HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeer Materials Presented in the Dec 13, 2010 Mtg by Residents.PDF{WA|iu(- 1; rzfi;,.- December 1,3,2010 To: Village of Cayuga Heights Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Trustees *EL!'osemary Loria, Resident 111 Northway noaa {zs7-sBB7)Re: objections to proposed Local Law permit Exemption for Temporary sheds I-have several objections to this proposed Local Law, as written. I have enumerated each ofthese and proposed changes that would, I believe, make the proposed Local Law clearer,more consistent with existing zoning regulations, and avoid nug"tiu" .onruq*n.es to theVillage environment. t.:Lotcoverageregulationsprovideamechanism by which the Village has historicaly maintained open vistas and a park like environmenr.This proposed Local Law exempts sheds from being included in the lot coveragerequirements. As written, every lot in the village could potentially have zao s{ft oradditional area devoted to structures, in addition to the 72o/o lotio'o"."gu allowed for allother structures combinedl This is a big change that would significantly and negativelyaffect the appearance of the Village and the amount of open space in the Village, Re co mmendatio n: In clude she ds in the r2o/o lot.orru.ugu cal culati on.Potential arguments and responses:a' Most properties do not come close to saturating lot coverage, even with a [potential)increase of 280 sq ft of lot coverage. Response: So-u p.op.rties have and many will - eventuallyreach IZo/olotcoverage.b' This proposed Local Law would provide every household with the opportunity toacquire additional exterior storage space. Response:This argument c'outa be madefor other desirable improvements to properties, including gi."gu, or decks anddoes not justify increasing total lot .*u.ig. throughout the vilLge. 2' Maximum shed height: Pre-constructed sheds in the Village are typically B - 10 ft high [based on a small survey that I conducted), A local supplier of"A-irh made], sheds [verypopular in the Village) indicated that sheds of the size ionsidered here (140 sq ii; u..designed to be a maximum height of j.0 ft 6 inches. The proposed Local La* rugg.r,, "maximum height of 72 ft, which is excessive. consider that i structure with a dimension of140 sq ft that is 12 ft tall has a potential volume of 1,680 cubic ft, if constructed with a flatroof, Recommendation: Reduce the maximum height to 10 ft 6 inches and consider specifyingthe wall height at7 ft 6 inches maximum [typical for pre-constructed sheds) ,o ihut a flat-roofed structure would be limited in height ielative tb one with a pitched roof.Potential argument and response: a' Most sheds have pitched roofs. Response: The proposal should not assume that aflat-roofed shed would not be constructed; it *ouid be particularly imposing if itwere 12 ft in height. 3' Side and rear set backs: Houses, garages, car ports, decks and fences over 4 ft in heighthave setbacks greater than the side and rear setbicks proposed (3 feet) for sheds, whichcreates philosophical inconsistencies in Village t ocal Lawi. Set backs ire designed toprovide space between structures and adjoining properties [there may be othJr reasons forset backs, such as fire safety)' Based on the p.oporua local liw, a rz fthigh structure with a length of perhaps 28 ft [supposing a shed 28 long and 5 ft wide built to store garden tools,bicycles, or other similar items) could be built 3 it from a lot line. This scenario is notacceptable, just because the structure is a shed! Again, the proposed Local Law would, inone fell swoop, greatly change the environment oflhe Villale in a way that most everyonewould regret' Thoughone could change the proposed Locailaw to limit the dimensions ofthe shed to perhaps 10 ft by L4 ft, thelssue remains the same. It is intrusive to have a solidstructure of this size within 3 ft of the side and rear lot lines. A well-proportioned shedtucked into the rear corner of a residential lot does not seem that controversial. However,given the various arrangements of lots and houses it is easy to see how this could beoffensive to neighbors when the shed ends up close to the neighbors house, patio, deck, orpool' In many cases, the sheds would be situated closer to the neighbor,s house or outdoorliving space than it is to the shed owner's housel Not good for neighborhood dynamicsl Addto that fact that there are cases in the village where hiuses are built significanilycloser tolot lines than is not required; a shed could be placed within a dozen feet or less from anexisting house. Recommendation: Make the setback requirement for sheds consistent with similarstructures, such as garages. Potential argument and response:a' Given the generous side and rear setbacks for houses, it is not necessary to havelarge set backl for sheds for privacy or open space. Response: Ar40sq ft shed whichis B - 12 ft high and 14 feet long is a significani visual obstruction when it is 18 ftfrom the neighbor's house or outdoorliving space. Two of them, perhaps side-by-side, would be twice as intrusive, at least. 4' Designation of a shed as "portable"; "Portable" sheds are not clearly distinguished from"non portable" sheds. Pre-constructed sheds that are delivered p.""rr.-blea aie clearlyportable; they are built to withstand movement, Sheds built on site, on top of a concreteslab, under this proposal, would be considered portable based only on the lack of boltsholding the frame of the shed to the concrete stib ["is not affixed by any means to theground"), "Portable" as defined in this proposal does not indicate that the shed can bemoved without damage to the structure, nor does it indicate any additional characteristicsof the structure relevant to Village residents. Recommendation: Remove the terminology "portable,,from the proposal.If the term"portable" is meant to provide some uniformity in construction, that is a different issuealtogether. .Y\ O--{ty b^ *ot e_ vcH Public Comment Time: 12-13-10 fnguSing for a new vcH ordinance that requires adefinition of fencing and allows such defintd fencing alongproperty lines: I speak as the owner of a smalr property - one of many that areeither small, corner, hillside or othdrwise