HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineers Report Oct 8, 2010.PDFR MARCI4AM HAI.I], t]36 I",JAN$HAW ROAD ITHACA, N.Y, 14BSO 4$Ga$e.ry,e1$ SfiF&R? 'Iblephone 807-257-1238 F-ax 607"257"4S1t) Office Hr:urs *A.M,"4PM,DA?'8: 'FO: F'ROkf: $ctcher 8, 20tr CI BOARI} I}T." ?{T{JSTffifi S Brecit Cross ItH: Agene{*r tr?ems 1. )lortable Sheds: A recant ZEIAcase has raised a question ovsr the Village Z,<t*ing {}rdinarlce language {or lack <lS as it applies to small pc}rteble shreds. As tlee V,aring Officer, rny interpretation is that the cuffent ldnguage (writlen alm*st 60 years ago; do*s not addness th* ftrct tlrat small, prefatnicated, pcrtable, sheds are now ceiramclnly p*rchased tk$nr *f,?--site ancJ d*livered to tir* h{rrne<,rwner's property. Withcut def}*itieins intlne Z'*ning{k&m*n**" t have rsiied ern thr: Village's Lacal Lavt #2 *t2**4 {previously 1984 ver"si*n) tbr enfbrcenrenf of the NYS Euitding Ccdc. In whic.ir Secti*n 8. builiting ' Ferrnits: say$ o'. ".Ils perfilit strrail be required f$r.. "the construction of non-co?nn:ercial st€lrage facilitiss rlf less tk.an 140 $f. " . "" tr LlavE interpreted that tirey are not need regulated by cnx r*rdingarud tlrerefore I have rpt been issuing perneits far therc. A Village residect is *hallengingiA Village residect is *hallengitrgit?ris inteqpretbtio:z on the trasis that the Village f;*ning CIrdine.nce fiectiCIn 7. Bailding Coverage: saysooln co{r?puting t}l* buitrding coverage, the srsa *f irny iEscess$ry"n-uildings spall be inclueied in the compe#ation." I i*terpret this Ia*guage as requiring such acce "Lruilciings" as garages, carpcrt$, clecks, gazeboso and storage buildings construation> tr4* s1'). to be included in the lot sovstage oalcula?ic*r. As the Vilfu|ge fingineer and Buiiding Ccnrrnissierner, it is my proftssior:al r:picicn thst a srnatrl shec{, that does not lzave a psrmanenf fotmdation, is not a "bwLV&tn{'as regulated by the NYS Euilding C*de. My s*ggestion is tn have tile "{radtees decid* i they wa$t to n:ak* a f*rmal exception foa pref*bricatexl slrcds, or to clcarly make such fabili{ies suh.iect ta znmngregu}a?ions like l*t t:av*t*ge and *etbacks. Tlris wordd require & locatr law to clarify tlais language, eitl:er wey. 3 have received tFrc flnel report fr{ni $RS Associates f.or the prcposed cr*sswalk at the Kendal driveway as briefly surnmrlarized ire a mcmo ghat I ernailed to the Trustees last weetrc (copy attached). I am lookidg for a.n ofllcria! directive to;:roc*eei witle the installation of the proposcd curir/island and cxtsswallq. ?lee emergency cutrv*fi replaceeraelt on N. Sun$et llrive is basicaily competed with onty final pavi*g and new guardrails ielt to be insta.lieit. 'T'he {inal csst of ttte work darre by PaolaageiSi Co&sfrllction is about $38,000 prlus sorne mateyials. llkis:iaeehrded the entire <lenreiliticn. process, as weltr as the iwaatr iarstalEation *tthe new cu?vert p!pe. Including the work tlra{ rhe #FW crew perfbrffi?d,ci ter compls4p the hexdwalls arz& ttar:;afrlXirq, I estimate 3. that we have apprcxinrately $50,000 {n*t incfuhd,ing 'I)PW labor) i*vested in the pmje.ct. I estima{e ttr&t it wcruld kave cost between $10S,S00 tn $20S,{}{J0 if we had {.his project planned/rfestg?ned by an engineer{ng ccv*sulta*t withp:blic bidding tcl th* general contractcrs who woulil have included prevaili*g wag{is a*d markup on all of their equipn'reat and firaterials. 