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Minutes of the Organizational Meeting
April 6, 2009
Village of Cayuga Heights
Board of Trustees
Present: Mayor Gilmore, Bob Andolina, Ron Bors, David Donner, Diana Riesman, Kate Supron, Bea Szekely,
Supt. Cross, Treasurer Silber, Fire Supt. Tamborelle, Police Chief Boyce, Attorney Marcus, Clerk Manning
Absent: Ass’t. Supt. Frisbie
Others: Sarah Hatcher, Linda Bors, Steve Supron, Nick Supron, Ben Supron, Elizabeth Mount, Frank Collyer,
Anita Watkins
Mayor Gilmore opened the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:00 PM, recounting the noon
swearing-in of Rich Uhlig and his resignation later. Bob Andolina was also sworn-in later in the day. At this time,
Mayor Gilmroe appointed Kate Supron to fill the seat vacated by Rich Uhlig’s resignation. Clerk Manning
conducted the swearing-in of both Kate Supron and Bea Szekely with Bob Andolina in attendance.
The Public Hearing on the 2009-2010 budget was opened at 7:15 P.M. Treasurer Silber presented an overview of
the tentative budget. The Mayor asked for public comment. Anita Watkins stated that she would like to see the
Marcham Hall project kept in the budget. Elizabeth Mount asked if the plan that the Village was discussing was a
version of the previous plans developed by architects for the renovation project. Supt. Cross answered that there
are two plans … one is a version of the previous Schickel plan, the other is different. Ms. Mount stated that she
wanted to agree on what Ms. Watkins said about keeping the money in the budget for the renovation and not take
money out of that line item to fund the deer issue as was done last year.
Supt. Cross briefly explained the plans to this point and the reason behind the renovation project….to get the
Clerk’s office on the first floor, provide handicap public bathrooms, provide more space for Supt. Cross’s office
and the police department. Other common space would be added, such as a break room for all employees, and a
smaller conference room for the use of all departments. Sarah Hatcher asked if the greenhouse would stay or go.
Cross explained that one of the two plans does away with the greenhouse, and both plans are still on the table. It
was stressed that the minimum budget amount is for a basic addition. Trustee Riesman stated that this issue should
move forward. The Mayor asked the Treasurer if $700,000 was enough for the project or should the Board increase
the amount. Treasurer Silber felt that the dollar amount was good, as we are presently in a good bidding
environment; however, the Village has to move aggressively. Cross reiterated that the building committee wanted
to come up with a budget the Village could handle. The path the committee has taken gives the Village a flexibility
level with revisions with project costs, etc. Trustee Szekely commented that modular equipment should be added to
the proposal. The Mayor continues to have concerns with cutting the fund balance down 50%. He doesn’t object
to the plan but is not comfortable with cutting the fund balance in half. Silber reiterated that if the budget passes
with this line item, it does not launch the project. It just begins more discussion. Fund balance was then discussed.
Ms. Watkins asked if the Village used most of the fund balance last year. The Treasurer answered that since the
Village is still in the current budget year, he is not sure how the year will end, but we will probably end up drawing
down approximately $8000. Watkins asked what a healthy fund balance is. A 25% reserve is healthy. The Village is
now at 50%. Watkins asked if there is anything legal to force the Village to draw it down. Treasurer Silber stated
that if the Village keeps it high, it runs the risk of a state audit. There is no purpose currently for that money which
is the taxpayer’s money. The question of how long the fund balance has been high was asked. Silber answered that
it trends upwards…it grew from sales tax revenue growing, coupled with healthy interest earnings. This budget
recognizes this. The public hearing then was closed at 7:40 pm.
The second public hearing on proposed Local Law #2 of 2009 relating to furnishing of legal counsel and
indemnification of employees. Attorney Marcus presented an overview of this law, especially the significance of the
inclusion of punitive damages in the law. He also stated that this is an exempt action under SEQR. There were no
comments from the public, however Supt. Cross wished to express the fact that as the Village Engineer, even
though he has a professional engineers license for New York State, in his capacity this is a significant law to have in
the Village.
