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Treasurer's Report November 17, 2003.PDF
?Hillug fi 6.aEuga HBishts Novemberr 17,2003 Abstrqct hos been distributed for th been distributed. Finonciol reports MARCHAM HALL HANSHAW ROAD ITHACA, N.Y 14850 REPORT meeting. Finonciol reports for June-October hove e now ovoiloble by e-moil, following the close of the Telephone 607-257-1238 Office Hours 9A.M.-4P.M. t. month. Pleqse lei me know if you lo receive them in poper or electronicolly. 2.Audit. FY2003 fieldwork hos been ted. Three odjustments hove been proposed, wilhwhich we concur. One will reduce e FY03 deficit slightly by moving revenue from FyO4, cotegories.the others ore reclossificotions omo 3. Trqnsfers.RESOIIjTION REQUIRED Records Mgmt Personnel Centrol Goroge Eqpt Cop lmpr Contr Exp SPW Contr Exp Generol Contingency Cop lmpr Contr Exp Cop lmpr Contr Exp Cop lmpr Contr Exp Snow Cop Eqpt Generol Contingency Refuse Contr Exo Emp Ben: Retiremenr Emb Ben: Polic Retirement Generol Contingency Sewer Contingency Sewer Contingency ovol of Absfrqcts. Respectfully submitted, Records Mgmt Contr Exp Centrol Goroge Contr Exp Centrol Goroge Contr Exp NYSUFBC Contr Exp Streets lnsuronce Streets Cop Eqpt Streets Contr Exp Streets Eqpt Moint Streets Cop Eqpt Refuse Copitol Eqpt Refuse Eqpt Moint Generol Contingency Generol Contingency Emp Benefiis: Unemployment Sewer Lines Eqpt Moint WWTP Pretreotment Contr Exp From: A0.| 460^ I 00 A0r640.200 A051r2.410 A01440.410 401990"410 A05t 12.4t0 A05r 12.410 A05l12.410 A05142.200 A0 t 990.41 0 A0B r 60.41 0 A090r0.B00 4090 r 5.800 A0 t 990.41 0 G01990.400 G01 990.400 ^t lJi ti,t' lsr 401460.410 A01640.410 A01640.410 A03620.400 A05l10.430 A05l10.200 A05t 10.410 A05l10.490 A05l10.200 408r60.200 A08160,490 A0'1990.410 A01990.4r0 A09050.800 G08120.490 G08130.460 Amount $ r ,500 2,770 3,000 204 3,320 7,230 19,000 500 580 12,060 1,000 28,700 46,69A 2,500 2,500 500 REQUIRED Jetfrey Silber Treosurer lLW tr.qnsfersldoled 11/11/2003 qs tisted b,etow: SOII9I io opprove lhe Abstrqct of Audiled Vouchers Doted 11/14/2OOg in ttre omount of$tlAr9{.Z9.glq inslruct thqt the Treosr.rrer rnoke poymenls ther.eon /\****/