HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Department Monthly Report for April 2010.PDFV$$$mgw *$ #wya*gw $Sw*6ht* ffim$&mw #*Swrtm*r** -tr'l'rfi,ffias Ghief {}f W {-. B$pee &$tce &$& i{anshaw Rssd " $thaoa, S*qw Ysnfr 14858-{ 598 " Phone: {SS?} 3$f't$'11 fr-c'lrsl*: thoy**@cagug+heig0lt*.$grt*B a Faa'. 4#&Vj EEV-.$;47.4 Ma3:6. ?0I0 To: The Honoralrle lr4altnr $u1:r*n Me.mbers of the *aa,r:d ofl'l'rustecs Village of Ctiyuga ldeights Ide: Report of the Pr'lice Depa*ment f*r r4priX 2{}l{) iluring fhe n:onih *llApril tlrcte were 125 ctmpla,ints reportqd to lhe police dep*rfinent. Tlwre were also 6 rn*trlr vehicle arcirlitnts investigated. There wele 4l trafflc ti kets issued anrl 27 parking tickets written. ?here wer* n* fbletny canrplaints repr:rted in a'pril. "l'here rryere S misd.emealu:rx r"eported: 3 ftrr pctil larceny5 I fur crirninal rnisl:ltis{, 1 fbr *ggravated hara*crtr{:nt,2 for fi:rcibly trluclri*g, affl I lor idcnrlty the{l. One larceny wee a feport of wsod sfolen fi'om a villngc reBident's home. Thsre arq. no suspee.ts! The othertws larcenies were repor-tr cf str,eets rigns rnissing at tlto different lsc*ti+as. A:gain, there are rls suspect$. Thp crinrinal rn,ischief cettnplaint was regarrlirg another ;treel s*gq" ,4 st4:. *ign ws+ reported rrissing trut *'arr ftlrrnd by iln of'ficer in a ditch nearby. A temp$rary sign h*r!, br:eir rrut up in its place. A villagr resi{ent repofied a harassing phone c*ll frcnr an u*knowfi person. The ofticer f.bund a pho*e number f|or the susp€cf, cslled and spoke to the su.rpect and advisEd thenr not t* call tlre villege resident agaln. The su"*pqct agreed and has Eot had *ny further conlaot at this poinl $oih ibreible lauching incideuis wsre reporls bf tws different females walking q$t-sjde and \vers {pproached hv an axrknolqrn rnale subject rvho ma$e vulgar stateme*ls &nd taushed fhem in inappr*priate areas. At this tinrc" no *rrests have been madeo but the invesiigatiol is ongoing. 'l'he i<itxtify the* r:rpert rryas filed by aa older genlleman who h;id a ruspigious plione call in whioh if seemed as th,otgh r'*ilrsone had beeir trying ls -qet $ornc of his personal infiorrnaqion. The vietim rvas given *ecessary advice . 