HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntermunicipal Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services (LETSS) Group Agreement 7.7.2009.PDFFinal71712009 INTERMUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY SHARED SERVICES (LETSS) GROUP AGREEMENT Pursuant to Section 119-o of the General Municipal Law, the undersigned municipalities hereby enter into this Agreement to form a two year renewable Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services group, herein after referred to as LETSS. The Participating Agencies ("MembersJ are: Tompkins County Director Information Technology Services Tompkins County Sheriff Tompkins County District Attorney City of Ithaca Information Technology City of Ithaca Police Village of Cayuga Heights Police Village of Dryden Police Village of Groton Police Village of Trumansburg Police This agreement shall become effective upon execution by each and every Participating Agency and shall be in force for the period beginning upon full execution through December 3t, 20tL and may be renewed for an additional five years by appropriate resolutions by each of the paftner agencies on or before December 3t,20L1, all other terms and conditions of this agreement remaining the same. Establishing a Program The parties hereby establish an on going partnership for the purpose of jointly planning, providing, and coordinating shared law enforcement technology seruices within Tompkins County. The LETSS group will coordinate with the Tompkins County Information Technology Services Department and other providers as necessary and agreed upon by LETSS. LETSS will be governed under the terms and conditions of the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices By-Laws. LETSS agencies may use the group as a vehicle for voluntarily sharing information, equipment, publicity about programs, and/or coordinating their respective services. Sharing Program Costs LETSS shall have an annual operational budget as determined by the Tompkins Counfi budgeting process programmed into the Tompkins County Information Technology Services budgetary unit, A project revie@work plan based on the use of these funds will be submitted to the Tompkins County Public Safety Committee no later than January 31 of each year. For the base operational costs of 950,000 contingent upon acceptance of the Tompkins County 2010 budget, LETSS Participating Agencies will receive the following: 1. Tompkins County Information Technology Seruices shall provide LETSS paftners secure access to and technical suppott for the following applications: Spectrum Justice System (SJS), Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS), Daily Run Sheet and Shift Summary Reports, NYS E-justice Poftal, LiveScan Digital Fingerprinting, and any other systems or services included in the annual LETSS work Plan. 2. Tompkins County Information Technology Services shall provide LETSS paftners with technical assistance and/or project planning assistance based on any new initiatives included in the annual LETSS work plan. 3. Tompkins County Information Technology Services shall provide services for LETSS paftners between the hours of Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. In addition, ITS will distribute an Emergency Off Hours Contacts list to padner agencies. There is no guaranteed response time for the overnight hours between 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m.. Emergencies non- withstanding, any County provided service(s) outside of these core hours must be scheduled one week in advance and mutually agreed upon between Tompkins County Information Technology Seruices and the LETSS paftner. Any proposed project outside of the scope of the base operational seruices described above must include a funding plan and be mutually agreed upon by the LETSS group through a majority vote. Any additional funding required from Participating Agencies above and beyond the annual County Budget allocation must be approved by each individual agency participating in the project. Governance Name: The governing board shall be called Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices (LE[SS) Group. Membership: LETSS shall have a total of 9 (nine) voting members. The paftners include: City of Ithaca Police Department(1), City of Ithaca Information Technology Department(1), Village of Cayuga Heights Police Department(1), Village of Dryden Police Department(1), Village of Groton Police Depaftment(1), Village of Trumansburg Police Department(1), Tompkins County District Attorney(1), Tompkins County Sheriff(1) and Tompkins County Depaftment Information Technology Services( 1). Roles of the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services Group LETSS shall operate under its own by-laws that have been approved by the Tompkins County Legislature and then ratified by all Pafticipating Agencies. Roles of Tompkins County Information Technology Services Depaftment Staff from the Tompkins County Information Technology Seruices Depaftment will work in close cooperation with the City of Ithaca Information Technology Depaftment staff and Participating Agencies to provide suppott to LETSS that includes: o assistance in developing an annual work plan of priority planning, oversightn and evaluation issues;. assistance in developing policy options and guidelines for the LETSS Group's action as