HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Department Monthly Report June 19, 2010.PDFW*$$w6w *f #*ytxgw F*elgh*m W L. Foyce FelEee I ff*$$*e #s#sg$vt#$,* &36 *4ar*ehaw Road r B,t*taca, #e@ ?or[c '*486S-15SS " Fhe*e: {&S7} 357-1@1'$ F-ms*{ : tbeype@aayaga-$eig Br ts. ny. us " Fax: {6&f } frfiV -3's"7 4 ?hsrna* 6hief'eif Jaiy I4,20lt) To: The Honorable Mayor Suprrrn Mewrbers of thc lloarel cf Trustees V i llage ef Cayuga Heights Ite.: Itepart si'{he Foliee Fepart*ent f*r Jtine 2Ol$ During tlrc. nru)fi{h ol'June there were l0? cornir}airlts reporiedl to drr po}ice departrnent- Thare were also 5 *n$tor velticls, a*cLdent's investigated, "fh*re wefe 5l traffir: ticfiets issued and I parking ticksfs written. Thers wEre no fe{ony eorvrp,laixt$ repr]r"fcd in Juile. ll'hr:r,e wcre 5 rnisde*iearors reporfed: all 5 wfre larcetrier. 4 ikm vs,tric,ks and I fi+m the fulobil Station, During *ne late night an uRkrr-ou'n suspest had] rifled through rya*y vehieles in fhe village, 4 had repoded iterns stslen, The investigatioa is pendiriC. 'fhb other larcenyl was a report +f someone leaving their cell pfiote c:r the sounter at fhe Mobil $t*tinn an{ when fhey wqnt back to retrieve it, it rva+ gone. Afler m infestigaticn, the *fficer had ftrutrd thr suspect] and had thern leturr ttrre coll phcne t* the victinr. This r,yas r:l or:tl witlrout incident. There were 5 vi*lstions reporteri in tht month]of ]une, 4 werg ncise violsli ns aild l was a cen:plrrlnt of firewsrks. All naise vinlatiops were hardlecl a{cardingly rvith no further issues, An officer driving €r:ourid the village sarv aad heaftl a furv l'ireworks b$ing set ot}. Tlie offieer located tfte area tvhere they lvere c$rnlng fi+m arul rendcred advice to the indivjdluals who had dgnied having flrew*rks i* llreir pcssessian. Thett was I village ordiaanEe eoalplaint in the of June,lbr pe<rpie being in the park aftnr h*urs. The two individuEl* had been issued tiekets trr in c$urt In lhe rnontk of June, S{Ticer Wri.qht and Manning lnstructed the an'ru*l bike rqdeo at Cayuga Heigltts Elenenf*ry schotrl. Officer t,ansing 'I'aserl kafuring for instructcrs. Chief Bayee and Offimr Larning eandscted the DARfi and handetllout ccfli'ficales t{? thssc wf+o comp,lefed the prograra. Lastly, Offictr Borvers attended lloces parking lot. During this cven{, Officer questions anyofls rnay havc had. worked d ti$ril $f 96 hours of overtime and the part time offTcers w*rked a trrtal of i63 hutlrs. $incerely, Thorrras L. Itcyce Chief 0f Polise Ithaca C*r,qrntrnity Chilci Cme Annual Show Day i* th* Bowers was fre$ent with a parr+l velricle and answersd Dwring ihe rno:nth cf .Iune, the fall tims of1i f;STT Repwrt Wy Watw From 6/1120:1'0 to 6lg0/30{:0 Fftts Gfhnse [-ocation sflpt{MFI-I Zone fi61342:n1a s5130/2010 s6/3Oy'2010 fi6/Z9lZsLtr 06/27/2fl10 D6l27l28LD i)51:313010 06123lZOr0 061!3./2S10 (jS{23{zsIQ p5/23/2010 06/2 3/20 10 Q6/'ZZ/ZsLg 4El2"2{zqw 0s/2212o1o 06/22/20r0 a6f22lzQrA a6/2t12fr76 s6121y'201C, fl6/?1lzgn6 06/u s/2o10 06/30/?410 os/17/2010 06/17/2Or0 0$11612010 051x612010 s6116/Zpl0 06/16/20,1F D6175/20rA s6/L3/28rA