HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeer Remediation email from Randall B. Marcus.PDFPage I of2 Mary Jane Neff From: Norma Manning Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 9:28 AM To: Mary Jane Neff Subject: FW: deer remediation From: Randall B. Marcus fmailto:randy@bgdmlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 B:13 pM To: Kate Supron; Beatrice Szekely; Norma Manning; Jim Gilmore Cc: Jeffrey Silber; VCH-Trustees Subject: RE: deer remediation A?TCIRN =Y-CL I\T PRIVILEGTD COMM UN ICATICFI ilear All, ln :egard to the specific question of wheth*r a public hearing is required for th!s matier, please not* the f*llowing. The decision tc ccmmenc* the program af sterilization, end to alioeate funds from the Village's general fund to do ss, itsclf does not require a publie heering. The core proc*dural issu* r,vill be eompliance with ihe $AQR r*quir*ments. As SIQR prccedure i* the subject of entire books, I will try tr: focus only an the most significant points. The Villag* mu*t compl*t* a S€GR review befor* taking an acti*n ihat potentialiy has an impaet on the environment. Obviously, the eny deer remediation program, togeth*r with the decision to spend msney on it, requires $EQR review. The $EQR review muet inelude participation fram all involv*d ageneieo. lf a DHC permit is requir*d, as I understand it wiil be, for the sterilizaiion to take plaee {*r fcr the Capture nee*ssary to undertake *t*rilhation), thsn DEC's input will be required f*r the SHQR revienr" Onee involved agenci** have been notified, the SEQR revi*w proeess ffoves on to reaehlng a determination of significance cf the aetion. lf, following initial review, the *oard determines th*t the d*er rem*diati** program "will not result in any significant adverse envircnm*ntal impaets" (a "negative declaration"), then ii is not neeesssry to prep*re an environm*ntal impaet staiement. The initial SEQR review pfocess does not mandate conduct *f a publie hearing, though the Viilag* would have the option to do so. Given the political focus cn this issue, I w*uld suggest thai eondu*t ai e pubii* hearing may be to the Village's advantage, so that all perspectivs;s are {again} voieed and tak*n into a*c*unt in reaching the $EQR determination of significance", lf the Villago's initial SFQR review resulis in identification of "ons or rnore pctentially large *r significant adverse impacts" (a "positive declaraiion"), it will be requircd th*t the Village prepaie an tnvironmental lmpaet $taiement" if an El$ is required, then th*re is a mandatory public comment period, which would ordinarily involve receipt of written eommente, though a publie heering is again an option. please note that, if it becomes necessary as a r*sult of a pasitive declaration of significanee, ihe preparation of an El$ is a far more lengthy and involved process than the initial SEQR review. Each step in the SEQR process has statutory time p*riod* that must be fallswed" The specifia requirements for notifications, identification of involved agencies, ete. are extremely d*tailed" As I have nofed on many occasicns in the past, given the complexity of th* Sf;QR statute, a lawsuit against the Village on the issue of deer remediation most likely will be based *n a claim of viclation af eith*r a procedural requirement of $EQR, *r based on s claim that the Board reached an arbitrary or unreas*nable determination r:f environment*l *ignificance during the SH83 revi*w. The foregoing exceeding brief summary of relevant SfQR points is not intended to eovcr all *f the steps necessary to comply with $EQR. I am only trying to provlde a general description of the framewark within 07116/2009 Page2 of2 which the Village will have to proceed. As I have previously indicated, i strongly cuggest warking with DHC asearly in the proeess as possibie to obtain their input and guidance, not anly witti regl-r6 to p*rmitiing of the aeticnsto be taken, but also to best eomply with $EeR, Very truly your$, Randv From: Kate Supron fmailto:katesupron@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:I2 AM