HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage Greenhouse Memorial.PDFrr o rn lot7a rn rnz :Eoca rn t< lrn on Fr- ,-+ I-r -l- -o@aooo=eqco EEt*(o= a$niooa@ F6-q6 FO-v, rtE':J 1\)OO(o = 6- J(o 3o 3o -I o..+r rn orJO-/ ,^.6 =\/ - o 4=E #q ao--- ^lER JD go) =ld3xJN XEE6---:: SeqH sqso.o OgtP b-E;F P g,b =cls=$gq.b a$-< =3dO '-.r r\?3SqO Oqs \\.1_q @ N >. 9 U} :r r) u l-{ F()z l-{ q,)*)v)u .'1 (J d. Li e >.o) I o\ N N <(a I t)rr7+\J(aFI4a bo(,) L 7 AH(Jrl F{ c+rA ,9\+( . rrlIF-( (J dt-({.) bodF.F{ *J) l-fAFl-a AJFlqJ tlv snsspq FaFsE ctrsa€it $$3i;g g!ii?[ E Eg b'-€ 9- tE*iE*i fi#EIi *regsa€ EtE;EiE,€EEgiigEgEEiE,igEiEiiiii3i,i gEFE:fEt iitiEgllgiliEi;latatt?t€giggiliiaitt eli:i€lsg!$gig![ii€igg}ggg6gg''gi$!s$g =cs; Eaii Ellen wiegandt fiNovember B, 1946 - February s, 2CI09) Hllen Wiegandt grew arp in Cayuga Ftreights, in a home huilt by taer father, i"{erbert Wiega.ndt (with the help of his Cornell graduate students) oir F{anrptein Road. She attende<tr Cayr-lga f{eights Sc}aool, where she enjeryed outdoor reoesses in all seasons. She participated in the Cay'lga F{eights Girl Scouts troop, tbr which her mother, "[ane Wieganclt, hosted the troop-,s meetinLgs- Hllen also aftendecl Barymton "Iunior F{igh Schooi an<i lthaca l{igh Sctiool, graduating in June 1964- She appreciated the open-rnindedness eurd educational oppJr"tunities that are s6 rnush a part of tlte lthaca schootrs" She loved the natural beauty of Cayuga F{eights and tire sunounding F'inger Lakes tr{egion. Ellen spent fi1any afternoons trelping iaer parents garden. With hei brothen and raeighbors, she had fun chasing butterflies anc1, on suffIrner evenings, oatching lightnigg bugs. Sheheld f,ond mernories of her walks down Ktrir"re R.oad to the new high school, and hudging back up ihe hill in the afternoons with her friends. Always there was a stop along the way at Sunset Park, to enjoy the view of the vatrley and the trake in all its nroods &nd seasons. Eilen graduated from Vassar Coilege in Xg68, with a BA in.z\ntlropology. She earned her }lhl) in An.ilhropology &t ttrxe {Jniversity of Michigan. F{er t}aesis reported. on her study of,t}ee peasantry of,the Valaisan Atrps of Switzerland, where she felt at horne because of its sirnilarities to lthaca's hiils. While irr Ann Al"bor, Ellere rnet and felt in lovo with Urs Luterbacher, whom she marriedin 1971' Stre moved with him to his native Switzerland, where she becarne his collaborator andfellow-instructor in the Politicat Science unit clf the Graeluate Institute in Geneva. Ftrer courses on environrneeltal subjects such as the hurnan dimensions of climate change were popular among students, not only because of the vital subject matter, but also because of the clarity and practical applications she brought to her teaching. Fler research on den"rograpily, looai poiitios, and environmentai issues h.as been pu'otrishecl widely. Despite her busy schecltlle, Ellen always had tirne f,or krer students and coileagues" She reaci widely, thought clearly, listened attentively and argued passionately. .dlthough her officewas srnall, it always seeneed warrrl ancl inviting" ][Jrs ancl Hllen raised two sons, Jeremy and Samuel, and passed along to them theirthoughtful intelligence, curiosity ara<tr positive outl*ol<. Jererny is cwrera{ly working toward ar.lengineering PhD at cornell, where his grandtather ta*ght. -lhere was no better f,riend ttran Eltren. She was supportive, gerlercluse innovative, cheerful, tr*stwodhy, thoughtful, and harJ an infectious love of life. Name: Professional address: Personal address: Ilirth date: 4-41 22 733 30 49 wiegandt@hei.turige. ch Personal llata Ellen WIITIGANDT i 1 A, avenue de ia Paix 1202 Geneva SWITZERLAND IYt '"; 1)::'::'1u ":':-':: Telephone: +41 22 908 59 40 ; {\' :;} iiax: E-mail: 24, ohernin du Molard 1266 Duillier SWITZ.ERT,AND Telephone: :'t *47 2236171 47 Novenrber 8,1946 Bilingual English and French Gennan: written and oral comprehension f,anguages: EIIen Wiegandt 2003- I 999-present I 996- present 1994-1996 l99l- present r990-t991 1987-1990 I 985- I 990 l98l-1986 Professionatr positions c)hargee d'enseignement, Graduate Instifute of Inteinati o'ar studies Alps, Environment a'd society Frogram, institnt universitaire KuftI3osch, Sion Research Fellow and coordi,ator, Intematio*ai Envir oninentalstudies u'it, Graduate Institute of Intematio'ai studies, ceneva S cienti fi c I)irector, Fluma' f)irne'si ons of Gl obal Errvironr'e'tar Cha:rge Programme (HDp) Research Fellow, Institute riniversitaire de hautes etudes internationales, Geneva visiting scientist, I'stitute for sociai Research a'd nepartment ofAtinospheric' oceanic, and space sciences, University of Michigan Research Associate, Ddparteme't dliistoire dconomique, rJriiversityof Geneva Scientifi c Coordinator, Center-periphery Workshop S eries andmember of the ESF prograrnrne, Governments and No'_DominantEthnic Groups, European Science Foundation Institr.it de sociologie, University of }3eme Ciref de travaux, l9g5-i9g6 Assistant, lgBl-19g5 Invited instructor, Institut d'ethnorogie, lJniversify of Ne*ch6te]. fe-s.earch Associate, Graduate Group in Dernograplry, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley Research Feilow, Fonds nationar suisse <ie la recherche scie'tifioue Assistant, Deparlrnent of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Inter*, Divi sio' of Ethnology, srnitrr so'ia' Instituti on, washington,D.C. I eB4- 1 985 i980-198I 1977-1981 1970 Surnrner 1967 Ellen Wiegandt Education lg77 Ph.D., Anthropology, Universify of Michigan' USA l)r.