HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorma Email - Resolution for county-wide water and sewer study July 15, 2009.PDFPage 1 of3 Norma Manning From: Jim Gilmore Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:38 AM To: Norma Manning Subject: Fwd: resolution for county-wide water and sewer study Dear Trustees....Here,s some background on the Water & Sewer Infrastructure Cooperative Fffort we are being asked to re-confirm to b| rccoG....Suggested Resolution, past resolution passed by our Village and other backup also attached....Best, Jim From : Don Barber <sgnnybrk@gmai!.ssm> Date: JulY 15, 2009 9:03:05 AM EDT To r "J. G ilmore" <jgilmo-l e@4flYuga:heig hts. ny.us> Subject: rwd: reioiutionlor bounty-wide water and sewer study Jim, The email below gives a good summary of the Water an Sewer Infrastructure study that now has funding from NiS. Cayuga Heights voted to support applyilg for funds for this project in 2007."Now that funds-are available, we must have Cayuga Heights endorsement uguio to secure them. The lack of your village supporting resolution means the project stops... for everyone. Can you put this on your July 20th agenda? If yoi have further questions, I'd suggest contacting Martha Armstrong atTCAD (273' 0005) or at her email. Regards, Don Barber Forwarded message From : M arth a Arm s tro n g <ma$,haa(@li ghfl ink com> Date: Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 1 1:24 AM subject: resolution for county-wide water and sewer study To : bigfialkl I 7-6@ac,l,sPm Dear SuPervisor Podufalski, I would like to foiiow up on the resolution to pafticipate in the county-wide water and sewer study. I understand the Town Board diicusseb the resolution last Wednesday but did not vote. I wouid be happy to answet any questions that you oI the board have if you would like to contact me. Martha Armstrong 071rs12009 y Water aurl-Sewel Page 2 of3 Background Objectives: Provide a single information source that o Presents complete and comparable dataon all the water and sewer systems in the county o Can be used by all the municipalities and system operators to plan and coordinate infrastructure development, including municipalities that do not currently have public water and/or sewer systems Identify the most efficient infrastructure development concepts to o Correct current deficiencies o Support anticipated growth in a manner that reduces sprawl o Reduce public sector costs of providing these services to households and businesses Assure adequate infrastructure to support economic development objectives o Increased housing supply, especially of a range of affordable housing o Revitalization of unique commercial centers Preliminary scope of work: A consultant will: Work u'ith local municipal stalf to update the 1994 county-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure. Each mLuricipality and system has a diffbrent level of. infonnation available, so iu some cases inlbrmation will be d.rawn frorn current snldies. in other cases infonnation will be ascertained from the public works operatr:rrs. Prepare a conceptual plan of water and sewerage inlrastructure. including potential service areas: to support ftiture grr:rwth, This will include concept level planning for commrurilies that are not currently sen'ed by rvater and/or sei/v'er systems. Prepare preliminary budgets of costs to expand infrastructure to accommodate pianned growth over a ten to twenty year time-frame. Work would reflect anticipated growth of the municipalities. o Include recommendations on governance where more than one municipality shares a system. Statement of need: 07nst2009 Page 3 of3 Increasing housing supply and revitali zntionof commerciai districts are two'of the Tompkins CountaEconomic Development Strategy's thrge goals. Both require . impr-ovements to water and sewer infrastructure, especlally in the non-urbarrized areas of the county. The proposed infrastructure study is, therefore, an integral step to achieving affordable housing and revitalizationgoals. In particular, to provide for housing to be reasonably affordable, housing requires density. Continuing to build individual homes on one or two acre lots is not an affordabie approach to providing housing. Dependable water and sewer infrastructure is also critical for revitalization of our town and village centers. Taken together, rational and efficient provision of water and sewer infrastructure will support the individual municipalities' plans for growth, as well as the County's comprehensive plan, which call for nodal centers of development that reduce enviionmental impacts from sprawling development and transportation. Martha Armstrong, AICP Vice President and Director of Economic Development Planning Tompkins County Area DeveloPment 200 E. Buffalo, Suite 102A Ithaca. NY 14850 voice:607 .27 3.0005 fax:607.273.8964 hltp-;/un nry.tsa-d,srg TCAD - The economic development agency for Tompkins County Jim Gilmore jgilm"-o"re@cay-uga:hergh-ts-ny-,us Mayor, Village of Cayuga Heights 836 Hanshaw Road Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 257-1238 071t512009 i t/t /7iu r' _r..n^' , I |,t ! / lvL;U\Ai\-^r-<J Motion by Trustee KaPlan Seconded by Trustee CollYer Motion to pass Resolution 6294 in support of the County-wide Water and Sewer Evaluation. Whereas, the Tompkins County Economic Development Strategy's goals include increasing and diversifying the county's housing supply and revitalizing the county's unique commercial districts and town centers; and Whereas, the Economic Development Collaborative was organizedto formahze, strengthen and deepen the cooperation among the many local agencies and municipal bodies addressing economic development issues in the County to make the process more effective through common goals and approach; and Whereas, the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) is a member of the Economic Development Collaborative, which is currently working to address the goals of the County's Economic Development Strategy, and Whereas, the TCCOG supports the development of a county-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure and the development of a conceptual plan of water and sewer infrastructure needs to support future planned growth to meet county housing and economic development goals; and Whereas, the Economic Development Collaborative has suggested the creation of an updated, county-wide evaluation of existing water and sewer infrastructure and the development of a conceptual plan of water and sewer infrastructure needs to supporl future planned growth to meet county housing and economic development goals; and Whereas, the Village of Cayuga Heights is a member of the TCCOG; and Whereas the last county-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure was completed in 1994; and Whereas and updated evaluation would facilitate the development of housing within town and village centers, commercial revitalization of those centers and growth in the tax base, with the most efficient use of public dollars for infrastructure; now therefore be it Resolved, that the Village of Cayuga Heights supports the development of a county-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure and the development of a conceptual plan of water and sewer infrastructure needs to support future