HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Cingular Wireless Collocation 186 1.5 Pleasant Grove Rd.PDFWilliam p Johnson
pO Box 48
Scotfsviile Ny 14546
Febnrary ZAr20M
836 Hansharv Road
Ilhaca NY 14850-1548
RE:ll9por"9 Cingutar Wiretess Coilocarion (S_06_045E Site)186 % Pleasant Grove Road, CayugaHeights
Dear Mayor Lynn and Members of the Board,
This report summarizes revievv of materials submitted by representatives ofcingular wireless for a proposed collocatron of antennas at 100, and ground equipmentfor both an 850 uuz ani rgoo nnrr wreless teleco**i.utions base station. Thepurpose of-this report is to advise the village
"f c"yrg;H"tghts Board of Trusteesregarding the radio-frequency (*.) aspects of the proposed project.
three primaqy concems with collocation facililies are that (1) rurjustified useor space on an existins towel that may preclude use by *ott ., carrier, (2) thevisuarimpact will increase dle to the mountirig of additioni antenna arrays on the existingtorver, and (3) the additional ground-eqriipment at the base of the tower will impactneighbor proper{y' Regardin! use of the.tower space, cingular,s exisfing coverage in thecenter of the village of cuyysuH"istrts is currently 't r-ri*r'level thereby making ..in-building" tou"tugJ unretiiutJ tn ai'oitlorr, cingular claims that the existing cells are inneed of capacity reliefto reduce blocked ruilr, 6oa ;"r* and capacity justifv
'se ofthe proposed 100' collocation position on the verizon to*.r"*o the proposed collocafionsite will favorably address
"uttt "otr*. Regarding tt
" irrcreased visual impacl the onlyaltemative to cingular's proposed roito"uti* will require construction of a neiv tower infhe surrounding area- A new tower wo,Id require ,"*p"r"ur" ground equipment.
cingular wireless has demonshut:d need for their proposed base station and haveshown that their proposed collocation ui trr* too' position on the verizon tower is areasonable approach' cingular has shown thal ttre p.op*rJ rollocation site *,ill providesignifi cant improvemenr ph" .ou!*g" rr"* th. ;#;i ;. ;J vruage. In addirion toco\i erage improvement, fhe proposeo Jte witt oflload ,uurfriur, fiaffic from neighborcells' The improved RF coverag" *i Jio* cing,Iar wireless subscribers to place andreceive calls and data rransactions more reliabiyinsie, ;;;;;f flre area,s buildings. Theoff-loading of traffic will increas" trrr n.r*ur. orcingur*luurcribers in the general areathat will be able to place and receive laff s simuf taneously.
Thank you for the -opporrrinity to serve the village of cayuga Fieights. If there
-T#il:fftons or if additionar items require revieu,uid .o*rrrrnt, prease feer free ro
William P Johnson, Consultant
cc. James Woodward, FMHC Corp.
Interim Space Committee Report Febr-uary 21,2006
Mike o'Shea and caflre Hanson of epl( Design met with Brent, George and me on
Thursday to teview the space needs of the Administranon. We spent an hour or so goingover the diffetent department's requirements using the spreadsheet we used with TomSchickel' \We then went ovet to the Fire Station'oih.r" i"org. took us on a tour, as Ca4iehad not yet been through the station.
The space requirements of the poJice department will soon be discussed wtth I{en.
Mike plans on having acompleted report to us by March B, and the Committee is planningto have him present apran to the Board on March 20 at ourMarch Meeting.