HomeMy WebLinkAboutReg Mtg. Minutes 1/18/199963
Minutes of Regular Meeting
January IS, 1999
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Cayuga Heights, held
January 18, 1999 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Anderson; Trustees Fleming, Kira, Bisogni, Kussc, Mcinhardl, Collycr;
Attorney Tyle; Trcasurer Silber; Supt. of P.W. Cross; Fire Supt. Day; Police Chief Lansing;
Clerk Kord.
OTHERS: Kay Newman, Cyprian Wejnert.
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order, opening it to privilege of the Iloor. Thcrc were no
requests to speak.
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There were several minor corrections made to the minutes of the regular meeting of December
21, 1998.
Motion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by Trustcc Kira:
Voted to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting held December 21, 1998, previously
furnished to Trustees in copy form, as amcndcd. Trustecs Flcnning, Kira, Bisogni, Kussc,
Mcinhardt, Collycr voted YES.
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'file Mayor Reported on the following:
There was a congratulatory Idler from Walter Lynn re: the good work done on the N.
Triphammer Road Project and especially the rearrangement of tic traffic pattern for south
bound traffic at the Flanshaw Road intersection.
He received a letter from Mrs. Wcncser of the Kendal Transportation Committee, who
repeated their request for a crosswalk on N. Triphanuner Road at the south end of the
first island.'I'here was a discussion of the merits of this and other possible crosswalks and
it was decided that the Board would wait until spring to make a decision. Trustcc Collycr
suggested that a pedestrian activated (lashing yellow light at the pedestrian sign would be
The Village received notice of a proposed lawsuit on behalf of a Ms. Navalenko, a driver
who had an accident on N.'friph:nnnncr Road during the road construction period.'I'he
matter has been turned over to the Insurance Companies.
Thcrc will be weekly meetings ol'the Integrated Water Systems at Bolton Point.
It was discovered that Balton Point has only been charging a 20'A surcharge instead of
30"„ tin• the past year.'I'he new rate is now 50 %, however the base cost of water has
decreased so the total costs will rcnnain approximately the same. It was suggested that the
bills should rellect only the told cost instead ol'showing base water charge and
surcharge. Kay Newman indicated he• desire to have the costs broken down on the hills.
'There was a letter from Mr. Pinnisi at 6341lighland Road, protesting his water charges
and asking that his bill be waived.'fhc matter is under investigation and no action will be
taken at this time.
There will be a meeting of tlic Cayuga Lake WatcrShed Committee on Jan. 27, at 7:3011M
at the Tompkins County Ext.
'file Ithaca Area Cable Consortium seal a questionnaire asking I'ar the places of Public
Access — lhcy are the Village hall, Fire I louse, Cayuga I [eights School and Kendal.
NYSEG seta Gas Emergency call list, which has been distributed, to the necessary
NYSDOT -SEQR gave full approval to Cornell Lake Source Cooling Plan.
The Solid Waste I'ce was reduced to $48.00/lon on Jan.l, 1999 Cur disposal at the Seneca
landfill. .
Yaw's has purchased a truck to haul sludge. Thcre is a proposal pending, discussed at last
month's meeting for land application of the Waste Water "Treatment Plant's sludge I'or
additional cost savings. There was a discussion of the merits and problems of this
n)clhod. The DEC requires a battery of tests quarterly and the Village is proposing to
perform tests monthly. It was decided to wait for one more month for the results of a
second sludge lest before reaching a decision.
Letter from Laurie Johnston re: the PBA Wage &flours Claims.
Local Government Leaders met Jan 14, 1999 and were introduced to T.C. Administrator
Richard Erb from Kennebunk, Maine.
The Village has received the Financial Report for 1997 -95 Goa) the Auditors.
There will be a meeting to present the t' ORS from the Deer Study Questionnaire on Jail.
21, 1999 at 7:30 at the Cayuga I leighls School. Trustee Kusse noted that there have been
sharpshooters hired in Maryland, just north of D.C. to thin the deer herd.1'rcasurer Silbc•
rcportcd that the Ithaca Agency believed that the Deer Study Committee was covered
wider the Village Errors and Omissions Insurance, but they are waiting for the
confirmation in writing.'I'rcasurcr Silber has informed David Donner of the Deer
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Superintendent of Public Works Cross gave his monthly report, which is on file, and reported on
the following:
He advertised for bid n Skid Slecr Loader and received 4 bids. The bids were opened on
January 18, 1999. The lowest was from Lucas Cortland, Inc. lirr a Gehl Model
SL56351)XT will) an optional Key Troller 201 KS totaling $20,600.00. Second lowest
was Bobcat at $21,130.00. He will study the bids further in order to determine whether
the Gehl Loader meets the specs, stipulated in the bid solicitation.
Minion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by Trustee Kira
Voted to approve purchase of the Gehl Model 81.5635DXT will) an optional "Key ,
'l'roller" 201 KS fur a total ul'$20,600 if it meets the required speeilicalions.'fruslces
Fleming, Kira, Bisogni, Kusse, Meinhardt, and Collye• voted YES.
