HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntermunicipal Wastewater Transportation and Treatment Agreement.PDFINTERMUNICIPAL WASTEWATER
This Agreement (the "Agreement") is made this ] day of March,2010, by and between theVILLAGE oF CAYUGA HEIGHTS, locate! in Tompkihs counry, New york, an
incorporated municipal subdivision of the State of few York, on its own behalf and upon behalf
of the Village of Cayuga Heights Wastewater Tr$atment Plant, with offices at 836 Hanshaw
Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 (hereinafter, thd "vcH"), the VILLAGE oF LANSING,
located in Tompkins County, New York. an incorporated municipal subdivision of the State oi
New York with offices at2405 North Triphammei Road, Ithaca. \ew York 14850 ftereinafter,New York with offices at 2405 North Tr Road, Ithaca,
the '.VOL"), and the TOWN OF LANSING,in Tompkins County, New York, an
incorporated municipal subdivision of the State of i.{ew york (herpinafter the .;TOL',;, acting on
with offices at 29 Auburn Road, P.O. Box 186,ing, New York 14886 (hereinafter, the
"District") (the District, the VCH and
and collectively as the "Parlies").
WFIEREAS, the vcH constructed, owns, and operates the village of cayuga Heights
Wastewater Treatment Plant (hereinafter, the "VCifWfp'), whiCh serves the VCH as wei as
ceftain areas in the Town of Dryden, the Town of It{raca, the ToL 4nd the vol-; and
WFIEREAS, the District desires to obtain wastewfter capacity arld treatment services from the
VCH and the VCHWTP, together with the right tp transport wastewater thorough sewer lines
and mains owned, maintained, and operated by the VCH and the VOL; and
WEIEREAS, the TOL and the District desire to take advantage of grant funding for sewer
infrastructure, and this Agreement will facilitate accpss to those furrds; and
WIIIEREAS, the Parties wish to provide wastelater services to the District and meet the
wastewater discharge permit requirements for the District in the most efficient manner; and
WHiEREAS, the respective legislative bodies of thje Parties have determined that ioint actions
and cooperation among the Parties will benefit thfir respective Qitizens and proteit the water
quality ofCayuga Lake; and
WHEREAS, Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law of the Stite of New york oermits and
encourages intermunicipal cooperation and agreenients in the pr(vision of municipal services,
including sewer services, and this Agreement is specifically afrthori zed by $119-o of said
General Municipal Law and governed by the terms Qf $119-a of thq General Municipal Law.
NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the promiges and the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:
l. The following words and phrases shall
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A. Effective Date - the date on which
all ofthe Parties.
tfis Agreement is fully executed by each and
B' Metrics - measurements of system pirformance that form a basis for managementdecisions and actions.
C. O&M - operation and maintenance.
D' Service Area- the area orine oistrlct delineated qpon the official Map, plan &Repoft for such District, as aftached as the nfap and, dataat ilxhibit A.
E. SPDES permit _ the New york Stlte pollutant Discharge Elimination SystemPermit issued by the New York State DeRartinent of Envirorrmental Conservation.
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This Agreernent shall be in force and effect as provided in paragraph l0I nereol, but in Ty event for ro longer than a total term of fdrty (40) years as prJvided in| $ 119-a of the General Municipal Law.
2' Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the. {cu ano the vcHWTp shall accept sanitarysewage flows from the Service Area as the Servicf Area is presqintly constituted (through theVo-l- mains and lines) and, subject to the further {rovisions'of tliis Agreement the vcHwTpshall treat or require treatment of such sanitary sewage and lvasre water pursuant to therequirements of the VCHWTP SPDES Permit and other-applicable permit requirements, lawsand applicable regulations, including, without limitaiion, the'VCH Sewer Use ordinance laticte
Yru oi the village of Cayuga Heights Articles, a$ amended from rime to time). rr,is vCnobligation is contingent upon (a) the vcHwrP having the required capacity, (b) themaintenance of the intermunicipal agreements tuppofting the'Kline Road nypass^to Oiverr excessflow to Town of Ithaca Lines and then to the LAWT| trl'ru"u Area iWastewater Treatment plant)
and (c) this Agreement remaining in full force and effect as to all parries. VCH shall at all timesproperly treat or require such pretreatment as nlay be required for all flows and ensurecompliance with applicable laws and regulations.
