HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA Training Session 4-23-2012 draft minutes.pdfZBA Training Session 4-23-2012 draft minutes - 1 - Minutes for the Village of Cayuga Heights Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting April 23, 2012 DRAFT MINUTES Present: ZBA Members J. Young, K. Sigel, R. Parker, A. Watkins, and A. Shull Trustees Mayor Supron, D. Riesman, and B. Szekely Planning Board Member F. Cowett Code Enforcement Officer B. Cross, Police Chief Steinmetz, Attorney R. Marcus, and VCH Deputy Clerk A. Podufalski Members of the public: M. Mindlin 1. Meeting called to order Meeting called to order by Chair J. Young at 11:10 am. Chair J. Young started the meeting by reading the following statement: The purpose of today's ZBA meeting is training - we won't be hearing any appeals or responding to questions from the public, as this is an appellate body, and isn't involved in debating or deciding policy questions. Any questions or comments that might come out of today's meeting should be directed to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting. Our board is faced with a large number of appeals related to fences, and in many cases, deer fences, which need to be decided over the next few months. Some involve solid fences and some partially open fences, both on front, side and rear lot lines. In our deliberations, we weigh the benefit to the applicant from each proposal against any detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood and community, and we consider the facts of each case individually. Typically we face both factual and legal questions in these appeals, and can only reach the best decision possible when every member of the board shares a common understanding of both the facts and legal principals involved. Hence our desire to have this training session before dealing with the large number of pending and anticipated appeals. Today we will start by asking Dr. Paul Curtis, an Associate Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at Cornell University, to give us an overview of how deer and fences interact in a community such as ours, with a particular emphasis on the issues related to front yard deer fence setbacks and how these might impact pedestrian and traffic safety. We're also going to focus on possible ways to mitigate these impacts while still allowing set-backs to be reduced. This is not a public forum on deer. This is not a public forum on fences. This isn't a public forum on anything - it's a training session for the ZBA itself which happens to be open to the public. We'd like to keep the session short and well focused, and once we've heard from Dr. Curtis and the ZBA members present have all had a chance to ask him any questions they may have, we'll be closing the meeting to the public and continuing with a short attorney-client session involving our attorney, Randy Marcus. The private portion of our meeting will be spent primarily discussing questions about ZBA law and procedures that our members may have, some of which may also involve fencing issues. This will be a private ZBA Training Session 4-23-2012 draft minutes - 2 - session, however, as we may be discussing specific cases that have come before us, and hypothetical appeals that may in the future be brought to our board, and these topics fall within an area where I feel that confidentiality and discretion is important. That all being said, let me open the public portion of our meeting by asking Dr. Paul Curtis to help us understand the way deer behavior can be influenced by deer fencing in an environment such as ours. Attorney R. Marcus confirmed this training session will count towards the Board member’s training requirement. 2. Discussion with Dr. Paul Curtis Dr. Paul Curtis discussed with the Board and the public how deer fencing in the Village could affect deer behavior as well as safety issues that could be caused by non-compliant fencing. 3. Motion to enter into private attorney/client session at 12:06 pm with no motions to be made after the private session. Motion: A. Shull Second: R. Parker PRIVATE ATTORNEY/CLIENT SESSION RESOLVE, the Board exited into a private attorney/client session to discuss ZBA law and procedures. Aye votes –R. Parker, A. Shull, A. Watkins and J. Young. Opposed- K. Sigel 4. Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 1:07pm