4. ?he Heights' Ceff has petitioned FIYSIOT tcJ instaff '-way findi*g" sigas orl fhs Rotate 13 exits retnps on ta N, Triphamnrer Road. Aq required by the HYSDOI", the owner has requesteel aElditionai signage in the Vi:trlage N(dW along N. Tripharnrx*r }?.oad between ttre ex:it raffip$ and tfue destinatiorr {Heights' CFf#). 'fhis witrtr require us tc have a fonnal agreernent with l{eigbts' CafE about the sig*s. trt is my undsrstandingtfuatwe will *eed a local law r* estabiish the conditions Bndsr whiich the Viilage will enter inlo arr agreerrent ior aay suctr requests, not just H*ights' Cati. I will defer to Randy fbr f,a*her advice. 5. The iocal Scy $c*ert Troop has requesfed penx.rissiorr to plant a tree #R Yillage prope.rty. They orlginially pruposed t* plant the tree in the ba*k ol'Viilage I'{all. in heipes that sorneday we may have br*ilding additiore in th4t spa$e1 i suggested tirey c*nsider the iar.vn area $x ths street side of the villags tlnveraay.I lndicated to Mr. Stedir:ger that he w*utrd *eed tr: *eek apprcval fhcrn the Trarstees befcrd installation- lIs has gnoposed the fbilowing: oo',I-ns- tree we have is a S-fbot tall Red Oak. It $hould over 50-100 year$ grow to i-3 feet that $iill not be J?rr a lo*s tiffis. ?'he leaves turn a beautiful red in the lb.ll. " I have passed tFais infonnation aidng to Andre Be*sadou,n for cornment as Village Forestsr. hbe. lu.yt".* - re-.c( sa,|sl!.;k,.,l - d( c,"L&-kot<-) M, (acl-ni" -t u4Lr^ /- LA - el;^6k-< l-o 4PL* lu L,^u - o( >-r^-tta.^q bo*,-d - r^r,r *1>dt k, 1c-{< s l*,{X6* I(ry bo"Lc( - m {'1bdL k, tr,-{'s 6-.( WIlry (e,# b 4{N. Vill*ga of {Jayuga *{eigtets Ar6te}es No building *r buildings shall be erected CIr exten[led so as to exceed F*ge.*3 the percentages for each distriot below: Kesidenlial $istrict Multiple Hou*ing Distri{jt Comnrercial tr)istrict 1 ? percenl 12 percent l5 percent ,S, tO-ntilutlng,{,$,Uglfa*** :*ttiveregr'lttttr *,a?*# #f ;?:1y *r:*e**r:ny,.b,t*il*ing"ssha1*-,:bo,ix*ltzded in the't*r$putsri{tn.: T'he areas covered by *verhangi:rg huilding eav*s of tlxes feet or le$s, or by non-roof,ed swimr*ing p*ols shail be or*xitted in eo*lpatatlosr qf the huilding cov€r&gs. a. Sire ofl {,ots, {-or sises in all discricts shdil bc as {bilcws: {Locatr i-'aw #1af tr 998 .Amendment t* ll.a. Il/2glg:g) Mininrus: average width Minimum average d*pth b. Fronlage an Fublic $treet: fiach lot shall have a minirnum fro*tage on a public street of seventy-five {75) fte,t; except any frontago ou a cul de sac in a subdivision. approved by the Planning B*a1rl, shall have such fiontage a$ shown or: the approveri subdivision pian. "tr'his ordilrance shall npply to any lots hereinaftar subdivide<i or devbgopod by pta4ing a n'uilding thereon. 123 teet 15S f'eet {eff.5/62} CARF&}AT"$ ccverage of a lot r:r the siza of yards for the or sarp+rt$ open at the sidss, but roofed, shall $ gc?'{{}F{ 8. W{aW{:WW$. && $,c?}{}t\{ 9.63" ffiWZy.:W:{r{G No dwelling in aay dit*rlct sl?all be square feet of enelosed florrr arc{ls u ,4.N& trn deternrining the pnrcentage of buildlng purpose of tleis ordinance, porches, be inslraded in the build,ing Unroofed ponches or de*ks, fhe surface of whjch is over two feet abcrve the sulrfaue of tlre undorlying inciuded in the said dstenninatian. trfi cases where Officer at the tinre of issiience of the foning perrnitl {n/S{}} SACTX$N 9. FffiT{Ctr$ AIT& W$,'iut't{'rF* 9. n{$lF{cg$ ANB wAg,!"