With respect to individual parcels within the District, the District agrees that connectionto the District wastewater system by individual parc$ls will not be permitted unless and until thea VCH sewer connectio.n Rermit is issued by the ]vCu *ith respect to the subject parcel inaccordance with and subject_to VCH requirements, i{rcluding, withqut limitation, the payment ofthe sewer connection permit fee charged therefor. Writtin notipe of the issuance of VCHconnection permits to District properties shall be Sfven to the VOL within seven (7) days ofissuance.
3. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the \iOI. ,f,utt trangport flows from the ServiceArea to the VCH sewer system andlor VCHWTP {nd shall at all times properly maintain itsmains, lines and related sewer appurtenances in comfliance with applicablelaws and regulations.The District shall be solely responsible for all instailation und "onrtruction for the hoJk-up andconnection to the VoL sewer system, as provided hqrein, and for ail costs related thereto. ThisVoL obligation is contingent upon (a) the VoL sfwer mains and lines having the required
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capacity, (b) the maintenance of the intermunicfpat agreemenrs suppofting the Kline Road
Bypass to divert excess flow to Town of Ithaca tines and the4 to the IAWTP (Ithaca Area
Wastewater Treatment Plant) and (c) this Agreemeprt remaining irl full force and effect as to all
4' Any future changes to, or expansions ol ttie Service Area may be made only upon the
written consent of all of the Parties. The parties agfee that the obligations of the VOL and VCH
to receive, transport and treat wastewater from the District is limited to the District boundaries
shown on Exhibit 1 and no connections to any prpperties located outside the District shall be
perrnitted by the District without the prior upptouut !i*tr vor and the vcH.
5. The District shall maintain its sewer coll.ciion system in good order and shall exercise
due care to prevent inflow and infiltration imp{cts. The District agrees, as necessary, to
construct, install, repair and/or replace collection iines, manholeE, pump stations, flow mJers
and other appurtenances within the District. The Ibistrict shall erisuie that it complies with the
VCH Sewer Use Ordinance (Article VIII of the Village of Cayuga Heights Articles), as amended
frorn time to time, including, without limitation, thf specific requirements for non-toxic sewage
as applicable to residential and non-residential usbrs, and the Village of Lansing Sewer Laiw
(Chapter 111 of the Village of Lansing Code), as fmended. The Diitrict acknowledses that if
quality limits are exceeded, the District may be re$ponsible for the cost of headworlianalyses,
any needed Industrial Pretreatment Permits an{ any necessa{y maintenance, repairs and
improvements to the VCHWTP and the VOL sewer system.
Within twelve (12) months of execution of this Alreement, the TOL shall adopt and thereafter
enforce a local law or ordinance providing for rulls and regulatirons governing the use of the
TOI- sewer system within all sewer districts within the TOL which local law or ordinance shall
provide for rules and regulations imposing equal or {nore restrictivo standards than those set forth
in the VCH and VOL laws and ordinances governidg the use of th]e respective sewer systems of
the VCH and VOL (Article VIII of Village of Cay,fga Heights Ar,'ticles and Chapter 111 of the
Village of Lansing Code), as now existing or as am{nded from time to time. In the event that the
TOI- fails to adopt and enforce such local law or ordinance, VCH or VOL may limit and/or
suspend supplying service to new and/or additional users in the District until such time as such
loca.l law or ordinance is adopted or enforced.
The VCH and the VOL may, but shall not be reQuired to inspect any portion of the District
system, obtain wastewater samples in order to deterlnine whether 4 violation of District or VCH
and/or VOL local laws, ordinances, rules or regul{tions exist, an{ to obtain flow data. In the
event any such inspection or flow data reveals the need for correptive action, the VCH andlor
VOI- shall noti$/ the District and the other Party to this Agreerhent in writing of such need
including details of the nature of said corrective aofion and a reasonable time period under the
circumstances in which such corrective action is to fe performed. The District agrees to perform
such corrective action in a timely manner and sfrall perform such work and conduct such
inspections to ensure compliance with (i) all VCH, VOL and District ordinances, local laws,
rules and regulations, (ii) this Agreement, and (iii) the terms and cpnditions of any permit under
which the VCH, VOL and/or the District operate thqir respective \4iastewater treatment plant and
collection systems.
