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My brother Jim and I orvn two vacant lots in the Village, while my wife and I live here as well.
We all wish to officially express our support for the proposed Local Law "J", and for the
Village's proposed deer remediation project in general. The Village deer problem needs to be
solved, and if your plan doesn't go ahead, w{ will all suffer in a viriety oiways. Thanks very
much for pushing ahead" with this plan despiie the complaints of a r-ull ttrittotity.
Jack & Jim Young
Kate Supron
Tuesday, December 20,
PH Comment - FW: PL|IJ
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 20II 6:23 pM
To: Kate SunronTn' T{rf a Qrrnrnn
Sub;ect: PLL J
Ma rrnr Srrnrnn .
T em r"lrif ino l_a ovnraqq
Praaram rc r^ra11 as anynJrr) needed to implement
Kirk Sigel
11 9:16 PM
Village's Deer
1. n fha \/i l lrnorc
Sterll-ization and Culling
Laws (like Proposed Local Law
O arr
Kate Supron
Tuesday, December 20,11 10:00 AM
tt/ary Mills
PH comment FW: Meetiirg on deer remediation
-----Ori ai na l Ma.,_ssage-----
From: Richard Hale lmailto:richGrj_chhalie.uslSent: Monday, December 19, 2017 4:10 pM
Ta . K: l- a Qrrnrnn
Subject: Meeting on deer remediation
Flaer Marrnr Qrrnrn_- _*ts,_n:
As resldents that have had our plantinjs decimated by deer, we wish to add our voaces to
1- ha mainri l-rr nfvrruJ -. Cayuga Heights home owders who verv mrrch wish rzou and the t.rustees to
^-^^^^j ,,i+L !L^1,ruussu wrLrr Lrrc approved d.,rt-..*iai"ti"" ;;;";;;'^"*;;^;;;;.,';
happy ro orrer our properry 'or ;ili3';:il:.fl:"3::-"i;":i:Hl:lo';.o:ii'3*i; "i"liHlloo3,il"il'"r."t1.::'::":J;*l:"3"il;::.we can do to move thj-s prosram arons' pr-ease r et us
Richard W. Hal-e
Janet F. Hale
153 North Sunset Drive
Page 1 of 1
Mary Mills
From: Barbara B. Eden [beb1@)cornell.edu]
Sent: Sunday, December 25,21011 B:37 AM
To: Mary Mills
Subject: In Support of Local Law J
Dear Trustees,
I live at 147 North Sunset Dr. i want to state I am in total support of the deer management
program and I implore you to not lose track of
our village. I do not want to reiterate all of the
but want to let you know you that the majority
plan to resolve the deer over population problem in
tements of concern in regards to the deer problem,
the residents feel as I do, They are reluctant to attend
hearings/meetings due to the intimidation of groups such as Cayuga Deer.Org,
I know this is all very challenging fbr you but your focus.
Thank you for all you harcl work,
Best regards,
Barbara Eden
Page 1 ofl
Mary Mills
From: widding@aol.com
Sent: Friday, December23,2011 11:38AM
To: Mary Mills
Subject: To the Cayuga l{eights Village Board
Dear Cayuga Heights Village Board Members:
Please pass the proposed Local Law Amending I of the village's local law on firearms and other
dangerous weapons to merke it legal for the vi s contractor, White Butfalo Inc., to discharge firearms
in connection with the village's deer program.
For the sake of the health (Lyme disease) and icular safety of Cayuga Heights Village residents, we
fully support the the culling of the deer herd as as possible.
