HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 9, 2011 Resident Statments.PDFFilluge ot Capuga Tbeigbts
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Please PRINT your name and address for the Record.
Thank You.
Board of Trustees
May 9,201,1,
Village of Cayuga ie.ight7No6R".iGrrq
Kathryn D, Supron, Mayor
Mary E. Mills, Clerk
Jeffrey A. Silber, Treasurer
Brent A. Cross, Engineer
F, rt n ',, {J<-Y ,t
Police Dept. & Village Administration
9 AM - 4:30 PM
h ttp : //v'wrrw. c ay u g a- h e i g hts. n y. u s
(607) 257-1238
fax (607) 257-4910
Please PRINT your name and address for the Record.
Thank You.
Board of Trustees
Mav 9.201,1,
9tllsge of @spugu Tbtigbts
Kathryn D. Supron, Mayor
Mary E. Mills, Clerk
Jeffrey A. Silber, Treasurer
BrentA. Cross, Engineer
4 I tx+s
Police Dept. & Village Administration
9 AM - 4:30 PM
http : //wwv. c ay u g a -h e i g h t s. ny. u s
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VCH, 2 MIN, May 9,ZOLL: Elizabeth Mount
what a glorious day! Is there anyone here who hasn't enjoyed these
marvelous spring blooms?
Then you must also know that of all the blooms you have seen, only the
daffodils can be reliably grown in any of these Northeast States without
some kind of protection or barrier.
And if you want to walk, drive, cycle, or in any other way, pass by and
enjoy these blooms your self, then part of that barrier has to be in the
gardener's front yard where )zou can see it.
And if that gardener has a small, corner, or oddly shaped lot -
something this Village excels in - then that front yard barrier has to be
on the front property line.
Finally, if the barrier can't be in the front, then the garden will be a
private, back yard garden for the benefit of the gardener alone.
Thank you
Fence Ordinance - Yahoo! Mail hf F: /lus.me i 133.mail. yahrx>.q.$n:lmclshorvMess::ge?*Mid=Sdtfi ,..
t-rdr{oof* M*lt
Fence Ordinance
From: "Ron Bors" <ronbors@yahoo.rom>
To: .,Ron Bors,' <ronbors@yaho*.cem>
Monday, t'tay 9, ?*11 3:58 PFI
To the Mayor and Boar.d ofTrustees-
The issue of deerfences has been difficultforyou. Yau have been atiempting io find a balance bels+en
individual property rights, and the rights of the Village as a whole.
It is rare for you to b* able to disc*rn the will of the people that elected you to repres*nt us. Hcry*ysr, in
the present issue of the fence crdinance. the pecple heve clearly steted the wilt af the rrraj*rity. Thr**
hundred fifty two Villagers have *igned their names in a petition tc you, ts leave the fense srdina*ce as is.
Their desire is clear. \tlillyou represent the maj*rity tonight?
Ronald Bors
1of1 5j9it13:59P*{
May 9, 2011
Cayuga Heights Trustees meeting
Privilege of the Floor
First, I would like to congratulate you for the new stop signs that have been erected at the Northway
Rd/Parkway Junction at the back entrance to Cayuga Heights Elementary School. This is a great
improvement to safety and will go a long way towards mitigating the negative impact of all the vehicle
traffic, cars as well as busses, around 8 AM in the morning during school days.
Second, I have already sent you comments on the enforcability of the proposed new fencing ordinance,
These concern the lack of any definition of temporary fencing, the need for permits for ALL fences
regardless of height or location, and finally the color of fencing materials that must be used. Despite
these negatives I hope you will vote for Sft high rear and side yard fences as outline in the ordinance. I
also hope you will add 8ft high deer fencing on front property lines to the list of approved fences.
We are all concerned about the look of the Village and anyone who has had a shrub, or tree, or deer
resistant plant beconte a tasty treat for even just one deer, will understand why we urge you to let us
put up good looking 8ft high deer fencing on our property lines.
To the Trustees
Proposed Fencing Ordindance
I am making these comments in the interest of movinE fonruard successfully to achieve a
revised fencing ordinance that provides Village property owners with the means toprotect their property, children, pets and privacy with fences, without infringing the rights
of villagers who wish to maintain an open, attractive and parklike Village.
My understanding is that Trustees now agree that property owners should have to right
to erect fences up to Bft in height to protect their property irom deer, but do not supp6rt
these fences on front property lines. They do however wish gardeners to be able toprotect their front yard plants. I believe the intention of the new ordinance is to allowthis. Assuming none of the Trustees change their views on front yard fences, it is likely
this draft ordinance will be adopted. However, to make it enforceible I believe a
number of changers need to be made first.
Please understanrj that these comments refer to the way the ordinance is written, not
whether or not front yard fences should be legal. I will address this point separately.
