HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter RE PBA Resolution Suggested Privileged & Confidential.PDFP. /// //\,9, //'///fl{rz/r tr--!-.\ec //21,,4b,,f'/ e
TO: Village of Cayuga Fleights Board of Trustees & Labor Relations Attornev
R E : PISA Resol uti o n S u ggested/prfyfigggd & ConfiilentiaJ
FROM: Mayor Giimore
/ ./- it --/;:+1- , , DATE: 3/S/2A1,0
L./ r //r(e- 1t"(lkt-s,n4(.
Srirbject to village Board vote and eppfo%t, Sergeanr 6;-i"*;r,,p#Apr"riclenr through
cr:uncil with his PBA members and wi{h encouragpment of Police Chief Tom Boyce, his
rrrade a proposal to the Mayor that we took to arbitration. In arbitration we reached arnutual settlement, and now ask the Bgard to consider it in fixecutive Session on March B at
the end of our regular meeting.
The agreement calls for the amendrne4t of our current VOCH/PBA contract per the specificdr:cuments attached signed by Laurie johnston, V0CH Labor Relations Attorney, paul Mayo,PllA Union Representative, and Micha{t c. wr,etaq, New York State approved Arbitrator,who has approved this resolve.
'fhe agreernent took approximately 36 hours to negotiate from start to bringing it toArbitration Thursday morning and effejctively doefthe following:
LJ Ends all current Grievance Matt[rs and Improper Practice charges brought by the
PI3A upon the village of Cayuga fleights, a potentially protracted and expensive legal
z) Extends the current VOCH/PBA Contract from its current expiration date of5/31/2An ro a new expiration f ate of S/3I/ZA$.3l Calls for aza/o salary increase fof all PBA members effectiv e 6/x/2a11 throughs/3r/201s.
4) Maintains our current Health Cafe Coveragg w/current 6s=pels and deductibles asis and consistent with all other Viilng" "rnployu*r.5l AIIows for the PB^A transfer to olher health cjre carriers as the village may see fitfrom time to time Vlike coverage and cost structures, but with a be-tter premiumstructure for the Village.6l Eliminates the n::d fo: potentiaf ly expensivb and rnorale eroding, vocH/pBAcontract negotiations in 2011, art otherwise renewai year.
Thiis agreement required the close comdrunication and oversight of our team includingLatror Relations Attorney, l,aurie Johnston, PtsA President Sergeant Steinmetz, police chiefTom Boyce, Treasurer |eff silber, PBA uhion nep. eauiruayo and myself as Mayor. NormaManning our clerk provided expert witrless, which itrengthened our arbitration case.
we believe for the reason stated above iir items 1-5 that this is a good municipal agreementfor the Village of cayuga Heights, and as{< for the Boarcl's review and vote of consideration.Attorne.y Laurie Johnston wiil come,o,,gl" goara td;" Monclay 3/B/Llro address anyquestions and provide a resolution in "Efecutive ses"sion" for the vocll/pge contractamendment to be corrsidered per the terfins negotiated, if the Board ,pp*u"r.
Sincerelp4 Mayor Jim Gilmore
issuecj bV frbitrator Miohael G. Whelan
ln AAA lrru wo. 1s 300 O0g2B 09
Maiter of cayuga Heights Police aenevolenf Association and Village of cayuga Heights
lN SETTLEMENTof the above captioned arbltration case, the cayuga Heights porice BenevolentAssociation ("]HPBA") and the village of cafuca Heights, New york (the ,,vilrage,,) agree as follows;
1" To settre the grievance submitted to the Viirage oh septem ber 22,2oog;2' To amend Article 1"2'11- by adding ilrf rorrowing sentence "For changes to the above referenced"Srlpreme,, level, see Appendix D.,,3. The CHpBA and Village wiilmeet
the current ,,Supreme,, plan wrthiT"lt_t-:tt
any futurechanges affecting coverages or co-pays to
to rhe cHpBA members rnu ,..q,-1.:fl,ff:flffi:T,:;,?:'rJ.i:i;lnl""d bv reamsters
4. This settlement is conditioned on -,
e xt e n d i n g t h e a g re e m e n t u n t i r'.il [:T: T?ffiiHllT:T : :, i:'ff il,'f ;ir: ;:: ; r,,14 and 201_4-1"5 being approved.by thf Viilage Boarld of Trustees.
So decided:
,"^\ I X,-o \r.1 t{| \-/ \ U t ttr--€ Date: Bllfzoao
Michael G. Wheian, Arbitrator
lssued tor Michael G. Whelan
In Case No. 15 300 00828 09
Matterof Cayuga Heights police Benevo Association and Village of Cayuga Heights
lN SETTLEMENT of the above captioned a itration case,
Association ("CHpBA") and the Village of Heights,
the Cayuga Heights police Benevolent
New York (the "Village,,) agree as follows:
To settle the grievance submitted
To amend Article t2.ttby adding
"Supreme" level, see Appendix D.,,
The CHPBA and Village willmeet
the current "Supreme,, plan within
the Village pn Septemb er 22,2009;
following $entence ',For changes to the above referenced
discuss any fl.rture changes affecting coverages or co_pays to
l0 calenda r dbys of receipt of the notice issued by Teamsters
to the CHPBA members. The req to meet will be initiated by the CHPBA.
4.This settlement is conditioned on t Memorandum of Understanding between the parties
extending the agreement until M 3I,2075 wittl2% ATB for the years 2OI.I_LL, ZALZ_L3, ZOI}-L4 and2074-15 being approved by Village BoBrd of Trustees.
Sio decided:
s f ? f "ouo
Michael G. Whelan, Arbitrator
The Cayuga Heights police Benevolent
York ("Village") agree as follows:
1,"Upon execution of this Memo of Understanding, the parties agree to settle thearbitration and the CHpBA will wit
the PERB lmproper practice Charges U-29535 and U_
nd the current collective bargaining agreement, dated June
a. Article 10.1, 10.11will
and 201,4-15. Each will
The CHPBA and Village agree to ex
1",2008 - May 3L,20Lt to May 31,
?Changes to the current collective rgaining agrqement will be:
salary schedvles for the years ZOLL-!2, ZOL2-L3, ZOt3-L4
a 2% ATB irlcrease over the preceding year,s salary
4.The parties agree that the Memo um of Understanding is contingent on the approval by theVillage Trustees of the contract
n and thd wage increase for the years ofthe contract
4 ltl-
{vf o
tion ("CHFBA") and the Village of Cayuga Heights, New
Heights Police Bene-volent Association