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In the event that the District does not perform sJch corrective pction within the time neriod
designated, or in the case of emergency or othef similar circudrstances requiring immediate
action (including only those circumstances under wfrich the VCH dr VOL, as tire case may be, is
unable to provide at least a verbal demand for sulh District corrective action), the ViU, the
VOL and/or their respective designated agents maj enter upon Dfstrict property to perform the
necessary corrective action, the costs thereof and alry additional reasonably related expenses to
be chargeable to and paid by the District. For the fimiteO purpose of the VCH and/or ihe VOL,
as the case may be, exercising such rights on a cale by case basls, the TOL (for itself and on
behalf of the District) hereby grants to the VCH ar]rd/or VOL, as the case may be, a temporary
license to enter District owned lands and non-{istrict owned lands subject to permanent
easements and right-of-way rights held by the ToL hnd/or the Disuict.
The VCH and/or VOL will use their reasonable besi efforts to provide prior notice to the Districloftheir intent to exercise such rights and perform thf required corroctive action.
If such prior notice is not given, VCH and/or VOI-J, as the case may be, will use its reasonable
best effofts to provide notice to the District at spon as possibl! after it exercises its rights
hererunder, Under any and all circumstances an{ notwiihstanding anything to the contiary
hererin, the failure to provide either of the foregoing lrotices shall nqt be deemed to be a breach of
this Agreement by the VCH or VOL.
6. Two or more of the Parties may enter intp separate agreements that provide for the
cont;truction, use, maintenance, or ownership of any intercepiors, mains, or lines hereafter
installed to collect and convey any Service Area floiys.
cont;truction, use, maintenance, or ownership of any'intercepiors, mains, or lines hereafter
7. Whenever required, the Parties shatl develo$ Metrics to mQasure flows from the Service
Area to the VCHWTP treatment facility. The parfties shall utilize flow merers, master water
^^-,,:^^ *^4^.. ..^^i:---^ ^,- t -L1
A. The District shall pay to the VOL a transpoftation
lines, and sewer appurtenances, qalculated as
service meter readings, and other appropriate infof;nation and processes as determined by the
VOI- and VCH to determine the District's Service Area flows thnoush VOL mains and iines.
VCI{ mains and lines, and to the VCHWTP facility. The costs of such flow meters,
master water service meter readings and other in ion and processes shall be borne by the
District. 'Ihe Parties agree to share flow data in ion with thb other Parties hereto at least
every thirty (30) days or sooner upon reasonable written request of pny party.
8. Payments to VCH and VOL for the
follc,wing formulae and requirements:
services shall be based uoon the
fee for the use of its mains,
fhe sum of the following
l. Capital Improvement Debt Retirement: based on the purrent ad-
valorem formulq used by theiVOL for fees charged by th9 VOL-to ttre
TOL for the Lansing Cheny Road Sewer District: for example for this
coming VOL fiscal year it wif l be $0106 per $1,000 of assessment value,
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plus, $J3r3.Q._per Unit (asge[ermined by the VOL and VCH), multiplied
times the VOL outside user sfrrcharge rare of f .50; plus
2, Operation and Main{enance: pne half of the then current VOL
sewer surcharge Jare _(see_ Sec_tion 1 !1-itA gf the Villqge of Lansing
Code), it being specinCairy a$ieea ttritlfiislame surcniG ti t"u;
"ppri"ato the Lansing cherry Road District in the same manner as it is uppiibo to
the District herein:
3. If the VOL formula {hanges, then the formula and fee payable by
the District shall change accdrdingry, subjeqt to the notice requirements of
this Agreement.
Billing and payment of the foregofng transportatlon fee shall be in the same
manner as the fee currently billed tg and paid for by the Lansing cherry Road
Sewer District, the provisions and flrocedures for which are incoiporated herein
by reference.
