HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Journal - Employee. Enfield is violating disability act laws.PDFE*ployee: Enfieldis violating disability actlaws Board witl allow bookt<eeper to work from home By IIARISE JEAI'|-BAPT|STE Jownl Staff ENFIELD - Every time the Enfield Town Boaril holds ameeting in the Enfield Community Building, the law is broken, according to town book- keeper Pat Podufilski. Pbdufalski, who uses a wheel- chair and works from her home, filed a complaint with the NewYork State Human Rishts Division against the t6wn because town buildings don,t comply with the Ameridans with Disabilities Act. Podufalski filed the complaint after Toun Board members requested that she work at town offices. At ils Wednesdav nisht meet- ing, the Town Boar<i uninimouslv adopted a resolution.that allows Podufakki to work at home. "I think it's the only thing they could do under tlie cirlum- stances," Podufa.lski said. The resolution not onlv follows the complaint, but also the board's receipt of a letter from Podufalski's dttomey. Podufalski said the letter requeited the town attorney contait her attorney regarding the ADA non-compli- ance rssue. unsafe at her home. SIie wort<s TT -1 pqsgword-protecrcd lap_top and said all data entered forine town is stored on disk. Alltown,records are stored at th0Efiretd Ibwn Hall, she said. ^. t !._. Amerjcans with to work from town offices out ofconcern that town records were *H'=":,H"rE;t-,sr) r.u prov^roe reasonable a6m_ mo.oauon for employecs with dis_ ll^{Lt'"1 T|"r may ir"ludc jobrestructurrng, a part_tihe employment or modfied work scnedule. , Podufalski has been the town ^lo:g:9p"r IoI 22 y ears. rn 1.99 6,sne- reslgned for a brief periodamer lhe presiding Town'Boardaoopted - a resolutjon that req_utred"the town bookkeeper to yoTK^ . lr.om rown oifices.rodutalski said she tried to workrrom.the town offices, but ulti_mately considered the taskunreasonable. . "It's myhope that we can rem_edy q,he situation within this com_fliig ul*.rl,ur our. buildings g"cotrp ADA compliant," saidrown supenlsor Jean Owens. ^ Uwexs said a FacilitiesLommtttee has been formed tog::":. ?i,,lcrns town buildingsmro compliance. Code enford_ment o$cer Ron Clark said thetom^w-rll. likely have to construct new raciltles. About 30 people attended See iltFtilD zA The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits dis_crimination against peoole vyith disabitities. The ADA . oars employment discrimi_ nation in the public and pn_ vate.sector and in state and rocat government, Employers are required to provide ,,rea_ sonable accommodation.', yn1g.f maV inctude makins facilities used by emptoye"es Behind the ADA accessible and usabie bv individuals with disabilities.