'Ilhere nere ? vinlatiam regrolted in the monlh *f April: 6l f*r disorderly rcnduct, and I for unlawftll pss:se$9ioa of n:ariinan*. Five of thc dis*r'ded1, coaduct ccinrplaints r+ere n*ise vinlati*ns, whilch were handied 'tvith+uf ineident. Tf:e iast discrderly eonduct compla[nt was i] r€port of tw+ studenrs who hael been hangisg around the ar:ec. They were not doing ftnythi&g lrvr*ng, but looked suspicious to tlre caller: theefcrre they wele girerr nscessary advice and nroved atong. While an officer rvas driving on roilte 13, hs no{i€cd an intlivi&r*l w*lking in the nredimr ald tryi:rg to t+licit a ride, A$er stopping tei spsak ro the sufiicct, it war f*uad that hc w*s in posscssion of m*riiuarrer. The case wan hand]ed accnrdingly. An officer wil$ sent on a catrl ta .assist the county in appreflending a s*foject rvh* h*ei reperrtec'lly fireei a shotgun and then fan ini{, th* wsads. The s*bjeot wes BventuAlly arrested with the help of orr: afficer. Ttre.re were no village o'rdi&ance conrpl*ints reeclved in the rutlirth of April. In the rn*r*h *f April, *fficer Malning assi*ted tite Ehnina Academy with flreanns training. Officer Manding also aftended a tr*iring clas.s in Bingllaffit$n for a tr$rv sirnrrJetir:n bmectr lrainitrg. Chief Eoyrle and $gt $k*inme{z atterded a fhr.ee day c}a*s on hsw to Steinnaeti and OtEcer l-auuing rook p-art in tlre regin*ral Steiarnsta alsr par*le ipeteri *n Fseue D+y at q krsal s{rh$ol- tbe Cops, K?cls, and Toys pro ram in Tr:urnansburg. training. f)I$is&the $offh CIf itFfril the f*ll H,me,offi. grs worksd a toJal of l4?.5 h*srs of'ot:ert,i:nns and the pffn rim€ officers worked 124.5 hours. $ineerely, Thomat L, Feyce fhief:o,f P'olise handle issues with prrrtcstors. Sgt Quiz at pariicipating sch$oJ,$ in the area. Sgt ief tsoyce at€en{ied a fanetion in untfarm, for y, all full time ol'fi{rers p*rticiBatsd in Tazer UTT Repe.rt by *ate Fr om 411 12O10 ts 4130/201 0 D*te,Offe$se Lscatlon ffiFFI HtFf{ Ebne 04/3012010 s4/301n*10 D4dzglZf't4 04{29'lV*L8 a4lzeaa\fi il412e1,28t8 ,4l7Al2*1fr q4lz3Nzfrrfr 641e3l2o.r0 0411912c10 0'41191:1011$ 04!19{28rfr *4fiSlzfrtt *q.l1g/20r.I o4l19l3els *4/t9l2sj:0 s4ft9lZ1tA 04/1912010, s4/lCJa01S rl4.lt6lz01,0 fr4/1W2at& 041t61201.ff ,s4lL6|ZA}O 94115/2;fifi fr4tr5l.zstfi o4.l1sil201! '84/tsltolfr g+xL5/zil!& 041151?010 s4/rsl?0r0 941151e01o o4l15/?0r0 o4lrs/20rS, s411"31201t t4lt3lzafi f4lr31?0r$ PgD,. oN STATE Expkf s,5, PROFIIB'TED DTSEAE.YEP TRAFFIC COMT,ROL *EVICE D SOAEYEF TRAFFIS CO''ITR.OL DEVICE DISO$EYEF TRAFilC COI{TROL PEVITE SPEFD NO.T RTASOITIABLT & PRUDENT LEAViI'iG/5CEU E FR,QPERTT bAI\,IAGE ACC. TAIIES T0 USE DES;iGNA,TED L,r4llE DISE.BEYEF TR*FFTC CONITROL bfVICE UTIIIISPECTf D MOTOR V€IiICLE 8IS-OEEYED TRAFFIC CONTR,OL trEI/ICF OpER.ATIf'I6 WfrHtltlT Il\iSU R*f'|f, E OPERAT:NG WITiICUT IttSI,lRAlriCE 5P€EbTHE ll'l SCHOEL ZONE sFrf;D lt't uoNE USILICE{Y$ED OPERAT$R rlo 16 sTcp @ s sF SIGI{ U$1|,ISFFC.TE D tltOTOR