needed to implement the work plan; o pr€pdfation of meeting agendas in consultation with the LETSS Group chair;o pr€pdration of meeting records;o pr€p?ration of contracts with providers as authorized by the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices Group;o coordination with the partners to assure that program meets the needs of the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services Group;o coordination with partners to assure that policy questions that require LETSS decisions are acted on in a timely way;. staff suppoft to LETSS to implement work plan. Roles of Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices Pafticipating Agencies The Participating Agencies will be responsible for: o providing a yearly summary of participation and periodically highlighting any trends or significant changes in program pafticipation, feedback, expenses or revenues for LETSS;o tracking participation in formats and on a schedule requested by or acceptable tO LETSS;o recommending programs or changes to improve services and/or lower costs. Fiscal Accountability Tompkins County Information Technology Services is the fiscal agent for the Paftnership. The County Information Technology Services Department will administer those funds in accordance with the LETSS annual work plan. As a condition of this agreement, Tompkins County Information Technology Seruices and designated provide(s) shall maintain records of expenses and revenues as required by LETSS. Liability No padry (Participating Agency or municipality) shall have any financial liability to any other Participating Agency other than the contributions agreed to by Participating Agencies, and no Participating Agency or municipality shall be liable to any other agency or any member of the public for the performance, non- performance, or any breach of this agreement. Dispute Resolution In the event of any dispute, claim, question, or disagreement arising from or relating to this agreement or the breach thereof, the parties shall use their best efforts to settle the dispute, claim, question, or disagreement. To this effect, they shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a just and equitable solution satisfactory to all pafties. Ratification by CITY OF ITHACA Mayor Chief of Police Director of Information Technology LLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS Mayor Chief of Police LLAGE OF DRYDEN Mayor Chief of Police date- date date date date- date- date by by VI by by VI by by VI by LLAGE OF GROTON Mayor County Administrator Sheriff Director of Information Technology date date date date date date- date date by Chief of Police VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG by Chief of Police TOMPKINS COUNTY by by by by District Attorney FinalT/7/2009 1 BY-LAWS z Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services Group (LETSS) 4 l. Name s The name shall be Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services o (LETSS) Group . 7g II. Preamble: Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services Group is a e unique inter-agency group created to jointly plan, provide, oversee and l0 coordinate shared law enforcement technology services within Tompkins 11 County. t2 13 III. Purpose: The Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices group shall t4 have the following duties, powers, and responsibilities: ts - Identify a set of shared services to be provided to paftner t6 agencies. ri - Authorize additions or deletions of LETSS program services. l8 - Recommend to the Tompkins County Public Safew Committee ts and the Tompkins County Legislature a net operating budget 20 and necessary resources for the costs of services, fees, zr revenues, and grants. 22 - Recommend contracted services, monitoring the quality and 23 costs of the seruice Providers.24 - Evaluate the performance of providers. 2s - Provide repofts to the Tompkins County Public Safety 26 Committee, Tompkins County Legislature and other local 27 government agencies as necessary. 282s IV. Membership: JT-, 3t A. Voting membership shall consist of nine members with no set terms: ;; 1. Tompkins County Director information Technology Services or designee 34 2. Tompkins County Sheriff or designee 3s 3. Tompkins County District Attorney or designee 36 4. City of Ithaca Information Technology Director or designee 3i 5. City of Ithaca Police Chief or designee 38 6. Village of Cayuga Heights Police Chief or designee 3e 7. Village of Dryden Police Chief or designee 40 B. Village of Groton Police Chief or designee 4t 9. Village of Trumansburg Police Chief or designee A1 43 In addition, each agency may appoint one alternate per seat, in the 44 | event the member or designee is not available- Each Participating I 2 5 A 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 t2 IJ t4 15 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 21 22 1A 25 26 27 28 29 30 JI 33 '24 35 36 JI 38 39 40 A1 +z I5 44 Finall 17 /2009 Agency("Member") will strive to fill these seats with agents willing and able to make program and policy decisions. The Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services Group may determine the need to create ar'ty non-voting at-large seats to add expeftise andlor additional coordination. This may be done by a 314 majority vote of the members. The at-large seats will be filled for a period of up t0 