nalr4zaLo 0€1141aa10 06/il/28X0 o61o912fir6 06/s9/?gI0 #sfrl7l.:$r0 SPEED O11ER 55 ZOt'lE DIgOFEYFD TRAFFJC COT,'TROL bFVICE I}IS{iBEYED TRAT'FIC CONTROL bTVICE OF ITV- F4SB1L€ FHONE CPEIIAfING WITHOUT INSURA1ICE S}SOtsEYFD TRAFFlC CO}.ITROL DE\IICE SFEE:D OVER 55 Z$F,|E U f'E lrls PECTEtr MOTOR VEfJICLE U},IINSPHCTED MO'T$N. VEi'I ICLH UI.iIXBIEP€ T ED MOTOfi, V EHICLE UI.JII'ISPECTEO MOTOR VEHICLE U IIX IVSPFCT€O MOTaR VEFIICLE TMFROPTR FLATES OPEF4ATII*G WITI]OUT INSURANCE UN RtrGISTHR.f; N MOTORCYCLF sPEfil QVER 55 zS$lE OFTI{ATI}JG OIJT OF CLASS DXSSBEYED Tfi,AFFIC CONTTOL DEVICT UI$BfiGISTERED. I,IOTQR V'EHICLE DTS*EEYEF TRqFF{E.EONJTROL DE\''CE OP MV- PfOSII-f PHOr\iE UNREGISTf REb MOTOR VTI{ICLE DISOB€YED TRAFFIC COI'lTROL DEVICE OP I!IV- MOAILE PHONE DIsO8EYE$ T'H'AFFTC CGI.ITROL DEVICf; DISOBEYEO TMFFIC CO'.JTRQL DEVICE SPETDING IN SCHOOL ZONF *ISOBEYEts TRAFF'C COiITfiOL DEVICE OFTfiATIIdG WITHOUT INSUftASICE OP MV- rtfOBlLE Pil0lgE DTSOFTYEtr TRAFTIC CONTEOL IEVICE BI]SOSEVES TBAFFJC.CONTROL.DE1I1CE UMNSPTTTED IqOTOR VEI{ICLE DISO*EYEI} TRAFFIC COT.IT*,OL DEVICT QPERATJF}G WIIHOUT IR{SURANCE FISABHYfS -I'RAFFIC C$l'JTRCIt" b?\lle;f. STATF RTE 1.3 SIATE RTf 13 500 CAYUGA i-rrrEf{T5 Rr} pLEA5ANT CROVF RD T{ORTH TfIIFHAMIV{ER RO I rdg*rrr TRIPFTAg!*rfi, no STATE RTE 13 rRipHnraNen Rnl TR1PIIAFIMER RD FLEASANT CROVF RD TMPI"*AMf"IER RD TRIPHAMMER RD 7OO TP.IPHAfi:},TE+ RD 7OO TRIP},IAIVIM.EN RD too tRIplt*lrtugd no STATT RTT 13 7SO TRIPHAFII4ER. RD ]TRIPHAMMTfi, RD EAs:T UPLA}'}D Rq r-fAt{stdAw RD HANSHAW RD HAIgSHAW RD FIAFISfiA'# RD [RiPnAM*rER RD isrArr RrE 13 HANSHA\,IJ RD tt*rusnnw no RD SF{AW RD ASANT GROVE RD ATE RTE 13 ATE RTE 13 GftOVE RB TRIPHAI4I'4H*. RD f'lTt,lRop DR 55 55 55 W€dnesday., ..luly 07, ?010 HANSfTAW Page 1 ot 2 Date Offense Loeatisn rwPt4 NS'Ftrl Zsse s6/07/z*10 06/as/:ol$ D6l*5{20:LU 06/o4l3s1s s6/.041?0 10 06y'0412o18 06104/20rs fi6/f.7f2s,X0 o5/fi?lr0!0 n'F/o2lzcr€ 06/0uzfirf F6fsL/zftts *6/87/7*1& 0610r./2*to !61S 11201O FID TO $TOP 6 STOP STG'\I D}5T}SEYED TRAFFIC CO.I,IfROL DEVICE FLF TO YLD RT.Of-WAY @ gTOF STGFI UIS{}ISPECTf E MOTO{ VEHICLE SPEID TN ZOTI,|E UI$I,IISPECTBD MOTOR VEI. ICLE OP I.lV. MOAILE PHO}JE oF isv- tlloBrtE FFtof*E UtlIfitgPECTfD l'1OTOF. VEl.ltrCLE OP MV- MOSI.I.E FFIONE FLtr TO YLD RT*OF;U'AY @ STf,'F SIGN UI\,I*IsGISTERED T4OfOR VEI-I'ICLE SFEED tht zof,tf; UNLICETISEil OPERATOR OFERATTTq€ ilillTHOUT IruSURA'{CT recods" HANST{AW RD e FAYUGA }+EIC N TRIFI,TAMFTTR N,O TRIFfiAMMER RD FLfASANT GR*VF RD HANSIIAW RD pLEASAilT 6R0VF RD Tfi,IPHA}IM€R RD l{oRTfi TRTpHA tt|1+r* xp NORYfi TR.IP|'A .!P4ER FD HANSHAW R,D HATISHAW *OAD CAYUGA HETGHTF R.tr CAYUGA r-lErGHTf RD HANSilATTU ROAF EAilSiIAW ROAP 47 SnlsfiE*efv Queryref*rned $l S FO',I F'.OR SEFS. moNf!'t OF .JU5[E CAYUGA FABKTN€ TTEfiETS T"fieAL* STYCKGFS' Rtr TRTPffiMMER RD B.FS{}K ],AtrE T'RIP }4PTER. RF EA.YUg.A }i*IGH?g 1.S.6 l{AI4PToff Ril I{CIAT.HRTJP DR I{ARTHWAY EP T.{ORTIIWAS RN l l YEO.XrATIOlitr ?b tT.#l-s6 ?,b r,r"#t -9€ ?b r,rr#xoss !c I-I"#1-* 96, lc I"I,#"L.''9S' le 1,L#1'*9.6 ?d LL#n*:e6 td r"r#1.-95 Td r,r,#1-96 I l