oddly .orlrtrued. Infact I find it rather elitist for th_e vil]ag; ro support anordinance that favors estates. I and oih"r, siniply want toprotect our small childrery pets and privacy; to keep ourvards free from deer turds; and keep o". rl"iil;J, fromdevastation by the local deer - no -utt"r *ii; til'#e of ourlots. Moving ory how do you see the rerationship between highfences, setbackr .u"q pubric sa f."ty, remembLring tt-,ui nigi;fences are alre "ly ailbwed? I beiieve that it is iil followingcurrent side and back setbacks that corridors are .r*t"d thatfunnel deer s.traight into traffic. on the other d";;;"nnectingborder-based fenies actualry prevents d"". from entering theroad. white the enforcement of the Zoningordinance is a properexercise of Village auth ority, there riust be a direct cSnnection y:llfr"blic-safely, health ana welfare for such authority to beuPneld' I know you don't intend to enforce an ordinance thatmay actually increase a traffic hazard,. I*:q:*^",f.obtem is not the fences themserves. perhaps it li:ii:,l1lg:Iy unenforceable set back rure and zon'ngsystemthat were designed when largg estates and unimped?d"viewswere the norm. That scenariS has been replac"af/" built-upvillage of small properties for which setbick, ,"r,d"r our snna-l\private properties unusable. I see no relation between theproper exercise of the village authority, pubLic safety, and thecurient fence setback rule. ' Elizabeth Mount I am strongly opposed to the net and bolt approach as I believe it to be cruel, unethical and immoral. Iam very uncomfortable that I as a 33 year tax- paying citizen of cayuga Heights will be exposed tosomething that is so harmful to our community. The real carrier of so called ,,deer ticks,, are mice andother small animals' As a hiker - | seldom see deer scat on school property. In 33 years of living in :::_:::::,:::::l-1* leyer seen an aggressive deer. wood chuck or ground hoss are the realdestrovers of gardens not deer. 1 car accidents with deer can o. r.r"*'u ffi.o,|il';.ilJ:;:.,control in the village t Killing deer because ,, " I minimizing human ,.ffiJ;:l*\ont' I beseech vou to reconsider the net and bort method of Thank vouW 705 The Parkway \t-t^ wr.^U A^{^.--tln. X-{^ ,^A^{.r- VCH Trustees Meeting Monday December 13Public Comment Time I am pleased to understand that y.ndg the Mayor's report the Fencing ordinancewill once again be addressed by the Trustees. I am also glad to know (from herem.ail following tire Nov 8 meeting) that Trustee Szekerlef no* "gr"es that theordinance needs to be changed and is in favor of deer rencing ;dng all propertylines' qR. wee.A *t"c-e^ t^lLi& G t^C d* 'a*^ ,t€&.ad/vh(tokt^4&(-fr<.e*. ' Whatever one's views on fences, their height, their position on a property, theirconstruction, and whether hedges are construed as fences, ttre viilage,s fencingordinance needs revising. At the present time Villagers attempting to keep their pets, children, and plantingsseparate from the deer are underthrealof judicial sanction by the Village afteryears of laisse faire attitude. To threaten to enforce this pooriy written andprobably unenforceable ordinance is capricious and has the erect of holdingproperty owners hostage to the fear of a hefty fine if they don,t take down fencesthat in some instance have been up for decades. The cirrent fencing ordinancestates property owners should appiy to the ZBAfor a variance implying this willbe granted. But recent actions of the Zoning Board of Appeal can also beconstrued as being caprlclotts. There !s no-guarantee a'variance will be granted.The ZBA is supposed to act as a safety valv6 for individuals for whom the zoninglaws do not work. Variances should be granted unless there is opposition fromneighbors. We need a revised fencing ordinance, and many villagers are prepared to workwith you to produce it. Sally Grubb W"l A cavrr\ A,E,ruj * 7 /zf lzroq 3S 0 od a g Es c ioz E F I F Fawning cyer darting deer The co*trotli*g cf ceruids a* Fire Isfa*C contin{.jes tsJ3rFBFt Bt$sEll FIRE ISLA.\-D -Ihmms ard ad_m*shaE afis&FteiiiccHistlaltlar ffi]s ofjes, but re ;mple mcroarh otr rand Liut eimds rj4)icallf Lce, *cil6 wedar,lE ed wqld4 il81 srmtr]}msJ rerplE into a dasll h ar aitsnFt to ste*r thai ecttee{3$qEl ijde .n liF Islei, itE tr_c.It|I]]rc Sciety, in sFjuRiion FitirFirE ldtrul .1-atisnji ti€shore {Fr-l\S) ad €ths inisested entitis, l*clud_xrgs{ffiniF ffiidents, htr ilppo}tedmftiilocontEtrption of fenale Fl1ite tailed d€r r*this tlenier be*h. DarlirE beiEem 100 Lo t.Z{i d@s -ffi sw& 6uqyia eelvSeprembs - belore the h,urting seruon begirw. tras,ltr the pst lti reffi, l€irt fltp dftr & ash]:le rate. tr,iordiiE to Hike lHehcki t of Ffi'rs.*A nmbs qf yffi ago, drere nrajor conr-€ru a1,nt the a"* Oof,.ff a iion @itl:ia tle commrsities Fi&i! f&eFire Istatd Nationel Se€hor bsud-Eieej" Bielieki said .The -t est a,ey to ap_prorch iroftmocorfta epdon on FireElan.l is io gct a accjne inl,o rlre dspop*ati.L ft hes the best efEeienqr" Despite fliat eEpla-atiaq iilere sas|3lk tlat €ris !'es! yac{iEdiotr Faarthe ltc last Ed &eticki seitl €s *eftot hu. Th€ itriget ior darti1g ilredeer JparL ef ihe ceFid fanih- thatmclucps mffie. elli aJid rariboul isnearlv el$t,0{X}, monlhg to Bidicl4 csiiEg ilre cost ol s-d:f ea mantalnins a bair station b atFact ilre uima.ls. "Ne we har-en't marle that decisioLFe g'e stiE heytns sFe disffisioro,, lte sirL thse re a rrBtbe. of entitiesworking wnh E on fhis. The prciecr isnot ddd." Bi€licki aoted tLee ae sonte isesJrst F;il the ffir,{a! l.ffiirrq t}ut E:ft ti?eqitant part oI dle iqitrh'tle lna.ierial. TlEre is als ne istre witn du deer lick_in€ €fi rhe rl.a€, he notec #Iir€ r16t jr renffi a f€v daEs, Thoug:? tI€ flrg rEed fo.inrmrR+@FFeptioR is register€d Eith tire Fsrlmd Drug.{dsir,iffi-on, it miqLl also be slhject to &rvi:ounenral pr6tection Ager€y evsight _The PZP %reine ffiFnilF ued @ aFre-islffrl Ls {tedvcd fton pig eggs mds Btes mto EE mwle ollhe taryeL ed d€, ?his &rrg p:orckes CE iF*rye sFsem to pmdutr atibadi6 acain5tliE "eflqe Thre ardbsiies attarh t0 ihe sp€rr r€trptoE ry Lhe anz rel_ Itrcida (F) ol dle cleH.s om eggs and altem their shape. whirtr, br hm.