HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirefighter Recruitment letter 10.2012.PDFCAYUGA HEIGHTS FIRE CO., No. 1, INC P.O. Box 4262,Ithaca, Ny 14952 (607) 2SZ_2577 Responding from 1g4 pleasant Groue'Roa'd, vilrage of cayuga Heights Dear Neighbor,October,2072 once again we are agking for your support of emergency services in the village ofCayuga Heights and the North East Town of lthacalyorr" rrrppor, r,.rp" the Firecornpany fulfill our mission of emergency operations, recruitment and retention ofvolunteer fire fighters, and public saflty ud,r"utior,. we remain ready to ro11. Because of the transient nafure of our population we recruitnew memb"t, oi the Fire Deparfment semi-annually in order to make up for thosemembers leaving town. In the pastyear,we acceptbd 20 new recruits. This month,another dozen are just beginning fraining, This consistent training "iiort makes itpossible for us to maintain the highest level of community servicel we love what we do. Not only do w_e ask for your financial support, we invite you tojoin us as a volunteer fire fighter or Emergency Medical Technici"r, inlar;. we,d love tohave you join the team! Informatiott rnuyl. found at www.chfd.net. This letter seeks support for the Fire Company. your tax dolars support thedurable capital costl of tlu CayagaHeighis Fire Deparrment, meaning thecommunity fire statiory firefightingapparatus, and core equipment. TTre FireCompany supplies secondary r"rolr.ur, such as fifness .quipmurrt, furnishings forthe statiory recruitment and retention costs, event-rerated mears, ur,a prrutiaeducation materials for kids and adults. Your generosity in the last year, for which 1re-fhank you, made possible the purchase ofa fire extinguisher kaining simulator. The Bullex Live Fire Extinguisher Trainer allowsus to go to a new level jn public safety education, Please come bl at the open houses-aturday, october 20 from 1"0'2 anit ryut a real fire out, shoutd {ou eaer need to use afire extinguisher, you wiilfeet skitteit and mori confident, Tl: 9u.y"gl Fleights Firecompany is a 501(c)3 non-profit organizatron on behalf ofwhich I amhappy to_send youlnis appeal, Please *uku your tax-deductible checkpayable to Cayuga Heights Fire Co., No. 1 and return it in the enclosed envelope. Thank you for reading this and for your support. IAlhen you need The CayugaHeights Fire Department, we're here for r"rr, in afireor emergency mediiafsituation, simply by dialing 9-1"-1,. Sincerely yours, Rev. Steven D. Felker