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Sent: Friday, January 06,2012 4..46 pM
To: MaryMiils;VCH-Trustees;VCH-Dept-{eads;VCH-pranning-Board;vcH_ZBA
Cc: Angela Podufalski
subject: RE: New Law Requiring Availability of iecords prior to open Meeting
Yes, the Village is very gctoci about beinf transparent ancl cJisclosing informatioll tc)the residerrts (trnforntnately, other.mutli.i.rrrliii., nr. ,.,,rt as goocl about it thor-rghand that is the reason for the new iaw). Th* q.r.otion Bea has raisecl was with regarclto the police officer's repofts, fire chieff ,*porrr, alxftacrs, etc. I have cliscussed t6iswith Randy ancl pursuant to the new l+ *; [',oti", believe that those d.cumentsshould be made available to the public ,fs w*11. Therefbre, you should put thosereports on the viliage's website as sooll {u y.,., receive them'(possib$ irr the samelocation :rs.the Agenda). Y-ou rn'ill u*"{ to make sure that there are no confid,entialor persolral items in tlhose reports thou/h (i.e. anything ilc:rling with personnel issuesor llon'pLrbiic inforrnation). Basically, ar vthins tirat can be foiieil. ,r"",1, t. be puton rhe website in advance of the meetin[s. ,+oytLrirrg that is non.foilable shogld beredacteci' That mearui ZBA applicationslancl PB applications will ,r*",1 tg be posteclon the vyebsite as well,
\7e are also rec.mmernding that the Villlage have all reporrs ancl documenr.s to bediscussed at the meetin.g on the u'e'bsite [it*orr 24 hor-rrs in advance. please notethat if someone asks fr:r a printed copyclf or.y.lo.ument, the Village has the right tocharge them a fee (same as the fc.,il cloculn.rrio).
I am pianning c,n discussing all this rvitl.i the Tmstee's Monclay night c1-rring the
Mary Mills
From: Kristin Gutenberger Ikgutenberger@bgdmolaw.coml
attofney fepoft as well.
Best regards,
Kristin E,. Gutenberger
.A-ssociate Attorney
Barney, Grossrn:rn, Duborv, Marcus {ir Orkin. lLLp
I19 E. Seneca Street, Suit,l 400
Ithaca, New York 14850
607.773.6841 0)
607.272"8806 0r)
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Thank you - Mary
Sent: Friday, January 06,2OlZ 2:03 pM
To: Mary Mills
subject: New Law Requiring Availability of necofds prior to open Meeting
To: Mayors, Managers, Administratois, Clerks, Fiscal Officers and Attorneys
From: Peter Baynes;, NYCOM Executive Director
Re: New Law Requiring Availability df Records prior to open Meeting
On January 3rd, Governor Cuomo sif ned into law an amendment to the State'sOgen Meetings Law requiring local gpvernments to make available to the public -prior to or at an open meeting - cerQin records which will be the subject ofdiscussion at the meleting. Many of tfre media reports of this new law have beenvague, misleading and/or inaccurate. Therefore, I strongly suggest you reviewNYCOM's attached_rsL.lmmary of Chapter 603 of tfr intoeffect on February 2,2012.
NYCOM opposed this legislation basbd on the fact that we strongly believe it wasunnecessary and would impose an unfunded mandate on our members. lt is worthnoting that at NYCOM's insistence, t{e law was amended prior to its enactment toinclude. language sprecifically stating lhat a municipality shall not be required toexpend additional money in order to domply with the law.
!f you have any ques;tions regarding tfie law, please feel free to contact Johnl\/la^^i^i t\l\//-n n i f\-.,,-^^r -L F/ ^ ]^^ ' ' ^:'Mancini, NYCOM counser, at 51a-4og-t 1g5 or imancini@nvcom.orq.
New L'w_Requires cdrtain Records Be Made Avaifabreto the Public prior to Open Meetings
on January l3rd, Governor c4romo signed into raw an amendment tothe state's open Meetings L{w requiring rocar governments to makeavailable to flhepublic, prio-r !o or at an open meeting, certain recordswhich will be the s1b,1e9t ol discussion at the meeting. The new rawapplies to eu:ry pubric body rJyittrin ttre muntiparity. specificaily,public record,s which.are ariehdy avairabre under ForL, in addition toany proposecl resolution,, r"y, rure, reguration, poricy oi "ny
amendment, that l: :"h"durgd to bJthe topic of discussion by apublic body at an op:n meetifrg, must be made avairabre -- upon
l?li,",l.l;;1"^lh:ty?]f p'lg't9 or at the meetins, to the exteni
ined bv the municipali
charging a reiasonable fee for
current FOIL fees.
This legislatio,n does not requ
documents free of charge. ln
re municipalities to provide these
act, municipalities have the option of
such documents, consistent with
llities that maintain a ,'regularly and
that utilize a high speed internet
The law also requires munici
routinely upderted website an
connection" to post the inform ion on the municipal website prior tothe meeting to the determined bv theqovernment.
NYCOM opposed this legistatipn based on the fact that we stronglybelieve it was unnecessary and wourd impoiu
"n unfunded mandateon our memberrs. lt is worth noting that at NycoM,s insistence, thelaw was amend.ed prior to its fnactment to include tanguage
specifically starting
_that,a munigipality shart not be required to expendadditional morey
1n^91o9r.to c{mpry with the raw. The raw (chapter603 of the Lavrrs of 2011) take{ effect on Febru ary 2, 2012.
Questions concerning the new raw shourd be directed to NycoMcounsel John Mancini at 51a-{oe-r 1g5 or jmancini@nycom.org.