-illoctrs fertfizadeL AIta Rutb,:rg, a Fsfsor at 11fuUni!ereiF in Msrolu€etls, Rho Ec-r^*irn t'" i;s. nL'*;;ALi;'ff;;: . ing vaceires used a€ salrai fiiiRal rypylaloru. diinks dtrting dre dtrr is _me bsiffiiffi gf a{ticF, "Ar Fre Islasd, qhee t&e des u.eF c!6-e t0 people and Fhtre F€orleIiye. I don't think UEre is mwh rioire." Rdtbrq sid. "TheS haR been doins ft <for lG yee ad tlr pop4laton is pr",-ql, aj I6s ti|e half. lio the ]wof is iB the ptd- See I)EFR I Fage EA EASIIENIS CF SAYIitr,{.S UFfiGF' FREEscllt?$t ErstraICT the nst Bcard ai E lq€len lg_oriGhop will tre held on ThFsriai, 0rtober l, 3J{.yJ at 7:0{) E.rL at fl}eAdrinisnatiq Buildltg; g)9 Gre eley.ll'eIre, Salrillq iiff yotL Tliec rjll Lts amotim to opetrpublic ses5isn tr {iit$ P.e'nE lroad Eit! lirsimediai€ly4aLe arcii€ ta a4i6m to ErF.rtirc trsisn it is glmtrd iaat the B{ed vt! @E*lete its eEee_tir€ ss$on at aplForirotetf. ?:tj{} D.fil.a vhich tinre lhsc will ire a mmion rotffiNene in pub3c sessio& FUFS,IC trhi-YIiTEB tta*ijg fsn* dffi "*t**e f* o*,;'ffieen*€ s*raa b *med a "t*mtll g'olet* "* .*6;g: -##?*1i**"np*.org Get the Senriee you llesenre #et the Serviee,fhar y*u pay F*r! ': gg$t? : llurig*led kreedre.s 419 I ".tu!3'q'Lk Cog*ty llolir* Flir:rirt ll*3r,rl;rtr*:: !.S &tilli*n !ir*pi* Arc* - 9l I -liq- &tile: ?s*!j &ttr:*l llctc#iycs s7s OnJunc 3rd, ?S{)g, fui emb*rs c f gfu e $* fft;ik. I]*rective s .& sr+*r: ia[i** agreed io qlelbr i * llay* fFay i* ?{if}* ir; *rrler ld; sarrc dre pecplc ef ,SuJIolk Cuerr:iv l.S Miliion llollars $uffalk lleteetives wr:riri*g f*r .v*Hu cl*i*g c:ur Flarl ir: i*ugh fimes, Serving the Fublic" i' gf!t,?* - S{'I'!: }lrbsife Z$t}* 4V Ooa! : .F: 3 : € f- Tle s*{f+lk Ccunry* ijews ail-ie il F{n:ior T_Lr: LL,-ed-c Siree: I€a{iing LLi-:-1-l!'. l'?r lurlL la€rL I!-]|iD: {ri Sia*: Tjji:dli. frrld- edrlnb dl 4rg.: Il[ iijijr.]/i17.f :ut,r u[l- l1L. !ji{fllt |L:i.:fc ol- Slid! ,le\rfnnf,l rs {_{cni of n)Eig!. Lita ulrrr.r.i{}rrr fri?ae\s *{eii\: il uityl0 tiJil?{, Tire }-(:. r.t S:rG\iriii r.e i tuL1 tf tJrJa(.!1 i0:l- t- iutr si_ lrri Fl_. \l.. :i--r' ; i-'l:{j, re{jst"ea :g(yriill)oi ?narl !':*a99! l*rlt lrF .rme.1. _{dJr- cflurEis. LLt rit tfi ii: ?ii; f.. IuF;LIl*ry,- Dci.cE D= la_i:jtl.:,rlil s5a4r ia 1}I; !=_i*? ai?il. {rfFdntr. lit*:i I); i1i.ic{f:<iae, 4lli ir.liatrrri -ci :ilq.r. r rr.rt.. tll 1liftr tl. prq,ur,,: ir4 jrr irLl rr,irill sttt. '23:?, 81A3- 9? - 9A.;0, t?, t:4ffi$Ftn{TXIr tllilIl:rt a 1J-1..>1, \-a N.+trE: llil n*{,rTE ilil:li ita;i!. !: r-lt,- i,L;j.:'di.io: of cigiuiizslicil ,iyeiil€.1 1liiil -.i1n Se€eiata rI,ciui.,rf Ia\ 1:!ir :ss\i'i 0:r11,':.)tr LlJlic€ l4crion: Srf,:rtkf,orniJ SS\*Y11$ {ru{- dc.s_ lRa jktal rs *eai aril I;c llrlilI f .rni,rca!.\ rttiilsi {tau,. rrra:'!. as.ar.s!:rll lini.:ci); aflrtr.l! ir 1rj2 llolte I i! {i.l,ir{ L,r. Lf_i L.i.Jli.irrrJ Lr ltrrdr:r. I\o-_ iU Brut'i e rf. Fr , :c:{ ;;-i. :i:tutt j,I-. \vi iirii tliit!.lL:i)s: To !oi{i ;:rr: .siaieT.i Lo rntag! jr..:f$ alhsLrnlul?.1 d o{!iie.'- sc:.;. 3:8t:, 3/9t. ?? _ sf].ie, 1?. s4 i:L'lce ul' frrr.ox,,urL vll ll,u*'es{ i;0 LLl,.{rit, rf alre.filr.i.Airh !nrn,. uli::I3le oi-Ni-:55\l'r rr | 1Lr,ti,t. rrDt.f id.f,lioa: Sui. lk i-:oe:l!,51iNf (lesi{r:rt{i c }fiint { I T l-f Llr.[ $j]oi,L I:r,riisl: grutst tl irlit I)e ifr,rd.S!S'j:illl ri1l iri:tss tu:jr l-T i.:.ilrr:i.r,r :_!sier6.1il 8ili -i!r!. :-ar-. .!-r- li;t1l-i.g*e!E l i€?tra r{:oi 1!i!ili1 p:1)ailss iuI de :iilaCr prEr aai(i: ;d :i:E ul.jtjFcse5,SC:{, 328ff3, sfii}. 27 - ft.i+.t+, ]7,24::: l{L:LL'r ul [,JFilrion ''rl4']'rNllrilr r;i;aioi. l,Lii. Ai,_.{I L)E l,lerr- fee'y cf S,rjie i,qsiir- 1/1:,'i),i. {)fice )o.rFl$c lr||dk L:orna!- $S:i:-rbii-iiaeri s rs.ii s{ l-ff:r{ilr1 uhJR ps6s ?€rinri rr ra:; Le !sct{, SS-: :ln:lrrtji eo;)j. ca:.{o.es i. l{:jaiXct.h i:iinbn .ate.. :.i:crir5. Ea3: 1ih:re, :aj 1i7.C(i, Fui- lcsa ey iF:!.Iul aciililja$, Lri asi :i:..te I -,:;:tij;t. s(iN, t:185f 8/JD. r? _ s4,!0, l?.2.1 --__=_.- 1ct.1, ,t i 0rr[iltilli L:l 1],E {I.J:;SE UN TIIE 'AiiEtlil. .\rli- oi Om. iile.l isiii. -\F.'.. ut ::t,:rr ut iJ ij.irr IDit 5,11,rr- i,tiic.: Icruii,,il:SatL& Crdi;i, -qJ-1' {l!:igj nrleat &s a{l$. ni Ij.C rpce1r!4iti 1i1ac(is: €::i:G:. ii * nj;ta *r_.r.1, $S-i" 3lii]li ridl !.act<: it: o! The LLi:, !-(1l-iretti Crsl_ --{6uRt ,r;ailf,'li?{i:- Pilr?osei aa:' lt:!,ixi *d 0. ii(iiiiitr., scl!., 3Za3$. size, ?t - -.rB-t&, :t, 3r, a.iI :I\l]T:I) LI-rB[JT:i i-:( illPA:!]', X-:txn: &}ltll]{rdiAB]lt IiACI}iG I;a1-4alicl:i c'i |i.girLiilitri\1fri lilr/l !ri\th: S!s+hr\ oi J ire ail \!rf i,ril isi\l:i!i Jai!:.,i!ai, Tila lai.€i .t.i.ol .ii$rli{i;.i i! itiiirilzilii*(;iir:a: ioe[tcn: -<rlTo]kiloull+-, Sl-=:* ltGs ljger! dee€[ri..i rs aE($ of i]1c lf,Culrii r!-1i4[i lmcess zjgal-i5lr rriq t.l 5,'ft:.1, ,qs-l. sliil oHi b ' 6ljr L,[ nra,c.ci ,,,lL" i,|f,, !t.r il. letu \1lr 8a.... Shcur. lrev !-or.k 11iJi'i. iau'pos{.: Foy:ri} 15\iU1 l)rF 5r3-- 3Zti3{i, &€t}. :? - _c;g-lL1 1?. g.t \JilcE !l tjli inl:!i ci iartr -qrk:ri,lc:i- LLr;. n 1-5iir. LLl,it!-\ .n. iLlt; fo,:r.riii.j. ijet :r'ilh tS\; an;13i0.i, t:i:ice :3f*iior Srl_ fi ,ik arrsr-!. yqlry des,g. ;-! I !l L'ILLL, il],lii slrur.. Lfo-c"rs rna! iry \rr',F,i. 5!Tl.siH iltxj Cnrj.f !ii'irtcp;\,i:]dur lirkl'uirll ,a irii, B?r._1i+nri. ipaird j\ut. Ji-jlJ:ll pr4)J+!: ,.!U lil_Iul i)!4]ctns_s{-,\, 3tsii8. s/:c. 2t 9i3-iu,7i.24 i..fnlE ll. ffijFla mgrctr tl lUILtTir:{}.1{Fl,\', =tf{r: l:-TtrR_I-lllt\jl Fl(j.ritr--r strR-IT:l!Sri.d"r, tr.I(,. .ti.rci,:! uIUlgnni:iiioii }i*'a tlrd ,.!jlL I}|PSrrcr'.Jrr;.! Shri! o[ N-!.yurir ;!S\it nn ir:,r_J/r,, ilIice llctrlion: .tt:l il(LurBi!. LjtN'i hes irscn d.ps_rqizlr I 4 xqFan ,rt ihu tL{: uiF.'a EtiorE F*lceig i€aiit;ii rnl:,' L0 1$}cri, SS:t:!rlhatl;nrl ir.ci\: oltdr:e.-i rr r_jIL!.:l ]Icrclrdr: a^! i:n,tIJ: f!e,so)(;- ...,1. fi;1i?1it :ulase: lor 4: L!:ilrx i).rr:r4,\e5{t{, 32a41. A/U {i. 2? - 9'B.i!r,77-]a1 irsn.e,_t t.rnniLii,ri i,i,\ft,tr-crt .41$ - pi:jii.iei. Fe*]irtl':r, :ii, ol: a\E l-iic.{ S's!oI SLilte,.qii\:'r ."iSl:l;. i-[11, a ]o, 'rJiail: _citri,,tl L:oma:". SS:qi {e$4aEad :r.lng_(rl ot Lld i{ic!- ,2,1!!qr l}icee!\ ag4i:L!a j, *u: }3\a1 r''L SS5-!- shLi rrrul:ci' l !r ;1in:0s! to _r-i{il ])ltuicirDrc1ta i; E- ltf,in 91. ?i!Shr'L ln-- il;lii "{mLs;j:rir l*rart aclici;ier Sf-ln*- 3?3t3- g{]; -:]?" I0.Ii, JJ - la/t =-1rirc. uI F,,rrirf,Li ut':{ARt llLL;Gq: - PAil. Lf,a,.