HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Department Annual Report 2009.PDFMarch 4,2010 Mayor James Gilmore and the Board of Trustees for the Village of Cayuga Heights The following is the Annual.Report of the caluga Heights Fire Department for 2009' The volunteers of the Caluga Heights Fire Department ran fewer calls irr 2009 then in 200g but it did not seem that way. It was a very busy year for the.members of the department with a total of 517 runs for the year' We had 294 calls in the Village of Cal.uga Heights, 169 calls in the Town of Itiraca and we responded to 54 requests fo'r mutuar aid in 2009. we had 220 fire calrs and 297 EMS calls. This is the first time we have seen more EMS calls then fire calls in the department's history. This is a statistic that we ur" s".irrg ,rution wide with the numbei of requests for medical assistance increasing every year. We did have many calls of note throughout the year' Our members continue to- frouia. exceilent fire protection to the residents of 'ur district. on Thanksgiving Day our rapid lesponse to a irome kept a stove fire from spreading to the entire kitchen. Our firefighters responded io a t.pott of a -stove fire and: arrived to find the fire spreading above the stove. Quick wor\ yit\a fire extinguishrer allowed the situation to be controlled with little ipread of the. fire' One week later we were dispatched to a dryer fire in a residence. Again a rapid response averted disaster' First arriving units found that the home was filled with smoke and that the fire that had starterd in the dryer was ,pr*udirrg up the wall in the basement. A rapid knock down of the firre stopped the spread of the fire and saved the home' As stated in previous years' tfie CayugaHeights Fire Department responds to many incidents every year that have the potential to be fully involved structure fire but because of our rapid restrronse times and .weut,ain"dfirefighterssmallinciderrtsremainsmall. In 2009 we had an avefage response time of 3.1 minutes with an<l average of 9 firefighters per call. The aierage incident length was 18.7 minutes for a total of 2907 man hours spent on calls for our members last year' This number orrly includes tlhe amount of time spent on the call itself; it does not include the amount of time spent back at the station puttinf equipment back in service after the ca1l. The amount of time it takes to put equipment biclc in service is often ionger then the call itself' Our members also spend many hours at the station maintaining o-ur equipment and ensuring that everything is serviceabre and in working order. our"members arso ensure that the building and C,A,YU GA H E,N GHT S F IN.E D EPART M E,I';IT tr94 Pleasant Grove Road {thaca, i\TY 14850 (607) 257-2377 ,' N-{ ELP P R,E\/ENT F XR.ES" grounds are \Alell taken care of. Our members clean the station, paint the walls, andrnaintain the g:rounds and all the other tasks that keep the station andlhe grounds lookinggood. 'llhere are cufl:ently 50 members of the fire department and 12 members of the firecompany support staff for a current roster of 62 members. We have been very pleasedthis year with our recruiting and retention efforts. We did hold spring and fall recruitt'raining in2009. Those who joined the department in 2009 completed tf,eir probationarychecklist work and have taken the requiied state fire classes to maintain their activemembership. We added 10 members in 2009. In last years annual report we had 46members of thr: deparlment and 10 members of the support staff so we have grown by 4department members and 2 company members in 2009. We continue recruiting effortsthroughout the year and always seem to be right around the 50 active member markwhich is where we like to be. C)ur EMS responders can not be overlooked. There were 297 EMS incidents in ourdistrict last yea:r. There were over 1400 man hours spent on EMS calls alone for 2009.The department has 6 paramedics and 12 EMTs. bur EMTs respond to all rnanner ofmedical calls tluoughout the year. We respond to anything from an automatic medical alatm to patienLs in cardiac arrest. We have some of the best equipment in the county toassist us with our jobs. In 2009 the fire company purchase-d u l.if"put 12 CardjacMonitor/Defibrillator fo1 th9 fire department. At a .osi of over $20,000 this project wascompletely funrJed !1the fire company's annual donation letter and pro"""i, from theannual yard sale. This piece of equipment is cutting edge and allows us to provide outstanding carriiac care to our patients. In 2009 we had 46 in house trainiggs at the. fire department. We averaged 10 membersper training for a total of 1822 man hours of training at the station or other trainingfacilities in the area. The in-house trainings put together by members of the department. Officers and firr:fighters in the department are encouraged to put together trainings and toteach them to the membership. Through the year *i aia r.rr..ul trainings with other ap;encies. The Lansing fire department came over a couple of times to do jJint trainings.Tliis is very he.lpful to get our members and Lansing's members comfortable workingtogether. Our clepartments rely on each other so -.t.h that we need to be comforlablew:rking with each others equipment and personnel. We also held a training with