$ The provisitlns of this ordinance" unllss *therwise specilied, shall nct apply to fences or walls not 0ver fbur feot high above the natural gfaele, or fo t€rraces, stspso driveways, open parking &rB&$, or ot&er similar f,eatures. nrescers over foilr f'set in heighi are perr:ri{led only when sef traok to the *ame yard requiremerits as for buildings. .gwim*fng pcols clher than srnall pnrtatrle pocls, s?:all pe snclosed by protective fene ing. {?.ls@} AR&A rected or aitered so as to provide fur less than 700 fbr housing purposss. an<l regulations fbr public inspection and shall r:btain and fetain a copy r:f all ciecisions rendered by the Regional Board of Review of spe*ial interest and./orpefiaining to matters affecting the Village of Cayuga Fleights. {b) Where praeti*al difficulties or unnecessary frardship m&y result fr*:n: enf,orcemcnt of the strict letter of any p:nvisi*n *f this Loea.l Law or any rule of regulation hereunder which provision is not requircel by the Unifamr Code, applications fbr variances and appeals, consisfent with the spirit of such law, rule or regulations, may ?:e nrade to the Village ZaningBoalrd of Appeals. a No perscn, firm, corporalion, association or other orgaraizalicx shall commen*e the er*ction, constrnction, enlargement, alteration, improvement, removdl or demolitirrn of any builrting or str*cture. except an agric'ultrlral bailding or structuf,e, nor install heatirrg equipment, witllout having applied for lrnd obtai:red apennit fn:m tire Code Enf'CIreernent pfficer" N* t:s&mrl.l,be.r,W*w&fq*+rhe performance of nsse$sely rcpairs wirich do nat i*vsJve material alterafion of qtructural featrres. andlor pl*n:birrg, el*ctrical or heating/venti lation systern$, including, fr:r pie, the repiacement of siding and rr:ofing materials, Ror fur the erection of fences, *6fffi*l*m,i@l:;*$bi +&eiffi ,gffir{:**, r$ffi9f,spf;s$.l s. :Mase#i. Sr:ch work {.lode. Inevertheless be done in co*formance with the Unifann S ecti on 9. $sneral" P-elmirting P ro.c. qdure-s The Code Enfnrcement Officer shall releive applications, approve plans and specificatir:ns" and issue permits fbr the ere{"tion and alteration of]UuiiCings or bru*tur** or parl$ therecfias deraileci in the previnus sei:tion and slrali examine the prernisfs felr which guch applications have been receivecl, plans approved. or such permits have been issuerj fur fhe purpor^c ,.,J insuring compliance with laws. ordinan,ce$, l+ ----*Origi nal Messaqe--**^ From: Ilre.:nf Cros:i R-$*nt: Monday, Or:tober: 04, i:$'L{)1"1 :4ll AMTo; V(;Jl*Tr1r$lees Cc; VCli-Dept*lLeaclx; Randa)l $r"rbj el*t : Kr*nclal Ct:osswa-l.k Tqr TrusLees: M;r.ncus I havt: attached a rJ$py af thel fina] r:epor"ti f.r:om SRF As$ocj.atd,*r on thf;pr:+po*edI{errda.lCr:oss'"/a-|k"T}te.F@'i'nc.,ffin0tt:0pysOfte r:rf t.he ap;rcnciices l><.:car_:se tire fi.l.o was tc{ L:iq. fhro reporf rer;ommenris t]rat we install a nlw island af: Lhe crosiswa.1k to;:rotect the pede*fri ans and t.o provj-rle a ql-ace f.or permane:nt sigrra{e .to cie l.i.rreetcl tfre c:ror:swa1k, f h':ve al.$o;]tL,1<:heci a copy of the corrcliLions thr.rt- were.rnbjec* l;o f.i:e SiLePJan Approv;eT. hy Lhe Trustees a4itinq as tlr]er Planrrirrg Board, $hor.llci we get arJvj-Ele fr'onr counsc:1 as Lo ihe app-Lir:al:^i^"1^,.i ty oi thene q:onqj:i..Liorrs,? (dad &ae^r"scs,,t- - +- V***/&,*kt ( ^r'e be+<- Jrt*r{ - \G*"\ut\ ts ocp"eJ...d {* sl}e-(e"i+ )