The public hearing was closed at 7:50 pm.
The third public hearing on the proposed Local Law #3 of 2009 at 7:51 pm establishing the sewer rate for fiscal
year 2010, was opened. Treasurer Silber stated that due to increased revenue from the Village accepting drill water,
the rate could drop by $4 for inside rate and $6 for outside rate. There were no comments from the public. The
public hearing was closed at 7:55 pm.
At 8:00 PM, Mayor Gilmore opened the Organizational Meeting. David Donner was appointed Deputy Mayor by
the Mayor. The following appointments were then made by the Mayor:
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Szekely
Move to pass Resolution 6449 approving the following appointments:
Barney, Grossman, Dubow and Marcus Law Firm for one official year.
Miller Mayer Human Resource Law Firm for one official year.
Brent Cross Building Commissioner for one official year.
Brent Cross Engineer for one official year.
Brent Cross Zoning Officer until further notice.
Brent Cross Stormwater Mgmt. Officer for one official year.
Ron Bors Acting Treasurer for one official year.
Vacant Village Historian for one official year.
Andre Bensadoun Village Forester for one official year
David Klein Acting Village Justice for one official year.
Jack Young Appoint ZBA Chair (to expire 2014).
Diana Riesman Chair of Communications for one official year.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Budget deliberations began. There were discussions on budget line item requests from departments, and further
discussion about the Marcham Hall renovation project. The cost difference for one story vs. two story building is
approximately $150,000.
Motion by Trustee Bors
Seconded by Trustee Andolina
VOTED to pass Resolution 6450 approving the budget and salary schedule for the 2010 Fiscal Year with
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Bors
VOTED to pass Resolution 6451 setting the property tax rate of $5.45/m for a total levy of $2,050,249.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Supron
Seconded by Trustee Donner
Motion to pass Resolution 6452 setting the Water Surcharge for the 2009-10 Fiscal Year at 85%.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Bors
Motion to pass Resolution 6453 keeping the sewer rate for the 2009-10 Fiscal Year the same as last year.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
The Mayor presented the following Committee appointments:
Public Safety Committee David Donner, Chair/Kate Supron
Public Works Committee Bea Szekely, Chair/Diana Riesman
Finance Committee Ron Bors, Chair/Bob Andolina
Appointments for Committees at Large – University Neighborhood Council – were discussed and reviewed. More
appointments will be reviewed and finalized at upcoming meetings.
The reappointment of Ron Anderson on the Board of Bolton Point Water Commission will be held until April 20.
It was suggested that Ron be asked to make a presentation to the Board at an upcoming meeting.
Michelle Kiefer will no longer take on the role of Cayuga Heights Association chair.
There was a brief discussion on ways to inform the public about committee openings, such as Courier, the website,
and word of mouth. Thank you to Sarah Hatcher for all her hard work this past year on The Courier. Fred Cowett
will be recognized at a future meeting for his excellent summary of all the trees in the community.
Motion by Trustee Donner
Seconded by Trustee Andolina
Motion to pass Resolution 6454 designating Tompkins Trust Company, Ithaca, NY as the
official depository for Village funds for the 2010 Fiscal Year, with a maximum deposit of
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Szekely
Motion to pass Resolution 6455 that the Clerk be authorized to notify Tompkins Trust
Company of the following names to be honored on checks for the 2010 Fiscal Year, with
two signatures required for each check.
