsible^Moneyis being setasidekttreBohonFoifl$/crowforthis*ur*'r. \ "5o f,rdf b*rt/{:vt rrp'r::' ,; l'i /t;Lrt-lro;1; *Af *f
rir:rar,+,rvrlgtl r{ iliv,pt MotiorrbvTrusreeltupl*n H[r{ffi",f.,T;;nirr"*u*"
$F 'f-tfir GA#ul' Etrf f14)i
( scvrurui"1
Tru$tees Bisognin f-ollyer, Kaplrn, and Staleywted tT,S
r" t:15 'EE E4:E5Pl"l I"IILLEE l{f;yEH,LLF F.7
:$ jFrltFrlr!r$ tFrllf rF!Frl;F+l!gFlFtFrl:trlef !!rFFFIFlt:sll tF jF
Motion by Tnrstee Collyer
Beconded by Tnrstee Ffuogni
Movn to come out of Executirry Session rt 9:5S PM'
Trustees Bisogrri, f,ollyer, Hrplen, and $taleyruted YES
:FrFrl!t:t;$ltrFrFrFrFrl!#i,!rF+!Frl!':ttirf tFrF rlrFtl*;Frh
The following Resolutions were passed pertinent to the ?007 BudgeL
hdotion by Trurtec Collyer
$econded by Trurtee $uley
VOTED to prss Rrsolution xxxx setting Trx Levies for 3007 Fise*l Year as follows:
VOTED that the *mount of $1"9t5,4S3.00 be levied upon the tnxahle rtd pmperty of the
Vrll+ge for the 2007 Fiscal Ye*r *s rcal pruperty texes *nd to euthottze the Cle r{r to extend
arid deny out upotr the rssessment noll this arflourit to be charged proportionrtely against
each parcel of real pfloperty shown therrort, eccording to t$e totel levy of $1,915,483,00
AIso VCffED to establish rilEt for the 2006 Fiscal Year as follows:
Real Fruperty T*x $ 5.S4lM
Truste+s Bis o gui, Collyer, I{aplan, and Staley votFd 1fB S
lvtrotion by Trurue Cullpt
$econded by Tnrtee Eisogni
V0TED to pesr Resolution ttrxx:
Adopt Local Law # 1, 1006 ' Erublish Sewer Hshs of $ll3.O01inside unlt and
$183,0$/outtide unit beginning 3007 Fincal Year.
Trurteer Antil, Collyer, McNeil, Staleyi and Tawlll wted liE$
_ilIotionbyTrusue Ifaplan . ?ntt,c;d/Seconded byTrustee Collyer J ''*,*tn"-
Voted to prss tusolution xxxx for the il-ffr;fi# surch*rye for FY 3007 h b#::Aabove
Trustees Bisogni, Collyero Kepl*n, and $u.ley vsted YES
'p' E15 'tIE ra4:E6pl"l 1'IILLER I,IRTER,LLF
Norme R Maruring
Madon by Trustee Heplan
Seconded by Ttustee Collynr
VOTED to Frss Rssolution xxxx adopting the Eudget and rppende d Solary end lflage
$chedule fot Fiscal Year 2002 as adiused.
Trusteer Birognio f;olly.t, I{*plan, and St*ley voted YE$,
Motioa by Tnrstee Collpr
Seconde d by Trustec St*ley
Move to rdiourn the meeting at 10108 PM.
Tnretees Bisognl, Collpr, I{apla,nn and Steley?oted 183,