{J. Jf i }G Irrr,t Scrj uJ:tslrte (SSS!-I 7 jS_ij!i- U[i.=io.alinri Sulfoik aioe.iv,$:q:ii .lcign*..i e afe;tc: Lll. altn EhrLi. trr.ccri;'ir.rrjr ji ;na\ be sr.-.r.r;SS:ll' !ltrL:- iaril aoir: oIt,.J-c:,! i; _{th. PiL.iciaBr:nlia l; X'- ltair. ,\1, tsr\ bl:,r._ ai:-. i1'l':i5. Pq)ose a& Lr,-,- SC*-, 3?853- S/Z? - 9l,]. I fl"lY. ?1 - lDai sir, ae,_t I ,rnrii rx !l:\iilir-cil .iri- - t\(sL Tj!], tirlh,lli-r- rn. !I Uq. filrrL SeJ!LI Sliue iL:-Nr-, :. _.I1,!,i.litfie. locition: SLfii,ilalcuiy, -qsl: der+1!:?d :r, ?i-€$i. st LI;_: uijat eltcrE ljoe€rst r{rj:Llt i: 1€}: -les.*al ss;!-t {teti id';i a.i:r!cI lEn.e\:- io All patir:ji 'Jc\ L. l? g. :,fuiJr 51 . BrLlSllr, . \f I i?t/i. priruse: :{t:r Lalr.Iul ncl.iritiei_ - stI.3?3;4. S/,? - sr'3.10.17-:i{ tirl \oria! 0i L-alnil;,.rn lji ft:*.0.:jj Dog. I.I,C. Vt- 0i()rp-.illFll *.;..ri Sr-1!! ils\-lj.Silr!. Oic.r trcruci;: lirl_:ail( CarE:3- S,{:l!- .}.!s- ialsrl s ::€lii of ltt_: uFonritdal prcaa,js gita31. ii tiaylja 3.r,?d. SJir-- 3i?.ll ;ndicct{ oa pilatsr :! a-,a te,i !rc\rruq Jl:. .}]i' X!,ftisI,ri.e tscuii. EoLLku,Llion!i.l'at i:;7,i. P,Lqru:r: ,nj txtr- s{ls, 3!855, 8l?? , sfJ. I s.1:. 2.t , larrl_:_jrrnaL. 6t L rtn,r.roLroi aL[,_It]li l;l--liEld, 5Lr, ,1llr, 0t i-jrg. ti:.] \iii t€.i, ci l_.ti:la{}t :JY i.<*:1l ta :.;lt:.t!(-i5ica. loca{iaD: Srlirllr!-larit:;, ,{i:!l d"j;S!re{1 ant.tiL o; l1i.' qlrii .r,licm fjLocna\ x!;f,!l il sr.\ lrtrerlL S-qj\+- \lrelt arEi irc-.r is lr. rjd Cr;,,I+roaLr_le,- Is! llLlri LtP, 111!i :aurlhed.ljLd. Sl.e. .102'. -lt:srlbsei_trl-. i i{i!' I P!f,1;o!e .riy ir\ -Iul acirl:,v san-.3?d6!. ri,,:: sJ^ 1s, .!-?. 24 , 1011- -drta-c,r-lr;affi (,rF !*,tTEa, ai:1!*--T;{ .].}Lo-{\:-- }*-Lflji: f i:1-i-:I-A;ltr DiS-l RiDL-TI!J\:, tLLl..+r-licles ri L]€mfu rii.;\ 'rfi'fiIPd !rLl! ljtr SecrEbnri-(L!i- aiNp,' t0ri( . Rs\1'r5n C51!i alr, Oic<rr iocaiior,:lilJlitl{ Ccutr, $S\:::- ]tErPd-.iniLquisri 6 lglu [I rne i,H rlrJi niLLln lial.r,!i€*ns: il r*r! !e ser-;rri, 'g-';)Ii lirf, il3t !- rL,!-! uf !l!.c\i t1 ihe llL. cJ'Inlrnr: FL.hei-i:... Ji n :fl,jf/j?+ I:l\ r.. i,rkrul(6foalra'L ::cilr 11ilr. -rurGt:fcr rnj h+frr u.qrot:ls(\, 32591. d7z? _:r/1= ;9.t;. 9.1 - Iyt;-.-=!-Nida'cl L!finltiln!IpJ\l! S.r*ha :-LC_ Fis d: air.t{ed *icl Sacr. ut $rtc id:1-iialsN:l rtr Iit+it:j. Cfirel,-'cr'ionj Sulll,Lk Crrf r!-'S!:ai',I?!i!xk,C s r+ilri lL- r+{r! \:h0r:1 lj.ocejraAdns: ii rErt ale serir€{iS!i\l .iull rarri tr-.rc"_.:- ir: c-rt ILlir.cj5:j!x3s l!c,, l.'c;Fclt id- S1p. i!i. .ltjrtu,,i{i i:a:i;i. r€ieterir{t &{,;irirn rlto:r-1roc+5 rcir i,.:en?.. :t-irJs.: ,tn! huirl 'j(3:,-3ia69, 8/2T - g/3- LC.1?. ?l,104 - l?r l,ji€ tr51- ia.i,. for alritil,!rv -1t kfi cI .!aJc.i:S i!i. .rur)!ir. r{i .ih ,)f{:rF: a}E :.;':i:::|1. an\Ff,! ota,l@: SrffL,l: i udtr- Ji;c. r,I:iil:e desiiaur(d r* u?nl$f Iiu:igi llf_: upcn r-lion tjr+aajs i*rrea i j ia:is te96FC, :re cl sht? 3lt;:;irrijl c4I\ u[ !;cr.,:] to: c!-JFckei & IitiJjioll Jl_l:F 5rJ1ib.ry. liir ia. filli1't!'l0ij. 1C{ir. ol. rbGiait:il i. llE i$ i{,!tian::l a!;._ Ior:ie ReseFr-L_ LtiL- filtS. DrJoii lfq.r,.. Dors. t-!Eitiilcl, Ar'rh_ cnifer r-n llE1Yh€il a:ai'. al aL:En. ti.::!.tE S{e ai:-cirp- 'lc*Eeftllildt, ]}ser Dti I jlgiil. .>!r- l!!!e- s-r Ins lljrtciirrl]-'_${a'" 3:8;G. E/2i _ s4- 10_7:- 24 - 1Nl -- f,5dc' cL rursatnn LIncr,ll4!L! :\*$ger.pnt. I_LL.. Ii-iA Iiri ]rrt)iirn ttl[rrturi._Frm.rilo.L lrLrrl 1L rt.!r al_srii!i 8i1s,{liltii, i,}ifie? io{raiie*Srfb]k CDul+. t9!ti- {le_..is #.J. {-{ Il'., uiroa iJruce-etni[: te :es.eai, SS\-i sGiirsu erlil r[ Irtucbs r! lilB L-r,r_ +l 9r1 iyir_ f?nahe_{itle. ao}' 5:rEi! l]--it.:, ;i,- iioler all !rBr]':ri I;*)a\.r-5{,};, 318"I- itll?, sr-l- 18_17_24-itil -\iLiic. !a furna!-,:t Lftr.ti[D F]tiJP;I?TiDi: tL[ri. Arls ra.r.?. Iiled \1iti S.e.y-.f -ciat4 oi NTissiii-!or. :r1ll:!1, i-ll"ic{: loGtirj.: S'{i-o}l< tormi:-, SS:tf .l.r.if._;iakril $ rg-eni of ILL: .Jf)oft.itra.l pasccs$ xgttir3a i!eii+ l:!: =r3!e.1, ,s,1?I -F,tltt5i Ii*c(65 ir: lfi4 LL{:_ ;1Aii*il i{: ,.\.i€- sie. :.r? F.>rrl PaL. ]!T italBl. aaFr:iimli laEl:i ae i.iij:r_ saJ-. 9?854- .aJ3. iiL 17_ 3-t- iirn. g ---*ifriE-iEri,=-SI,?F,'lTE C{J'ET: S'T;F-I{itli lr{il:xlt B:.ltifr ijiA:,!EitirA. ai.i, 1-, ,f:ini'_ L[{lE :-iJn1r!-fiiirr. EI r]De,ri! !ide] =rtrll.llql qr- sxart 1. .iltagar:e! rt f.f&cllr-rrtrp ai.l,ri€ rla,crl ir.i 1S. 4ijl. I $rI ir,I .t llLiicaircitci aE trre itti 1lers_EinF €il-trL... :lif: "o:!;]l;jl ::-:l rtu ,{l_. ii1i1,. }-ori iicr. 1. i!i! ar ll:!Ll lrl tla;*: k? ia ll'iea Aes. Da,;Sl,i'tu \l ilir'r S,iL ;i:i;",Lliirli Dl-Iat arlr). ui!L !;:1i,.\lllru\. xnii ui jildrnLrnl. E.:ll,41ti.ll llL crlb @.1- jileFsl. ,sjll subjcri Lo 'er'(G :Jrd aa*4.iiiors .if !16(l judgft(* ar..l lr:mis o{rr.in. Pr\ta F-{LE]. F!r-s+FF3\ hT;L L !]{lr5LT IIIS5nE{{i!\ I{ r:: lEliJI. tl_tr-ai+* ilr Plii, -2a si?gt t'*;r; Pl"ase twr. *" pagF tP ffsssrerreg ###tr dwrfr,seg desr $gF* traffi Fage.18 dir€" iia*iirig is r,:Fiui!r. rja.e * the ,:aii,q :irosurte tr pJrl\ p.ridng. Bhc",Ir .j.r Ja€ ule lEos a{l]t€. SieFcid said_ Dars aar. be spi,ncd at.i diaseE !a:€{i i,or.rfiais rlfJ Leac cf -r€ai lj€r4r,!E. the inales d.ispjay tjteii" relrs. +r a:l;les.-l'c h-lj, p{rqrrre i,urt nesl} p, crc r:np rjd41prl..hs'lrlionai Frrli S, nirr shtr! $r!i F,,h* dali jjiie de€J more ipq eaJ6 aoirFSf i.rrii N.q In F/sr n:t tJ:a lS!-dJ l{olkeiter sLeltrr :lNugt thc, co*truuritres-rlle *1ost Festetn eild 9f iaire ;slai1d.tlr.o|gjr ,rira Lta,f piir'". j{ sher. rli:,nEft:g occi4E. . 'lk oJ raiJiirrrp lnn;ung:i i,is l.fljrsleEi a r[e€ge!4eiii r.la]a It is5g e tese&,{i1 Fro.;eci." ssid Bieji.jd.nh. sirle.i Lrem loni,i Lir rlisr Lr..iqn.r(:srliJ': itds pmlF, I tirrortgir dre rrer._ feE *4n1h=, L,11m,E E (. :S?rrnil rO nlr.intainias iile_p_q?::lai:"u righi r,]i€i€ it is loE-, said Ri.licki, vhe iolied tlint Fhei: da:t-ing or::us, t1€ {leer }ropuiai::an tj1 FiIe Jei,'0d "ronip, i:,r 1,, !tli!..ri.ir,r:r - trn-b'!.' .r{lJeil oi$ lhr,.:th .nr:! ;, 1 Lrcu_rs t-lrl qft br li llrir:r rrrr ., Ll^6, ,,," r ,; ErA: iit.:v die. Sllo'-tglt .larti.,g 4-niEi5 is t.r :j8esir lln rCrrfrif io,,ir. FL> Jct.j,,\i r, ::del]: aanl Flie Isled -fr''il.ll;f€ i.eur.ia-lion ,!retlil,?f \iili,. B J.