HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for Oct 2010.PDFChief Bo Patrol Offi with for me to be not have the October 15,2010 long consideration, I have made the decision to ,,retire,,fiom rny position as'with the Cayuga Fleights police Departrnent. lecision did not come easy, as I have truly enjoyed working with the men f the Polioe Department, village staff, and residents ibr the past l2years. This and women continuing job much so many spend with ily, friends, and my very significant other, Tina. at said, I don't believe that it would be fair to the Department or village lding a valuable part time position when at this point in my lif'e" i realiv do re to spend my tirre offworking anymore. I trul Heights. value the opportunity that I was given to serve the village of cayuga Sincerely, Brett Cary #1 found that since my retirement fiom the Ithaca police Department and eer with the cornell Police Department, I enjoy my time b1d o*uy from the than I used to. I have already found that there is just not enough time to fit ing events into rny schedule without pushing aside the time I want to -ffiW ?f*orwe* *-. BoY*e SEtEef e$'Fo9he 'l'heTo: Re: I'Jsvernber ?, ffll Mr: During the rhottrr vehisle 'lherc rl'ere tlo ft There were 5 rni reporls lrf resi suspecls but all stslen irota a identified but the There were 4 v appropriaiely w Tlrer,c were ns vi ln tlre mr;:nth *f Tetctics" Ol'flcer Lanning was aflswef que$t to kiels about department, ttl i sompilter sysrcm During the linte officers rvo Sincerely, '['h$nla.c 1,. B Chipf r:f F*lice W*$$mgw *$ #mYt*6w Ww*gk*w $****ww ffiewmrtmwm*' s36 $-lanehew *oad * $thaea, 6*aw ?onk 't 4ESS-'1 5p& " Ffuens: {@fivlt f:s.7-1*41 E-mafr $ : !"bwyce@*ay uga'he*glr ta' ffiy'*'ts e Fas: {6OT} f,;6"F -&4:f 4 Mayuit Supron sf the Buard sf "l]]rrstees Vill*gc Cayuga Heights l{.*port the Ptllics Depaltrn€nt for Octrrlrer f0 l0 canlplninls rcported in the rno*rth cf October" 11.f tlctober tfr€re werc 99 complair:ts repcEed to ttrre police cleparttnerrt. 'l-hsre lvere slso 6 dents investigafed, ';here were 5l traflic ti*kr;ts issued and lil parkiug lick$ts $'riltEll' n vesligiltjon is ongcring. reSrrwted in th* rnonth of October all nt:is.e violations. Each incidertt was handled n+ fultlrer prcblcn:ru reported' lage ot,dinaltce complaints rspsrted in the manth af {}ctober' Octt*ler, Chiet'Boyce and $gt ljteirltetz altcnded tr.aining fsr Field I'or"ce ljNtrication Lnnning began reaihing t:Afr.ti again *t Cayuga l-leights lllemontary School. Officer 1,1eaflsrs reponed: 4 lcr }arceny and I tbr crirninal mischief. lhree of thc' larccnies were having persclnal belclngings rslren fronr their vehfcles durilrg the night. There were n0 ,idents*are Scing invesilgated. Ttw last