HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarren Rd Sewer District.PDFFrom: Sent: To: Gc: Subiect: Attachments: (3s2 Brent Cross fVfonOuY, APril 16, 2012 5"14 PM V'CH-Trustees V'CH-DePt-Heads \ /arren road sewer district |Untitledl.Pdf sffih, | ,1.* |lr',d*il Iuntitled].pdf KB)Dear MaYort As a follow-up to the meeting that you and I had with the Town and vil-lage of Lansrng' I have altached a copy of a letter from the rown of Lir-t"i-,-tq which requests the village of Cayuga Heights ao-lifo.ute additio,-tuf u"*"r units to e*pit'O the seivice area of the Warren Road Sewer District ' rn 2009, the Town did an engineering study of the existing/potential properties in the warren Road area that could be hooked up to . .,.i, u"*"t *ui"' They determine that they woufd need 424 sewer units to supply servj-ce :I:! " "?9 V""t-: Therefore' the Village entered into an agreement with th-e Town to provide 424 sewer units to the Warren Road Sewer District. ShortlyaftertheTovuninstalledthenewSewermaininWarrenRoad,propertyownerswho were not included in the orlginal estimate, began-to express tlrgir dlsiie to be connected' NowtheTownbelievesthatthereisaneedroranuooiti.o''ul400Sewerunits(mostly apartments) for area:; that are atready served by the new sewer maln' In the meetang on 3/1)/I2, with new Town supervisor Kathy Mllfer and long-time Mayor Don Hartill, we discusserl how the Town of Lansinq itt" a relltionship with the Village of Lansing to use;;;i, sewer pipes to send ror. ".*uqe to the.Village of cayuga Heights WWTP. Therefore, dny agreement ir-'tl we make witr' tire make with the town of Lansing must also be agree<J upon loy the vi-r1a;;-"; Lansing,. Therefore, the Town's request will need the Village of cayuga Heights_to agi6e to treat ttre-sewaqe from the additionar properties' and the Village of Lansing will neeJ-io upptove the nr" 6f their pipes to transport the Town's sewage to the WWTP' since we are not sure about the impact of capacity at the.TTTP and the VilJ-age of Lansing is not sure about the capacity oi !t-r"it pipes, ltuv"t Hartifl,proposed an interim sorutlon until all of the details can be worked olt-' Ht ''-'qq""ted that we allow the Town of expand the servrce area to incfude aooiliorii ptop.rties, -n,-tt not grant any additional units untilfurtherresear.chcanbeoone.rtriswlrralfowtheTowntoaflocatesewerunitsto anyone in the expancted- district]"f''t not u*"t"o'lit oiiqi"" L 424 units until we can have a belter picture of thLe long term ampact ' one of Lhe reasons that it makes sense to delay. !h9 orantiis.-:f additlonal units to the Town, is because we have changed the basis on which a sewer unit is calculated frorn single ia*iiy units to water meter consumptlon' Therefore'Irecommendthatweagre?.o?1lol'theTowntoexpandtheserviceareaofthe warren Road liewer D:Lstrict, with atlocation of additional units to be subject to further consideration of wwl;P capacltY' I wifl- make a reque,st for a resolution at the Trustee meeting on 4/16/12 (tonight) to authori-ze the Mayor to sign ""-lgr".*""t (to be reviewed by counsel) as discussed above' SincerelY' Brent Cross Village Engineer