Fred Widding
Mary Widding
204 North Sunset Drive
Village of Cayuga Heights
Ithaca, NY 14850
From: Bruce Levitt
Kate Supron
Friday, December 23,2011 6:50 AM
comment - local law j - F!V: Ordinance
cnrno I I ar-lrr'l. vvs J22, 2011 1:38Senl : Thrrrsriarr- DeCemb,:frFn. Ka1- a Qrrnrnn
Srrl'ri ocf . Ord i nenCe
Hi Kate--Sorr\/ l/ou and the board
onnnsa f hc dccr nl an - ,Ttrdrr :nd f
f n <rrnnnrl- 1-ho /-l^^- ^ l 1^ -611 -^.'Lv r uI/IJv! u uf f E usYr yf ,arr dlru qlry
reduction of the herd.
meml-rarq nnnJ- i nrro
itrqf r^rrnfor'l runrr
actiorrl the board
to subjected to the vitriol of a few who
and the board to know that we continue
wi-shes to take i-n furtherance of the
Page 1 of1
Mary Mills
Subject: Local law J comment - FW: deer
From: Kate Supron
Sent: Wednesday, December 21,2011 4:24pM
To: V0H-Trustees
il, ;*,#;;;;;;;;c@;";,"il[; i
Sent: Wednesday, December 2l,zOLt 9:31 AM
To: Kate Supron
Subject: deer
Dear Mayor Kate, Please be advised that Walter Margie family supports the board's
decision on the handling, of our resident deer
Friend and Walter Marsie
ion. Sincerely, Maryann
Mly Y$__
Kate $upron
Wednesday, De'cember 21,2011 4:24 PM
local law J comrnent - FW: deer culling program
Page 1 ofl
From: Susan M. Barnett fsusanbarnett@cornell.idu]
Sentr Wednesday, December 2L,20IL B:59 AM
To: Kate Supron
Subject: deer culling proqram
I am writing in support of your continued effortt to implement a deer culling program in the village, and
to modify whatever villagr-' laws are required to f o so. I understand that killing these deer is not going
to be pleasant, but sometimes the government fras to do things that are not pleasant for the common
good, and in this case it is necessary for the safepy and health of the people, other animals, and plants
that live in and visit our village.
Susan Barnett
Cayuga Heights resident
Page 1 of1
From: Kate Supron
Sent: Thursday, Dece,mber 22,2011 9:32 AM
To: VCH-Trustees
Subject: local law j comnnent - FW: Cayuga De$r Plan
From: zach eichten [mailllo:zach.eichten@gmailicom]
Sentl Wednesday, Decenrber ZLt 20119:27 PM
To: Kate Supron
Subject: Cayuga Deer Plan
I support your plan as an outsider with some common sense.
Please make sure you d,onato the meat and hides to people who will use them. It would be
unethical to do otherwisie.
Page 1 of1
Mary Mills
From: Mje7335@aol.c,om
Sent: Friday, January 06,2012 12:1g pM
To: Mary Miils
Subject: Local Law to Amend Article I
Dear Ms. Mills:
My name is MichaelJ. Ellis and I reside atlll sheldon Road here in the Village of cayuga Heights. Istrongly support the approval of the above-meniioned to ameno Article I to allow for the use of firearmsso that the village can mclve ahead with the 9e9r vrinag"r"nfprogram (program). lt seems clear tome that this is the next nercessary and logical step in thi process. Moreover, I have full confidence inhaving chief Boyce and his team supervise this ir,"s- odir..,u Fiogrurn.
I appreciate the huge timc' commitment and thoioughness of the mayor and the trustees for their effortsin getting the Program to this stage and I look forwird to itsfullimptementation.