VEI+ICLE PED FLD/YLD RT-OF-WAY OTI-I THAN XWLK SFEED I}J ZO'i}E DISO$E?ED TRAFFIC.,CONTROL DEVICE DISOBEYED TRAFF-IC COI{TROL DEIiICE OPf RAT'II\IG V'IITHOUT INSURAI\}CE spErg r$l uoilE ri.r'rRrslsTfRED r4OTsR vEff rcr.E $f'Iff{5PECfEE I,{OT.SR VE}{ ICLE SPE&ATtr''I G. WTTFI OUT 1 I\I SUfl AI{CE DISOBEYED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE ,0F rJv" Mo$rle Pl-iol'lE SPEED TTI ZGNE DISOBEYED TRAFMC CONTRO.L OEVICF SPEEDING.IN SCIIOGL ZOl{E OP. ERATII\IG WITH OUT INg{JRAzuC E' AGGftAVATcO {Jf*LtC OP 3RD fMrSS} UISOB€YED TRAFfIC CONTROL DEVICH DISOAFYED TfiAFfld COI{TROL OEVICE nrc$s*YEF'r&AFrfc cilr'j'rno-L ilE-lr1cE r4Y5 RT 13 fll0ftril80ufiiE T*,IP'JAM'\,I*R RD 700 TRIFHAFI:MFR RO 790 TRlPftAh,tMF* RO PLEATANT GR,OVE ROAD FT.HA5AruT GROVE ROAD PLEAFAT.ITG*OMT RSAD }JAI\,SHAW RD ruORTH TRIPHAflT'+ER RE l"lAl!5f,Av1, ROAp HAfigI.IAW ROAD fr.ArusHAw ROAD HAr'rsllAw R*Ap caYUsA ftElGr-rir5 ROAD frrGFttAND *D + KUF/E RD HIGHLAIIO RD & KLIruE ftD tlAf'tst-iaw RD HAI,ISFIAW RD 700 TR,IPHAmf,I+* gA 5OO CAYUCA HSIGH-IS RD 7ilO TRIFHAMI.Tf,* RD 700 rRlPHAMf44R RD 700 TRIIHAMI,IER RD 7OO TRIPHAMMSR RO 800 ilArusr.rAw Rp 40s rjAasHAw RF 7AS TRIPt"iAMr4g* Rr] /OB IRiPFIAF}Mflfi frO 700 rRlPHAMMqfi, RS 5OO CAYU€A TIEIGH-rS RP 400 fiANSHAw Bll 700 TRIpHAMMfiR RD 4S0 uAilgt-rAw sE FLEASANT GROqE ROAD TRlpr|Ai'lMER RqAD TffiFi:lAHr''lER RQAD 36 zil 44 30 JU5.1 JU45 30 tn35 lrtcnuay, May03,2910 Psg€ 1*f.2 iS41$C/rCOtS :04/&ryeax.o b4los/3010 o4lo8le*10 04y':0S1Zfl1O DXSSBSYES TRAFFIC C.O}ITROI FEVICE O]sS&&YEE TRAFFIC CONTRCL DF.TTIEE OPG*ATIfi C WIT'IJ6I'T trNSUR.,iI,JCE EPEED IIII ZOITE EI$OBEYED TI{fi:FFIC COFITROT OEVICC 4il rec*rds, caYUGA H€16F1T5 C&YUGA H€rGlYs fAYUGA t{€1€FiT5 CAYUGA Hfi€r-[6 caYuGA flfl€ Fr+mrnw Que4yre{arnec f$,Fl{ Zone ROAS R+AD FSAD RgAD R.OAD Mund*.y,,May 83, AnlE Page 2 of? CAYUSA FAR.KIMG TTCKETS I,OCALH TRIFI$AI!{IvIER Rn OAK I{ILL RD HAbISI{A?$ FD WYCI(OFF RD CAYUGA }IETGHTS CAYUGA. HETG}{TS CAYUGA HE]GHTS EAYUGA I{HIGI{"S CAYUGA T{E3GHT$ QVER.LOOK RD TRIPHAFIMER. RD CAYUGA TIEIGHTS. CAYUGA HETGHTS C}IYUGA HETGHT,g CAYUGA HETGHTS CAYUG& I{ETGHTS CAYUGA }IETGHTS STXV1SETHY DR THIF?IAI{MER RD MItrWAY RD NCIR"IdWAY R' HANSHAW RD r{ErGHrs ForrrqE :SSI]ED FOR TH OF AFRITJ NEPT MOI{TTT VEO,S;ATSON 12S2-1b VTL'7.b r,L#L,96 7b LIr#]"*96 ?b rL#1"- s6 ?b tL#L*96 7b LI,#l-- 96 ?b tr,#l-95 ?ir* LL#X-96 7b LL#1*96 7c LL#L*96 7c LL#'l-56 7e LT,#1"-96?c LIr#1- 96 ?c LL#l--sG ?.,.c LL#L-96 ?q; Tri+#1"-96 ?c LTr#1- 9€?d LL#]"-e6 ?d Lr#l-96 "d LL#r.-96 7d LL#1"-96 7d IrL#1"* 96 R.D -ILIJ RD RD RD RD R,D RD RD RD rtlJ