HomeMy WebLinkAbout105 Berkshire Road Application.pdfZBA AnqEsation Tes $l@
Check All That Applv:
-*+r* Variance
_ Use Yariance
_ Interpretation Request
Property address: ilA
Zoning Ofiicer's determination:
Reason{s) that the requested variance or
" See attached page for the criteria that the
Please attaeh any additional i
$uch as a nanative, surrey map, photoi
Phone number(s):
Email address:
Vi[agq of Cayuga Heights
Znnn$Board ofAppeals
Application Form
Cash or Check
Zoning Distrist
Taxparcel:2-8-a t
should be granted:
must use. ' Use.additional sheets ifnecessary,
jh{ witl help the BAtoevaluare your appeat,
building phns, etc.
By fiIing this appticationn you grant for Village of Cayuga Heights ZBAMembers and Village Staffto enteryou property for inspecfions re}nted to your appeal.
Darc: [o 'a3 : 15
r) IKtul-tLY\.\dur^r r,ta_il . cOrn
shall have a minimum frontage of seventy-frlre feeion u p"fri" skeet.
The reason for this request is to subdivide
Applicant: Katherine M. Durrant
105 Berkshire Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Parcel ID 2-8-2.1; 1.2-acre lot with
parcel into two parcels to create a building lot for sa1e,
me so as to include only the driveway, as detailed in the
nity, which, indeed, I have found within the Villase.
large lot, but unfortunately and unexpectedly, mylusband
June 27,2015
1864 sq] ft. house.
To the Cayuga Heights Ny Zoning Board of Appeals,
I have been the owner of the property situatdd at 105 Berkshire Rd. since April2lr2.The property is 324
;"tiil;l'-i":li;Jip;.r'r4 acres or 4s,6fs.4ft. ,q.; the house und garagf rootprint u,"i,8a4r,. .q.
Please consider my request to the zoningboard of appeals for the use of land in a manner which is notallowed by the dimensional or physical ieuuleme*ty
"r9.- lnolicable zoning regulations. specifically, I
ifi,1"tr",:t:i:,i,::1t:" 1".-Y11t"Fe
of cavula Heights Articles Section 7. b.iwhlch dictates that each lot
all relevant dimensions of the proposed subdivision.
ln2012,I sold my 13O-acre historic farm moved my family to Ca;rugaHeights because I wanted tohave neighbors and more of a sense of
which will reduce the road frontage for my
attached map. Please see the attached maps
lnitially, I had no intention of subdividing
left the family and moved to Michiean la-st
children, especially my youngest daughter, v
retum to Ithaca for graduate school at Cornel
Our house sits at the end of a long driveway,
the far side and behind the house, not visible
at all. I think it would make a lovely spot for
r, significantly altering our financial situation. My four
o is currently in high school, and my oldest, who wishes to
, have quickly grown attached to ouihouse and community.
far back from the road. Our usable lawn space is all on
iom the road. We do not use the wooded land by the road
house, without damaging the beloved park_likiatmosphere of the village. At present, my feels isolated and I would welcome some new neighbors.
Y,il"flr"ir?,1":'"iid^i3:y^",t,ll,ll n::'* tl the villagerhat sit on less than half that, in many casessubstantially less' For example, I believe the {hair of the ,8"*g board of appeals h#;;i#?#,:3""only approximately 1/3 of an acre. In my neilhborhood, tlr.." ur. several h&ses on lots of less than 0.5acre' Regarding the minimum road froniage,ln North drn..t there are three houses sharing adnvewaylun-rnaintained road, and others in the village sit on flag lots. Landlocked homes sit onuvlrvD orL ull
:jl?:r^rfllff_ ii1,"1."*:?g' rhese F-:: 9o nJt appear to derract from the atmosphere of theVillage' The house that would be most affect{d by addini a new house on the front part of our lot wouldbe mine, as the new house would be cleariy r{.n iro* orri Jrirr.rvuy; but, I don,t think that would be aproblem. Our privacy is already much more i by the proximity of 2ll Berkshire Rd., which sits
nT:::J","111T:,Tith a driveway that 1u..", rignt outsid" *y kit"h"n window. Looking fromBerkshire Rd', the neighborhood would not stem cro.,{a.o "r *v house is set backlo #rhTi t', #-t,visible to passers by' Because I propose strari{s the driveway uia aneasement, "" ;;;.b .;;;;ift.necessary.
the fi ntin
1. Does the request create an undesirable nge in the character of the neighborhood or to the nearbv
No' It appears that the requested variance would not be significantly different from other lots inthe neighborhood (especially on North sunslq that share right-of-ways and have little or no roadfrontage.
2. could the variance request be achieved bj other means?
Possibly, but alternative options for dubdividing the parcel would require more than one variance.
3. Is the request substantial?
4. will this request have an adverse physical or environmental effect?
5. Was the request self-created?
Yes, I)urrant is choosing to divide th$ oronerty, though, out of unexpected financial necessitv.