Respectfully su bmitted,
Page 1 of4
M"y M1I:
Village Clerk,
I paste in below my comments for the
town on that day, and cannot attend in
Thomas Ha lt [td hat t2 27 7 @gmait.com]
Friday, January 06,20121:04 pM
Mary Mills; Angela podufatski
Kate Supron; Robert Andolina; Stephen Hamilton; ElizabethSzekely
Jan t hearing on proposed Local Law J
CH_Deer_1_6 2012.doc
Mary E. Irlills
Karns; Diana Riesman: Beatrice
hearing and attach
as a Word 2003 file.I will be out of
To: village clerk, Mary E. Milrs and Deputy village clerk Angela M. podufalski
S"":Y:1";5:jrllry"Tj,r."rt."tRob.err +l,raouna, christopher crooker, Stephen Hamilton,Elizabeth Karns, Diana liliesman, Beatrice Sl.f."fy, ' --- --"r^^-^ vrvvr\vr' uuvr
RE: Proposed Local Law l,meeting Jan 9
Date: Friday, January 06,2012
Executive Summary:
We need to pass Proposed Local Law J. and
delaying the deer reduction process in to a small minority who are adamantaboutstopping and deer abaternLent and unwillins to
stopping deer abatement amd willins to democratic processes through misleading, and insome case outright wrong, mass mailings.
My hope that the first, misinformzrtion, is the
My argument contains two large parts, the firs
citizens" are, at best misguided and misinforrn
possibility of reasonable compromise. If, alas,
deer reduction, would imtrrly both ill-will and z
with sub parts. The self styled,.concemed
about the issues or, at worst are committed to
lem, since that presumes both good will and
second, adamant unwillingness to allow any
unfoftunate need to simply steamroller the
ion is the correct one.opposition. It is my hope that the first i
Page 2 <>f 4
I. There IS an ecological problem
II. There is no solution that does not involve harm to some group of life-forms
III. Red Herrings: impac:t on children etc.
IV. Property damage is a hidden tax
I. There IS an ecological problem
Numerous reports have documented a severe over population of deer that has far exceeded the carryingcapacity within CayugalFleights territory. Thg countei 'evidence,' has been thoroughly incorrect.
Anecdotally, in last decade or so there are mqhy indicators of over population
a' more deer, clearly the result of human actifns that have removed all normal predators;
b-' progressively CH deer are consuming plunlr that normally 'deer do not eat,, clear evidence of foodshortage. one kind of ev;idence is the contiryfr_g controversies over fencing (Local Law 9),and theproliferation of 'cages' around plants in yards tf,roughout cH;
c'.{e9r not attaining averilge size, more frequ{nt appearance of mange-like symptoms, more fiequentstill-born fawns [I had to reporr one in spring przbi 1, found dead irimy i*hl,
d' reports
-that many species of native flora arl in danger becoming extinct due to over grazing by deer;note that deer are NoT on any endangered spgcies hJs, but deer aie forcing more species on to the list;
e' food sources for other llauna, including birdf, becoming more scarce and stressing those populations;
f increase in vehicle * deer collisions, this in ?n areawhere everyone knows that deer abound and arc atraffic problem;
g. increasing danger of L;,'me disease
h' I cannot walk through rny yard for more thafr ? ft* steps without needing to avoid stepping in deerdroppings (I am not the ornly one with this expprience, I hear the same from-many others);
i. more indicators, but I'v,e made my point:
II. There is NO solution that does not involve ilarm to some group of life-forms
Page 3 of4
or must be caged, this irrcludss many speciei of native flora.
If deer population growth is allowed to contihue unabated all these problems will i"';::'T^':^'j1"1:' tu uululrue unaDareo a[ tnese problems wll increase - as they havebeen doing over the lasl decade. Also, more deer will suffer from more diseases either indirectlv drre rovvv'svru6 vvvr Lr'rv rcrDt LrEU'1uc. Also, more oeer wlll sulter trom more diseases either indirectly due toweakened health from lack of food or directly from slow starvation. The choice is NoT whether rour r.lun ur ruoLl or orreclly lrom slow starvatton. 'I'he choice is NOT whether to
f*::]|"^deerpopulation' but to do in the most humane and efficient way possiule. Doing nothinrlonger an option.e. Doing nothing is no
