HomeMy WebLinkAboutReport of the Police Department for Nov 2009.PDF836 aSEege of €ayuga ffieBghts Fof,3ee #epantmem'L Hanshaw . lthaca, New York 14850-1590'Phone: (607) 257'1011 E-mail:ts.ny.us. Fax: (607) 257'3474 Thomas L. Boyce Chief of Police January 4,2010 To: Re:Report of the Polics Department for lilovember 2009 determinecl that he was highly intoxicated andlacted in a disorderly fashion. An officer was dispatched to a townhouse on Jessup Rd to speak with a stud4nt who wished to report he was pushed and punched by one of his housemates. The student did not needl medical attention and it was leamed that this has been an ongoing problem. Conrell is also doing anl investigation. Lastly, an officer took a report regarding harassment via text messaging. 'l-he Honorable Mayor Gilmore i Members of the Bc,ard of Trustees IVillage of Cayuga I'leights I I ^^---^-. "^- *l I Forthe month of December, there were 140 cfmplaints reported to the police department. There were also 7 motor vehicle accidents. T'here were 23 trafllc tickets issued and 5 parking tickets wriften as well. I For the month of December. there were no feldny complaints reported. I There were 4 misdemeanor; reported: one fo{ larceny ftom a vehicle, one for criminal mischief, and two for aggravated harassment. ,A resident reported that sometime during the night, an unknown person entered their unlocked vehicle and stole their Garmin QPS unit. There are no suspects. It was reported that someone called 911 to report sonleone had been chasin$ them. When the officer anived to speak to the subject being chased, he was advised thre subject was in-lthe CHPD lobby. Upon speaking to the subject, it was There were 9 violations repofted for the m[nth of December: two for disorderly conduct, two noise violations, one unlawful possession of marij{ana, and one for unlawful trespass. The disorderly conduct violation was when a subje<;t waited around al local establishment in his vehicle after closing, which made the employees feel uncomlbrtable. That subject was spoken to about his actions. The other disorderly conduct violation was whe,n a village resid$nt entered the village office and made an employee feel uncomfortable. That resident was taken to thelpd and spoken to. T'he noise complaints were reports of loud banging sounds coming fi'c'rn the area of coinmunity corners. It was found that the banging noise was coming fi'om the top of the asthma/allergy of{ice" The doctor working there had been notified of the issue and advised he would take care of it asap. I I Three village ordinance cornplaints *.r. ,.pfn.d, all for dog control issues. Owners of these dogs had been contacted and it was fbund that no furtherf actions needed to be addressed. I Ort 12/17l09,Offrcer Lansing helped other otficers ftom Cornell, Tornpkins County, and Ithaca PD with delivering presents to local lamilies for Cops, (ids, and Toys. I During the month of December, the full timle officers worked 16 hours of overtirne ancl the part time officers worked 124 hours, I I I I Sincerely,-4r2,,- .-./ /' /,/' --:- -i__*----1 ^I nomas 1,. uoyce Chief of Police UTT Report by Date From 121112009 to 12131/2009 Date Offense Location MPH MPH Zone L2/23/2009 1212212009 L2/2t12009 L2/21/2009 12/19/2009 12/t9/2009 L2/18/2009 L2/Lgl2OO9 L2/L6/2OO9 r2lL6/2OO9 L2/15/204s L2/t4/2009 72/L4l2OO9 L2/L4/2OO9 L2/L4/2OO9 12/12/2009 L2/oe/2009 t2/04/2OO9 L2/04/2oo9 12/0412oo9 12/0rl2009 L2/OL/2009 L2/OL/2009 Summary Query returned 23 records. UNREGISTERED MoToR VEHIcLe I I oP MV- M.BTLE PH'NE I I AGGRAVATED UNgC Op 3psr IMrSD) | I DISoBEYED TRAFFTC CONTROL DEVICE I I oP MV- MoBTLE PHoNE I oP MV- M.BTLE PH.NE I I NO/INADEQUATE LIGHTS-BII:YCLE - NO NENN U(TI I NO/INADEQUATE LIGHTS-BIi:YCLE - NO HEADUGI-I I AGGRAVATED UNLrC oP 3RE (MrSD) | sPEED Nor REASoNABLE & I)RUDENT I WINTHROP DR HANSHAW RD HANSHAW RD HANSHAW RD HANSHAW RD HANSHAW RD PLEASENT GROVE RD PLEASENT GROVE RD STATE ROUTE 13 STATE ROUTE 13 PLEASANT GROVE RD & HANSH PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE ROAD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD PLEASANT GROVE RD PLEASANT GROVE RD HANSHAW RD HANSHAW RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD CAYUGA HEIGHTS RD FLD TO STOP @ STOP SIGN UNINSPECTED MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATING/VIOLATION OF FI,ESTRICTIONS OP MV- MOBILE PHONE UNINSPECTED MOTOR VEHI(:LE DISOBEYED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE DISOBEYED TMFFIC CONTROL DEV1CE DISOBEYED TMFFIC CONTROL DEVICE BACK SEAT PASS LESS THA'\I 4 NO/IMP RESTMI OP MV- MOBiLE PHONE DISOBEYED TRAFFIC CONTRCL DEVICE DISOBEYED TMFFIC CONTRCL DEVICE UNREGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLE Monday, January 04,2010 CAYUGA HEIGHTS POL. PARKING TICKETS ISSUED FOR TH VTOLATION LOCALE L2O2-1b VTL 105 WINTHROP RD L2O2_IC WINTHROP & RANDOLPH 7d LL#T-69 TEXAS LN 7d LL#1-96 OAKHILL RD 7d LL#1--96 HIGHLAND PARK PL 7B LL#I-96 No Parkins Zone TCLL#1-g6 Wrong Sid-e to Road Edge 7DLL#I-96 Overnight Parking 2am- 6am2AZ-IB On Sidewalk 1202-3(B) Fire Hydrant1224 Abandoned Vehicle 1203-C-4 HandicappedZone306B Uninspected Vehicle120I-A Parked on Pavement CE DEPT. MONTH OF DECEMBER