{r., lls,. s id ;r j, ieeccC. -1e.. ltoL oial.t ilfc,le{ihprr. brrltr \* ,tset-, ll th€t h3{i daxi€ri €}.'eF .vea, tte FoF.ilahon rrlEarbem E{ild lr"\.e i Cnt, 'Ur ._ srn rrriri, I pier iu 13 | a r ioL! $!lj :n 'hf ,,FiFn pep:rlario.ir ltr 5ies ?,Ef,- ili tile Gnr,Ln :ditte-".i&'\- {]etted ar {x19it+ltnetrt 1tnl. rs ltricf rnj:' L:!.r nI qdr vr ' p i:1.: ,...,.r,,..i'rF'. iridi, nC tl' :,1 c-:. ct:U,uI?[ i-i$t qdAeE.-lh:.:]ag s.rid- -1}F deerli_dLe ihelaseiies itor-e iteie. Tle aieerEL ite thefe Erd Fa hat e L th;irk nt.,nthot.'B 1i\.e ;riti iihe.n." * a XWM** #utt i':-:.-.i 'i:.':; i. Wegfiga T*e Se** mise *$# s*g HnilG*srkiI!$aE SEIngett{ssftcur "&Wwg' 3s r.,*s€dt E$'*/fft'r"' '[?fff ,*ti1Ffl,,,:' See page 5 Barrier beach business Deer darting and historic placemenr See page lA and 19 Appearing in this week's issue See pages 13-17 i\}jl' W\n fiffih,#mttgNnn* suffolkeou ntynews. net Chillcs BerDard said tllat pcofln herc in Slrffolk(o l,y,'wanl a-booge)mair. but riespilc r fow higll nrojllc. bsls oI a huge distribrrtiun rinE carlior rhisycar. urc so.rallod ..boogeymm is thc young |ersonngnr ner duor, who drivcs inlo New york City andpurhases a fcw brndles of heroin for a fcw hu;dr.e;dollars and roturns io suburbja Lo soll heroil lor up to$15 per bas. ^'Thc lrroblems hofe ILong Islandl are a microcosrnoI l.he \yorld," Berlard said. . ThJouglt a.romputer.gonerattsd sli(lo show prFsenta- I lon-. IJculard showed that hcroin is classi tiei s gay,"4_ ulc I drug (most chance ofabuse and addiction), whichis considercd highly addictive md its dcpendeircc anclthe harn il does "is olTthe charts'comparro to severalotlrcr subskn(es. including rocailt(. ,.. Pt.slngh",l L Dcwcy, a rcsctrclrcr so[king for rlrcremst{.m Inslitulc [or I]ledical Rescarch, demonsl ratcdand.explained a mor,'sophislicaLod vcrsioll of tho old DUDUc sFNieo almormccmcnl.. .This is your ln.aiI. Thiss your bran o[ drugs-" Instead^of wing crackcd eggs i[ a tiying par as ananrlo$/, ueFey cxplaincd in rerms lalmcn "in rrnder_sland ll)al dupamine, the stin!dur in ou btains lhatattows E Lo fccl t,le&sure, is iJ.revorably doslroyed when heroin entels the picturc. ,"TIrero is a rcduclion in thc pleastrre levcl. Thar.suny tdlug) users stol) doing ihilgs thal madc tlrcmnafpy. satd t)ewey, who thouglrl that Lltis programws so impodant that he missed his son,s high sc,iroolfoorball. gatnc, rhough he prourlly worr. ar 'Emrporr_ South Monor shirt while presentilc. ^ l-or ( orurequot Scltool Uislric[ Supct.inteldenr AlanGlovemall. De\\cys prcsenlaiioll \tas uno ot.th(.rnillgs thal wore subslatrrially ,lew and apprrciatcd.rr wts vetJ, poweriul. Grovcman said rogarrli[g thc :+ -F :6 It is in our communities School drstnbts unite to batile heroin By JEFFREY BESSEN -, HA UPPAUGE _. -.Bcyorlrl thc scicrrce a)rd dfl rg LrLst srnefc.aro I,ouplc fighling a drug rvar. and rlrar bitrlo isnor atways bping iblgh[ ill tlle jugles of Colombia ol.rno-tnoiltrtains of Afghanistan. but is bnln* *-n*nn .n lslrp l own atld bevoud. ^fn a bid to coru'ler porcntial rragic uscs and abtbcso-l,.orugs such 6 horoin, school dislricts LlDoughoul,isilp rbwI gathered al Ilailppauge lligh Sclrool last ;:ffyry ., a syrnposium simptl. called ..Hcroin ts Thc symposiurn culled together a laB. enforcementpersDe{1 ivc. a medical yicw of drug alrus" anO f hc erno. l ronal ploas of tuo l)arcnfs s,ho los-t a dailght er, bul arpattempting to help othes win thc war."We are hoprng to begin a converstion atrd helpsuppoil^our children.- said Bay Shorc Superiilrcn{lcltLEverJm btose Holman, uho wru oirc ofscvcral districtrea(eN to ahcn(l thc qmposiun wl"Ljch also featurcdalr.anav ol sdLlstanrr abse and lD.evotrlion tcprescn_ ]:l']:-,* thc gJlnuasium opposito fho arrdiiorirm,wrere ilre program took placc. A l$v mytis might have been dispelled aloug theway as \yell. Dng Enforceuent Agcucy (DEA) igett See lrEROr,V or page 6 WEEKLY PERIODICAL G fl +t E * ;C I F fr Itaair€ tui* dffi c*!&l:Fd aar aldrs !Ea{ e n*-:rlrd ;A*ro *c€ndr€ r+4et !e t€ruted a *Gsaaet ppcr u* olgoilg:-eiol?rJi"i*-"npo.org ErJEaFREt SEssEtl FtBe fSLAR-I! -IImaB md ili- mals bare ailffi Fted t6 eG€i.qtfsr tho{-sads of :irc, hrt € ircple eeroadtr on ifld l!u* eaimdi hBir€I!| use, *d1* wedaads md woel& ltEl srmiclFasl' ee$rlE iata a cladr.I* e aiisnpt b stsr ttaa ern61FEatiqel tide o* Fire Islsd. i}e ir--s.trl@e &xielF, in oz.iurcfia eiiirFhe Idet 4:atiwat :i*h@ {Eit$l Farryning $rrer darting deer Fi€ csnlrsffffig cf cervfds c* Fire tsland *anfinyes ard otlr-s ici.sesied entitls, inelu*iilg$rlrmi* Rsidents, has srtr}po$ed&leocs1traftpl:cn of fefiale Bldte tailed d€r "n thiy baEler berch- Eaajng ktqeen 100 is 120 rloestrh ffi@ ffia0yin earl-e Seltffiber0efm the hmijng sffiot begiro, trm,lsr th€ pst l{i:€s, lertdre de * a stable raie, mrdtu€ rs trtike tdeli€ki af Flli-e. "A nffibtr .t y{5 agq lhere saec4or @crc abe* trre des poF*le iioa witl*R t3E €oruryryides Fi,Idn ,.&e Ftle Islard :{alio}ral Serohe:e b+e.Laiesr" Bietieki aaid "The best s.alr tq approarft iffi rmocontrreptior on'FireIslard is to get a ytrcine ;trte tI|e despoFrtatioa It :is tke bsi €fEcieaq.-,, t6pEte tlrat expiaation, *rere ri.a ta:k tlu.t t$s ;.art r.4fdtcaiieffi wsuld be tIB l#L Bl'J Aielici€ 6ai.a t.lst ]rtr aot tre. The bFdgel i,lr da_ding U?eceer {part ef the cerEd fmilv riut includer &aH, etk e{t etrit}.d isnwb sl{jo,0ryJ, ffiording to Bidicid- nsliRg t&e cost el stsfi- sd .*{intaini[s abail statisn to ffitrt rhe eimals "No Fe har€ni ftade thal decisionIFe se *iA i:aving *me disaxsioro,.' he sid *Ihse tre a nuiber of entitiesn'cking rith u an tlds. The proje(I is Eot dsrl-" Biell€li noted ti@ m mr* iss*e, r-ot q:t|18€ €lelatr Il:Kiae bEi wiiil are €itart part sf ille i*atinie *atfria!. There is als E lsre sitj" itre ds lick- ing ctrthe 4!€, }!e r.t€.l sytu€ tlial irsca:s aies d€is, ?hough ihe dR€ cslfor immRcco* traeptio* is registered Fi& tre Feried Drug gdfti.rirhatSon, it misl:t also tre sbject to ;hviromentat pretec'fjon AgetrJ ses:glrt. The FUP €eine {rcntlf ased on Fire isiflrd is derired ftom pig eggs trd is ;.riecf€d into tl€ mwie oi Lhe tarcel ed de, This drug provokes thc .imime sj61ffi to prcdrEe eriBadis asalasttbe "acane Ttire srti,bodies itach i3 fire sp*sl re€ptoE ry t&€ rcm re!luida (fP) of r"he des's om esss ucl ai|€N Lheir shape, uhielr in htr. Elocksf€.tiIiz&ie AllB Rutbwg: & pBlessor at TLfuUniKiEr in i.lasshreelts. Eho EsrlGpit]l ii€ U.S- fhsae Soei€fi. eoncem- ing rceies rsed t8 sneel arimalpopdla.tioE drinks da:riRg dre dtrr is Itre bstsiffi sf acti+e ',{t F"€ IsIEd, E*€F €re €lery ae T clase tD Feople atd ElEre p€ople liw. I dont fftrik lltre i6 flluch choi(e," Rraturg sa:d. ?!