larcei:y was a repoft of a Wii -q*nring syste*r i,,{ion eirt that was loeaGa the trascnrent at Kendal of l{ha$a. No suspects have been availabls at th* Coyuga Heights Fire Departnlent Open House with a patrol velriele to $fficer Tief lq*s inv*lvr:cl in i special detail at the Mont*ss$ri Sch*al in which he spokc a police ol'ficer and had a patrol vehicle avaiiable to enswe{ questionl. "l''he entirt Ie ihe pelice clerk, havp been going tirough extensive training firr the ncw Spillman whish rviil be irnplemefitecl rhrnughouf Tonrpkins courrty in December. of Octeibsr the tull tirnc oi'licers wsrked a total of 98.5 hours ttl'ovtllll'nre and the part a total ol' t43.5 hour-s' U-fT RePert bY D Fror* t0/1J3010 to 1013112010 Sate mlgs/zo'10 rffe91eil10 LAli.8l2*La Lalzwefit0 I 0/?7/?olo trole7/10!o 1sla6/2,010 7fr/Z61}tLo Lsl26/zit10 t0/'12y'2s10 101?s/2410 1o/19./:si0 10/191a010 10/1'9l2sxc 19118/20!n lry17/2010 t0/17/2oIo to1'17r?q'to ta/ffi!'21t"L0 roj1:/201S Lhltzlzg.Ls 10/11.y'?010 10/111J010 i0l1lf,zot0 10110/2010 l:Ol1O/2010 rs/ 1o/:0 l0 rs/ 1s/20 10 LuLalzsffi t8l\E/zfitfi 10/t912010 l0/09120xo 1o/Iie/zs1o r.o/09/?010 1S/081201o lSisB/2SJ"0 O$fense OPERATIT(iG WHTLE Tr0$r guSP/fi,EVOI{ED SPEEDING iII Z'01'lE OP lrtv' MOaILE OP ilV- FIO$I:LH OFfiRATING W TNSUIlANCE OF 1{V- NOBILE sFEEil lt\r zON€ hff SFEBATIT'IG w SPFfPING IN DISOBEY.ED DISOBEYEF CO$ITROL DEVICE C CONTROL DEVICE SPErD rr'l zor$E iHADEQUATE OR NO/INADfQUATE STAP LAI'IPS SPEEDING IN ZONfi }}GE OF ADDRES$FLD/IIOTIFV OI']V OP€RATING WH REGISTMTIOI-I 5 U5 PIREVOKED NO/fAILf;P 1O SIGFIAL tAF,IFS C COI'ITROL DEVICED'TSSBTYg'D OPERATTHG It'l5URA{'lC.E UNINSPECfED OR \lEfiIqLE sFtrD IN Z0{'iE DISOBEYED IC COI,.ITROL DEVICE IJ{\I$AFE ST C Op 3Rn {rriXs0) INADfQUA MUFFLER OPERATIT,IG W]INSURA}ICE NPERATTFIG W O{:lT I}ISURAi\ICE OPERATTNG R-GISTRATION SUSP/fr,EVCKED Leoation SOO HANSFJAW RD HA$SHAW RD I{OHTH TRIPIJAMI"}ER RF PLEA9AITT 6ROVE RD PLEA3AN}IT GRCIVE RD PI.fASAI'IT GROVE RD HANSHAW RD HANST.fAW RD HAr*sl"tAw R.D HANSIJAV{ flD HANSTIAW RO T,IANS|,I&W RD PLEASA}'IT GROVL RD N. TftlPHAMMER ROAD 4+g TJAISSHAW RD RTOUTE t3 NORTIT BOU''ID TR'FIIAMFIER RD TRIPHAM}4ER RD 4OO HAFEHAW RO 7OO TRI.PIIAI4M*R RD 7OO TRIPIIAMM€R RD 7OO TRIPHAI'1f'IER RD 7OO TRIPHAMTTER RD IIAhISHAW RD N TRIPHAI''I|I1tR RP 800 |lAf*sHAW RD 8DO'HAil}5HAW ftD 8OO HANSHAW RTT }I TRTPHAF.IMER RD 800 tlANSffAw Ro F UPLAT{D RD I'i TRTPHAF1fiER RD fi.T 13 g0urfl N TR.IFHAMIIIER RD STATT RTE 13 \r1/lNTl*nfp D,t rWFFI MFH Ssne 1539 1q NO DI$TIFICTI A6GMVATED f'lOlI+tA0EQUA SPEED I$ ZON It!,lSURAf'JCr ZONE PTATE/INSECURE/DIRTY L{GICTs 15 f{ 46 30 81 55 5Ff.ED OVER 5 UI,IREGIST I''IOTOR VEHICLE ZONESPEE0 olisR 5 IIHNEQL}AT* TuesdaY, November 0?, 2010 NO STtlP mr4p$ 73 Fage 1 of 3