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Mary Mills
Brent Cross
Monday, December 13,2010 5:16 PM
FW: fence update
As requested, Joe has provided the following plan and status report on the fences study.
-----Ori ni nrl Maqq:na-----
From: Joe Lisi lmaifto: jpllTcuGgmail.com]
Scnl-' Mnndarr- l-)ccpml-rcr -l ? 2nl n 4:51- PML LJ ITo: Brent Cross
Qrrhi onl- . f onno rrnr]:l-ovsv) vvu uyvuLv
Hey Brent -
I-Iara i s l- lro nl:n on tLro fonnoq \/rfrr racrroql- od'Jvg!vYgvuLvV.
Inventory - fist of where there are fences (wood, vinyl, metal, mesh)
- wifl- be done in the next week or so
Pictures - trying to get the best ones I can, but some are not working oub so weff
Excef fife - once the inventory is completed, f have to create the Bxcel file with the
addresses and Tax ID Numbers - the l-ist I have from Norma only has addresses so that wilf
take a few hours to create since f have to search a fot of fDs
rraoa f^€^e^h^^ - onr-c the F.xr-.ol fila iq m:dc_ T w.i ll l-re onino throrreih fhe zRA records b.oU!UDD Ig!E!EllUY vflus LfrE u^Usr !ffg fD rtLAUg/ I wlff vs YvfrrY Lrr!vuYtr
see which residenceS have vafid fences
Sorrv i l-. has taken me Ionoer 1_ han :nl_ i cinef cr] -hut it wil"I al-f be done before the
Christmas/New Year hofidav.
Tf rzorr need anrzf h inc ol so - I ol- me knOW
3rd Assistant Chief - Cayuga Heights FD
Paramedic Bangs Ambul-ance
NYS Fire Instructor - Tompkins County
Village of Cayuga HeighLs Engineers Office BS '02, MAT '04 Corneff University Volunteer
Ostrich Farmer
Ro:l i l-\/ cnnl. inrrcs 1-o rrrin mrz I i fe
- Calvin and Hobbes
Page I of 2
Mary Mills
From: Brent Cross
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 3:25 PM
To: Kristin Gutenberger; 'Kate Supron'; VCH-Trustees
Cc: Mary Mills; Michelle Poppensiek; Randall Marcus; Jack Young; Peter McClelland; Alison Shull; Anita
Watkins; Mark Eisner
Subject: RE: Proposed Local Law regarding Sheds and the ZBA's interpretation
To Trustees:
As the Zoning officer, I thought it would be appropriate for me to give you my perspective of the
information that Kristin has provided.
Since the issue of sheds has only been highlighted by the recent variance case on Triphammer Road' I
don,t sense that there is a significant probi-em-lurking around the corner. Unlike the fence issue that
f.r"r O"en the focus oia lot of attention, until [his recent case, sheds have been a non-issue as far
as complaints/conflicts known to my office'
Therefore, my suggestion would be to consider the second option that Kristin has describe, which would
make all existing sneOs compliant. Since sheds are supposed to be portable, even some of the sheds that
are closer than 3' could be moved to be compliant with the new regulation
The reason I do not prefer the first option (i'f zba decides in favor of the appeal) is because this would put
us into a position that would require me to seek out all of the non-compliant sheds and cause action either
via movement or variance. I hope that you would find my time better spent on other issues'
Either way, I support the new language as it clearly addresses the issue for future enforcement purposes'
From: Kristin Gutenberger Imailto:kgutenberger@bgdmolaw'com]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 5:05 PM
To: 'Kate SuPron'; VCH-Trustees
Cc: Brent Cross; Mary Mills; Michelle Poppensiek; Randall Marcus; Jack Young; Peter McClelland; Kirk
Sigel; Alison Shull; Anita Watkins; Mark Eisner
SJb5ect: Proposed Local Law regarding Sheds and the ZBA's interpretation
Dear Trustees and MaYor SuPron:
It is my understanding that there have been some questions raised about the implications of
passing the proposediocal Law regarding sheds this coming Monday evening. Therefore, I
wanteJ to take i moment to provide you with some further information'
As you are aware,there has been a request for the ZBAto render an interpretation of the now
current zoning oriinun"" with regard to sheds (i.e. are_they "buildings" that should be included
in lot
calculations and s-ubject to current set-back requirements?). The ZBAhad a
public hearing on the matter on Novemb er 29th and decided not to render a decision for up to 62
iays (which i"s their legal right). In the event that you pass the new proposed Local Law on
Uonduy evening, therithe ZP,Awillbe rendering a deiision on an outdated law. However, the
ZBA,s decisioniould still have significant implications on curently existing sheds'
7LEASE NOTE that I am going to go through afew examples with the sssumption that youwill
be passing the proposed Local Law on Monday'
Page2 of 2
1. If the ZBAdetermines that sheds are "buildings" that should have adhered to set-back
requirements and should have been included in lot coverage calculations, then any shed that is
between 0,-3, from the side and rear property lines (and 0'-25'from the front property line) will
still be considered illegal non-conforming buildings which will have to be moved or the property
owner will need to seek a variance. A11 sheds that are currently 3'-15' from the side and rear
property lines, that would have been considered unlawful, will become legal and compliant upon
the passing of the new Local Law.
2. If the ZBA determines that sheds are not "buildings" that should have adhered to set-back
requirements, nor been included in lot coverage calculations, then all existing sheds regardless of
their locationare grand fathered-in under the old law and may remain in their current location'
Since the lot coverage calculation requirement will be eliminated in the proposed Local Law, I do not
anticipate utry r"gutite implications with regard to that issue and violations.
There is also another option to consider, and that is to specifically "legalize" all cuffently existing sheds
that fall under the definition of "portable sheds" under ihe proposed Local I.aw, regardless of their
location, and then prohibit the er-ection of sheds in the newset-backs after the Local Law is passed. The
Village could therrimplement some sort of self-reporting requirement where residents would have a
..,.1ui]r-p*,o6 "f ti*"l" which to register their sheds with the village and 1ny shed not registered by
that date would be considered "new" and will have to adhere to the set-back requirements of t\e.ney
Local Law. This option would essentially render the ZBA's interpretation moot, as every shed in the
Village could technically become legal and compliant'
please let me know if you have any questions about the above information. Of course, Randy will be in
attendance on Monday evening urA "u" fuither assist with answering questions at that time as well.
Have a wonderful weekend and best regards,
Kristin E. Gutenberger
Associate AttorneY
Barney, Grossman, Dubow, Marcus & Orkin, LLP
119 E. Seneca Street, Suite 400
Ithaca, New York 14850
607.273.6841 (P)
607.7"t7.8806 (F)
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