HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail from Diana Riesman Regarding Deer Organization August 24, 2009.PDFPage 1 of3
Norma Manning
From: Diana Riesman [driesman@earthlink net]
Sent: MondaY, August 24,2OOg 3:16 PM
To: Norma Manning
Subject: FW: I thought you should know about what's going
whole area)
on in Cayuga Heights (with ramifications for the
Diana Riesman
--- Original Message ----
From: nandall B, Marc-us
ro: vch-iiustees;Jim Gilmore;tboyce@cayuga-heig hts' ny' com
Sentz 8124t2009 12'.47'.12 PM
subject: FW: I thought you should know about what's going on in cayuga Heights (with ramifications for
the whole area)
Dear All,
Please note the pair of emails below.
I iust had these forwarded to me by a friend who received them over the weekend, as a result of being
oh a mass-email list.
I vaguely know the sender of the first, Maura Stephens. I felt it was appropriate to contact her to set the
facts straight in regard io the statements in her email. I just spoke to her, pointing out first that it had
been the priorBoardthat authorized the oisposat oi gas'drilling wastewater at the VCH plant, and that
the current Board acted soon after learning bt $'i. adtiuity to cause it to cease, and second that the plant
ls designed to treat inoustriarwJste, beingifre itcipient of the waste from the county's single largest
industry, Borg-Warne;-af thanked me ior ttre-iniormation, and then tried to launch inio her "real
point,', about the virrage ititiing free speecrr wrriirr I respectfully told her I did not wish to discuss' and
ended the telePhone call'
I found the email from Mr. LaVeck of particular note in regard to the efforts being made by his
organization to caste the Village as being evil in all respeits, no matter what the topic'
Very truly Yours,
Begin forwarded message:
From : Maura Stephens <mstephe-ns@ithaca,ed u>
Page 2 of 3
Date: August 22,2009 1:25.42 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-reciPients: ;
Subject: I thought you itrouto know about what's going on in cayuga Heights (with
ramifications for the whole area)
Reply-To: rnctepftelg@jlhaca.edu
As you probably know, there has been a growing battle raging in cayuga Heights between
the mayor/village board and some citizens who are upset by the village's decision to bring
in sharpshooters to shoot deer in this quiet residentialarea' The situation was further
exacerbated by the board's decision to allow gas-drilling wastewater (full of toxins) to
be ,,processed,,through Cayuga Heights'water-treatment plant (which was designed and
built to treat household water output only) and then dumped into Cayuga Lake' The
cayuga Heights government-vs.-public situation was recently further inflamed when the
Below is a note from James LaVeck, one of the members of cayugaDeer'org' The next
village board meeting, and planned peaceful protest' are this Monday'
Dear Friends,
Just a quick update on the situation in Cayuga Heights' Yesterday we were tabling on the
deer issue at Greenstar, and at our table we had some media articles about cayuga
Heights processing of millions gallons of drilling waste water into cayuga Lake' James
Gilmore, mayor of Cayuga Heights, happened to stop by, and among other things, stated
his opinion that there was nothing wrong with the drill water cayuga Heights sewage
treatment plant put into the lake. From everything we've seen, there seems to be no
understanding of the fundamental problem of one municipality making a unilateral
decision to process large quantities of industrial waste water into a body of water that is'
among many other things, the primary source of drinking water for thousands of people'
Mayor Gilmore is also the water commissioner for cayuga Heights'
Also, according to the just-published agenda for Monday's meeting, the trustees have
taken further action to suppress public comment:
hltp//www.,c€!u$3-h €ights' ny' u s/d ocl20090824AG I N DA' pdf
ln addition to their vote at the last meeting to forbid public comment on the deer issue'
they now plan to vote to limit the time for public comment on all other issues to a total of
30 minutes, a further gesture of disrespect to the many people in our region who are
concerned about the choices they are making which affect our community as a whole'
we and others are planning to hold a peaceful protest of their policies starting at 6:30
pM, a half hour prior to the meeting's start. Please join us and bring signs/placards to
express your point of view and issues/concerns. we will be filming the comments of
anyone who wishes to make a statement on camera and distributing the statements to
local and regional media.
Page 3 of3
Village Hall, 836 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca
Across from Community Corners, same building as Police Station
M a p : h tt p- I ll-w w-w, c-a y u g a d e- e l. o rgl d i re cti o n s' h t m
Thank you,
James LaVeck, on behalf of CayugaDeer'org
iiroao*t FoR
b$ullwuw-c aY uga d-q I I. q !: g
Join us on Facebook: ht-tp:1/www.fa.ce-book.comlpages/cayugaDeero61.10574030421.0?ref.mf
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter,com/cavugadeer
Sign our Petition:
http://animalrishts.chanse.orelactionslview/shot*fEl-a tulip-sqy*no-tS-reyuLA-belCblLOS-dg