>ctoral Thesis: commu.nalisnz ancl(:nnf/.ict in the swisr^ Alps lg70 M.A.. Anthropology, lJniversity of Miohigan' USA 1968-1969 F)oole pratique des hautes 6tudes, Paris, France 1968 A.B' Magna cum Laude, Phi Reta Kappa, Vassar College' USA Academic distinctioras: 2003 1976 1968 l'ellowships: 197 5 T97 I 1970-1973 1968-1969 Moppert Prize for Sustainable Developrnent Co-wimrer, Student Paper Cornpetition, Atnericatr Society for Ethnohistory Phi Beta i(appa Florace Rackharn l)issertation Grant" Universiqy of Michigan Center for Western European Studies, University of Michigan, sulrimer grant National Science Foundation G'aduate Traineesliip Maguire Fellowship, Vassar College 1968-1969 2005 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2001 t999 1999 1997 I QQ" i995 Ellen Wiegandt Fub!icafions Mounfains: Sources of Water, Sources of Knowledge, Ellen Wiegandt, ec1, Kluwer Academi c Press, fbr:hcorning. Frotn Prinoiples to Action: Incentives to Enforce Cornmon property water Managernent, In Ellen wiegandt, ed., Mountains: Sources of water, Sources of Knowledge, Elien wiegandt, ed. Kluwer Acadernic press, fbrthcorning Losing Ground: Challenges to Mountains Agriculture in Switzedand, {lulture ancl Agricultur e, 26, 1 -2: 50-63. Sustainable Water Use, Properlu Rights and Transbounclary Conflicts", (with Urs Luterbachet, ASMZ 169(11): 9-12. Water Control and Properly Rights, (with Urs Luterbacher) in Martin Beniston, ed. climatic change: Implications for the tr{ydrot<lgical cyctre and f,or water M anagement, Amsterdam : Kluwer Acadernic publishers. pp.37 9-409 C'iimate Change. Equity, and Internationzrl Negotiations, In Urs Luterbacher ap6 Detlef sprinz, eds. rnternational llelations and Global clirnate change, Carnbridge, MA: MiT Press, pp 127-150 Un cadre instittitionnel pour habiter la rnontagne: le r6le des d.roits de propd6td darrs ia gestion de ressources en Valais, Globeo t. l4l:73-gg. Regional Impacts of Environmental and Global Change: Water Use in the Valais, Geographica helvetic a, 54,3: 158- 163. l,'eau dans ie valais de I'avenir, Actes du coiloque" [,e r6le de lreau dans Ie d6veloppement socio-6conomique du valais, Institut Ki-*t Bosch. Ecosystein Modeling (with Urs Luterbacher)" in Jolin Schellnhuber, ecl., Earth system Analysis: Integrated science for sustainability, springer verlag. The westem Alps: Influences ofthe state on Mountain culture in France and switzerland, in B. Messerli et J.D. Ives, eds., Mountains of the world: A GIotraIFriorify, New York, London: The parthenon publishing Group, pp.29-3A. Social Diinensions of Resource lJse: The Freshwater Case, Research Note (with Urs Luterbacher) Revue suisse de science polifique/ Swiss Political Science Review" l. 4. Introduction (with Flowell and von pistohlkors), In David l-iowell, Geft vonFistohlkors, and Ellen wiegandt, ecrs., R.oots of lLural Efhnic Mobilisation in Ilurope c. 1850-1940, Gowor press. I 993 Ellen Wiegandt R.esearch Projects 200 i -2003 Le rapport ir Ia frontilre et Ia construction d'espaces transfrontatriers, DAT'AR (F'rance), in coilaboratioir with the Institut de g6ographie alpine, Universitd de Cnenoble 2000-2004 Water Use, Property Rights, and Transboundary Conflicts in Central Asia, Swiss National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator 1996-1997 The Water Resources Morleting Project, supported by the Potsdani Institute fbr Clirnate Impaot Research (PiK), undertaken in collaboration with PIK and the Graduate Institute of Intemational Studies tggl-lgg3 Modeling the Lirekages hetween Clirnate and Sociefy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Consoftiurn fbr Internationai Earth Scienoe information Network (CIESIN), Co- Principal Ilvestigator (with Professor Urs Luterbacher, Graduate Institute of International Studies) 1gB7-lgg0 Le.Iura de 1750 ir 1850: Etude 6conomique et sociatre tl'une r6gion p6riph6rique, Swiss National Science Foundation. Principal researcher (with Professor Franklin Mendels, University of Geneva, Principal Investigator) 1985-1986 L'dvolution de tra paysannerie i !'int6rieur des nations et sa relation avec la transformation du centre: 6tude thdorique, Swiss National Science Foundation. Principal researcher 1977-198i .Analyse cornparative et ernpirique du processus de d6veloppernent au niveau local, Swiss National Science Foundation. Prirrcipal hrvestigator