The District shall pay to,!cH an arinual fee, payable in June, for transportation
through its mains, lines, and sewei appurtenancei, ind sewage ind treatment
processing fees based on the rates an[ manner of calculation as set fonh in ArticleXII of the village of cayuga Heightf Articres as thb same may be amended from
time to time, or such successor law or ordinance t{rat may be adopted by VCH.
The annual amount due shall vary flgm year-to-ysar based upon the number and
types of users within the District, wittr ttre amount due being a sum of the gross
rate calculation for all users in the Seivice Area, with such sum then multiplied by
the outside user rate surcharge of 1.5p to calculate tire final annual fee payable by
the District.
The methods of calculating Units, $DUs, and the ad-valorem and outside user
rates and surcharges shall not be ch{nged or amen{ed by any party without 60-
days advance notice to the District.
Except as provided in paragraph 5 Bbove, absent a separate written asreement
there for, the District shall not be responsible fqr the direct costs o"f repair,
maintenance, or replacement of afly VOL or VCH mains, lines or sewer
appurtenances; nor for any direct O&M costs of the VOL, VCH, or the
VCHWTP, as such O&M costs are fuilt into and A part of the service fees and
charges referenced above. Notyithstanding the foregoing, the parties
acknowledge that all costs and expenses of repairs, maintenance and
improvements to and expansion of the VCHWTp and to the vol- and vcH
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collection systems for current and fqture conditions and all other oneratins and
capital costs, expenses and reserved associated with the operation, repaii and
maintenance of the vcHWTP and systems, shall be reflected in the sewer fees
rates vcH charges its users, the fees VoL charges ifs users, and the fees charged
by the District to its users.
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9. The governance of the VCHWTP treatmenifacility and the VCH and VOL interceptors,
mains, and lines, will not change on the Effectiv{ Date of this Agreement. The parties will,
however, cooperate to coordinate and plan for tfre efficient arldlost effective provision of
wastewater treatment and transportation services fot and from the service Area.
10. This Agreement shall continue in force 4nd effect for a period of 5 years from its
Effective Date and shall automatically thereafter renew for a rnaximum of seven additional
successive S-year terms such that this Agreement sfrall not exceed the forty (40) year term limit
set forth in General Municipal Law $ I I 9-a. If any party desires any changes in the terms of this
Agreement, then such Party shall provide all other Parties at least six (6) months written notice
thereof before the renewal date of this Agreement. If any change is required to the terms of this
Agreement due to amended or changed permit con{itions, the requirement for new or additional
permits or types of permits, or by any change in fpplicable lawi or regulations, any party that
has knowledge of such requirement shall provide ail othe. Parties with prompt wiitten notice
thereof and the Parties shall thereafter promptly fneet to effect any requirecl changes to this
11. Each Party shall indemni$, and hold harmltss the other parties fiom and against all suits
or claims for injury or damage to person or properfy allegedly carrsed through negligent acts or
omissions of the indemnifying Party.
12. Any delay in or failure of performance by the VCH, VOL or District under this
Agreement shall be permitted and deemed excudable if such delay or failure is caused by
occurrences beyond the control of the VCH, VOL fr District, incfuding, but not limited to, acts
of God, compliance with any order or request of any governmental authority, acts of war or
terrorism, sabotage, accidents, strikes or other concfrted actions of employees, weather, and any
other cause not within the control of the vcH, voLJ or the District as the case may be.
13. It is recognized by the Parties that the
"upuJ,r, of the VCH and the VOL sewer systems
are limited and may not be adequate to carry all w{stewater to all points or treat all wastewater
delivered to the VCHWTP during the term of ttri$ Agreement, and that the VCHWTp andlor
VOL sewer systems are primarily for the respective residents of thq VCH and VOL residents and
only secondarily for users outside ofthe their respeolive geographiq boundaries.
