WHEREAS, the Village of Cayuga Heights is provided cable service by Time Warner Cable;
WHEREAS, the Village of Cayuga Heights recognizes the advantage of cooperation with
other municipalities with regard to cable franchise issues; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Cayuga Heights is interested in exploring, through the Tompkins
County Council of Governments, the possibility of entering into an agreement with other
municipalities to form a Consortium to negotiate, on behalf of (the Municipality), a renewal
franchise agreement with Time Warner Cable; and
WHEREAS, the intent would be to form a Consortium with the authority to conduct public
hearings, conduct surveys, and engage in all activity, within the limits of applicable State
and Federal Law, that is necessary and appropriate to negotiating a renewal franchise
agreement for its member municipalities; and
WHEREAS, the Consortium may be charged with analyzing the financial, technical, and
legal issues related to cable television regulation to enable the member municipalities to
reach sound judgments in exercising their regulatory authority with regard to such matters
as cable television rates, franchise fees, and nature and quality of service; and
WHEREAS, all members of the Consortium would individually reserve the right to approve,
disapprove, or amend the franchise agreement so negotiated on their behalf; and
RESOLVED, that the Village of Cayuga Heights does hereby express interest in exploring
the possibility of forming a consortium of municipalities to negotiate on its behalf for the
renewal of its franchise agreement with Time Warner Cable; and it is further
RESOLVED, that Village of Cayuga Heights does hereby reserve the right to refrain from
joining the consortium should the terms and conditions of joining the consortium prove to
be unacceptable to the Board.
Motion: Trustee Andolina
Second: Trustee Crooker
Aye Votes: Trustees: Andolina, Crooker, Karns, Riesman, Szekely
No Nays or Abstains
Trustee Hamilton absent
Motion Carried 4/16/2012