III. Red Herings: impacts on children etc.
Truly it would be nice i[a there were a solution to deer over population that did not harm any life-forms.But as noted in section J[, some native flora-ape_already facing extinction, other fauna including birds, arebeing hurt by excessive consumption food.b;, d^eer, rnole und.*o." plants either cannot be grown in CH
Claims that shooting de.o: will have negative fmpact on children, that some will lose the pleasure ofseeing deer are both red herrings and simply lr.irg, First, children are not that fragile. Second, many
3:**:111{^:1r:{ |y*1is [I am Noi 31''it*t rhird, educationar "ro't' "ould easily mirigate anypsychological discomfort from witnessing depr destiuction. fgurth, no one ltfrat f know oq i, uauo""utn'gtotal extermination of deer, but rather reductifn to a reasonable population. r'ift1, such reduction wouldmake deer sightin g rarer,, but that should tt ut . such sighting, -br" pleasurable precisely because theyare rarer and because su<;h sightings will not been as threats. (Recali recent incident where a deerinvaded a garage. Severerl times now I have.s{en deer trying to enter a window, presumable to get toplants on the inside, a cloar sign of desperatioh).
Also consider that unchecked deer populatiorf erowth will lead to children seeing deer suffering andstarving' This, too, could be traumatiC. ats_g *[at_about the trauma of witnessing or being involved in
fone ho,pes not] in vehicle deer coilisions. Wt{at about the trauma "rr.rti"i.-".hi"t" collisions that resuitfrom efforts to avoid strilking deer?
IV. Property damage is a hidden tax
Some have implied that those concerned destruction of plants in their yards and gardens are
rights to grow decorative plants, especially restoring
resources for birds and other small fauna. In the "rrrr*ting or invest heavily in protective fencing andlor
residents who want to enjoy their rights, in
a few 'concerned citizens.' Residenis also
selfish. This is utter nons,ense. Residents do
qdi"g flora, and plants th.at serve as forage
situation residents must either forego much
caging for plants. The loss of planti and the
stepping in, or needing to avoid stepping in, c
owners to clean up after their pets, which is g
for protection constitute a 'hidden tax, paid bv
to subsidize the hypersensitive & misguided desires of
the right to walk on their land without constantly
droppings. CH does have ordinance requiring pet
ly followed. [Maybe 'concerned citizens should berequired to clean up deer dropping eve
in CH?l
Page 4 of4
Another 'hidden tax' is the cost of good will within cH as more_and more people feel compelled todisregard fencing laws (this p."ttr[ is sourgeof debates about Local Law 9). Eventually fencingordinances will be suculssfully challenged in the .""rtr "r trte grounds tnat liizens have rights toprotect their property' R'egardless of the- resuft of such defiance and litigation, it will cost cH funds thatmight be better spent.
In shoft' there is no painless way of fixi"g tlp problem. The least painful way is to rapidly reduce thedeer population to signilicantly below carryille'canacity. Note that all ecological research establishesthat problem arise well before populationr;"|Eh;'r*yiirg'.up*i,y. Thereafter, there will need to besome culling to that population lwel.
As I stated earlier' I hope this is NoT the casd. However, as one traces this 'debate, over several years itclear than whenever 'concerned citizens' funder that orother names] see that deer abatement willproceed they try various arguments and strate[ies to subvert the pro".rr. This is clear evidence that theyhave no interest in comprromise or solving thei-problem "*".pt to let deer destroy our ecology. This typeof behavior should be resisted forcefullv.
Undermining Democratic processes & Uniyillingness to Compromise
,ho-u, D. [tom] Hall
Ithaca, NY
ffor academic account: th all(?depauw. edU]
Mary Mills
,;-;il;il;;#;il,"";; i
Sent: Saturday, Januiary 07,201212:35 pM
To: Mary Mitts
Subject: Fw: Local Law -l
Dear Mary,
management program.
Thank you so much.
Ralph Janis
L19 East Upland Road
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Please forward to the Village Board of Trustees my support for the proposed Local Law J tomake it legal to discharge a firearm in the Village in order to take action on the deer