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Treasurer's Report 10.19.2009.PDF
pitrIxry fi 6.agugafili,g\tx MARCHAM I-{ALL 836 HANSI.]AW ROAD ITHACA, N.Y 14850 Octobell9, 2009 TREASURER'S REPORT 1' Abstract for this meeting is below. Financiai reports for June and July have been distributed 2. Employee handbook addition (RESOLUTION REeUIRED); llr,i,irl).L. t ,-/Lt&)? -, J il,APrI " alis' .r Att' lr'fYt- $ The Village of Cayuga Heights supports participation in Military Reserve and National Guard activities. rnaccordance with the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA) andapplicable New York laws' employees attending mandaiory training or other duty are eligible for leave wlthout pay,or may use vacation or personal leave. Employees should provide a copy of orders or other documentatjon totheir supervisor as soon as possible when leave will be required. Employees called to active duty may be eligiblefor other payments and/or benefits, which are provrd-etr jn*accomance.toJarars jn eJJect at timaof-de_plovmenr 3. Transfers._lBesOlUftoN REeU|RED). l')tr'r^-+'' |tL4tn{-t foru 4't11'"''!'^s * 4lZ-{ 7,'."-{l@!y* dt' oMFrom: - T"j *a,n r-,i :A*i.t.^; a^** -- -' -l 'I 40.51 10.410 STREET: contr Exp A0.s1 10.490 STREET Equip Maint 20.0040.5142.200 SNOW: Equip A0.5142.410 SNOW: Contr Exp SS0.0040.8160.150 REFUSE: pers serv-or 40.8160.100 REFUSE: pers serv 760.00An 6/^^ ^^^4U.816U.200 REFUSE: Equip 40.8160.410 REFUSE: Contr Exp 22O.OO401990.400 Generar contingency A0.1 410.100 CLERK: pers serv 1,890.00401990.400 Generar contingency A0.1 620.410 vrl HALL: contr Exp 60.00401990.400 Generar contingency A0.1 620.440 VtL HALL: Utirities 40.00401990.400 Generat contingency A0..1 620.4s0 BU|LDINGS: 825 Hanshaw 40.00401990.400 General contingency A0.3120.120 pollcE: pers-Non sworn 70.00A01 990 400 Generar contingency 40.341 0.1 00 F|RE: pers Serv I 70.00A01990.400 Generat contingency STREETADMtN: pers Serv 2,160.00401990.400 Generat contingency 40.5.1 j 0.100 STREET: pers serv B 890.00A ' A A A f, A ^4UJ41u.410 F|RE: contr Exp 40.3410.430 F|RE: Insurance 12,830.00403410.410 FIRE: Contr Exp 40.3410.480 F|RE: Station Maintenance 270.00403410.460 FIRE: Rescue Squad A03410.410 F|RE: contr Exp 1,870.00403410.460 FIRE: Rescue Squad A03410.200 F|RE: capitar Eqpt i30.00F0.9030.800 EMP BEN: FrcA F0.9010.800 EMp BEN: Retirement 620.00F0.9030.800 EMP BEN: FtcA F0.9060.810 EMp BEN: Health/VCH Fundeo 30.00G0.B130.410 wwr pLANT: contr Exp c0.8130.490 wwr pLANT: Equip Mainl - 10.00 '*4 f\,N'- V{ .-,+J ' ^w'5 ir,.,L'4u --\ {.,.W"\J v--- fr''f, Telephone 607-257-1238 Fax 647-257-4910 Office Hours 9 A,IV .4 PM. +*Ff ry $r:(\n Orv^,h** /Y)th ^^.9tlr,t'\): '7 f$ *$4,w$ S-001 Millcr Maycr" LLP S-(X)2 Citibank S-(X)3 Staplcs S-004 Staplcs Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey Silber T-^^,..,-^-| | cd>ut ul Lcqal Scrviccs (lal Wash, I'aint (StlLrcal<y ('lcan/l,otvcs) Printcr Cartridgcs Alcohol I)acis A,0l420.410 Attorncy Corrtr lix1r A0341 0.41 0 Fiic (,-ontr Iixp 403410.410 Irrrc (iontr lixlr A03 I 20.41 0 Policc Corrtr flxp 4,908,75 E7.15 268.96 5.29