planned growth to meet county housing and economic development goals by an engineering consultant; and be it further Resolved that the Village of Cayuga Heights pledges to work with the Engineering Consultant to ensure cooperation of its planning and engineering departments with this project. Trustees Collyer, Kaplan, Mount and Staley voted YES. October 9,2008 Dear Participant in the SMSI grant for the Countywide Water and Sewer Feasibility Study, Last year the County, on behalf of TCCOG, applied for a Shared Municipai Services Initiative gt*f to support the development of a countywide water and sewer study. The award was i*o.6."d in April and the contract with the State is nearly complete. We expect that the Consultant, atearnled by TG Miller, will be able to begin the study in October' To receive the grant, the State requires a memorandum of understanding among the municipalities participating in the study. To fulfill that requirement, please act on the attached resolution at your soonest ionvenience. The resolution is essentially the same resolution passed by the TCCOG at their September meeting. Please send an officiai copy of the approved resolution to: Michelle Pottorff Tompkins County Legisiature Office 320 North Tioga Street Ithaca, NY 14850 If you have questions about the study or the granl,please contact me at Tompkins County Area Deveiopment (2i3-0005 or marthaa@tcad.org) - TCAD led up the application for the County, and will be managing the consultant's contract. Sincerely, MarthaArmstrong Vice President, TCAD * All ,,participating" municipalities passed a resolution in support of the county-wide water and sewer evaluation during theiall of i007,and those resolutions were included in the SMSI Grant application in Decemb e4 2007 . RESOLUTION . ENDORSEMENT OF MEMORANDUM OF TINDERSTANDING AND PLEDGE TO WORK WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COLLABORATIVE F'OR COUNTY-WIDE EVALUATION OF EXISTING WATER AND SEWER INF'RASTRUCTURE WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Economic Development Strategy's goals include increasing and diversi$ring the County's housing supply and revitalizing the County's unique commercial districts and town centers. and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Collaborative was organized to formalize, strengthen and deepen the cooperation among the many local agencies and municipal bodies addressing economic development issues in the County to make the process more effective through common goals and approach, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) is a member of the Economic Development Collaborative, which is currently working to address the goals of the County's Economic Development Strategy, and WIIEREAS, the Economic Development Collaborative has suggested the creation of an updated, County-wide evaluation of existing water and sewer infrastructure and the development of a conceptual plan of water and sewer infrastrucfure needed to support planned future growth to meet housing and economic development goals, and WHEREAS, the last County-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure was completed in 1994, and WHEREAS, an updated evaluation would facilitate the development of housing within town and village centers, commercial revitalization of those centers and growth in the tax base, with the most efficient use of public dollars for infrastructure, and WHEREAS, the result of this evaluation will be a report that is available for all municipalities to use in their planning of infrastructure development, but that no actual investment in water or sewer facilities is included in this project, and WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins, on behalf of TCCOG, applied for and was awarded a grant known as Shared Municipal Seruices Incentive (SMSD grant from the State of New York, to conduct a County-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure and develop a conceptual plan, and WHEREAS, the TCCOG unanimously adopted this resolution on September 25,2008 and directed that it to be fotwarded to municipalities for consideration and approval by local municipal boards, and WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature adopted Resolution No. 186 of 2008 on September 16,2008, that authorizedthe acceptance of this grant in the amount of $82,245.24 for the purpose of conducting a County-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure and to develop a conceptual plan, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the (municipality), by adoption of this resolution, declares its intent to support the development of a County-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure and the development of a conceptual plan of water and sewer infrastructure needed to support planned future growth to meet housing and economic developrnent goals, Resolution for municipalities to consider RESOLVED, further, That the (municipality) pledges to work with the Economic Development Collaborative to ensure cooperation of members' planning and engineering departments with this project, providing information and documentation requested by the consultant team, led by TG Miller, including but not limited to: o Current rated capacity of water and wastewater treatment systems from existing SPDES (State Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permits and facility plans r Electronic files or paper copies of maps showing current water distribution and/or sanitary sewer collection systems o Recent studies of water and sewer facilities o Treatment processes, mechanical and other systems reiated data r Scheduled or anticipated system upgrades or new construction o Historical problems and obstacles including operational difficulties, regulatory compliance, land use restrictions, public impact and complaints, and fundingo Current population served by the utilities including number of service connectionso Anticipated population growth rate for the next ten years o Existing or planned funding sources that may be available, and Statement of need: Increasing housing supply and revitalization of commercial districts are two of the Tompkins County Economic Development Strategy's three goals. Both require improvements to water and sewer infrastructure, especially in the non-urbanized areas of the county. The proposed infrastructure study is, therefore, an integral step to achieving affordable housing and revitalization goals. In particular, to provide for housing to be reasonably affordable, housing requires density. Continuing to build individual homes on l-2 acre lots is not an affordable approach to providing housing. Dependable water and sewer infrastructure is also critical for revitalization of our town and villase centers. Preliminary scope of work: A consultant will be hired to: o Update the 1994 County-wide evaluation of water and sewer infrastructure worhing u'ith local municipalstaff. r Prepare a concepfual plan of water and sewerage infrasfiucture. including poteniial seivice areas, to suppofi future growth. r Prepare preliminary costs to expand infrastructure to accommodate planned growth. Work will reflect anticipated growth of the rnunicipalities, local plans, and the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan." Resolution for municioalities to consider