Because of dissalisfaction Willi Ilia new Ford backhoc, Supt. Cross is considering selling
it in order to raise the necessary monies above that budgeted for a used (newer) John
Deere unit.
Supt. Cross asked for comment on a proposal to renovate an area of the allic of the
ViIInge I tall to serve as an unoccupied record storage area. 'I'll iii Would require the
construction ofa stairway from ilia current Engineer's office to the third Iloor as Well as
other modifications. lie will bring contractor's estimates to the next meeting. Kay
Newman asked how this project would impact on future changes to the Village I lall, bill
it was fall that it would have no impact.
Tile Waste Water'frcatncnt Plant has had difficulty cleaning and maintaining the
digester chambers and have rented a high powered pump which works well. Since the
cost of rcnlal is approx. $1,000 per month, and Ihcrc is $35,000 budgeted for sewer
equipment, a public bid was produced for the purchase of diesel - driven, portable, dri-
prime, pump. Them was 1 bid opened on January 18, 1999 from Godwin Pumps, for a
Godwin Dri -Prime Model CD 100M 4" Diesel Pump Set at $18,900.00 with Fittings and
Attachments at $950.00. If the Village purchases the pump then Godwin Pumps will
cancel the rental cost for the previous month.
Motion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by Trustee Collycr,
Voted to approve the purchase of a Godwin Dri -Prime Model CD I OOM 4" Diesel Pump
Set for $18,900 Willi fittings and attachments for $950, totaling $19,850. TrLIStccs
17Icming, Kira, Eisogni, Kassa, Mcinhardl, and Collycr voted YES
Operating permits are up for renewal for four businesses. Each of ilia businesses has
written formal requests for renewal. Supt. Cross suggests that ilia expiration condition on
ilia permits be changed as follows: Each permit shall terminate upon any change in
ownership or change in nature of operation of the business, and the permit shall be
subject to annual review by the Village.
Motion by Trustee Kira, seconded by Truslce Fleming
Voted to approve the operating permit for JJ's CaI16 with the addition ofa partner
(daughter), ilia previously approved provision for outdoor seating, and ilia new
termination clause with provision for annual review. Trustees, Fleming, Kira, Eisogni,
Kussc, Mcinhardt, and Collycr voted YES.
Motion by'fruslce Kira, seconded by'I'ruslce Fleming,
Voted to approve the operating permit tin• ilia Corner's Deli with ilia change in ownership
from Lucille Missirian to Community Carriers Deli, file. with Samuel Sarkissian, Sr.
President, ilia addition ol'2 microwaves and I electric oven for baking, and ilia: new
lamination clause. Trustees, Fleming, Kira, Ilisogni, Kussc, Meinhm•dl, and Collyer
voted YEN.
Motion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by Trustee Kira,
Voted to approve [lie operating permit for the Corner's Auto Repair Service with the new
termination clause with provision for annual review, and with the further understanding
that the underground tanks have been removed (per NYSDEC) and no new tanks /pumps
have been installed, but that the operator wishes to retain the right to sell gas if he installs
new tanks in the future. Trustees I- Icming, Kira, Bisogni, Kussc, Mcinhardt, and Collycr
voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Fleming, seconded by'rrustee Kussc,
Voted to approve the operating permit for the Express Mart (formerly known as Stop 'N
Shop) owned by Petr -All Corp., with the new termination clause and provision for annual
review.. Trustees Fleming, Kira, Bisogni, Kussc, Mcinhardt, and Collycr voted YES.
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e Attorney Tyler reported that lie has not had a response as yet on the review that was
requested on the Sexual Harassment Policy, therefore adoption of tile Policy will be
delayed. He gave support for the regular and systematic testing of the Village sludge for
land application. Iie also voiced his opinion that the buffer zone be retained between the
Corner's Community Shopping Center and the Ciaschi land along East Upland Road.'T'he
Mayor acknowledged that given the map (now recovered) that shows the location and
dimensions of the buffer zone the matter is now clear.
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Treasurer Silber made his monthly reports, which is on file, and reported on the
Budget requests have been sent to the various DepDrIment Heads.
The Board will need to ratify a clarification in the allocation of the finding of the North
Triphammer Road Improvement Project. Borrowings which were originally scheduled
during the 1998 fiscal year, will occur during the 1999 fiscal year. The project budget has
been adjusted accordingly.
'Pile DPW have requested a paging system and capability for multiple phones.'I'his will
require an All Mode Switch at a cost of $3,500. This will require a transfer from the
Conlingency account to the Central Garage Equipmcnl account.
Motion by'I'ruslce Fleming, seconded by Trustce Kira
Voted to approve transfers:
Prom: TO: Amount
G1990.4 Sewer Contingency 68130 .47 'Pipping Fees 5,000