1. James Gilmore, III, Mayor or David Donner, Acting Mayor
2. Jeffrey Silber, Treasurer or Ron Bors, Acting Treasurer
3. Norma R. Manning, Clerk
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Riesman
Seconded by Trustee Szekely
Motion to pass Resolution 6456 that the Ithaca Journal be designated the official
newspapers for 2010 Official Year.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Donner
Seconded by Trustee Andolina
Motion to pass Resolution 6457 approving the slate of officers for the Cayuga Heights Fire Department as
elected by the Cayuga Heights Fire Company, approved and forwarded for consideration by the Fire
Council of the Cayuga Heights Fire Department, and presented by Fire Chief Tamborelle as listed below:
262 1st Assistant Chief Matt Abbinanti
263 2nd Assistant Chief Dave Wolf
281 1st Lieutenant Joe Lisi
282 2nd Lieutenant Dave Openshaw
283 3rd Lieutenant Scott Martling
284 4th Lieutenant Ben Lundell
272 Ass’t. Rescue Director Adam Breslin
273 Ass’t Rescue Director Lindsay Tamborelle
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Supron
Seconded by Trustee Bors
Motion to pass Resolution 6458 setting the Regular meetings of the Village Trustees and the Village
Planning Board for 2010 Official Year as follows: (7:00 PM on the third Monday of each month except:
Annual Organizational Meeting, which is the first Monday in April AND in months when the 3rd Monday
is a holiday, the meeting will take place on the Tuesday following the Monday holiday:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday September 21, 2009
Monday October 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 MLK Birthday on Monday, January 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 President’s Day on Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday, March 15
Monday, April 5 Organizational Meeting
Monday, May 17
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Szekely
Motion to pass Resolution 6459 approving Local Law #2 of 2009, A Local Law amending Village of
Cayuga Heights Local Law No. 2 of 1981, “Enactment under Provisions of Chapter 277,1981 New York
Session Laws Relating to the Furnishing of Legal Counsel and Indemnification of Employees”, to provide
for the defense and indemnification of officers and employees. This is an exempt action under SEQR.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Bors
Motion to pass Resolution 6460 not to change the sewer rate; therefore no Local Law #3 will be passed.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Motion by Trustee Donner
Seconded by Trustee Andolina
At this time, it was requested that the Board approve the Fire Company’s Yard Sale for fund raising purposes
scheduled for May 30 and 31. All funds raised will go to the Fire Company.
Motion by Trustee Andolina
Seconded by Trustee Szekely
Voted to pass Resolution 6461 approving the Spring Yard Sale fund raising effort by the Cayuga Heights
Fire Company. All funds raised will go to the Fire Company.
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Trustee Donner Abstains
At this time, Trustee Riesman expressed her concern about Trustee Donner holding the position of Chair of the
Public Safety Committee referencing his capacity as a member of the fire company and past member of the fire
department. The Mayor stated that Trustee Donner’s knowledge and expertise with reference to the fire
department/company is helpful. Trustee Bors echoed that sentiment. Trustee Andolina commented on conflict of
interest in general, whereby someone acts in a role that he personally stands to derive a benefit from in the role of
public official. Simply put, you step away from an issue if you are too close to it. Treasure Silber stated that Trustee
Donner may want to step back when the fund raising letter for the Fire Company is approved.
Chief Boyce presented more information on a subject that he spoke about at the previous board meeting -- a
request to submit a grant to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) to receive funding
for a 7th police officer position. The grant, if received, would provide 100% funding for the first 3 years of a newly
hired police officer, with the municipality taking over on the 4th year. There was discussion among the trustees as
to the necessity of a 7th officer in the Village, and the costs involved from the 4th year forward. It was determined
that the Village was not in favor of moving forward on this information.
Treasurer Silber thanked everyone for their work getting the new budget put together. In November, Treasurer
Silber will talk to the trustees to get the process going again for next year.
Trustee Riesman stated that the Independent Planning Board issue should be put on the April 20 meeting agenda.
Motion by Mayor Gilmore
Seconded by Trustee Andolina
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 PM
Mayor Gilmore, Trustees Andolina, Bors, Donner, Riesman, Supron and Szekely voted YES.
Norma R. Manning