Accordingly, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed phat (i) with reEpect to the VCH, if necessary
to provide wastewater transportation and treatment plant services tp the existing VCH, VOL and
District users and to allocate adequate sewer system and VCHWTP capacity for future expansion
of the number of VCH users, the VCH may limit anh/or suspend sqpptying service to new andlor
addiitional users in the District until such time as $ufficient capacity is restored; and (ii) with
respect to the VOL, if necessary to provide wastewater transpoftation service to existing VOL
and District users and to allocate adequate sewer system and plant capacity for future expansion
of the number of VOL users, the VOL may limit and/or suspend supplying transportation service
to new and/or additional users in the District until such time as sufficient capacity is restored.
The VCH and/or VOL shall not be responsible for ahy damages resulting from any suspension or
limitation of supplying services to new and/or additional useis in the District, nor shall either the
VCI I or VOL be required to expand its sewer systerln to accommodate new or additional District
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users. The VCH, VOL and District shall cooperate with each other and use their reasonable best
effcrrts so as to (i) avoid any such limitations and/or suspensiond of service, and (ii) limit the
period of time during which any such limitations anp/or suspensio4s of service will be in effect.
14. Each Party hereby agrees to comply witn all of the rules and regulations of New York
State Department of Environmental Conservatio4 (DEC) and United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) pertaining to it.
15. The waiver by any Party hereto of a breach or violation of any term or provision of this
Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a wdiver of any subsequent breach or violation,Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a
16. If any court of competent jurisdiction holdg any provisiorl of this Agreement invalid or
unenforceable, the other provisions of this Agreemlnt will remain in full force and effect. Anyunenforceable, the other provisions of this Agree remain in full force and effect. Any
provision of this Agreement held invalid or unenfofceable only in part or degree will remain inPruvrrrurr ur rtl|S ABr'ccrllcnr ngt(r rnvalo or unenlorceaDle only ln pan or clegree wlll remaln ln
full force and effect to the extent not held invalfd or unenforcoable. Any such holding of
:.^,.^l:l:a- ^-- ---- ---f-,-- --l- :l:4invalidity or unenforceability shall be confined in iis operation to the clause or provision directly
involved in the controversy in which such holding shqll have been renderea.
17. The Parties hereto aqree to execute and deli such other documents and to perform such
other acts as may, from time to time, be
intent and purpose of this Agreement.
required to give full force and effect to the
18. This Agreement constitutes the entire u
supersedes all prior agreements, understandings
ing and agreement of the Parties and
arrangements, both oral and written, It may
be amended only upon the written consent of all of
19.This Agreement shall be governed by the of the State of New York.
20. No Party may assign or transfer its rights and interests in this Agreement to another entity
without the prior written consent of all of the other f arties. Notwitlistanding the foregoing, if one
or more Parties dissolve into, merges with, or wholly annexes another Party or Parties, the Pady
remaining after the dissolution, merger or annexatfon, or the new merged municipality, as the
casc) may be, shall retain all of the rights and interpsts in this Agrteement that were held by the
involved Farties immediately prior to the dissolutiori, merger or an4ex4tion.
21. Each Party represents and warrants that lhis Agreemertt has been presented to its
governing body, that its governing body has approried this Agreerhent by a majority vote of the
full possible voting strength of such governing bo{y, and that, if required, all steps by way of
public hearings, referendum, or otherwise, have beein duly and prqperty had or undertaken prior
to the Effective Date of this Agreement. The Resohitions of each governing body approving this
Agreement are attached to this Agreement as Exhibiis B.
22. This Agreement may be executed in countqrparts, and sugh counterparts shall together
comprise a single and binding agreement. This A,greement may be executed by facsimile or
electronic signatures, which signatures shall be apcepted as if they were original execution
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23. In the event of a dispute between the Parti{s, should the parties agreethat such dispute
should be settled by arbitration, the Pafties agree that any dispute or matter(s) that are to be
settled by arbitration shall be submitted to the Alnerican Arbitrtation Association (AAA) for
binding arbitration in accordance with the followin! procedure:
A. Within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the negotiation period provided for
above, the parties shall, in conjunction with AAA, agree upon one arbitrator to
resolve the disputed matter(s); provided, however, tfrat if the parties hereto cannot
agree on an arbitrator within such thirry (30) day period, AAA shall select the
arbitrator. The arbitrator so desighated shall have expertise in wastewater
treatment plant and sewer system dpsign and operational matters, and shall not
have previously provided services t$ any of the VCH, VOL, the District or the
B. Within such time as may be provideJ in AAA rules and regulations, the arbitrator
and the parties shall meet, at which time the parties shall provide the arbitrator
with any written documents execute{ by the panies as indicated above providing
for the matters upon which the partips have agreed, and shall be further requiredto set fotth in writing all dispufed issues anfl their respective proposed
determination on each such issue.
