HomeMy WebLinkAboutProcurement Policies and Procedures.PDFPage 1 of I Mary Mills Fronn: Kristin Gutenberger lkgutenberger@bgdmolaw.com] Sent: Friday, August 05,201'1 2:00 PM To: VCH-Trustees Cc: Brent Cross; Mary Mills; Randall Marcus Subject: Procurement Policies and Procedures Dear All, There have been many questions recently relating ro State and Village Procurement Policies and Procedure:s. Based upon my research, as of 2009 the State threshold with regard to all purchase contracts involving an expenditure of more th:rn $Z0AAA will need to go through the competitive bidding process. A11 contrircts for public work involving an expenditure of more rhan $35,000 will need ro go throLlgh the competitive bidding process. Anything under those amounts will be goverr-red by the Village's internal policy (which Mary circul:rted previously). The Abridged Version of the Village's Purchi'Lsing Procedures srares that anything over $1,000 but less than the bidding tlhreshold will require multiple quotes or srare conrracts. Also, there was a quest.ion as to whether we can separate ollr labor (professior-ral services) from the actual equipment purchased in order to eliminate the need for the bidding process - unfcrrtunately, the Village can not separ?rte the two items. We need to look to the "charactet of the entire contract" to determine the amount of money being expendecl. Therefore, with regard to the computer/server contract, the Village will need to include the total amoLrnt expended on both labor :rnd equipment to determine whether or not the bidding threshold has been met. ]t is my understanding that the cost is below the $20,000 threshold thor-rgh arnd will r-rot be required to go through the bidding proCess - but the Village will r-reed mlrkiple quotes pursuant to the Village's own purcHasing policy. Please let me know if yor-r hzrve any cltrestiolrs. Best regards, Kristin E. Gutenberger Associate Attorney Barney, Grossman, Dubow, Marcus & Orkin, LLP 119 E. Seneca Street, Suite 400 Ithaca, New York 14850 607.273.684r (P) 607.272.8806 (F) Please Note: The information contained in this e-mail mesdage is confldential and intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may also be plotected by the attorney-client privilege. Ifthe reader ofthis message is not the intended lecipient. you are hereb;, notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received !his e-mail in error, please immediately rrotily the sender' by telephone (607-273-6841), try fax (607-272-8806). or b! return e-mail. and delete this e-mail message. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure cornpliance with r{quirements imposed by the IRS. rve inlblm you that any U,S. federal ta"r advice contained in this communication (iricluding any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the pulpose oi(i) avoiding pdnalties under the lntemal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another pafty a4y transaction or matter addressed herein. 08/05t2011