HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo from the Engineer March 11, 2004.PDFt4RR 15 ',84 11:31f,14 TRUE,HFLSH & I"IILLER P.2
March 11, 2004
Brent CroEs, Village Engineer
Actions Required at 3/15/04 Trustee Meeting
Ae discussed at the last Trustee meeting, tht-Viffq.g9- is requlred to have a local law to provide
admflnistration for the enforcement of tn*'Nvb-guiliing cobe.- A public hearing is echeduled for
ihe beglnning of the'*iiiting.Acitoiv nEa'UIRED: Fassfollowing resolutian'
ng Code' andWhereas, the S-tate of New York Law est
Whereas, the $tate ;i Nil Yotli t*quiteslrrloiat municipalities to enforce the NY$
viltage intends to enforce the Nys Bulldlng code which requires a local
law to estJntish the specific adminietration of sald ctde, and
Whereae, the Vittage has draftecl ihi Jt6lt""tioned local law, and conducied a publlc
hearing on sald law'
Now therefore, the village Board of rrueteeslgf?Y,,Tflroves lH[vfl!;|j9[g-c"11r"
JJr.n*rLu"iffii,v ;; applied for a permit to constru.tl1i:!fltitlil*[-""f1r'i3f :ltrTlf:'ffiilru""iiiiiti.i'fri,fr fi ffdl;{-'d'!!iltyt11 yit3ff :5?i'IF":SXli:?flHTHlfl
::lilll,?"fiH il;','Jiil';'ffiLiiililhffiffi Dtiri;i i= i'.ni"it to:[1Fh?-TF]PIIXS:-':L'1?inn
E"#rffiJ;ff i;?,ff JJ.'"i'Jililf;,itE_E-fi r;!,;Ll-.,rye!!lg.Friortoconsiderationof
nnarrapprovar, tne viiiaodHff?ii i.*iif i:i'jTil"-jil"'-:ifff,'ly:i-,*l?:T:i?f,s1t*'-
il1fi[i"#;#ilqilil'il;;;fud h NYqfl,ll't 617,5(cXB), rro further reliel is
Icilbt REQUIRED; Fass following resolution'tl1 Tt+u-
Whereas, Cornell #ffid;n apPlication to construct an a
Review hecauee it isloilGd in a Muttiple Housing District,end
\fi.ffiH;,'iil'Fifiiioii'il;il]ffi;;Ghl*Jtnat ilre pHr_*_"li:.:_:5$H"T[:,1,
Acrilon #ffilffiillr'nilli li.rtti?r-*n"irJnrentat review aE ilefined bv the NYCRR Part
617.5(s[ff), and
whereae, the village Planning Board has determined that the project will nst have a
neg ative i m iact o n tfre neig hbor' or lhe.Vil lage'E,infreetructu-re,
,---*"y,lmtjligl,,lm5l jll*t,lr*:iT:'6[?tff t#ffi il1JJ?.'ffilil?ion,,to
issue a Zoning Permit, I
c.sflnalr{$ fr4A'r T*E /Aufwz 0,E i+ St*c?d'rt Tlpt-fi'
, c"rronl ,vtt Alitil't'J tAlula-' ev4,?ue-z'r q;NvtftfiN'+lExJt/lL AEWw wa
|'4RR 15 '84 11:3ZAI4 TRUE, I^]RLSH & I{ILLER
ACT|ON 4: NYS General Municipal Law (GML) requireE that Plannins tTI*-?.111":l*$ ^t*g::-*i:k;ffi ; iffilh; ffi;ty F ranni"s'Eoard pri or to epprovi ns projects yil! i I 5-l 9i ff f: H
liriii,i,rniii'"ii;ii#;{il;il'T*.iu".ai. rn*_FMI arry fg'i_s_r.o*Tll-^?Yli:[?:i,9:Tili#i'rffi;#ffi;;in*t**en the c6unty Ftanning Bosrd.and the local Flanning/Zonins
r3^^-.{a Tha r.nmnrri,re rlnrrntu Flsnnino Deoartment has written a draft contract to provide 1
Bsard e. f ne tomptrirrE Cou nty Planning.D.epartment a draft contract to Provide for
such iii5viril&-oi d'vi,Ji HEisdt'Zonins,Boalo oj,no!tfr'-l11,tlf11v^!i1c55eo a'r
iriniiril"--A idei;ffin [o com* bifore the Planning Board to recommend
- I .r- -lisni'ig'Ii'tnliiltii:iJlJi riiuioea tne,.eta1,1i19, Fl'd 'tl5,oi*i1*'^d-;IJ:yHfl;lfiEEliliil FiJlftii'iil;;Hffii' ilp'11- e1flt'Is,B-gq,y.{Lg-ii:^ilf.Tlti* *X'lT,:lffiilffiffiii";dfft*J uv tne county. AcTIo-N RESIJIRED: Pass the fallawins resotution.
