HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS DOC Resolution.PDFRE,SOLUTION SUPPORTING A GRANT APPLI,CATION TO STU Local Government Efficiencv Clrant , S DOS LOCAL GOVERNMENT E,FFICIENCY THE FE,ASIBILITY OF' SHARED SERVICES of State has available funds for the 2011,-2012 and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY AND EFFIC IF],N CY I\4E,A S URE,S L ROADS FOR COST SAVINGS AND ilesolution by: Trustee I(arns Seconded by: Trustee Szekely WFIL]I{FIAS, rhe New York State D rtment \)7HEREAS, this granr program can ist Village of Cayuga l-{eights in identifying oppoturuties to cooperate with othef providrng services, and governments in the are to reduce the cost of WHEREAS, the cosr to maintain roadways and bridges represents a large share of all murucipal and county budgets and p ry tax levies, and WHEREAS, at a time when the cost and local buclgets are tightly constrain infrastructute 2rt ^ cost that can be su tted by local budgets, and WHERFIAS, Village c>f Cayuga Heigh and its Local Municipal Highway Department wouldbenefit frorn reducing the cost of adeq tely repairing and maintaining these roadways, ancl $7HEREAS, a study ro evaluate the C rntet-municipal cooperation, shared se nty and Local Road System and identify , or redistributions of resDonsibilities quality highway services and lower ^. ,l WHEIUTAS Vrilage of Cayuga l-Ieights on behalf of its ciuzens, supports this effort andgralt apphcation for approxnnately $1 ,000, with a required iocal cash match of 10o/o thatshall be allocated ,lmong the participati municipalities. maintain highway infiastructure is growing rapidly , it is increasingly difficult to maintain basic highway areas whete could costs forresult in a firore elificient system of prc the repau: and rna:intenancc of existing ltllSoLVED, That Village of Cayrga l{eights supports the County and Local Road LocalGovernment E,fficiency Grant Irrograrrl upphcauon, and FUI{TFIER I{ESOLVED, that the vill{ge of cayuga Heights agrees, if awdrded, toparucipate and assist in al1 phases of the County anl Lo.al Road Shared Serwice LocalGovernment h,fficiency Grant Study. viliage of cayuga Heights Roard of rr.u]stees meeting, March 12, 201.2,Marcham Hall -F# /P ,/ Jrllagc of (Jayug;, l{eights Seal Mayor I(athryn D. Supron