HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for August 2010.PDFV*$$mge* w$ ffimyxxgw Ww*gfut* ff*E$mw ffiwffimr€ffi-Fw$"$e ESS &'ia,sfaw,&*a&"tt&ta*&, Se'wYsnk'14&Sf-+SSS" F$?esxf {8e7\257-Xe:i1 E-mwit,r tfuayae@cnyagar-te ei ggrts. sly.{$s s Fax {Sfi 7} gS?-S4?4 ?,hsrama-s E-. Sayca September 8, ?{i10 'ln: ?he I'loncrable May.*r: *upron Mernhers rf the Eoald of 'l"rustees V:illag+ of Cayuga tte igh:ts Re: ReFs* sf the Fr:l,ice $cpartruerrt lbr August ?010 Iluring fhe nionih,,llf ,Augu,st there rr.ere i29 eCIr*plaitrt* repqrteel to tho Bolice dcpartnrenf. Thers nsre alsa 3 motor veh.iele acs,ide.ntr iavertiga€ed. Thers rvsrs 3fl trafficltjckcts issued and lZ parking tickets \ffiitts*. .lrlrere were no lbleny cornplaiat* repcrted in the nxltth of Aqgust. There *'ere l0 rni#emean*rs reported, all lafcelries. ,Six rve{e Larcenies fi'om vefiiclesi thc othsr lhree were larcenier front r$sid{in ss. A,rou}rd fhe san:e :tinre l'rams in ,August, six cliff'ercnt pc*ple had reported their vehitles had been gr:ne through sonretinre during lhe night afd tliings had been str)*eit, All of there vehicles had lreen lefi unlo{}ked and parked in ihEir drivewnl's. ltems srol€n ranged ficrnr sparc chang* to el€atronic devites. 'lhese *re all ongoing investigations. A villagc rcsiitent cBlled to reporl tlrai they had arrme iterys rni*sing fiom the *r honi* slter their ciaughter iad a parry the night prior. '.fhere are 11rl suspssts al fhis rin:e, but the inve*tigatir:n is ong*i*g, .Atratfier vitlage res.idel*i cplled to report that so*netin:e tuhile they we.rc having $rct'k dene on their houss, there 1vsrc a f'rrv items thpt lracl csrfie up mia*iplg. Thpr+ are no specific stlspe{tt$ at thi.c tiilre, hut this invesfigaiicn is also ongoingt Lastly" there was a r:eperit $f a few firearrns misring fnlnl a resident's hom*. ''l'hir +c)uldt have oceurred any time within tlae past year. Fhere are no suspe.cts at tliis time. 'ilrere were 3 vi$lalions reported in the msnth of ,4ugust: l2 were lbr disorderly condua{ and 1 w;ts fbr *nlswfir{ trespa**i'ng, During a fuanquet hetd at ihe Country, *lub, someone resorted thaf when t'liey got up fvotn fireir tat'-Ip, rinotlter petrsn tonk his cell phone rnd $r+reeded tp call and harass people fratn ,hi"s cofitact li*t T*le.vietia i's interesled in preesing eharges and there is a susp*ct wtrr* h*s been identiiied. Ths ether disorelerly condu*t eomplai:nt wa$ a repoff of rwo peifple inva|ved in an argr,rment- A*er speakulg rl:itlt fhe pflr:ties involveri, it rryas dctsnnined to be iust ar :r{gument between a husl:and and rvife, nothing {Lrriher. One tncruring'rhe palie* clepartrnent receiveri a cal'l ftor* tlre village DPIV who stated tlrere was .rolnsilne ;loeping ia rtire of the*r rvark trucks. After speaking with the individual, it w*r; detrerrnined tfiat he had he.en in{axieated the night priar anrl pas*rd oaf in an nnlqctccd vehicle. The inclivielua} fiad been given a sitaiio$ far' unlas'fiil trespasriilg. 