Section I - purpose amd scope:(a) The people's right to witness and observe the governmental decision-making process in action is basicto our sociel'y' Access to public portions of meetings ofpublic bodies must be protected and maintained.(b) We adopt these guidelines in order to provide directi,on concerning the procedures by which publicmeetings of this public body may be observed, photographed, recorded and broadcast.
Section 2 - obs-ervation, Sign Display, Distribution of Material, Recording and Broadcasting public portionsof Meetings:(a) The public portion of any meeting of a public body may be photographed, recorded and broadcast.(b) A public borly-may adopt reasonubl. *i., governing distribution lf materials, the location of displaysand signs, and the location of equipment Jnd persolnel ur"d to fnotog.uph, record or broadcast thepublic portion of a meeting in order io ensure that the distribution of s.r"h material, display of such signsand banners, and the use of such equipment does not detract from or interfere with the deliberativeprocess.
(c) There is no privacy interest in statements made during public portions of meetings of public bodies.Distaste or embarrassment shall not constitute a basis for prohibiting or limiting the photographing,recording or broadcasting of those present at a meeting.
section 3 - Rules for observation, Sign Display, Distribution of Material, Recording and Broadcasting publicportions of Meetings:(a) operation of'equipment to photograph, record or broadcast a meeting is permitted unless it is obtrusive,disruptive, o'r interferes with the deliberative process or the right of persons in attendance to observe orlisten to the prroceedings. In all circumstances, such equipment shall be located behind the last rowof public sea'ting in the meeting room so that the urryorr. i,r attendance may hear and observed thedeliberative process without otlstruction or interference.(b) use of speciirl lighting or large equipment necessary to photograph, record or broadcast a meeting ispetmitted un'less it is obtrusive or disruptive. In all circumstaices, such equipment shall be locatedbehind the last row of public seating in the meeting room so that the anyone in attendance mayhear and observed the deliberative process withoui obstruction or interference.(c) Persons oper:ating equipment necessary to photograph, record andlor broadcast shall be given areasonable olpportunity to modify their actions in order to avoid interference with the deliberativeprocess.
(d) No material slhall be broadcast, displayed, proj ected, disseminated or distributed inside the meeting roomor building holding said meeting, including ioy"r, and hallways, without the prior express permissionof this public body,(e) No signs, bannets, visual displays, or audio broadcasts shall be hung, displayed, located, projected, orplaced anywhere inside the meeting room or building holding said meeting, including fbyers andhallways, witrhout the prior express permission of this p.ruti. uoiy.
Section 4 - Public notice:
These rules governing the distribution of materials, the location of displays and signs, and the location andoperation of equipment necessary to photograph, record or broadcast u *".iing shall be posted in the buildingholding a public mee'ting and also in Marcham Hall. written copies of these rules shall be provided uponrequest' free of chargro, to those in attendance at or who seek to attend a meetins.
Section 5 - Severability:
If anyprovision ofthese guidelines or the application thereofto anyperson or circumstances is adjudged invalidby a court of competetrt jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affeci or impair the validity of the other provisionsof these regulations or the application thereolto other persons and circumstances.
Privilege of the llloor at Meetings of the Board of rrustees3f the village of cayuga HeightsThank you for attending a village Board of Trustees meeting. The following policy on publicparticipation in Board meetings is intended ,;ili" ;;r. p"ni.ip"rion in trrZint.r.rt of opengovernment.
Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the village of cayuga Heights take place in accordancewith New York State law, {or the purpose orvillage gou."-un... Meetings are convened by the{ayor or by an appointed deputy.
Discussion takes place u*oog the members of the Board with the village professional staff.Minutes are recor(ced by the gtert' As provided in the New york State open Meetings Law, allBoard meetings are open to the public, and members orth. public are very welcome to attend.Although not requrired by.l?*, the Mayor and the Trustees oicuyogu Heights offer privilege ofthe Floor in order to provide individuals in the audience with the opportunity to voice theiropinion on Village affairs.
ln the interest of expediting the flow of village business during its lengthy meetings, privilege ofthe Floor is open lbr 30 .nittut., only, ordinaiily followrngany scheduled-public Hearings.Fifteen (15) minutes prior to the "o.n-.rr."-ent of any regularly scheduled Board of rrustee,smeeting, a sign-in sheet will be placed on a table inside thJmeeting room. upon anival, allattendees are requested to sign in, indicating if they wish to speak. The speakers may give theirname and address if they choosqt If a tp.uli", ao.r ooir"unito pro.rlae their name, they mustsign in as "Anonytnous Speaker" and then they ur. r"rponrible for remembering the numberassociated with their place on the list.
Attendees will be called to speak in the order shown on the sign-in sheet on a first come, first tospeak basis.
Speakers are asked to stand unless prevented by a disability, to give their name and address ifthey so choose, ancl must limit theii remarks to two minutes of time. please note that a speaker,stime may not be yir:lded to other speakers,
Speakers are requested to observe standards of courtesy and good taste and may be asked toterminate remarks at any tlme b-v the Mayor or anotheipresiiing officer iitrr.-Jp"ur..r,,language is repetitive, profane, boisterous, threatening, off"nrirr., or uruuly. Audience membersge a_s!9d not to engage with the speaker, or with each other.The village clerk lieeps time and gives notice when 30 seconds are remaining. occasionally,Board members ma.y ask a speakeifor clarification.
Speakers are very vrelcome io submit their comments to the Board in writing for considerationand attachment to tlhe meeting minutes. The minutes will include all the speakers, names, ifprovided by the speaker, with a brief statement of their positions.Although the public it 9{v invited to speak during rri,rir"g" orthe Floor, the Board may, at itsdiscretion, allow the public to speak at other timer] sp.ur..?, must be recognized.by the Mayoror by another presidling officer,
Anyone with an interest in any facet of village government is encouraged to contact theMayor, the Board o.f Trustees and the viuagJs;fftnro.,gt
"-ail addresses found on theVillage of Cayuga lleights web site (rvr.r,rv. -ayuga _ I lei glts.ny. us).Adopted by the Board of rrustees, village of cayuga Heights, January grh, 2012