HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmails-Fencing.PDFHeights. In particular. tve find your intention to capture and st*rilizg a small number of deer and the* bait and cxlermina!€ the other deer in the neighborh*od morally objectionable, on several grounds: First, this approach is inherently cruel, both to thosc animals targercd for unnecessary slaughter and to ahose marked for survival who rvill be forced ro watch their herd-mates sy$ema$cally massacred in front sf them. Exacerbating this cruelry is the fact that it will be repeated, year after year, and will thus subject larg* numbers cf gentle living beings o terrihlc physical pain. emotional agony. and death. Seeond. numsrsus people in cur community have publicly exprcssld the pain and anxi*ty that they feel at the prcspect of individurl deer whom they have com€ to know being vialently killed. $*me of the people likely to be traumalized J*ne 14.2Sl0 Board of Trustcts Village of Cayuga lleights Marcham ltall 836 iHansharv Rctd Ithaca. New Y*rk 14850 Dedr'l'rust$cs: We ire writing to yor.l today lo sxpress our st$ng opposition ts ihe pproach you ar€ taking tc the deer issue in Cayuga by the violent plan wili be children. Third, discharging dearily weapons in such close proxirrity to homds and roadways ". as the deer-killing plan entails llrof'essor ol La*. Csrneil Universitr Profesbor of Law. Cornell Univerrity poses dangcr to the pe$ple of our comrnunity. 11 is irrpossible to sliminate thir danger completely. and it rvill afl"cct rnorc peoplc than those rvho reside iir the vitlage. including those *{ho live in neighboring municipa}ities as wetl as those rvho drivc thraugh the villagc's many roadrvays, Because thd location ol'lhc killing will remain undisclosed. $or€over. pcopl* in the vicinity *ill bc unable lo prolect thernselvgs and their lcved ones * both human and norihuman - t'rom polential harm. A bullct meant l'or an innocen! deer can lbrfseeabty rvound and kill an innccent human" dog. c*t, crother fbllorv inhabitant of this generally peaceful village, town, and eity. Fourth. because ol thesc f actsrs combined. your plan is creating a divide in our community that is likely to grow mole bitter, and beccme more deep-seated, ifthe actual killing pfoc€ss cNcurs, The fact that the slaughter rvill be repeated year after yenr will serve to renerv the conflict over and over again] Hence. rve encaurfigc you to stefr back and rcasscss the likely long lerm etTects cfthe praposed deer-slaughter plan on both Cayuga l"leighrs and the larger lthaca eomrnunity. There are { number of ncrviolen! methods for reducing dcer- human conflicts, t'erv ol'which have even been tried in the village. lYou hav* the opportlr*ity now ta bring us all togsther rvith a creative. non-violent solution, and we hape you takp it. $hculd you proceed with implernenting the currf$tly proposed plarl, we will cantinue to express our oppcsition and will encourage others [o do the same. Should a legal challenge bedome necessary, we will lend our moral suppor{ to ii. Rohert C, Iloskett Professor ol Lau. Comell iJniversity printcd at pnvalf expense ")e %//F Steveri H. ShifTrin Profesfor of Law, Cornell University Laura Underkufiler Profe$sor of Law, Cornell University 4*tu MichablC. Dorf June 14.2010 I have been a resident of Cayuga Heights for 33 ypars and I strongly oppose the baiting and shooting of deer in our peaceful village. Violence is always wrong and it is imperative thal we teach our children to deal with perceived obstacles without violence. It is unsafe to shoot within the village. Pets, childhen, adults and other animals may be at great risk. If we kill the deer they new ones will simply come to the village in their place. This would of course mean killing baited deer each ye{r. I am opposed to the use of guns in Cayuga Heights" Please do not shoot within the village and please do not shoot innocent animals that have adapted to humans. Please do not put us at risk fqr injury or death and please spare us all the blood and violence that must surely follow sudh shooting. Mary Tabacchi 705 The Parkway June 14,2010 I am a resident of Cayuga Heights and have been fior 33 years. I am here to support all of my neighbors who warlJ to maintain their fences or to put up new fences as they see fit. I have seen no fences that offend me - or make me feel fenced in. Residents of Cayuga Heights may wish to use fedces to protect pets, children, gardens, or to allow a bit of privacy in their own yards as a respite from a busy life. They may wish to garden or read in their flower gardens for pleas[rre without interruption from those who pa.ss by. They may wish to have a family barbeqrfe or eat out of doors in privacy - or may prefer a breakfast on the weekend without interruptions. There are many reasons why residents may want to live in the privacy of their own yards - or to protect children or grand children from prying eyes. I rvhole hearledly support those who wish to mai4tain the fences they have or to build new fences. I find it ironic that the fencins issue did not occur until some members of the board of tmstees became interested in shooting baited dee{. Please do support the right to have fences in our gentle neighborhoods. Sincerely Mary Tabacchi 705 The Parkwzry