}ey hffi been doitrs sfor l{i ye6 ild the popuiation is muchlss than hilf. So the prcof is in rh. pud- See 'EFF *tage gS NA.FICE *E$il)Ergts eF SAY!TI,!,E UISSOF FBSN SCSA€L FiSTRSCT ?he nest Fs?rd al Eduation lvorlcl€F Bill tle hejd on t]lEsday, Ortcbs l, 20tl# ai ?&0 p_e at lIB AdrFiBistraiion Euildir€. 99 creeiey Aa-euq lialiFille, liry Yo:k Tlre *ill be a t !o{im to op.-epublic session * Eii0 p.r. T:1€ Bctrd Ejll €re ;m€diat€lEmake arctiR ta a{ige to Exffirtiye ssion, It is €#ilnateil €ul tl€ Bo€d sfl ceEFhte its ffe- rii€ $ffiiolt a apIFrEiM€Il' ?tI) l.m.il whi(-h time Lhse FiIl be a mofiq to Etro&€ne it: iltbiie ssioL PI]E&IC Ibil'ITE3 Get the Service ysu Eesenre G*t thc Serviee t&af Y*r: Fay F*r! a'.\uili,lk {isurtty I!+itr:r llist-rir r tlcpu.iatic_ilr i.5 Millilru Pc*plc Arr:e - 9i I liil" Mik'.+ ti{ir}lr llu<leeted Deti*1ir.ss 4tg sss9 Art'.rel llr!{?ti}'rs 3?8 , G:rJurre &r-cl; E**9, L{sintxjrs cf &€ S*ifolk }}c{c*givep Ass**ia[i*n agre*d rer tlefer' | {} flay* tsay in t{X}* isr r:r'dert{r f*?r ti;e peap}e r:f SuJIa}k C*u*iy i"6 MiElirrr il*ll*rs Suffelk *etcctives warking f*r FGtr, dcli*g c$r Fart in t*ugh iimes, Sen'{r:g t}re Fublie. d Srrrrcc. - 5{ FE ilel*ite Zi}t}9 €isca! E * =.,4 t- The Slfi'clk Ccun:y lievrs _\unF aI f.errel I-L: lj!_lri: Srd;l I m,iing jltr:. .--tJi,- lirAurLllF.t \: LrilnI llft! T/ ijriti Jrrilll ai,i(la1!r {t: .trg.: T}E {:i:arir}7_ a.urrlt o|| lnN-: Srt.aoil ;]L:, -qef. rf Sisle riesigndil)rt sI-{qnl c,l lirrr:i& llr-: r}r.n \,ncrrr irraeesr aginsl i: r4+: De s!is?{i. 'lllre qe., o.[ Sbles'r{ rbl rrrl} oflr uasi! tt. i,J i:. +rrr si_. itii Il. \:-. ]-1_ 1i\-Jit_ r€ajlt1s)ii asrrir1]4t ":nol!t ;;t*a:tn {pJ]- serc.! .+iilr, c,f tarpiatltie DEiri tilj g nuFcriIa=S,. Ilci?* ':; lajrjlj:-.l"dll .,El.er in I{i El*"ie t-;?n. ftil filiri, tlei! IIE S€c_qIi:iitc itri ltsr!-r-[Iri. :iLf L n!irf, Dil l,r:jrrl. Pffi)or:,:'ir1 li,\. if, ':ci;lil!.SCr-, 33Bt?,.119i]. J? - -qr:il.tar,1?- 2+ =ij..tar:cjr,r:mFr ]:' LL1*T*I-! t;iixjl ? {.r}ff{I i:Ll1Inr 13: Irai:,Y=:1t lJall-l-i:.1:(j a:J, '_t j ..*irlel cI cr9_r'i:dlic. q?:e tt€ai sii ;r _*a 5e{e*ry ca Six i. r,l \n$ -iodr : S--ia-l oaa,;jil, lrri 0llicp ]!ciioi:.: Sd:hli(a(nllal -*fJts hN i.t+.t! .los-j$r ii cii 'E ;rgeni of LU-r il]rorr r--aain lriees! a{linsi il r:1al D.r s(r.':{. :i:l:;i' slill trxiltcily LlIlro3ess ll 1!2 Rotraei il lt.l,,.i,is , 1.. LL\_: oJlidirr.l G- Il{idi;r. t\.1- 6ilBNrily?r:- Paf :$::,:::tl a){-j::iii!:. leu tir:i( ii-:a:. Pr.Fpose: TO ],.oki r+ri asaaean{i ru enq-rgc iit r+ olfeiiLrhlart rr luiite:'-s(:i. }ua.Jl, &€0- :7 , SB.i+, 1: _ 24 ---.-.-.'-'.'.-__..-_--.-1.t,[cp Lr'rL,r.niliun u]l llfjllhs! 1i!l 1,1"L, .{l-ir. ci: |)Ftlcii lviiir IiL.c!- Lu ,str{e ;-\:r' (.1ti\:'] ar Sllilnli, a)lieeloc*iioili i*uiTolh i.rodivSl\.i,le'siqnllili LE jrE.m lL Li,C rt,tn lhcir l,.rri: il/^ftuLll it i[+ Le 1ea,?d.liE:,:- ;Lilll lril ar-.ei\ ir:or aT q ::t,rre.ri;,n Slstirr-iil 5lh {rr_ :n. }.i lrittr,B4Jler=.l t€.na ?r;.!r Erlraa lra{t:e'l nur:= :}e !er.?d- pu.- l.sa! ,il. :rxvtliil irereis,scff, 3:1633, i{,€C. 3? - $.".}.L*, L!-24 tjLlrc. dil funtu!:ila !I ]l:titrrfiI tlii{or. tl,il. Ae.ut 0i:?. lilell "q:ri! olt -\*te i-q.sN!i j 1,'l ::.'11+, {iltco t.,.i-iio[ Srdl.ll a:oina:-.- SS=:'{t.lr1a:rlerj iS xS:til aa tli:qra !iL::rE prcees! aetinsiii rut. L? so^+l S.!iJ'sLflIjil.,4,,\ att,tu(:e,\ ir llt-,ilr*utll .-iilr!{ .i,a iaara Da:r lJh3re,:;I 1-:7n{i- Fb-- !.t?: e: ia.-Iul af,;iliii-.s_Iliesi ila 12:i1i-l!:ii. rJ|' \. i]:383, S/j0. e? - gr:3. t0. l.?, it.t::_-=_=-nLlic. !f FonLdiol riIrT_ TI,E }I.'i,-<D Qi!: TIIE LAiiElf,L" j\r{(, ai Chy. file4 v,iiis.ct.- cI .qiri {: 6t lrj r- iSS:\1:)oii .qj]l,,tt, |Irtc!. l.jet,icn.S'dlldt{ Coaii -<sl;t d+ig,iraed i:s ,r:FD, ai Li.ji f,i)cri\rorillLrd(, !9 aili6iil rnat; I(e ..rr*.1, $S.-:' $];::l ri5atpitee< at). e{ Tia l:i:. SFI\:lrcni C6M_ llrai Sjiah:- I i?-;i;, Pa+alie ai! la*iui ;1ci of :ici.ii;ii!, Bc.lr,i. 3:B_"5_ 51>8. ;?? _ tal-to" li" t.t t ilF Anln?D IJrIEIIJIT all,lf lr:l ll', tii]{li: ,'!,.\ t (,E ..ar.{LdBIn j;atl:tc l_i,i_., -Vicl:! t:_ {j€:{i;i:ia* \rer4 l-r1€4 *tii! lhr Sec?inN ai -{i rte at:jeir'e:* isslry;G: ltaaliltl, Ilte laiasi .!x1.s 01- rli-!5olliioi i1 &i!lrT!i+. i;i:;.r4 l!ea..rn: =<nt'tolki-lruri,!, S.q\- li6,lie(n de9igliicrl & r*(rf, ot tle lLLl uFon wlia)ei ,rrlceii egiiittjiil lrru Le s.r\zd_ LcSIi.f llrldlnur u inllj rri 1:1r,1,-:" ,.,rhr l.ll. !i.! I- lchr 1.:;;LBi: Slr.:.r, Seer :'0* lliaii. ihr'pDs*: For illy]ivid tu: 5{!q- 3U E3{t, &e8, 2?, -s,=-1t}- 1i - 2& jJ":t rl ir5rrILd Ji rlrr-riri.u1,!r. La{r. a tris iia. L:lnljit :o_ ,.IJr', r. jl.r, relioa tlj€.i Ej;1.h gSI..:- 3n?13.0'i- Cllice ioc{inE ltril-:)ik a{r;Ba}. ,qS:1It riesiq-. lE ag'. OI:,ti-:, "tlon lriola iru-ces! lnas [e ser-r?d, {lsiit sirlJ rnrui +rt) uiJ,r,rc,5\ Loiurrr lixkt,uilBr-. 1':a Drj/.3-i4r.ra, L:eatr;ri ls:iri_ :{y1l::1 Pu_'!€!.: ,.iil l*ri:l i)ruirott\.S{:}'- 3f,838. srt8.3? - gij- it-i. !:.2tffiCr i,EllTELt,_t-tBli"tll: f t]{}r{\t-. :,ida'.Ii ]:mn-lATlil\it Pi-(_,,Er-.r sits_vl{-lll-( i,l Il,r-. tuiicici !IL).;ilnizriiilii H&-r] fili.j ljiillr}{:!Pa(et:n ot iiLrirr.il lle\!:orr r::rtr or,. ai:lli!lj.j,'lJi.p ior;utan: !rlltoll! L:olnl.c, Sli}.Y ltat i)e:i} .ieyiind.d $ iEani ..a ile tttui,{rr i!itLra ?leaslj fiq;n.iri n1;!, I'e \{\ tj. tsi"r-5i:d; rrdi:;i ccl.i ![]jtaes; i0 ii:Jl-a 11 :\{\T.''Ll,'i rlrrr!. L$i:l:. E,isswo-)C ,.jr". lhrtrll ?1_-r Flritcse: t-or d-,y hE_ stE. 3?34!- B€i?- 9? - 9,?-1*, 17,21;-=--i--\rrrcr jt I rnnab,ri,rlll{e,ir- ril =lji: - piaji';ioi, Reriir, Ltu-]. tu1.. ot +8, fit-.i rit!oI i:ildo i!i{;X}-i ?,:S:{},.j.i,{i.e locilian: SdibJka:cBa:, "q5t\ 1' de!i.**:i_e iEag.qi. ot t*_: rijoc ,t!]!il ls+4Ass agr:t-l| ij, rft\ :ri!s:n€d,,qSXt si1ri l oitri] :ca!cI :ao..:99 ao &l: petiii* Drcxr li F- Ita 91.. Br\S[]i'. 