AGTION 3: When the Village'e \A/WTP was construglq in the early 1950't' it wss intended to seryice
residentialcuatomers onrv. 6iirc fftri*i4*rro a need to serva $ome cornmercialcustomers' the
Village established u tormura'io a*ler*in" howto charge these.non-residential customers for
sewer aervice. lt decided tffi;ili*ii.itgf*. filiry rroilse u13d 11ever?g.F
of 328-g-allons of
water per day (translates ilitr Te,ooo -rivdar). itrelefore, each commercial'customer is charged
one sewer unit for every re,ooo b+ u*ed annualty. over tire last 50 yearu, the traditional single
famiy dweling ,*** ru"h*tlir*-*Et*r,iucrr tSgiirt* current averagb household consumption is
about ii5 ilffi; fer oav iffi;Ed;'into e,Eso cwear]. Therefore, the re$identlalcusiomers
are u"inJfiIpo*i.frtrdl;d';i'l#i/vwrC.apiritvflg the commercialcustomers are usins
proportionauy more ot tne capaiitv. on,e yvay *nett thia inequality is to modify the formula in
g,u viirage};r*i orainr^"*il*nrit ttris ihange, In doing Pg' l!'te commercial customers
woutd pay approximatety fi-ic'J;iliii;v h"* bien chargEo in tne most receni year. The two
most significantly impactei'pr;pr*i** *"ould.be Eorg-Wain91(shout $29'000) and the Fyramid
Ma1 (about $6,600). There-,liJ!o*i "thers
in tG Vt'tlag" of Linsing that would also see $?,500
to g8,000 lncreases tsee attu"nlo spreadstreeti),-T#F iuo*o revenue would be uaed to help
offset wwTp costs and *olrJ rt"u* the effect teiflgft lowering the csat of sewen service to the
average sirrgte family o**rirng. litrre Trustees,conclude that thls is a desirable ehange, the
vllagE wili nied to modify inE'*iiuirg s-e_we.r ordinanee. Then a public heaning witl be required
to ,Jt*'*l.r,i--rlr"ng". i;;Hti;;ihE enect of the change on the.upcoming hudgetapproval,
tnis public hearing will neel tI hr h;H aitt'l beginning oT Annual Meeting In April. AcrloN
REQUTRED; Sef dafe for Fublic Hearing'
ilAi#E-ounty Planning Department deslre toWhereaS, the Village Planning Eoard anq ile Uounly Fpnnrng ueParrrrrEll
waive the require**nt ot?nrrlggg iltricrr requires the Village.r$n{19 E:ild_JTT5-t:d-tif
from the County plrnning n*p"rtment prior to approving a ploject within 500' of an adjacent
government propertY, and" Wheieai, tn!'CJunty Planning Department has drafted a contract to satisfy the
requirements of such waiver, and
Now therefor*,'ttr. Vilhg- plannlng Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the
contract with the rombkins Cofntv planning Department to waive the requirement that the
virii'gJpiJ"ning eoarl ieen Tomfikins county Planning Department advice prlor to apFroval of
projectE within S00' of any adjaoent government property'
Inter-govemmental Agre ement
Tompkins County Review of Local Zoning and Planning Actions
Under New York State General Municipal Law
L This agreement is made this day of _,2003 between
the Tompkins county Planning Department and the village of Cayuga Heights.
A. Authority and Purpose of State Law
The authority for county planning agency review of certain local planning and
zoning actions is provided in Article 12-B, section23g (1, m & n) of New
York State General Municipal Law (GML). The purpose as stated in law is
"to bring pertinent inter-community and county-wide planning, zoning, site
plan and subdivision considerations to the attention of neighboring
municipalities and agencies having jurisdiction."
B. Cu:rent Practice in Tompkins County
The Tompkins County Charter gives responsibility for the implementation of
this countyreview to the Commissioner of Planning. All matters identified in
GML Section 239 (m & n) are currently subject to review.
C. Authority for Inter-governmental Agreement
GML section 239 (m) specifically authorizes the county planning agency to
'oenter into an agreement with the referring body or other duly authorized body
,of a city, town or village to provide that certain proposed actions set forth in
this subdivision are of local, rather than inter-community or county-wide
concem, and are not subject to referral under this section." GML Section 239
(n) authorizes the same agreement with respect to subdivision plats.
Items to be Excluded from Review
Pursuant to the authority cited herein the parties to this agreement do hereby agree
that the following items are of local, rather than inter-community or county-wide,
concem and are not subject to referral to the Tompkins County planning
Department underNew York State General Municipal Law Article 12-B Section
Lot frontage, width or depth variances for residential uses;
l-ot area variances for additions to residential uses on existing non-conforming
C. Special Permits or Site Plan Reviews for permitted accessory uses and home
occupations on residential lots;
D. Residential subdivisions of fewer than 5 lots all of which comply with local
zoning standards and Tompkins County Sanitary Code requirements, and do
not involve new local roads or streets directly accessing a State or county
E. Yard setback variances not abutting County or State property, a State or
County road right of way, or a municipal boundary;
F. Site Plan Reviews or Special Permits for c$ange of commercial use in an
existing building not involving arLy change lin building footprint and with no
change in vehicular access on a State or Coirnty highway;
G. Sign variances exceeding local standards bjt 20% or less.
Execution, Termination and Modifi cation
!*ryH__1--!L- " .+
Tompkins County Coinmissioner of Planning
Village of Cayuga Heights
The undersigned parties attest that they haVp the authority to enter into this
agreement. This agreement shall become effective upon execution by both
The agreement shall remain in effect unlesd terminated by 60 days advance
writtennotice by either party. Such notice fhall be by certified mail to the
Tompkins County Commissioner of Planni{rg orthe authorized local
municipal official, as appropriate.
The agreement may be modified by mutuallagreement of the parties hereto.C.