C. Following such preliminary m
which shall be no later than thi
proposals pursuant to subparagraph
to be represented by counsel at such
the rules of AAA; provided,
discretion with regard to the
the arbitrator shall set a date for a hearing
(30) days after the submission of written
above. Each puch party shall have the right
ing. The arlbitration shall be governed by
: the drbitrator shall have the sole
of tesiimony and other evidentiaryadmi
D. The arbitrator shall use his or her best qffofts to rule on the disputed
issues within thirty (30) days after lthe completion of the hearing described in
subparagraph c above. The determi4ation of the arbitrator as to the resolution of
any disputed issues shall be in writin$, delivered to all parties hereto, and binding
and conclusive upon all parties hereto. Each party agrees to proceed in
accordance with such determination, including taking all actions necessary to give
full force and effect thereto. Any arbltration determination may be entered in and
enforced by any court having jurisdiption thereof, ahd the parties hereby consent
and commit themselves to the juriEdiction of su(h court for purposes of the
E. In connection with any arbitration proceeding hefeunder, each party shall be
responsible for its respective costs 4xd expenses, including, but not limited to,
attorneys' fees, unless the arbitrator, for good causp, directs otherwise in his or
her written determination.
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Nothing contained in this paragraph 23 shall be
controversy or claim to arbitration, it being the i
to require the parties to submit any
procedures int of the pafties to provide
regards to any such arbitration in the event that agree to so suhmit amalter.
IN'WITNESS WHtsREOF. the Parties have this Agreemerll to be executed by their duly
authorized officers and sealed with their corporate on the day(s) andyear set forth below.
James Gilmore, III, Mayor
vil of Cayuga Heights
Hartill, Mayop
of Lansing
A.Pinney, Supervisor
Town f Lansing
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3/4/2410 I l:53:58 AM
F"[i.d'z --l
On fhe
day of
in the year 2010 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
in and for said State, personally appeared Don Hartill, personally lknown to me or proved to me
on tlhe basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within
instrument and acknowledged to me that he executBd the same in his capacity, and that by his
signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual
acted. executed the instrument.
otary Public
On the __ day of _in the year 201 re me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
in and for said State, personally appeared A. Scott $inney, persondlly known to me or proved to
me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the
withrin instrument and acknowledged to me that he efecuted the sarire in his capacity, and that by
his signature on the instrument, the individual, or thp person upon behalf of which the individual
acted, executed the instrument.
On lhe __ day of _ in the year 20 I 0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
in and for said State, personally appeared James S. Gilmore, IIIi personally known to me or
proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence td be the individiral whose name is subscribed
to the within instrument and acknowledged to me tliat he executed the same in his capacity, and
that by his signature on the instrument, the individbal, or the person upon behalf of which the
individual acted, executed the instrument.
f"lotary Public
Wanen Road SDE IMA re Sewer Transportation v4p -3/4/201.0 I l:53:58 AM
[p"{.t"d;t ---
Service A Map
8,. ,*i;Fttts.r i
2009 Service Aiea Data
The proposed Service Area includes forty one tax map paicels consisting offour single-family residences,
threer vacant residential properties, nine vacant commerci{l properties, s-venteen multiple apartment
properties, a single use small building propelty, an office building, a college / university proper-ty and four
manufacturing properties. The total service area includes youghly 204 acrei. None ofthe land is within an
established Agricultural Di{1!ct. All property within the proposed district currently has access to the
Townos water system. The following table lists the parcelp, street address, acreage, use and parcel owners
for all lands included in the service area.