Tor Beatrice Szekely; Paul D curtis; Randall B. Marcus; Norma Manning; Jim GilmoreSubject: deer remediation Good morning all. My feeling is that we need to discuss the DRAC proposal at next Monday's meeting (7120) and that itshould be on the agenda so the public is informed of this. Bea and I met with Paul, and my understanding is that the Board needs to make a financial commitmentto "phase I, sterllization" quickly if we are to secure the DEC permit and Cornell research protocol/approval in time to get the process started this falvwinter. Bea, were you able to speak with the Amherst, Ny Deer Manager? Paul, we have board T.9l11gt 7120 (7 pm), 8/10 (12 noon), and,8124 (7 pm.) By what date do you need a commitment from the Village? Woutd you be available to attend one of the evening meetings to answer qs? Randy, do we need a public hearing before we can make a decision? Certainly there are strong opinions on all sides of the issue. I will be out today from 10:30 but can be reached on my celi if need ed,342-1077 . Best, Kate 071r6t2009 cqod) NN |.r)() (uOG FFF F?7 ooc)MIYIf (I'(U Po-f o o _(o o_ o_ OrOrOOF-F-ci ni c.ioc)Cf)os$o\t\trc\JcO E L o o{ c! 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NN : Lo o o (L Fz:)o t uJTol uJ-o uJfo f rrf 6 -i ^;\ N@+ - a OEo^o:<; L (\l n-ON Y f'-(!O EOqN!, tf)/i@v \I -:<(J c)-O = =rzp ,^(U4-v-s6 ,='O) dV =a\+o :9n o)Y'= NF9s S I!b8 5 S:69 H aH,t!x -i xx'+= t x =i5 > 5><o o r\z rzfo O () uJo tlJo z IJJ 59 fiu =>;,2 tl tAo2o<ztulF o q) _o TY TIJ m Ar h0) ro_ a> NKP6 5<o ai id(oE IJF !(" "\u ao$ TPOTF, IuIy 2Q,2Q09 Bea Szekely, notes Village residents may have noted the obituary of Robert T. Tyrrell in the Ithac*.Journal otr .lT fuly; Mr. Tyrrell was our f{ghway Superintendent from roughly 1970 until his retiremeftt in 1995; born on his fbmily's farm in Genoa, he married intothe Sharpsteen family and farmed all his life. Befare coming to the Village to work, he was employed at the Lansing Highway Department. He was a charter member and first President of the North Lansing Fire Company. He leaves alargefamily, prominent in Locke, King Ferry and Genoa. Beth Anderson, Sl5 The Parkway will be our UNe representative; I've let George Tabet, Speeial ,{ssistant to the Viee President for Government and Conrnrunity Relations. and Jenifer Lindbrad, Administrative Assistant inthat office, know. Carol Kamrnen and I have been in conversation absut the search for a Vitlagc Historian; nothing positive to report yet. But 'we"re working on it.' Brent, Norma, Jim and fellow Trustees have had my email including a message from Jack Rueckheim, Distribution Manager at Bolton Point, regarding the reeent reptraeement of the water mefer at sur home, which I've brought to your affention because 9O residenfs received the same request. Cornpliance cost our family $300. Further re Boltsn Point: I've asked Mayor Jim if he and Former Mayor Ron Anderson, as our watet commissioners, c&st their votes on major BP decisions in which the Village has a financial interest, based on the outeome ofresolutions from our Board of Trustees. Particularly, would a Village Board of,Trustees resolution be neeessary to instruct Jirn and Ron on how to vote should the City of Ithaca ask to join the Soutirern Cayuga Lake Internrunieipal water eommission (BoitonpoinO as a cu$tomer ar pa*ne{l r;m assuming the answer is 'yes,' but just need to knsw. Fellow board mernbers may note that the annurl Fire Company appea] Ietter is in the w-orks; written by Rev. Steve Felker with editorial input fFom myseif, this year's letter will make clear the 501O3 non-profit identify of the Fire Company as distinct from our volunteer fire depa*ment and will ernphasize the tools and tearnwork needed for eornmunity firefighting in the Village. I mention this now beeause of eoneerns about last yeaf s appeal, specifically the question of why th e appeat is necessary givea the tax support for the fire department. Hence the emphasis in the letter on the nature of the Fire Company and its activities as distinct from, although overlappinginmembership with, the Department.