HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummer Helper- Brent.PDFFrom:
Brent Cross
Friday, April 13, 2012 3:25 PM
Joan M. Mangione; Jeff Frisbie
sLrmmer helper
TO: Pubfic Works Committee
As discussed in the Executive Session on 4/2/L2, I am providing the following information
as documentation of th= history of the "summer helper" program used to assist in public
works projects.
Inlhcn T first Lreo-^,.,^Fl,;^^ €n- fhc \/illaoc jn 19^A rr^ L''r^^+ rnCfUded Several SeaSOnal- - rdl.t w9I KJlrg !(-)r L^*- - --- - - Ja 1 urrY vuq9v L r
positions, including:
2-4 seasonal laborers to work with lhe DPW crew on various
construction projects (usually laid off at the end of the December)
1 summer laborer (usually a high schoof studenL.) to hel-p the DPW wiLh
"community beautification" such as lawn mowing and brush trimming
l- summer technician (usual-ly an engineering student) to help the
Engineer with misc. projects (see examples below)
Over the years, we tried severa.l- methods of summer/seasonal employees. At one time, the
seasonaf DPW workers were part-time employees with no benefits, but eligible for
unemployment insurance at the end of the year. Since the Vil-lage does not particlpate in
the NYS Unemployment Insurance Plan, the Village was responsible for reimbursing the state
fnr elI rrnemnlo\menf hcnefifs naid lo our workers. Therefore, we switched to hiringqr rvrrryr vJ rLL
workers Lhru varlous employment agencies as Lemporary workers. This avoided the
unemployment benefits problem, but we had issues with the backgrounds of some of the
workers and they were severely limited to what type of work they were allowed to perform
hrr the temn acrennrzt q insrrranr-F. f n an ef fort to save moneyf we have not used any seasonalp I Llre uvrrry
workers over the fast 2-3 years. This ls something that Jeff Frisbie has been abfe to
manage with the fufl- time crew. He is to be commended for the success of this decision.
We have afso not hired any summer l-aborers in recent years because there was always
pressure from various efected officials, fulf-time employees, vendors, etc to hire their
qnns .)r clarrohf ers. This eventua-Ily resulted in some issues that made it not worth getting
into a vulnerable posltion again. So again, Jeff Frisbie has managed to get the same work
done without the expense of a summer helper.
This brings me to the sunmer technician position. From 1994 until about 2008, the Village
hired a Cornelf/TC3 student to assist me with various technical tasks such as:
-road condition survey to estabfish a street maintenance priority list
(updated every 5 years)
-sewer manhole inventory and visual condltion inspection
-SLorm Sewer map'Pang
-fiotrt qrrrrzorz'i nn fnr qnacific nrniacfs like l-he reconStruction of N.Ilsau ru! vvJrrrY lrv Ir!
Trinhammer Roacl ancl Hiohland Road
-drrfl-i na af nl:n< fnr qncci f i c nrnic.f q I r r'^u! yf o.rlD rur DycuM9 IJrvJ ceLr !r^s
plant roofs, various V'illage Hall proposafs, etc.
-rrndafinn GTS manq fnr rriIIaoe owned infrastructureulruquftrY vJv r!te.I/v rv!such as culvert
sewer system/ water mainsr etc
-zoning projectsr such as fence surveys, sign surveys, student housing
inventory/ etc.
-stormwater manergement facility inventory and annual inspection
-ierer plant reprorting statistics such as graphing of State Pollutant
Discharge Permit. rePorts
-general assistaLnce with office tasks such as building permit data
filinc of mans/nermifsl . seftin.T 11^ l-:v m:n filacf etC.!lf Il19 vr rllolro/ yE!rtrauL,'
road reconstruction,sewer
In 2009, Joe Lisi was il high school teacher looking for a summer job. As a longtime fire
finhtor:nrl naramodin nn fhc (l:rnrn: Hoinhts FD. he offered a new opportunity to have arf vrrLE! arrv yqlqr! sYe rrlrYrr'e L v,
connection the Engj-nee::'s office and the Fire Dept. In addition to the usual- summer
f ^^!-- i ^- r +rar.a .loe a.Lso could help with misc building permit inspections and annual f ireLeultltJUql Lo-^D /inqncctions Tn 2Ol-O Joe went to work fufl time at Bang's Ambulance, but had "swing shift"
hours and was stil-l- avaifable to assist with various tasks, especially frre inspections
fnnl. hrrildina ncrmifs\ ,Tna iq \/ar\/ holnfrrl urifh Fhoqc faskq. hrrl haS nOt had aS mUCh time\]M VuMfIrV lrsrrrLruo/. vv!j/ trury ussJrvt vs
as orj-ginally thought, so he has not been able to take advantage of the time budgeted for
the "summer technician"'
There is currently a l-.i-st of projects that would be appropriate for a summer technician to
help with this vear, sr:ch as:
-preparing schematic drawings of the "squid" intersection p1an.
-preparing a mat,3rial quantity list and cost estimate for the "squid"
prol ecf
-nranar.i nn - --f .^*; - 1 ^,1-hf i trz I .i sf :nd nost estimate f Or theyrsPqrrrry q ltLdL'=!ror YuqrrurLJ arr
Village's portio:n of the Hanshaw Road sidewalk project
-updating various inventory inspections such as roads/ sewer,
-assisL with surveys for comprehensive plan tasks such as inventory of
commercial signage, multiple housing stock, sheds, etc.
-assist with construction management tasks associated with the ViIIage
addition project
-general office support such as mapping and filing
I propose to seek a new summer technician to fulfill- some
Therefore, I believe that maintaining a $6,600 budget for
asset and could be put to good use Lo catch up on some of
on the PWC list for months and months.
T€ ,,^,a ]i-r'^ -h* crroqf innq. nloasg COntaCt me in adVanCe Off,I yuu lIqvc olrJ YusDurvlrrt vfsqr
nf ]- haqc t\/nas of taSkS.
f hi c nrrrnnqo i q : I/ar\/ rzal rrehl eLrrfr lJuly q vvlJ
the mi-sc. tasks that have been
f l.ra l-rrrdcct m6of i na an A /1 6 /12Lrru vuuYu Lrrrv vtr a / Lv/ L-.