1. The ordinance is very clear on the definition of a fence which includes exclosures
but does not make any mention of temporary fencing.
2. lt requires l\LL fences to have a permit regardless of where they are, whether or
not they are over 4 ft in height, and whether they are exclusures or fences round
the propeftr1. Do you seriously believe that our Zoning Officer is going to have
the time to review the property of every home own who puts up fencing of any
height anyvuhere on their property?
It appears that no-one has thought this through. To comply with this ordinance I
must get a permit if I plant a tree and put protective fencing round it even if this
tree is in thr: middle of my back yard well away from the property line and the
fence is only 4 feet. I will also have to apply for a permit if I fence off a small area
of my back yard to plant vegetables and to keep my dog of the plot. This will not
be a good ttse of Brent Cross's time and property owners are unlikely to apply for
permits for this sort of fencing.
Remember ALL fencing is included in this requirement parlicularly as there is NO
definition of a temporary fence nor whether temporary fencing is included or
excluded from the terms of the ordinance.
3. I strongly recommend that permits are only required for fences over 4ft in height,
and permits for exclosures are only required for those on front yards that are
between the property line and the 25 ft set back line.
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4' You are concerned about the look of fences and require that fencing materials forthe part of fences over 4ft in height that are outside the set back zone, must be90% ope all be of the same color. This will be very difficult to achieve. Mostmaterial th.iat is 90% open is black plastic and mosi posts required to support thisare either brown (wood) or green.
I recommend you change the ordinance to stipulate the colors that may not beused.
5' By only inciluding requirements for fences that are extended to g ft and leavingout requirements for newly constructed fences you exclude the possibility ofputting up very good looking fences. Do you seriously want to exclude theconstruction of fences such as the one on Trustee Zekerly's property thatrecently rec;eived a variance? This does not conrply with ihe'new ordinance andI can't believe that is your intention.
I recommend you as a landscape designer such as David Fernandez of CayugaLandscape to give you examples of good looking, open fencing the descripgoi ofwhich coulcl be included in the ordinince.
I believe, that without these suggested changes, you will introduce a new ordinance, thepurpose for which hundreds of villagers fullylupporl, that is unenforceable.
Front Yard Fencing - Comments unrelated to enforceability of proposed
The following comments are not related to the proposed new ordinance, but are mypersonal preferenc;es regarding front yard fencing.
I would like it to be possible to have deer fencing on front property lines provided thatthis fencing is made of neutral color material and any part of ii ovlr 4ft in height is 90%open.
We are already allowed to have high hedges that totally obscure the view on frontproperty lines. We are already allowed to have aft high fences on front property lines.
Exclosures dotted ;allover front yards looks awful (my own front yard, all of which islegal) looks aMul arnd would look much better with aience either on or closer to theproperty line even if that fence extended to gft in height.
Villagers who are opposed to 8ft high deer fencing on property lines forget that we canalready have 8ft high fencing within the property set Oact lines. Deer aie alreadydenied access to srlme yards. There will be no increase in the foraging of deer, beer
running across roads, or deer car accidents just because a few property owners put up
fencing on their property lines.
There are few if any open park like vistas left in the Village. Most of the Villagers who
want to put up deer fencing have small yards and want to grow gardens and do not
have open park-like yards to be hidden.
Please reconsider allowing us to protect our front yards in an attractive way as well asour rear and side yards.
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r^ Whaif uls Ao a-bowt
cl .r ns , < ffiz-m 1v1 r\€, , July 21,1ss7
Dearrriends, W sry'd, t+rgi,^i
Because of the ever-increasing number of deer in the viliage of Cayuga
Heights, we are contemplating erecting a barrier around our 6ack yard tJ keepthem from decimating our shrubs, poited plants and perennial border. our
plan is to construct this barrier with the same materiils we have used in the
past to enclose individual beds, namely black plastic netting strung betweenmetal poles. We have found the netting to be almost invislble, utid tn* polesto be strong and equally inoffensive. Most of the barrier will be within thenatural brush that already exists along the edges of our property. It will beabout 6' high, and while technically th. deerlould leap o',.er ii or even crashthrough, it has not happened yet.
We trust that this will not inconvenience you in any waf r and. that, in fact,it will restrict the deer traffic through all of our yards. We would appreciate
your signing this to indicate that you know about our plans and donot object.Many thanks.
sincerely, Tim and Elizabeth Mount,303 E. upland Road, Ithaca, Ny 14g50
Leonard Elkins
305 E. Upland Road
819 Tripharnmer Road
VJa-t g*4P['<d \*
qLL QoF ul&1 c\osed
Holly/Phil Tavelli
817 .p\al;nfrer Road
Sue Sc$eapfer
106 Sheldon Road