'I'here $,ere3 village ordicance eontpl*i'nis repsffcd in tlrc npnth of r{*gast:2 ftir dog control and cnc ftn litlsring, $otneonc repo*ed that they r+ere walking their dok sn the sidervank and had conre hrto coniact with anrlther dog who fuecanre aggressive torvards theirs rvfien they rvalkect by. Th*y attsrnFted tc speak rvith the owner ofifttat dog but lie was n*t fi"irndly rvith thedl. .4a olficrr rl,eilt o*t and rpoke ttr the dogr' cwnerand aclt'ised lltenr nf the lopal urtlinance regarding eiog control. ThErc hril,e heen ns tirrther rep,*r.ted i,nslances lvith this parficular dog. I:he other dog ctntrol cor$plaint ca,ff{} iil via v*iceenail rsith the clerk's offiee-and lvfts * reFol'! sf a ;oonc boxer acting in * strangelm.rnner" A.n officer respcndetl rind ehecked thearea' hut he wes unable ts find it. The littering complaint was & repfirt of a village resltlent walkirg by akrcal f'ratenrity sn'd, not'ieard there was a l*t of dJbris scartereil aroundthe yarrl, wtdch had also bren bltrwingint$ thc strest and a ea sarrctnrdjqg the re*idencp, An offrger rcsponrded and sptrka witl: the residents aqdthey begnn r:l**ning up the 5,artl imrtrediately. .l'fiey rvere adl,,ifftl rif tlre loca,l ordinance, In th$ msnth oj ,4',ugt*t, $gt Sre,ittmeiz wer&ed; tfue 2!'d aflnilal Coffimrrnlty C+mers E*o*:h pai,ty. g{flc€r La.nning atteadeit a two -day traiuirrg c?urs€ oo digital pvidenee ftlr fiisi rerpondrrs.Ot{fuei *nsingprov:itltxt.ssc$ritV s'&d e Rndu*ted: parking enflorcenient irlr the public tiearlng *n fbncin,g al, the fire statirn" Dur.ing the mslnth nf .&ugust, the f,ull tirne officers w+rkedl* riitai of 6g.j h*urs of c.rvertin:e and tlre parttirne officers rvorkcd a tofal ol. Ii5.5 hours. Sineer*ly, T'hornas L. Eoycc C,hief rlf Pelice TYTT Repsr",t hy #*te Frfrm 8't1 t3}{fr to Ed.3,l/z$'l 0 Ds{e Offenee [*scatiC'tir r$Ph,l Wf;F*fZ+:ne il8/3}&flr0 88/31lzo1* sE/31/201fi s8/3112010 0s/.31/Es,rrs oel29n$10 s8128i'2*LA *8{:ZTfagtt 6.sy'26&fi1.s 0812gl2cr0 se/e512*1s 061?6/3010 ga/22/zaLo €s/,l.7l?{}10 €8/i4l201S fr8112/2OL0 S8l.3rl201,0 a8/o4{20rfi s&lE4I20tX8 081031?sx0 BI,5OtsTYE8 TRAFFIC COIIITROL DEViCE spEffD rlr zoFtE SPEED IN ZCF'E Uf.IINSF€.CTEP MtsTOR VEH.IEIE sBE€n Fl z0fiE EIfiOBEYED TRAFFIC COIITROL DEV:CE NO SEAT EfLT DX$OAEYED TRAFAC COFITROL SEVICE OP MV- lfOEILf FHGr'lF Ul'lllFGtSTEnE0 tqOT:DR vf t'tICLE TilAEFQUATE OR NO,SYOF Lj{PtPS' 8PHRAfi IIS WITHOI'T TNSURANCE D.f SOSEYED T'RAFFi[ COI'ITROL OEVICE DISOBEYfS TRAFFIC Cil1'!TROL BEVICE oP le!V- F'[*BILE Pl.iO$f }IsOFEYEF ?ftSFF}C CONTRQL AEVICF 8ACK}I''G UII'SAFTLY U$TruSPECTFD MOT'OR VEi+TCLE op tiv- ltoEIl-E PHQ$,f OP MV- MOBXLE FHOIVE CAYUGA HTIGHTS R:OAP TRIPI-IAT'1MER R6 TRIPI{AT4I"TER RD }OO TR}PHAfi}'ER RA ,!.. TRIPI.IAIq:MEF, ROAD PI-EASAIiIT GROIVE ROAD CAYUGA HE.IGHFS ROAD N. TRIFHAI'IMER RD FLEA-SAI.fT GRSVE RD FLEASA'\*T GROYE RD PTCESAFITGROVf RO PLEASAT']T SRQVfr RD PLEASAT,JT GROVE Atr CAYUGA I{€TGHTC ROAD PLEAS,qNT GfiOyE RO PLf;A5A1'{T fiRSVE ROAD 840 HAr'lst{AW *OAD PLEASAF,T cRO\fE nE PLEASAP*T GROVE R} tfAt',Isi+Aw Ro ?n 45 46 44 $alwcx?Ary Qu*ry returned ?fi records. lVedr,resday, Septentb€r 61, 2S10 Page t of "l IrvnQtATrfiN ,7c L..#.1*96 i?,€ LL#e-96?€ X.L#1*9€ ?e T'Iu#1-95?c LL#tr-9.6 ?e LIr#t- 9S ?:d tf",#tr*9S?* Trfr#,I- - 96?d I"L#]"*9d, ?d fir,_#l-,96 7d rr"#:.-96 ?d LTi#3-- $6 CAYUGA FARKING TIC]KETS HErd{Ts porrdE ISSUEb FoR TI{d I LfiEEI"E 0VERITCIOK RN Sf,ERl.,6rpg gg GVEATJ$OK Rfr [-ITGH€A"'E RI OVER],OSK RD Krir$El!1'os.ils RD }?AIT?DOLP}I ES W}*TYFI PAR"K HI) WSEKSFF' R' T{TGHI STD FARK LN .{TGFiGATH RD esprsTocK RD I DEPT " HONTI{ OF AUGUSUT