HomeMy WebLinkAboutScott K- deer issues unresolved.PDFCayuga Heights Viilage Board _ Issues Unresolved
An incomplete list of quer;tions or issues the {ayuga Heights Board does not address.
' \Mhy does the excuse for needing,r:.5ri1the deer change each time the previous excuse given isproven invalid by actual facts and Ny $tate statistics?' f]oard refusesto allswer questions pr{n.ty, and possibly even privately for all I know. Is thatkrecause they don't want to have to an$wer valid questions on the record?' I've personally asked eight rt*:1 :!:i in writing, for any Board member or rhe Mayor ro have acivil public conversation with ry9 l"safaing the dler plan and received not one reply from any oftlhem' 7 people x B requests = 56 d-e+r'";#Jtotat, with zero replies.' In the face of the fact that moreleople have.spoken and written against the deer kill plans, whydoes the Board refirse to admit ttre ionfmurid l;;r not want this carried out?' vt/ith the plan certain to end up killing feer ry, rnuy live outside cayuga Heights, the Board stilltreats the opinions of those living outrf du its borders as ress varid.' Though those against the killinglli: i,""r absurdly labeled "bullies,,by some, the only bullyingI've seen at any of the manyrn"iurrg, tJye attenJ*d **.. ny pro-t<itisupporters, including one manwho loudly and angrily rreCtaea :*;.,"1 oppon*t, at a few meetings in 2008-9 and one man whoyr:lled at me to sit dovrrn at the tlr::, a$r-controimeeting. The lth-aca Journal reported that apr3rson sitting quietly outside ,n:,^T--tang with a pro-deJr sign was loudly accosted by a pro-killsupporter who scre,amed in his face.' Yr:t taxpayermolelr v1n5 spent on Homptand security training for the cH police to deal withopponents of the plan. Seriouslv.
' Allthough those against the killingr.. *{iiling to.compromise to reduce deer numbers through non-lethal means, why ir; the Board a6sotut{ty ,i*lIirg to meet us halfway?' with non-lethal, proven-effective, *o.u]dy u.ceptable, cost-effective, uncontroversial alternativesthat offer the same deer reduction or n{ssibty better, why doesn,, rrr*"goJ;;;"*],fr',ilr.options?
' The Mayor andf or the Board keep doculnunt under wraps until Freedom of Information requestshavetobefiled' ThelocalgovernmentJvon'tanswerthequestionsoflocalcitizens.
' The deer populationL in cH is unknown dnd the "math" used by the village to calculate the numberrather than counting is absurd.
' Derspite hearing frorn a vast number of v[ride-ranging experts that their deer killing plan is:inhumane, "Misleading", "deeply flawed'i', "lack oFa scientific basis,,, .,insufficient evidence ,,,,,nosite-specific data,,,.commits fserious olersiSht...tontains many inaccurate and unsupportedstattements"' and users bad or false data, ftatiitics, studies, scieniific methods, and conclusions, theBoard plows ahead rryith it regardless' Incomplete list of orlganizations who harfe spoken against Net and Bolt or the DEIS:o NewJersey SIICAo Newyork State, where it is illeealo Newfersey Fish and Game Counclto Temple Grandino center forAn;imals and Public Poiicyschool of veterinary Medicine, Tufts universityo Yale universily school of Forestry' a unvironmentar studieso The Cary Institute of Ecosystem S[udieso F{arvard Scho,ol of public Healtho Food and Water Watcho Iay F' Kirkpatricb phD., The scienle and conservation center, MTo Quakers of the UKo Monique Balallan, Michigan Deer bonamittee
llt least 57 people have repudiated thl DEIS, including four nationally recognized science experts,four representatives o.f.national non-ptofit organizatiins with thousinds oimembers in New yorksitate' and 12local residents who u.* uiro ""pE.tr i" rui.uunt disciplines. paul curtis, the onescientistthe Board always falls back o,,[s a re.search orrpcrinn rr rrrio nni^+,, ^'1,": :1"1.
"11yert support,, admits his THEoRy for this plan"[s a research quesrion ar this poinr" arid ,te aon;fi"o*...ir may nor work i#ii,r;Jitil!'tJj::of other scientists is ignored for one *[n'u untested theory.