two- years, B. Joining LETSS: The group may invite a new member to join LETSS after August 2009 with a 3/+ majority vote of the existing LETSS members. After signing this Agreement, the new agency or its designee will become a voting member, and the size of LETSS shall increase by one. C. Resignations. An agency may elect to withdraw from the group at anytime, providing a letter to that effect to the Chair of the LETSS group. Tompkins County Information Technology Services shall have up to six(6) months from the notification of resignation to provide, if possible, any data or records specific to the resigning agency. By entering into this agreement, each agency pledges to honor its contractual obligations to the other members when it desires to leave LETSS. V. Officers A. Each year the Group shall elect a Chairperson, and a Vice Chairperson, from among its members. B. Duties of Officers: 1. Chair: shall develop the agenda in consultation with the Tompkins County Information Technology Services staff, chair the meetings, represent the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Seruices Group at inter-municipal or public meetings, and assist as needed in contract negotiations to implement the wishes of the Law EnfOrcement Technology Shared Services Group' 2. Vice Chair: shall act in the absence of the chair' C. Terms of Office: For the first term, officers will be elected in August 2009, with their term ending December 31, 2010. Thereafter, terms shall be for one year beginning January l't and ending December 31't. Officers for the new year shall be elected at the last quarterly meeting of the previous year. New names for nomination can be put forth up I z 5 A 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12 IJ l4 l5 l6 TI 18 19 20 2l 22 zt 1A 25 26 27 28 29 30 JI )z JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l A' 43 44 w. FinalT/112009 wI. to and at the last quarterly meeting for consideration. Prior to a vote nominees must have agreed to serve. Vacancies shall be filled as soon as possible for the remainder of the unexpired term. Meetings c. Quorum: A quorum shall be at least a majority of the full membership (9 members) or their designated alternate. Voting: Each member is entitled to one vote per item at any official meeting. An appointed alternate is permitted to vote when replacing their official agency representative. Passage of a motion requires a majority vote of the full group (9). In order for an alternate to vote, the officially appointed representative must notify the Chair of the Committee prior to the start of the meeting. To the extent permitted by law, participation via electronic means will not be permitted. Agendas. An agenda will be sent out at least 7 days prior to the meeting. While not required it is desirable that information of substance be distributed with the agenda so members have time to review the information prior to the meeting. Records: The Tompkins County Information Technology Services Depadment shall maintain a public record of all proceedings of the LETSS group in accordance with the procedures as followed by the Clerk of the Legislature. Attendance: The Group shall set an annual meeting schedule, but will meet quarterly at a minimum. Any member missing greater than fifty percent (50%) of any given year's meetings will lose their voting member status, in effect becoming a non-voting at-large seat. The LETSS group may choose, at any time, to make that Participating Agency a voting member again by a 3/+ majority vote of the full group' Code of Ethics: All duly appointed members shall be provided a copy of, and be bound by, the Code of Ethics of Tompkins County. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31. Amendments of ByLaws: Future amendments to the by-laws that are not inconsistent with this agreement shall be made by a 213 majority vote of the full LETSS group, subject to subsequent approval by the A, B. D. E. F. VIII. Final 71712009 I Tompkins County Legislature, provided that the proposed amendment z has been presented for consideration of the LETSS group at the 3 preceding regular meeting. An amended copy of the by-laws will be 4 sent to each Pafticipating Agency for their records. 5 6 z IX. Saving Clause: In the event any paft of these bylaws shall conflict with 8 any provisions or requirements of state, local, or federal Law, the e provisions of any state, local or federal Law shall control and the other l0 provisions of these bylaws shall not be invalidated by such conflict. l1 12 X. Conflict of Interest: If a member has a potential conflict of interest s/he 13 must explain her or his relationship to the agency before the matter is 14 discussed or voted on. Members must abstain from discussing andlor t5 voting on any specific actions that are, or give the appearance of, 16 being motivated by a desire for private financial gain for themselves or t7 others such as those with whom they have family, business, or other 18 ties. t920 XI. Adoption: These bylaws shall become effective upon adoption by a zr majority vote of the members of the Law Enforcement Technology zz Shared Services Group and approval of all of the pafticipating partner 23 agencies and the Tompkins County Legislature. .A zs As amended by the Law Enforcement Technology Shared Services 26 Group on7l8l2009, and approved by all paftner agencies 7l8l2OO9. 27 28 29