Parcri No.; Address; Parcel Owner; Acreage; Use
39.-l-361053 Warren Road Bracco, Susan 0.43 Single Family Res
39.-1-37 1047 Wamen Road Lane, Mary Ellen 0,46 Singlq Family Res
44.-l-14 971 wa*en Drive Tanner, Rebecca & Hildreth, Lon 3.56 Single family Res
44-l-19 8 l:Iillcrest Road Lama, Robert & Margaret 1.07 Single Family Res
39.-1-35 1067 Wamen Road Lucente Holdings Inc. 1.89 Mfg Housing
39.-l-32.2 Warren Road Lucente, Rocco P. 7 .97 yacanL Residential
39'l-382 Warren Road Lucente, Rocco P. 6.93 Vacant Rural
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41.-2-5 lll Hillcrest Road n/f Butler Foundation 59.95 iacant w/lmprov.
39,-l-50.1 Dutch Mill Road Bt-NewyoLLC3.49 Vacant Commercial
3 9.- l -50. I I Dutch Mill Road Drost, Corneli s L 2, 19 Vadant Commercial
39.-l-50.13 Dutch Mill Road Drost, Cornelis J. l.74Yaa:ant Commercial
39,-l-50.2 Dutch Mill Road Kaida Computer Tech, LLC 2.41 yacant Cofnmercial
39,-l-50.7 Dutch Mill Road Transonic Systems Inc. 1.78 Vacant Commeicial
39.-l -50.9 Dutch Mill Road Transonic Systems Inc, I .l I Vacant Commercial
44.-1-18 Wanen Road Cornell University 5.52yacant Cbmmercial
44.-l-47 Cherry Road County of Tompkins 17.25 yacanl Commercial
44.-l-50.1 939 Wanen Road Cornell University 1.70 Vafant Commercial
39.-l-38.1 1063 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.7p Apaftmenr
39.-l-38.10 1049 Wamen Road Lucente, Rocco p. 1.75 Apartment
39.-l-38.1I 1051 Warren Road Lucente Holdings lnc. l.)V'7 Apar.tment
39.-l-38.12 1065 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.b0 Apartment
39.-l-38.13 1069 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.l7 Apartment
39.-l-38.14 1089 Wanen Road Lucente Holdinss Inc. 0.179 Aoartment
39.-1-38,15 1079 Wamen Road Lucente Holdinls tnc. O.f9 Apartment
39.-l-38.16 1087 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.i7 Apartment
39.-l-38.3 1093 Warren Road Lucente Holdings lnc.2.0p Apirtment
39.-1-38,4 1095 Warren Road Lucente Holdines Inc. 1.7b Aoartment
39.-l-38,5 l08l Warren Road Lucenre Holdinls Inc. l.8i Apaflmenr
39.-l-38.6 1083 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.7rl Apartment
39.-1-38.7 1097 Warren Road Lucente, Rocco p. 2.20 Afiartment
39.-l-38.8 1085 Warren Road Lucente Holdings Inc. l.lf Apartment
39.-l-38.9 l07l Warren Road Lucente, Rocco P. L17 Aflartment
39.-t-20.4 2-35 Springbrook Circle Springbrook Circle L]Lp 12.g5 Apartment
39.-1-50.3 10 Dutch Mitl Road Bt-Newyo LLC2.69 Warlehouse
39.-1-50.8 3 I Dutch Mill Road Goldberg, Mark A. I .93 effice Building
39.-1-50.14 42Dulch Mill Road Wanagel, John 1.60 I U$e SmallBuilding
44.-I-50.2 925 Warren Road Cornell University 24.88 C$llege/University
39.-l-50.10 34 Dutch Mill Road Transonic Systems Inc, F.O: Manufacturg
39.-1-50.12 41 Dutch Mill Road Tompkins County lDA2.l7 ManufacturB
39.-lt-50.5 20 Dutch Mill Road Tompkins County IDA 2.50 Manufacture
39.-l-50.6 2l Dutch Mill Road Tompkin$ County IDA 4.36 Manufacture
Wanen Road SDE IMA re Sewer Transportation v4J
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Governing Body $esolutions
13I Warren Road SDE IMA re Sewer Transportation v4p _ _ _ - .
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