ComellEMS. We hosted a Guthrie Air Medical Landing Zone training at oui station withCIJEMS. Our -firefighters also took 1320 hours of state and national fire training lastyeat. This nurnber includes the required classes of Firefighter 1 or Scene Supportoperations. All new members are rqquired to take one of theie two classes in their firstyear with the department. The training hour numbers do not include two very important categories of training. All EMS members are required to take between 12 and,24 hoursof continuing medical education annually to maintain their certification. This number also does not include the countless hours of checklist work our new members do to moveup in the ranks of the deparlment. The probationary and interior checklists require thefirr:fighters to perform skills in front of evaluators to ensure that they are proficient. This also requires the checklist evaluators to be proficient enough in the skills to be able to evaluate. In the past year we have made a couple of improvements to the fire station' After we replaced the carpet in the company room last year we purchased new couches and a new terevision for that area. These projects were funded by the fire council2Yo accottnt. This made the company room ur"u of th" fire station more comfortable for members' We also redid the counter top * tft. room divider to make it easier for people to sit and work at the station. The carpet has now been replaced in all of the bunker rooms' we continue to have small issues *i,rr,n" physicar plant of the fire station and we are still investigating a f.**""t fix for the probiems w" 1iuv" with the heat at the station' community outreach continues to be a priority *ith tl: fire department' our annuai visits with CayugaHeights and Northeasi Schools are a highlight of our fall'. Going into the schools with gear aid tools and watching the kids get excited about leaming from the firefighters is a thrill for all involved. we have our open house each october that is very well attended no matter what the weather is. Last spring we sent a couple of members to' cornell University to speak with Girls scouts from all over the central New York area during their Techn"i"tt in tr.. Work Place Day. The firefighters took over several piecesr "i "qi,iptn.nt to sho# what developing technology has. done for the fire service' We: often work with scouting groups, boys-and girls, to assist them with their advancement through the ranks. We a"lsi work with the scout leaders teaching them CPR and first aicl at the fire station. Each spring we go out to the middle school and speak to the studentt; at Dewitt about the fire service and what it means to us' We are starting to see somi: retum to this project with three new members in the winter/spring class who learnecl about the Cayuga Heights Fire Department during one of these visits' Our fire company sponsored Communit! CPR Program is still functional' Our CPR instructors teach several .Community cpn classes'throughout the year free of charge to anylbdy- *h! wishes to learn this important skill. Lieutenant Dave Openshaw has developed an<l anazing fire prevention program aimed at the college students in our district' This program is intended to teach students living in high occupancy buildings the dangers that are present in those living environmentt. w" have been to all of the sororities and fraternities in our district *itn tn. program and plan on working with Cornell Universit'y EHS to get this message out to the students living in the dormitories' our bunking program remains strong and is serving as an example of how a prograrn should run for many area depuiments. we still have seven full time bunkers with severzrl more of our members staying in the overnight fooms on a frequbnt basis to help out with calls. Many of the Jep.i*"itr in the Cential New York region have come by the station to look at our facilities and ask about the program. Many of these departments have based their new bunker programs on our model-and are using our bunker agreement and contract for their J.putt*.,I"tr. This program has proved very successful through th'e years" The bunkers do an excellentjob for the village' Thank You. M Ge(/ge Tamborelle Fir6 Chief/S uperintendent !e at the fire department are dedipated to our rnission of providing a very high level of Fg *d EMS protection to our corymrnity. The off,rcers and firefighters of tle CayugaHeights Fire Department are prou{ of our accomplishments over the past year and lookforward to improving our services {n the coming year. We again *orrld hkl to thank thevillag.e-board for the tlqp:l ttrat y{y have giverius this past y"ear. witrrouiilre support of the Village of Cayuga Heights and ihe Town of lthaca our mission would Ue impossible. Fire Department: 55002 Companies: All Date Range: From 0l/01/2009 to 12/31"12009 BoxlZonel Code: AII District: All Sifuation Found: All Exclude Mutual Aids: No Exclude Exposures: No Cayuga Heights Fire DePartment Incident Totals bY Time of DaY te:03104120L0 Time: 1lt:li4 AM 6t m al al =8:==::oo<rr"(<..tZZuuu;:;:u';: PE i rE I IeSc,,;6<;!i*',- ;i J:r E o :';itre=5.Y6oo:,3-o..-N !i i; d t; i; x- d n L tn l,o F at !? ro q) L c) (.)fr U) b0 a, U) F (] og) (a q) q. (c a fI-o oo€g)-| 3o s]. 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