HomeMy WebLinkAboutExemption Scales Senior.pdfRPTL 467 - Senior Exemption Income Limits 9/8/2015
Income Limits Income Limts Income Limits Income Limits
School of Newark Valley UP TO 7,200 50%Village of Dryden UP TO 15,000 50%UP TO 20,500 50%Town of Danby UP TO 26,000 50%
7,200 8,200 45%15,000 15,999 45%20,501 21,500 45%26,001 26,999 45%
8,200 9,200 40%16,000 16,999 40%21,500 22,500 40%27,000 27,999 40%
9,200 10,200 35%17,000 17,999 35%22,500 23,500 35%28,000 28,999 35%
10,200 11,100 30%18,000 18,899 30%23,500 24,400 30%29,000 29,899 30%
11,100 12,000 25%18,900 19,799 25%24,400 25,300 25%29,900 30,799 25%
12,000 12,900 20%19,800 20,699 20%25,300 26,200 20%30,800 31,699 20%
26,200 27,100 15%31,700 32,599 15%
7,200 12,900 15,000 20,700 27,100 28,000 10%32,600 33,499 10%
28,000 28,899 5%33,500 34,399 5%
Income Limits Income Limits
School of Cortland UP TO 9,000 50%School of Groton UP TO 16,500 50%20,500 28,900 26,000 34,400
9,001 10,000 45%16,501 17,500 45%Income Limits Income Limits
10,001 11,000 40%17,501 18,500 40%Town of Enfield UP TO 21,000 50%UP TO 27,000 50%
11,001 12,000 35%18,501 19,500 35%EQ/MORE LESS THAN Village of Lansing EQ/MORE LESS THAN
12,001 12,900 30%19,501 20,400 30%21,001 22,000 45%27,000 28,000 45%
12,901 13,800 25%20,401 21,300 25%22,001 23,000 40%School of Southern Cayuga 28,000 29,000 40%
13,801 14,700 20%21,301 22,200 20%23,001 24,000 35%29,000 30,000 35%
24,001 24,900 30%30,000 30,900 30%
9,000 14,700 16,500 24,000 24,901 25,800 25%30,900 31,800 25%
25,801 26,999 20%31,800 32,700 20%
Income Limits Income Limits 32,700 33,599 15%
School of Odessa-Montour UP TO 10,000 50%Village of Cayuga Heights UP TO 17,500 50%21,000 26,700 33,600 34,500 10%
34,500 35,400 5%
Income Limits
Income Limits Income Limits Village of Freeville UP TO 22,000 50%27,000 35,400
UP TO 10,000 50%UP TO 17,500 50%EQ/MORE LESS THAN
School of Candor EQ/MORE LESS THAN School of Newfield EQ/MORE LESS THAN 28,000 23,000 45%
10,001 11,000 45%17,501 18,499 45%29,000 24,000 40%Income Limits
11,001 12,000 40%18,500 19,499 40%30,000 25,000 35%UP TO 28,000 50%
12,001 13,000 35%19,500 20,499 35%31,000 25,900 30%County EQ/MORE LESS THAN
13,001 13,900 30%20,500 21,399 30%31,900 26,800 25%City of Ithaca 28,000 29,000 45%
13,901 14,800 25%21,400 22,299 25%32,800 27,700 20%Town of Caroline 29,000 30,000 40%
14,801 15,700 20%22,300 23,199 20%33,700 33,599 15%30,000 31,000 35%
23,200 24,099 15%34,600 29,500 10%Town of Ithaca 31,000 31,900 30%
10,000 15,700 24,100 24,999 10%35,500 30,400 5%Town of Lansing 31,900 32,800 25%
Town of Ulysses 32,800 33,700 20%
17,500 25,000 22,000 30,400 33,700 33,599 15%
School of Homer Income Limits School of Ithaca 34,600 35,500 10%
UP TO 10,500 50%Income Limits Income Limits School of Lansing 35,500 36,400 5%
EQ/MORE LESS THAN UP TO 19,500 50%Town of Groton UP TO 24,000 50%School of Trumansburg
10,501 11,500 45%School of Dryden EQ/MORE LESS THAN Village of Trumansburg EQ/MORE LESS THAN 28,000 36,400
11,501 12,500 40%19,500 20,499 45%24,001 24,999 45%
12,501 13,500 35%20,500 21,499 40%25,000 25,999 40%
13,501 14,400 30%21,500 22,499 35%26,000 26,999 35%Income Limits
14,401 15,300 25%22,500 23,399 30%27,000 27,899 30%Village of Lansing UP TO 29,000 50%
15,301 16,200 20%23,400 24,299 25%27,900 28,799 25%Village of Groton EQ/MORE LESS THAN
24,300 25,199 20%28,800 29,699 20%Town of Dryden 28,000 30,000 45%
10,500 16,200 25,200 26,099 15%29,700 30,599 15%29,000 31,000 40%
26,100 26,999 10%30,600 31,499 10%30,000 32,000 35%
School of Moravia Income Limits 27,000 27,899 5%31,500 32,399 5%31,000 32,900 30%
UP TO 11,000 50%31,900 33,800 25%
EQ/MORE LESS THAN 19,500 27,900 24,000 32,400 32,800 34,700 20%
11,000 12,000 45%33,700 33,599 15%
12,000 13,000 40%34,600 36,500 10%
13,000 14,000 35%35,500 37,400 5%
14,000 14,900 30%
14,900 15,800 25%29,000 37,400
15,800 16,700 20%7
11,000 16,700