HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Action of the ZBA, January 1974.pdfT"Sg3$1":*H-*oH'*"" , ,/:.i/i.if i " ! -,. '"" ':""'::- i'"*1,^-^ ../-iL' 5 ^J lthaca, Ner,r York ll+B5o '-'..{( t i ../" " ;iftru i.; !Li/4 NOTICE OF ACTION OF THE ZONING BOAND OF APPEALS TO WHOM ]T MAY CONCERN: A Public Hearing was duly advertised. and. held- at B:OO P.M. on Mond.ay, January l4, l.97)+ at the Village Ha11, 836 Hansrraw Road, Ithaea, Ner,r Yor:k to consid.er the request from Lt. Col.,Daniel- Marvin, USA, Re'b'd-. for a zoning variance to Artlcle IX, Section 2, regard.ing a change in use from resid-entialto comrnereial for property at 1001 Hanshaw Road., Ithaea, New York. REFERENCE: Cayrga Heights V111age Tax Map No. 1O-l-1. PRESEM: l4r. & I4rs. Michael Mignano, Realtor A. Ann Warren, Lt. Col. Daniel Marvin, Dr, H. J. Peter Patrick, Attorney R. W111i-amson, Mr. V. Fogg, Zoni.ng Board. of Appeals members Mrs. Ann Mclaughlin, and Messrs. CarJ- Norberg, Ron And.erson, George Gillespie. The Board- heard. no objection to granting the variance. ACTION After hearing the presentation of eviclerrce and. reasons sut'mitted-, this Board makes the following find.ings: I. The property at l-OO1 Hanshalr Road- was the former Krebs property and. at one time the Village offered. the orrners the cha,nce to be changed. to a commercial zone. The offering rras rejected". 2. The property at 1OO1 llanshaw Road. is now or,rned. by Dr. Patrick. 3. Exls'bing Zoning Ord-inances have provisions for Dr. Patrick to develop a d.ental office on hj-s property. 4. The variance reguested- was a limited. and restricted. change of use from Resid.ential- to Business. This constitutes a Zoninq Chanee. DETERMINATION OF THE FOUR ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IVM,IBERS PRESENT AT T}IE HEAR]NG IS AS FOLLOITilS: l-. Concurring r,rith the aclv:Lce of the ViJ-J-age Attorney, Roger Sovocool, the Zoning Boa,rd- of Appeals realizes it does not have the power to grant a Zoning Change und.er the present 1aw; therefore the Board. makes no d.ecision. 2, An informal po1I of the Zoning Board of Appeals members present resul-ted in a unanimous rejection of granting varianee or change of use provided. . they did have sueh power. Aeting Chairman, George G. Gillespie For D. Wayne Fleming, Chairman Zoning Board- of Appeals Vi.11age of Cayuga Heights