1f-- lr-/iri. pmule_: ar+ ]a*[n] aciiriiies, -qf.N. 398::1, 3!"f - 3A- 10.t7, t4 - tu1 I_-=_=_-\rrllcr ui frritrrr-{ r,f.1:lilc Ilold;i{s - piF.'l. iia:..,i$- al li€ li1e(l ,ce.'!j oIsrd.e i$stIl -r?&,alij, f,4iiceiocriior: SrilTul!- L0uJ\.S9lii .Lcsrqrrrt:ri :u, r:rci.r uf ll-f uliun rrlLr;n t.-:,frrea+rlsi ii it$ le J.iL?.:,Ssifi' !hal:-rla!.oi)t LIt tu_frss ic lllft P,lEua Bru..!x-17 f- l-fai.. 5L_ i,+a.r !irrr=. \1_ il;riri Prrycie rl iaNl s{i;, 3?353" 8,rU" - g€. 1{}-t7,21- 1&.a:- _=_.- lcit ir\ !L I o,lnirtr!.i tI:!iprii_.rl tul= - ll esL lJjltr Ri:idr!.Ij,a. \i. !I iE iieri Se-!oI -(riile ,i:,-l\t :..'t,i:i'LTfi.; loct,rior: SlJr-.riia:oidi:., 55i!T de$elrieti iEat{sl. oi l,I;_: uij:rc ,}l!4n1 l)ioaes\ tlratl i, rr\-. ,rt.ls:*aai- 1,<if siBli *:{l !:clt: c1 :!io3e!9 io AiL.. p3i:i.j.jlB!r[- i: ial -_r{air- Si._ Br,Iillore. lil-- li?ilii. Flrtrrrt::r:r 12rrt'il1 a1t!jrili6, ' sc\. 3:S;,1, Sf]r , gi. 10.17,:4 - litr! r\4ricc 4i t 4afriliot !a lli+ co!=rJ" Do.s:_ I_l{:. *l oa (-rrE-lcrl S€c-1 ui SF:e isj\-:t 5 rl r!. trlli.r' ]i.r[ur- srfatik _i.:.€a',. -ciiriii- .la:j$-n^::4 as sgJaii of it{l uFCn\i0ninrcc+!r !9,-1!l ii rriiltr/,s tr.,--,i S-'11 ilu.li r.:ricoli:; ca liacls: .ro cl Le?3ri1i4i!3. &:. 5liit E:r*:. 'r'r"E grlllt. lonkonLonuIf ii?Tri, Pspose a[.".1a$-iliil r.cli\!{ies sC]\.3:S;i,SrfT - -rrt. 1{-i-17. 1+ - lBt ;:i-i+\otr.r 0i I or!rili_iur oi',lti:]T]; i{Ll}5LL atr{:. -4r1a ,Ii,rg. tri..1 1!ili FF..... oa.!tei4.;f lit (SSl+l 6n ?.:1tiji,lrii_ic.: lcesliiF: Srn_i_olL aau,ti:r, i!-q=f dengE*{:d .EaeEni oi aii: illoD *-honiproeGs alrlii$i ia fta::r? ;sr.€al, S*,]+- <ull *r.ii a)r.G cr1!s ic: cJo Coaptrra;ar1s_ lcr}!jiar- tLP, 11:ll) .Grlhem;]li1l. S,.e, .:$2. Lleitliz$sei.\]. 1iir,il.l P:ril,4-.i 4ri! lah- saw, Sidgr: s/2? - 9-.3. i$. \4ffi .tr rDili4T1.-rN!-;ii i!-illTE ] Iialll=f:al.>l:a-:tli-, n:-*ia: .=.:_- ilt;Aili)'}IS.IRIBTj:UO:*... :,iC- .:rlides oi alr{:€irrli.;!,.r- rlc(i rullt lhc -sccr.urlci:l[i.- ofli€r! \ori, iSSNtion 0ii11!.,tll, Oitl.c ic{$.io*:Sutrl)lir frrmr!. sSUt htstlpiL,tFirgiirls{-. iE :rqellL !f {he Lij.j r,a$i qacqr. :rirr:+s:a€an!: rl tnr* l! serre{L.-.s];; 5:A:r rDjl a er,t:I rri j jilces! ia ;he tIi:. oa'lh.rrirs lldhorE. 2:;t .i :r.ieZn1s tii.q :aLiln:ccr?r l.c'. 1Lr'L ti;y. ;lutcicfir rr-r b!,ILitruurse, sc,:a,328{1. sle?-, - 1.}.i7.'a4 - lt*!'L \oil cFol I JonfUL.n oI]1il\r:1.{jc!r;ra L,L-C, .:d! .it: {_?i_ .filerl \+irh Src_r 0[ St,t! uil -\ i if ;sl*-r or j ril.il'j_ L{ii.elLra4|:o* 1ul]t.!ik Corntv-Sglil' drggislerl $ Ire,ilcf ltc i4!5n r-':tot!l 2ro;ejs€;ns: it rur be ser-,=iiSslai lbll rrurt I.rrc1:5! l!:ci' Brsne,s Frlr,Gllc._ i-q;.F lt:.i-, S1e, tii:- .!)r:,iv-\I* :a;tr:!1 i"gisae:tYi agr;irIlJA rJL.!n urcP!: tni\, t_lPq:1-(. -8!usr: nn! iiqltl 6(=, E:srJg- 8/u? - cJs' is.t7,21 - 1f/t:l-:-IdllL' clt F.rEiSt tla:: F,rc_{!r i,:iic ji-r,. i nD. for AaLhlA, al ,\l '|refi af S!1.,1-:,28"0!i Jlri-<r:, aEri dsie 6f :]:9,: -18 ;i:'.l+Li_ i..*t! acice: S.ttIi i,::r*ti: :!ec- sISlr:r' de!iqrilc{i E ilexr.f ltr.-isn LIL uilir. r.i o,,, ?ra:as i:F,riisa il ra-\, t3 9er-*,1, Ske a.t s{?r: sl}i:rnnjl coll o[ tioeesj :3: dr Ikrckd & Pciiii.cfi *,pi- ni.'{tr.if,J, titr Ii. ia1l:I' laiiiiia;, i{t:ir at fore;€etl,C ir DIt is X*liofti i:cr- iroivie lielee.i, tiJL. !ii.:r S- l-lcaaqii lILt_. Dorer_ IrC i!-i1j,::1, .{rla L![cef ia ]]]l!';]i{o a:.1*. af adrn, llieai 'tll S:re of -spia To,.r.sard B;!:g-. llorer. DE lj_lgaii- i:rjr- ilo* uy Livfrt ar:ti:ia!-,q:i{, 328?s- 8!a 7 _ S$- 1S. 17- 24 - lld::I'rilci ct forlilil'don 0f te.llq jl: l\t qrgprnen!. I'L( _ a;!-\.a ll(i tiir)iilu aordlrsr,For-'ra,ioa lltc4 *iit isl,l'r.oi l:l&?iliili- iifiie iccriiotr:SrdjnlL :jouli!, .<S::f !1€J, as +i- Ci. LLC, €:laft;)ileesiln:U Lre :es.eri- 5Sj\.\: sir.r;irudl a(rl^ !f liJce:) i, iull.J,t. +l !r.! Iliri q Fruirrq-(l:le ]'ie1: i'5r;.11-;Jn, inr- liose aI laiilli nur4s?l&f:::,3za7a- *rlz : gtt.1.&. 1Z- 2.4 - iOE i.rir.e d Fuluiiit uf.,:{}nLD aq(iiaFTills i,i.IIr:. dE, oI ar€- tlr.t E:;tii S*c.v, .{- -cinle .i \.I (SS:;1"! o[ :;i/i]!], l,aaiae loc.tiie:\'jilll,ik iurulit. S\Ni dpnrg- niritsrt !i ,rs.tr! oil.r-C !rir1r..,rn4*r p.6css sgairci ii!!;y 'e se-..i{, Silvtl <,:;:llii:,1 1iracei: t6: Tire Ll{:. ;1.!;i*.lir:.{.-!. SE tlT_ Il -ral Prf,k, ]- jlal'jt, Rr*r:l"::ej; larfii nciiiit\, €;a=. s:fi8i!, ;!3: 1s. 1?- :*- 1*/1. AffiSL?EE.fE COLF:T s.I;I'- FQl,ia catLTlT B:\a5 (jr -\ftEFJil Piii, .,a. TtiEa_L:1(iE: ,SCIt!1i\l:TI-i:(i. et .J-t(Lta irlie:i r{}:.2:r1t{- &1r-sil&ra ia -i::dg*;e[r a]lt-r+clbur J,il ldr rlaipr! -1'r:l<. l,llr;. I +iti *ll it:liuljr a4etjain cf: tli+ tr41:a iiftra,&:& ellrfcai. f<_tic llciii!:s:L i;;l -1J.:nr ,a-_. itir. :;: ori {lti. 1. zci;ll ai 1;:t0 ar:piE.r- k: ia lijea 1:ie3j. jliry i.:L3€_ * :- a'i...ra s?e -i!i Elrr-:k 1ir,1$ 8?!t. D;:f, -iti:i {11;.1,s. n*,t ul itrLhnNqljr f:ll.{1'i,$ lltr! c0!5&.1 i:i:6*11. :-jat(l subjccib ler_fr$:r4 canatiiialE a'f .{iiErr jnd{ftelr. ar..l iems at szle- P.{L'L E{lLqt: Ert{,xe€. l'GEi iEi L.{lj]}EnT E.]itsJ E tt L{i\ e c.iial}l}..::qAi::1 irr Piia. 2it -Jr*a ftx;. 7I"ase fut* fu peE4 Aa .ffgeg;reerag #n:#tr dmr*rreg dssr *EEft ftaa pa$e Ie diPg." Ije-1icg is rJpirsil-,r done ii *r ear.lFnoflirg rr exrls €.rii;tg Fhe?: f.he .:trre a.he *:gst atare, ilielicld. 6aid- teestrrr be q:c,rrci irtd difJcJentlr:s{: ?qLrnais tlis ARe s: :Tar- it€car,rsi t]1e tqa]es J.icpli! rrlcir.Jfl$ orznrla t5'I o help er6d- irr ,, tpuill "1cr -\ tlop is.l3r1e.l. i:he i.aslonal pai-k $er*ce shmr.- al:s ?hc {iaEi thc deex Rof€ frau ee5l .o \1.est aqil trest t+ €a* on t_he i.slm{j_ jta, kelt:€! skF,ltcf :hmugil the canuEurutles.Tltc nlo\r wpr"oln Cn.J at i:ii":rlffi:. r{us,ii:tr Frre I"b,rn Pur.s. i* r.t-ir 1i.-d*:*€ r,cciss. . "\{ic crlj , ci,-L1rl, iin:dft! i ;h:q r.,'Dri'.lerr,t Ifl a. trrdE?eIrFn: ,,j.a Ii r:iidl 2. rpipa".it IrD;,-. :ri1l liei:.1:i.lr'irc Frldtri Lhprc nor&i l_c jlij, Lr. (,ia,ii tF3Edirr! rids pbir{ I fld.o!:qlr 1ie 116 l€s- llonfs- L. 4ing is,.ts, :rilaj in 3t?inrainilE iile pa'rillai:qn r:Eht Ehelr ii is ilo11 srid Bielicki. \Tho iloted rt.at Elf€F !a4-ilg oc.ils. the .teer polrta!fi5n on F.ireIs;,fl!l "rG4iFi ridrii ..i..ft"ti:r,.1:i.