HomeMy WebLinkAboutTreasurer's Report 4-12-2015.PDFptllarge fi. &wguya fitiy\tx MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD ITHACA, N.Y .14850 April12,2010 1. TREASURER'S REPORT Abstract for this meeting was distributed in advance. Budget. Telephone 607-257-1238 Fax 607-257-4910 Office Hours 94,M,-4PIV z- RESOLUTION REQUTRED 3Eq_OLVEq !._3ppl."l lhe transfers dated i|IZt10; Ii"t"ctbeto* 3. Transfers. From: A01990.400 A01620.200 A01990.400 A0'1640.200 A0'1990.400 A05'l '10.410 A051 10.410 405142.100 405110.410 A08160.410 A08160.200 G01990.400 General Contingency Village Hall Eqpt General Contingency Cent Gar: Eqpt General Contingency Street Contr Exp Street Contr Exp Snow Pers Serv litreet Contr Exp Refuse Contr Exp IRefuse Eqpt Sewer Contingency Attorney Contr Exp Village Hall Contr Exp Bldg: 825 Hanshaw Road Cent Gar: Contr Exp Telecom General Exp Street Eqpt Maint Cent Gar: Contr Exp Snow Pers Serv - OT Snow Eqpt Maint Snow Contr Exp Refuse Tipping Fees Sewer Line Eqpt Maint A\01420.410 401620.410 A01620.450 A|01640.410 A01650.410 A051 10.490 A01640.410 4\05142.150 405142.490 405142.410 A08160.460 G08120.490 Amount 15,000 2,000 2,000 2,060 1,000 600 1,600 4,030 2,7n 3,300 5,000 320 al of Abstracts.RESOLUTION REQ RESOLVED to approve the Abstract" of AuOituOV"o"n supplenlent below, totaling $21,814.68, and instruct that the irreasurer r"x" p"vrn"nir i-.r"r"on. S-l cirschiDicre*hnsent,i,leMicketson&co.,LLp COUIT AUclit fOr DeC. 31,2009 S-2 Citibank Irhaca l3akery - relieshmcnt fbr gatur.day rnecting S-3 Citibank Mailbox - nrailing of newsletter S-4 Citibank Assurance - Frisbie tclcphonc S-5 Citibank Agway - boots 5-6 Citibank Lowes - Batteries & cleaneir S-7 Citibank E-One reflective tapc S-8 Citibanl< Lowes - Bucket, bulbs, 4x6 flag S-9 Citibank Lowes - Drano Max S-10 Citibanl< Staples - toner ink S-l I Citibani< E-One - I{eflecrivc rape, rubrail grips & oaps S-12 Citibanl< Tops - Recr.uit Trainipg S-13 Citibank Ncd,s - Recruit training S- I 4 Citibank Ithaca Bakery - Recruit tr.aining S-15 Citibank 'Iarger-Foarrshave.bandaids,handsanti,bags S- 16 Citibank Wegmans - Recruit training S-17 FcdEx Mail docunents to EFC- WWTp updates S- I 8 Hcwlett-Packard Company Computers S- I 9 Hewlett-Packar:d Contpany Conrputers S-20 Inregrys EncrgyServices ofNew york, Inc Str.eet lighting s-21 stearns & whelcr, LLC li,gineeri'g Ser.vices - Bal. of A,nrend'rcnt 2 s-zl vcnzon Tclcphonc scrvice S-23 Verizon Tclephone servrce S-24 Verizon 'l'elephone service 900.00 AUDIT: Cont Exp A0. I 320.41 0 20.55 MAYOR: Cont Exp A0. 1210.410 472.65 PUB JNFO: Newsletter A0.t480.410 50.00 INI'O lECH: Contr.Exp A0. 1680.4 l0 103.67 POLICE: Contr Exp A0.3120.410 13.95 FIRE: Contr Exp A0.3410.410 I 7.93 FIRE: Contr- Exp A0.341 0.4 I 0 39.28 FIRE: Conh' Exp 40.3410.4 t0 4l .94 FIITE: Contr. Exp A0.34 I 0.4 I 0 76.96 FIRE: Contr Exp .40.3410.410 139.98 FIRE: Contr.Exp A0.3410.410 14.97 FIRE: Training .4.0.3410.450 28.06 FIRE: 'fraining A0.3410.450 29.50 FIRE: Training 40.3410.450 43.50 IrIRE: li.aining A.0.341 0.450 125.97 FIRE: 'Ii.aining A0.3410.450 39.02 WWTP: Phosphorus pr.oject H0.8130.201 812.00 INITOTECH: Contr.Exp A0. 1680.4 l0 479.00 FIRE: Conrr Exp A0.34 | 0.410 791.18 STR LIGFIT: Contr Exp A0.5182.400 16,991.00 WWTP: Phosphorusprojcct H0.gt30.201 385.10 TELECOM: Contr.Exp A0.1650.410 118.04 FIRE:Utilities A0.3410.440 80.43 WWTpLANT: Urilities G0.8130.440 Treasurer