:::,y1u-1':: ::i1d -embers have eitfrer lied or disseminated misleading informarion to thepublic and press on numerous occasio{rs, including:o That "bolting" is "not somethin{ fired into u d.u.,, head.,, FALSEo Killing deer is a good way to .u{u." Lyme Disease. FAtsEo Deer are harming a.nddegradinf the iuyugu HeighJecosystem. FALSE [ohio state StudyJo Paul Curtis'deer kill plan is a pqbven fact. FALSEo 7o-75vo of cH residents believe culling is a great idea. FALSEO C}I hAS UP tCr 3O.O dECr. UNKNOWN, ALMOST CERTAINLY FALSEo Number of CiH deer is ,,2A0+ as {f sprin g20A9.,, UNKNOWN,
: 3113.'.:n ji:3:::::Icte accid{n6_ l$_r! [cH refords show 2008 totar: 6)o Deer-vehicler accidents increasirJg. FALSE [official recordsJo cH has "3 tirnes the amount ttre DEc recommends.,, FALSEo Deer are very and frequently ag$ressive. FATSEo Local vets fmajotity Ppli:di re{ommending pers be vaccinated for Lyme Disease. FALSEo Deer feces can cause health prodl*ms. FALSE
Combined with the Board,:; ban on public com rents about the deer issue in 2\ag,which was repealed after
of honesty,leadership, and governance with the Cayuga Heights
ariably abandon thery, after spending a lot of taxpayer
rmunitlr into angry sides. The Board is opening the door
communlty outcry, and you have a serious
Mayor anLd Board. Deer lol,ers or haters alike ould be outraged by this behavior.
Communities who try these methods in
mrortey and managinrg to split a solid c
and inviting this in, lbut why?o
l:,3"11""tj::1Tl::li,::l :i"dy {aker said in z9orof her tovms deer-kill prosram:friends don't even talk to each other anvmore.,,o Rochester Hi.[ls, MI councilmen, trne rolution has become worse than the problem.,,.,Let,s
_ learn something from this and nQt ever do anything like this again.,,. The Board and even the killing contractdL White Buffalo admit that ,,,,deer are subjected to greatamounts of stress during the restraint component" of Net and Bolt slaughter.' The Million-dollar or more propos.ed buflget for the plan includes $275,000 that the Board refusesto explain what it's flor or where it's to be used. But taxes may rise to help may for it by as much asSot6 per year.
' Fiv'e cornell Law Professors have pledgld to support legal challenges to the deer plan.' Me'mbers of the prev'ious "deer ::-.*-rttf"" havl'spoken against the plan and called informationabout the new plan "misleading" whilg lpentioning that *reir .errsuses revealed a majority of cHresridents were against killing - butlgdaJr's Board *ilt not fclaims it can notJ survey the residents
li: xffi:t'rate
idea of what ihe resident reet, while claiming that'70-75o/o1, ofcH residenrs support
' Thr: plan will almost certainly faii due to the "compensatory rebound" effec! with more birthscounteracting deer killed.
And this doesn't even cover all of the questions, odd tactics, bizarre refusal to answer concerned residents,and unyielding attitude of a Mayor and Board wfro claim they have a mandate to ram this plan down the
: "Best
throats of their constituents. I,m sure I didn
on Board members to read the parts I left o
In light rcf all the points above that are valid, f
have some serious explainingto do as to why
constituents, and refuse t<l compromise on arwe're trying to compromise with the Board a
NINTH I{EQUEST: Will any of the Board or
regarding this plan and the deer iszue in wh
get ans\t/ers, and you can askme questions as
read all of this in my two minutes, naturaily, and am counting
I reasonsN0Tto pursue this plan, the Board and Mayor
refuse to bend, refuse to respect the opinions of theiialternative thatwill give the same results.
wonder why
Ld Mayor when we don't even lcrow we can trust them.
rr please agree to a civil, politq public discussion with meI can ask questions, get answers, ask follow_up qu.rtionr,l? My e-mail is scottkl@twcny.rr.com.