- l\,1r. Dil (.J{l;f,l ljrJi th,,:.!j 1'3" 2 iL I i,,ue- ast t;ill oi'ie if,:Bt:rg :aFs.. rber irfaltd,Btlt tiley Cie, Tl,'ri€i' ri"lio4 i,&r,-:- is ir JL:,r,I c*nilTil.asiai topjf-]. Fs ]:jfftl res;- deBi: nn 1 l-.::? Islad F,iii.Iife Fcrat0ia_lioil trrilrl,*r iitu.L Brqni .rlsu sJi,J ii;, rreciic'.. '\-"q \o,. onj! ,il,.{1"{i I,ef., irillc lis ,Ie:-e-r.- If i'lley he.d daterl eter..v:ttr, lne populdion llE rberr \ro!rl.i har.e beerr st.' slle rj;}i{i reieri*ts te Ee rup iiil-L jF ihe usine papr-daj:s; a lc-, :.e&T a:s iG ttre stj:t.:n Stn:€.'iprc eirare.:ii r,h4J1:Jti"i,r rir? ilr h'ilirdv r .!.. -i cU,: st .i t : r,l r,.i, ,'|h",5 'ri,aJ \ro Lilr, ll n: r r.r:tr,,,.h?r. er:n*rrlrities," ncti]rrg,-iid. ii'he rl*erftlke dtelnsel-.'es ber:e iere. .li-ig ttccrmli i)c tirc*p i,rtl Ir lr',i r..,, tiri.,k ,,hs,1: horr to lira -:rith lli€:il." * '::'r ::::-:::::i-::; .:i. .:i..::- i!. ''1i . -'' Xw{fu'& #eef w8€#ft Tfte $xrs *ise *** Se* wl|ilr|l$Gal*SeE $u*aemF*ar&utgr rr .r 'tr 1 \d,'cez i 14,t1{9/ vv "" n, i a r..\,',ryJ;- t Ne,edl'1ts rvw j 3';er ;-10* Slips :ri:i; E!:,ca:q 6 g,1rt*. up {* i iiO Ar9 .a*rir:e 5* Ton lla:=l t8 a ilgi: & !ry- Senirelndiicr,/,}l:rlc*: L=rl, S:*ra5e o i;nsienr-& licnthil D+ciia.eaGr" d Die<el . Ship Srri.c " Trk; B,rr " f rl,i:rpjc Sizc ln,:lEl:.5g.r=lnd c Fiexic A:.eas rr,jth ii:zi,,i;as d $;;rL:rpre:F*lI Sexjee Catciirrg Fac-itriiy " Sailing Scitcol an Fr-err.ises ?bga Stlrriia " Fiber$as: Repair Skag Dicksan's Elrurne ticchanical Rspais i ::::;- l::i:i Date: 13 December 2010 To: Board of Trustees, Village of Cayuga Heights, New york From: Guy Tabacchi, Reside't of cayuga Heights, 705 The parkway I just have a few questions for the board. 1. About a month ago I asked a very simple question. What is the definition of afence? Now that you have had sufficient time you can now give the community the answer. 2. I would like to know how much public monies our mayor and the board of trustees have spent on the ,,Deer Remediation Issue,,? 1 Howlong a time fiame is the board of trustees allowed to commit public funds?4. Are ithe board of trustees allowed to commit future administrations to the expense and tax burden? 5. Relative to the four previous questions you can answer:a. That I do not have the information available at the current time and that Iwill respond by IDATE] to the questions.b. That you are not willing to do so.c. That you cannot do so. d. That you are not qualified to do so, but fspecify individual] is qualified and will respond by IDATEI to the questions. Mayor supron's comments in the media indicate that Net & Bolt is now the deer-killing method of choice. I wonder: why did it take a Freedom of Information request to uncover this new and significant development? why does the mayor not address the fact that this method of killing animals is widely condemned as inhumane by experts in veterinary medicine, inwildlife managemenf and at humane societies. Your proposal calls for every deer in the village, except 20 or sowho are sterilized and tagged, to be killed. Given you want thesterilized deer to serve as placeholders, they will be spread out across the village, and each will presumably be traveling with aherd of untagged deer. This means that along with the untagged deer, the tagged deer will ALSO be netted every single year that you perform net and bolt. So, in addition to theinitial trauma of being captured and sterilized, they will now be trapped with the members of their herd and have to observe all of them being killed right in front of them. some of these deer might die from fright, as they are known to do in particularly terrifying situations, and others may break limbs in their struggle to escape the horror. All will be traumatized by the ordeal, and then, when it is over, they will be released and left to wander alone, which is also highly stressful for a herd anirnal. By the followin gyear, they *ili have joined with other untagged deer who have migrated into the village where the plentiful and unfenced food supply has drawn them, only to have the same process repeated all over again. Knowingly subjecting an animal to this is, in my mind, sadistic, and demonstrates how out of touch the mayor and trustees arewith the values of this community. ;,)vt{'t \ \ ,l i-ln\! iltV- L i\.v av to direct my comments tonight to Trustee Liz Karns. - I would like According to the Cornell catalog, you are teaching a course called: Statistical Applications in Law and Policy The practical aspects of quantitative research in law and policy (occupational and environmental health, product liability, and employment discrimination). Students will evaluate the existing literature on a topic, analyze statistical merits, and make quantitative arguments. Standards of evidence will be considered, I am sure you are a very good teacher, and that your students will benefit for their whole lives from the critical thinking tools you are giving to them. My question to you is the following: lf you were to ask your students to evaluate the Draft Environment lmpact Statement for the Deer Management Program using the principles taught in your course in order to give you their recommendation about whether or not you should vote to approve this document, what would their recommendation have been? lf, as many of us believe, your own students would have given this report a failing grade in areas such as the quality of the evidence presented and the statistical merits, areas covered in your course, can you share with us your own reasons for voting to approve this document? Of all the trustees, you are the one most qualified to evaluate the quality of the evidence being presented in support of this plan, as well as the application of scientific principle and logic used to define the problem, evaluate possible solutions and their impacts, and fairly assess the pros and cons of various alternatives including the negative impacts associated with each. As an elected official, we appealto you to break your silence on this subject, and offer this community access to your considered opinion about the evidence, argument and conclusions of this document. In doing so, you will be doing a service to people on all sides of this issue, not to mention providing a great example to your students of how to bring logic, rationality and integrity to a controversial public policy issue.