HomeMy WebLinkAboutA local Law Amending Local Law No.1 of 1085- Expanding the Residency Requirement of Appointed Village Officers to Include Deputy Clerk 11-8-2010.PDF5\ SnclroN I. SuclroN iV P,^W\t-, I '" t -1 ' {v 7 Hry '( il{ll^b ilf' vrr_LAG '\+\t'o 'o t OF CAYTJGA HEIGHTS 'ROPOSEI)L LAW "G" OFTHE YEAR. 2O1() A I-OCAL I-AW AMENI NG LOCAT IAW NO. 1 O}- T}IE YEAIT 1985 . ITXPANDING TH E RESID!]N R.EQ UIREMBN:I' OF AppoINTED VII,LAGE OIIIIICERS INCLUDE "DEHUTY CL,ERK" Be it cnacted by the Board of T tees of thc Villa$e of CayLrga lieights as follows: POSE AND NTE 'fire purpose of this Local Law is to tlic Iist o1'appointeci ofllcers that ma amend Local Law No.I of 1985 to inch-rde "Deuutv Clerl<,' reside within Tor4plcins County. The intent of this Local Law is to expancl th.c geographical limits ;rresidency of the 1'Dcputy Clerk" of the Villagc of Cziyuga Village is wholly bituated.Ilcights to the entire county in which t SuclroN Il. AI$HeItITy. l'liis Local Law is cnacted pursu in (i) Scction 10 of the Municipal FIo witli the provisions of the New york te Constittition orl not inconsistent with any generai law rt or other subjectp provided lbr in said Section I0 of therelating to its propr:rty, affairs, govelnm MLrnicipal Ilornc R.r"rle Law ancl (ii)n 3-300 of VillagB Law. SrctroN III. EXI,ANSION OF RESII)YRE ENTS FOIT APPOINTED OFFI EITS TO INCLUI)E "DEPU:I'CLEI{K" As of the eflbctive date of this rt to tire grant of pgwcls to local govelxlncltts proviciecl fbr Rule Law to adopt and amend local laws not inconsistent County, the County in wirich the Villagc'freasurer, Zoning Officer, ancl f)eputy C Srcr-rol V. VALIDITY. Thc invaliclity of any provision o plovision of this Local Law that can be g I Law- thc appointed officers that may resicle in Tompkins f Cayuga l{ciglits is wholly situatcci shall incluclc: Clcrk, erk. UPEI{CEDI EFF Ali Local La.ws, resolutions, nr regulations and other enactmcnts of tire Viilage of CayugaIleights in conflict with the Drovisions f this Locai Law are hereby st4tercedeci to the extent noccssary to givc this Local Law full f,and effbct. this Local Law shall not affect thc valiclity of any other en effect without such invalid provision. Sr;c:'i'ior{ VI. EFIrllcl'lVE DA'fE. 'l'his Local Law shall be effective of tht:, date offiling with the New york Secretaryof State. Page 1 of' 1